[Q] How to root Lg leon 4G LTE (H340n) - LG Leon Questions & Answers

I have this phone about 5 months and I am still struggling to find a way to root it . I tried all the apks that I know but still nothing . If you have a suggestion to make or a specific answer please reply
So thank you all I rooted my device Using Kingroot (I used the mobile version)
if i helped you hit that thnx button

Don't bother.
I was rooted for a couple hours and had to return to stock. Thats how bad it is.
You cant delete apps, tmobile device diagnostics constantly asks for root permissions to send phone data. No roms, not even a mostly broken rom.
If you really want to root, go into the xda search bar and look up lg leon d/e/f root.

Install Kingroot from Internet, works
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I have LG Leon too and I rooted it with KingRoot and now works smoothly! Thanks XDA!
Andreagia1994 said:
Install Kingroot from Internet, works
Inviato dal mio LG-H340n utilizzando Tapatalk
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In my case, h340ar, the only method working is kingroot v4.6.0 . only that version

if you want to flash a custom recovery
the only way to flash a custom reccovery is to either wait for a system update or to manually update your lg leon variant from 5.0.x to 5.1.x
BUT, why wait when you can upgrade your device yourself?
here's my guide on how to manually upgrade your OS


Restore stock recovery

Hi, i receved ota 4.3 but i can't install it because i have trwp recovery. I'm without pc so i thought i need a zip with the recovery stock., but i don't find it anywhere. Someone please can hp me?
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The reason for the ota not working has nothing to do with twrp
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
Pirateghost said:
The reason for the ota not working has nothing to do with twrp
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
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I always read that to instal upgrade with ota the tablet have to be all stock (no recovery custom, no sistem modify etc...)
Isn't so?
By the way, if i install the 4.3 on 4.2.2 in recovery mode, i have to do all wipes?... I can't install again all my apps during this holyday...
ulysse75 said:
Hi, i receved ota 4.3 but i can't install it because i have trwp recovery. I'm without pc so i thought i need a zip with the recovery stock., but i don't find it anywhere. Someone please can hp me?
Inviato dal mio Nexus 7 con Tapatalk 2
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I had the same problem, but flashing the TWRP hepled. http://techerrata.com/file/twrp2/grouper/openrecovery-twrp-
Then to find the 4.3. system update for your Neuxs 7, you will have to clear data for Google Services Framework
Check the system update again and let it install it self.
Let me know if that worked for you.

Updating OTA after rooting.

I've been thinking about rooting my G2 for bluetooth sixaxis support but intend on updating too kitkat when it is released.
I'm aware I would loose my root access but will I be able to update OTA once the update arrives? Or will restoring the phone be required?
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Big4570 said:
I've been thinking about rooting my G2 for bluetooth sixaxis support but intend on updating too kitkat when it is released.
I'm aware I would loose my root access but will I be able to update OTA once the update arrives? Or will restoring the phone be required?
Sent from my LG-D803 using Tapatalk
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As mentioned a zillion times, accepting OTA with root or custom recovery is a one way street to Bricksville
LenAsh said:
As mentioned a zillion times, accepting OTA with root or custom recovery is a one way street to Bricksville
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Not really. I'm rooted and have tried to take Sprint's OTA a couple times. It just seems to fail and reboots normally, no changes.
LenAsh said:
As mentioned a zillion times, accepting OTA with root or custom recovery is a one way street to Bricksville
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WhiteZero said:
Not really. I'm rooted and have tried to take Sprint's OTA a couple times. It just seems to fail and reboots normally, no changes.
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Don't encourage people to do things which are known to cause problems.
I would root and flash a stock based ROM. After kitkat is released someone will make a new ROM from the update.
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So after rooting there's no way to go back to entirely stock LG ROM for OTAS in the future?
Sensamic said:
So after rooting there's no way to go back to entirely stock LG ROM for OTAS in the future?
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Restore stock recovery should do it.
Remember kids, back up your EFS. FreeGee can do it, TWRP can as well.
If i will root the phone and will maintaine stock recovery,i wil able to receive ota update ?
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Inviato dal mio LG-D802 con Tapatalk 2
ziociccio said:
If i will root the phone and will maintaine stock recovery,i wil able to receive ota update ?
Inviato dal mio LG-D802 con Tapatalk 2
Inviato dal mio LG-D802 con Tapatalk 2
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Perhaps not advisable just in case.......however, if you are completely stock including stock recovery but you have rooted you can install an ota successfully. At least it worked for me. I received an ota notice whilst on 10a (and whilst very drunk) and whilst rooted stock and it updated successfully to 10f. Also, my root was still in tact.
I wouldn't advise to try this until it has been clarified by someone of greater knowledge than myself however. At the moment, many are of the opinion that this may brick your device. If I had have been sober, I wouldn't have tried this and it may just be the case that I have been lucky.
bobsie41 said:
Perhaps not advisable just in case.......however, if you are completely stock including stock recovery but you have rooted you can install an ota successfully. At least it worked for me. I received an ota notice whilst on 10a (and whilst very drunk) and whilst rooted stock and it updated successfully to 10f. Also, my root was still in tact.
I wouldn't advise to try this until it has been clarified by someone of greater knowledge than myself however. At the moment, many are of the opinion that this may brick your device. If I had have been sober, I wouldn't have tried this and it may just be the case that I have been lucky.
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Taking the OTA when rooted is fine as long as you have the stock recovery. If you have twrp or cwm then it's bootloop time where you just boot to recovery. If that happens and you have access to adb you can delete the fota and it'll boot normally again.
Then,i can root,maintaning stock recovery and i can receive ota without problems or bootloop after update.
You confirm?
Inviato dal mio LG-D802 con Tapatalk 2
ziociccio said:
Then,i can root,maintaning stock recovery and i can receive ota without problems or bootloop after update.
You confirm?
Inviato dal mio LG-D802 con Tapatalk 2
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I did.
ziociccio said:
Then,i can root,maintaning stock recovery and i can receive ota without problems or bootloop after update.
You confirm?
Inviato dal mio LG-D802 con Tapatalk 2
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Yeah it worked for me and maintained root.
khaytsus said:
Don't encourage people to do things which are known to cause problems.
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I'm not encouraging it. Simply stating the fact that it's not a guaranteed brick if you're just rooted.

How to root Zenfone 2 with official Android M installed

Hey guys, I'm wondering how to install root access to my Zenfone 2 ZE551ML (Z00A) with the latest firmware update.
I saw that there was a way to do it by recovery but it was for the beta and I'd rather do it in some other way.
Does anyone know a working way to root it?
Thank you in advance.
need that too, and an unlock bootloader tool
Can we root android 6.0.1 without unlock bootloader? Warranty is important for this ****ty phone
Ythar said:
Hey guys, I'm wondering how to install root access to my Zenfone 2 ZE551ML (Z00A) with the latest firmware update.
I saw that there was a way to do it by recovery but it was for the beta and I'd rather do it in some other way.
Does anyone know a working way to root it?
Thank you in advance.
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The way is the same as for MM beta Rom.
I would wait and see what the devs here come up with. The thing's only been out 1 day!
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grorg said:
The way is the same as for MM beta Rom.
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I wouldn`t be so sure. I followed the steps and it didn't work. My bootloader is locked, as it was on LP. Some people say we need to downgrade, unlock bootloader, flash MM again and root, but I'm not in the mood to do it now. Some users on that thread say tethered TWRP should work on locked bootloaders, but it's not working on my phone, and I'm not the only one who reported the same.
https://www.search4roots.com/how-to-easily-root-asus-zenfone-2-ze551l-marshmallow-6-0-1/ do you think this will work? Also, will xposed work with mm?
My phone bootloader is unlocked and it is rooted. The method is in the forum, search.
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jman0 said:
I wouldn`t be so sure. I followed the steps and it didn't work. My bootloader is locked, as it was on LP. Some people say we need to downgrade, unlock bootloader, flash MM again and root, but I'm not in the mood to do it now. Some users on that thread say tethered TWRP should work on locked bootloaders, but it's not working on my phone, and I'm not the only one who reported the same.
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But I did that. I've locked bootloader and rooted v.134...
Download latest official twrp and fallow this guide
biondo_92 said:
https://www.search4roots.com/how-to-easily-root-asus-zenfone-2-ze551l-marshmallow-6-0-1/ do you think this will work? Also, will xposed work with mm?
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There's a "Check root availability" button on that site. I clicked it and selected Asus, model z00a with Android 6.0.1. According to the results, no one click root available yet. I've entered my email address to be notified when it becomes available.
The title of this thread is very misleading. It's declarative rather than interrogative; I thought it was a guide or something.
returned4good said:
The title of this thread is very misleading. It's declarative rather than interrogative; I thought it was a guide or something.
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The same happened to me
not sure if this helps anyone, but I was able to follow this guys video and it worked for me. I didn't understand the video, but the links provided in the comments worked. annoyingly i can't post the link on here but the video was called "How to root Zenfone 2 Android 6.0 Marshmallow" by Quang Boom on youtube
unfortunately i then tried to get xposed working and softbricked my phone in the process so its back to square 1 for me!
rossbot said:
not sure if this helps anyone, but I was able to follow this guys video and it worked for me. I didn't understand the video, but the links provided in the comments worked. annoyingly i can't post the link on here but the video was called "How to root Zenfone 2 Android 6.0 Marshmallow" by Quang Boom on youtube
unfortunately i then tried to get xposed working and softbricked my phone in the process so its back to square 1 for me!
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Thamks for the info. I didn't want to unlock the bootloader, but maybe it's the only way. I'll test it when I get home from work.
Regarding your issue with xposed, if you flashed twrp or can at least enter fastboot mode and issue a "fastboot boot twrp.img" command to boot into twrp, there's a xposed uninstaller zip you can flash to recover from the bootloop. I've had to use it before on other phones and it always worked like a charm.
MM Root + xposed ok on Z008
Hi Guys,
I have a Z008 and did the official upgrade to MM yesterday.
But before doing the upgrade, I unlocked my booloader while in LP (using the official Asus apk)
After the upgrade I got rooted + xposed using the same procedure than for beta MM (shakalaca method):
For those who want to downgrade safely to LP, Asus provides a downgrade image on its support page, and Z00A as well (didn't try):
Hope it will help
rossbot said:
not sure if this helps anyone, but I was able to follow this guys video and it worked for me. I didn't understand the video, but the links provided in the comments worked. annoyingly i can't post the link on here but the video was called "How to root Zenfone 2 Android 6.0 Marshmallow" by Quang Boom on youtube
unfortunately i then tried to get xposed working and softbricked my phone in the process so its back to square 1 for me!
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Yes I can confirm that xposed brick the z00a.
Finally got it all up and running with xposed, thanks for the link gilleshander.
So guys, tried to root MM official via booting TWRP 3.0.2-0 and flashing supersu 2.73: bootloop. Need I to flash supersu 2.74 beta? I came from LP with unlocked bootloader and root, so i'm ready for testing
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Giovix92 said:
So guys, tried to root MM official via booting TWRP 3.0.2-0 and flashing supersu 2.73: bootloop. Need I to flash supersu 2.74 beta? I came from LP with unlocked bootloader and root, so i'm ready for testing
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It really wouldn't hurt your phone more than it is now, would it? Maybe that's why the guide containing the procedure to root the MM beta rom specifically talked about the supersu zip beta version.
Giovix92 said:
So guys, tried to root MM official via booting TWRP 3.0.2-0 and flashing supersu 2.73: bootloop. Need I to flash supersu 2.74 beta? I came from LP with unlocked bootloader and root, so i'm ready for testing
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Yes, only 2.74 beta

[ROOT][XPOSED][SCRIPT][6.0 OFFICIAL]Semi-auto root for ZE551ML

Hello guys, today i'm here to present you a new tool made by me: a Semi-auto rooter for ZE551ML.
It only roots your device and install magisk, a tool for managing SELinux and root. Root is based on magisk, so if you need to run an app that requires an unrooted device, you Can toggle root access easily and then reenable them.
Xposed tool: You Can find it in downloads section!
It maybe work on that phones that had locked bootloader on LP, i'm not sure, but it's good if you previously have unlocked bootloader before upgrading to MM.
Needs tester for ZE550ML!!
What it does do?
Simply it boots a TWRP and sideload some files, but you need to do few steps before proceeding.
Why need I to do some steps?
Because I cannot do a fully-auto script because recovery is only temporary.
My ZxxyzXY device is supported?
I'll try to support more device as much as I Can do. For now files are only for ZE551ML.
Why I should firstly root my device and then use xposed tool?
Because you need firstly to install Magisk v6 using root tool.
Downloads of root tool:
V1.1: https://mega.nz/#!FRd3SABB!-Jz6hSWOPqglXqKwtgHjqHHVO4-ehFQKTX0o53YpvkY
V1.0: https://mega.nz/#!0VUGWK6R!vNavnpdEK3GJ6V1F2I5yvNoxDuoLVX1ZWPRMOHZ_BX4
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Downloads of xposed tool:
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-Added a Language selector and the english Language!
-Optimized code, +3kb bigger
Initial Release
Useful links:
Magisk Manager: http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/software/mod-magisk-v1-universal-systemless-t3432382
phh's SuperUser: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.phh.superuser&hl=en
Xposed Material Design Xposed: http://forum.xda-developers.com/xposed/material-design-xposed-installer-t3137758
@topjohnwu for:
-Magisk v6
-Phh's superuser Magisk version
-xposed x86 v86.5 Magisk Version @shakalaca for his beta root guide @bahaa87 for download links
Some of my friends that gave me this idea @Flynhx for useful Links
If you have any question/problem, write me here!
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Can you write some intro plz.
Does it work with MM with locked bootloader?
Can I use it to install xposed?
Thank you very much
Let us know if you try it
bahaa87 said:
Can you write some intro plz.
Does it work with MM with locked bootloader?
Can I use it to install xposed?
Thank you very much
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Okay, wait some mins.
Yes, it works on locked bootloader (MM only) but requires a previously unlocked bootloader on LP before upgrading to MM.
No, you can't install xposed for now, i'll create another script for that
You're welcome
Inviato dal mio ASUS_Z00AD utilizzando Tapatalk
biondo_92 said:
Let us know if you try it
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Already used it, it's working fine
Inviato dal mio ASUS_Z00AD utilizzando Tapatalk
Thanks a lot. Well done.
Did not work though, locked bootloader, I don't remember actually if have unlocked it before or not
Someone tried if it works with locked bootloader? (i mean locked even before upgrade)
beyarfaj2004 said:
Thanks a lot. Well done.
Did not work though, locked bootloader, I don't remember actually if have unlocked it before or not
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If you didn't unlocked bootloader before it'll not work at 70%
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For example, i've successfully rooted my phone using this script, perhaps can you make an unroot/uninstall script for that too? just incase i want to revert back to clean stock.
Sent from my ASUS_Z00AD using XDA-Developers mobile app
Flynhx said:
For example, i've successfully rooted my phone using this script, perhaps can you make an unroot/uninstall script for that too? just incase i want to revert back to clean stock.
Sent from my ASUS_Z00AD using XDA-Developers mobile app
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Good idea, i'll create the same zip but Just uninstalling magisk. But you need firstly to unroot
Inviato dal mio ASUS_Z00AD utilizzando Tapatalk
Doesn't work for me
It doesn't boot to twrp
It says no command
I unlocked bootloader on LP with unofficial way but before upgrade I flashed raw 194 file then upgrade to MM
How can I unlock bootloader on MM ?
bahaa87 said:
Doesn't work for me
It doesn't boot to twrp
It says no command
I unlocked bootloader on LP with unofficial way but before upgrade I flashed raw 194 file then upgrade to MM
How can I unlock bootloader on MM ?
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If it says no Command it would be that you're in stock recovery. Please send me a Image of cmd and zenfone 2 After reboot
Inviato dal mio ASUS_Z00AD utilizzando Tapatalk
Giovix92 said:
If it says no Command it would be that you're in stock recovery. Please send me a Image of cmd and zenfone 2 After reboot
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why not port magisk v6 better help @topjohnwu to make it workable to our zenfone 2
Where do you want me to screenshot exactly?
Druboo666 said:
why not port magisk v6 better help @topjohnwu to make it workable to our zenfone 2
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It'll use Magisk V6 patched. You Can manage it with Magisk Manager (you Can find the apk easily in magisk thread)
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bahaa87 said:
Where do you want me to screenshot exactly?
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You need to send me an Image After the tools reboot the device (so, of the device) and a screenshot when it's booting TWRP. I'm making another version, so i'll verify if I Can do something for locked bootloaders
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Updated to ver 1.1! Please check changelog!
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Added xposed tool too! Check it out!
Inviato dal mio ASUS_Z00AD utilizzando Tapatalk
Can I change the su to SuperSu after using this tool?
Giovix92 said:
Added xposed tool too! Check it out!
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Thank you it works like charm! Both Root tool and Xposed tool, my phone ZE551ML has unofficial unlocked bootloader before on LP though,
Can you please add uninstaller script for superuser, magisk & xposed? Just incase i want to un-root my device.
PS: I think you forgot to include these links, perhaps apk files for those apps..
Magisk Manager: http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/software/mod-magisk-v1-universal-systemless-t3432382
phh's SuperUser: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.phh.superuser&hl=en
Xposed Material Design Xposed: http://forum.xda-developers.com/xposed/material-design-xposed-installer-t3137758

Problem Switch from 3g to 4g

In this days I am having problem with the network. When smartphone goes in 3g then doesn't switch more to 4g why?
I have try for many minutes but meizu pro 5 remain in 3g even if I am in city center for switch to 4g I am forced go to setting-->SIM and network-->network operator--> and in this section I search and set operator 4g mannually. Why?
What I can do for resolve this problem?
Inviato dal mio PRO 5 utilizzando Tapatalk
Hi! I just got the same issue for months! but I found how to solve this.. This only appears with the flymeOS 5 modem file.. If you flash the FlymeOS 4.5 one you will never have this problem again !!!!
Tell me if it works for you too
NightlySide said:
Hi! I just got the same issue for months! but I found how to solve this.. This only appears with the flymeOS 5 modem file.. If you flash the FlymeOS 4.5 one you will never have this problem again !!!!
Tell me if it works for you too
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Now I have just updated firmware to 5.1.12G if I will continue to have problem then I flash modem.
I have original firmware with root.
How I must flash modem file?
Inviato dal mio PRO 5 utilizzando Tapatalk
87Fra87 said:
Now I have just updated firmware to 5.1.12G if I will continue to have problem then I flash modem.
I have original firmware with root.
How I must flash modem file?
Inviato dal mio PRO 5 utilizzando Tapatalk
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Just unlock the bootloader (can't find the link to the guide) then install TWRP and flash the zip files
faust93 did an incredible job building custom roms and provides all files here http://xep.8800.org/pro5/
NightlySide said:
Just unlock the bootloader (can't find the link to the guide) then install TWRP and flash the zip files
faust93 did an incredible job building custom roms and provides all files here http://xep.8800.org/pro5/
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What zip i must flash?
Inviato dal mio PRO 5 utilizzando Tapatalk
It's the flyme4 ril one I think
