How is the Zuk Z1 Speaker? - Zuk Z1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Some reviews say it's decent, some say very bad.
Can someone really tell me how it is? Is it good if you're driving the car?
Thank you!

(Personal opinion) Its not very loud but it gives a nice sound, a kernel patch to boost volume will be great. Its better and louder then the Nexus 4 for sure.

Pretty good imo. With a little bass even

comparable with an iphone 4s - nothing special good and nothing special bad imho. For hands-free-talking more than sufficient, for music forget it

not for audiophile, but for sure is aceptable for hands free use and for music listening..
personal opinion..

I have one issue, when comes new notification (Whatsapp, Mail, etc...) the sound is distortioned, only the first notification. Like if at sound activation causes this. Anyone with this issue???
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The speaker is average at best and nothing to shout about. Fine for some casual radio listening but I wouldn't use it for much else. I just use a bluetooth speaker when I stream music at home

I am wondering about these posts. Perhaps i am not an audio expert but i find the speaker very good. My colleegues at work think the same.

For me the speaker is very bad. too high for me.

The speaker has a good quality bass sound and good volume level, as for me it's great!
by Zuk Z1 CM13 unofficial


Earphone sound output/quality discussion

So there's a lot of discussion going around about the device, minus the sound output. Can the users (if there are any audiophiles out there) please share your reviews about the music quality output from the device. This is purely with earphones plugged in and not the boomsound speakers. How is the bass, treble, mids, highs, etc. How is the earphones quality that is provided with the m8.
The z2 seems to be getting mixed reviews, hence i am eager to know about the m8. I know gsmarena has posted a review but i wanted more inputs from actual users. Will appreciate any inputs.Thanks.
The M8 reviews all say good things about the headphone output. Personally I think it's fantastic, highs, lows and mids are all very clear and well balanced. The M8 drives a lot higher voltage output compared to the M7 too, I read someone who measured it.
kartoonz said:
So there's a lot of discussion going around about the device, minus the sound output. Can the users (if there are any audiophiles out there) please share your reviews about the music quality output from the device. This is purely with earphones plugged in and not the boomsound speakers. How is the bass, treble, mids, highs, etc. How is the earphones quality that is provided with the m8.
The z2 seems to be getting mixed reviews, hence i am eager to know about the m8. I know gsmarena has posted a review but i wanted more inputs from actual users. Will appreciate any inputs.Thanks.
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the_scotsman said:
The M8 reviews all say good things about the headphone output. Personally I think it's fantastic, highs, lows and mids are all very clear and well balanced. The M8 drives a lot higher voltage output compared to the M7 too, I read someone who measured it.
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I can confirm that the output quality is amazing. Partly due to there being a 2.5v amplifier next to the headphone jack, is this correct regarding the amplifier?
i don't miss beats much as the m8 has sound just like it and due to hardware not an equalizer
Yea the m8 has an amplifier for both headphone jack and loud speakers
And yes this phone has the best stock audio quality I ever had with an phone...
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One-M8-Master said:
Yea the m8 has an amplifier for both headphone jack and loud speakers
And yes this phone has the best stock audio quality I ever had with an phone...
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and yes i damn well think i agree with you on that one!!
ot, didnt u used to be one-x-master? how do you change your name???
exocetdj said:
and yes i damn well think i agree with you on that one!!
ot, didnt u used to be one-x-master? how do you change your name???
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Haha yea my name was one-x-master before I just asked a moderator if I can change the name he said yes I said which name and he gave that name to the admins of xda and because I don't have the one x anymore the name was a bit strange then xD
Gesendet von meinem HTC One_M8 mit Tapatalk
One-M8-Master said:
Haha yea my name was one-x-master before I just asked a moderator if I can change the name he said yes I said which name and he gave that name to the admins of xda and because I don't have the one x anymore the name was a bit strange then xD
Gesendet von meinem HTC One_M8 mit Tapatalk
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cool, thanks mate
thank you all for sharing your views... so then m8 has the best sound output as of now, period... sounds great to me and +1 another reason to upgrade...
BTW are you guys using the stock earphones or other brands?
kartoonz said:
thank you all for sharing your views... so then m8 has the best sound output as of now, period... sounds great to me and +1 another reason to upgrade...
BTW are you guys using the stock earphones or other brands?
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I, too, can confirm that the sound output quality on headphones and speaker are phenomenal on this device - even without any sound mods flashed.
Tested the HTC in ear buds and as well as a sennheiser headset and a pair of pro Beyerdynamic headphones. All sounded absolutely clear and nice, even on Google Play Music All Access streaming.
So far, I am VERY pleased with audio quality on this baby.
i purchased and use regularly a set of jaybirds bluebuds (wirless stereo ear bud type headset) when at work. i havent used these since getting my htc m8 (used them with my htc one x) only just paired them. reading this thread i decided to try the included wired headset that are usually rubbish. long story short, they are incredible. i can honestly say that they sound like im in my lounge room listening to my harmon kardon amp and denon dvd player with the bass of my 15 inch sub. they sound that good. just a shame about the wire.
wow so many good reviews... htc seemed to have nailed the sound department with this phone...
Perfect speakers, useing earphones is very good the loudest output I've heard.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Does anyone have a slight hissing sound when playing music on low I can hear it. Or after music is done playing its there.
Also, if I'm playing music and I turn the volume off I can hear hissing through the loud speakers
I have a small dead pixel, and I didn't want to return it just for that.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Would there be a need for vIPER4Android with this phone? Is it even compatible?
Sent from my Markox/Gustavo_s powered KitKatted S2
I use a Pair of Logitech ue900 (399bucks on Logitech), with Quad Drivers (and those are pretty sensible on bad outputs, or too high output impedance).
I hear absolutely nothing which lets me wich for a better quality. You will probably have to buy in-ears/headphones for around 700-1500 bucks so you might complain.
I read on, that viper4android is just an Equalizer which mostly raises the amount of bass (NOT the quality of bass), and most people think "more bass = better soundquality". So tonality gets changed. A bit like when you activate "Boomsound" on the settings with headphones plugged in. This raises bass, treble, and the volume level, and in direct comparison (mostly with bad/cheap headphones) it might sound better.
But its not, the soundquality gets worse with that.
I personally use this:
But i cant tell you, if it really improves the audio quality. I only tried a half song with my ue 900, and i didnt really heared a difference. Maybe because the difference is too small, or that you HAVE to have a 2nd device to compare both at the same time, to hear any difference.
i also didnt heared any hiss or any distortions.
But i think.... Alot people are not turning "BoomSound" OFF, so the Treble is way too much, and this can be that hiss, people are complaining about.
Thread name changed
Since I think this thread really belongs here in General, I changed the thread title to a statement instead of a question. Please continue and act like I wasn't here.
xxquicksh0txx said:
Does anyone have a slight hissing sound when playing music on low I can hear it. Or after music is done playing its there.
Also, if I'm playing music and I turn the volume off I can hear hissing through the loud speakers
I have a small dead pixel, and I didn't want to return it just for that.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
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was this problem also not present on the m7? thats a bit of concern if its so on the m8... have you tried another pair of earphones?
Darkseth said:
I use a Pair of Logitech ue900 (399bucks on Logitech), with Quad Drivers (and those are pretty sensible on bad outputs, or too high output impedance).
I hear absolutely nothing which lets me wich for a better quality. You will probably have to buy in-ears/headphones for around 700-1500 bucks so you might complain.
I read on, that viper4android is just an Equalizer which mostly raises the amount of bass (NOT the quality of bass), and most people think "more bass = better soundquality". So tonality gets changed. A bit like when you activate "Boomsound" on the settings with headphones plugged in. This raises bass, treble, and the volume level, and in direct comparison (mostly with bad/cheap headphones) it might sound better.
But its not, the soundquality gets worse with that.
I personally use this:
But i cant tell you, if it really improves the audio quality. I only tried a half song with my ue 900, and i didnt really heared a difference. Maybe because the difference is too small, or that you HAVE to have a 2nd device to compare both at the same time, to hear any difference.
i also didnt heared any hiss or any distortions.
But i think.... Alot people are not turning "BoomSound" OFF, so the Treble is way too much, and this can be that hiss, people are complaining about.
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+1 its similar to the beats on the one x... it just increases the loudness... of course the bass itself is not that bad but are you saying that boomsound is amplifying the sound similar to beats??
I only had "Beats Audio" via Mod on my desire HD like almost 2 years ago. So i cannot give you an exact comparison. But yes, it should be pretty similar.
At least, on my headphones (Beyerdynamic T90 / UE 900) with boomsound activated, it was un-listenable, because of TOO heavy treble (due to boomsound). Without the treble changes on that setting, it might even be nice, to make the sound on neutral headphoens more fun when needed.
I haven't tried the earphones that come with the device ('cause I already had a pair I use and I've never used a pair of packed-in earphones in the past), but the audio quality through my Sony earphones are fantastic. I switched BoomSound on and off and it does make it noticeably better if you're comparing them "side-by-side" like that, and despite what others say, I didn't notice it raising bass all that much. It felt like the audio got a bit less tinny and...hollow, and sounded like it was more surrounding my head, instead of sounding like it was coming from the sides and slightly farther away. A very...untechnical explanation, but that's the way I heard it.
Some extra tinkering in PowerAmp and having moved from an iPhone 5 to this baby, the pure giddy bliss I dive into every time I listen to music with this device is unimaginable.
Earphone sound quality-wise, you can't get much better than this.
Fraught said:
I haven't tried the earphones that come with the device ('cause I already had a pair I use and I've never used a pair of packed-in earphones in the past), but the audio quality through my Sony earphones are fantastic. I switched BoomSound on and off and it does make it noticeably better if you're comparing them "side-by-side" like that, and despite what others say, I didn't notice it raising bass all that much. It felt like the audio got a bit less tinny and...hollow, and sounded like it was more surrounding my head, instead of sounding like it was coming from the sides and slightly farther away. A very...untechnical explanation, but that's the way I heard it.
Some extra tinkering in PowerAmp and having moved from an iPhone 5 to this baby, the pure giddy bliss I dive into every time I listen to music with this device is unimaginable.
Earphone sound quality-wise, you can't get much better than this.
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The "Surrounding more around my head," is the sound stage. So a better sound stage is a good thing.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

Z2 headphone sound quality (with mod) vs. M8

Hi all,
I currently own the m8 and love it for its awesome sound quality, however the camera is absolute pants!
The only other phone I'd consider is the z2 but I am worried that the volume and sound quality via headphones will be disappointing. Can anyone tell me if the z2 with the sound mod will be as good as the m8?
jimxms said:
Hi all,
I currently own the m8 and love it for its awesome sound quality, however the camera is absolute pants!
The only other phone I'd consider is the z2 but I am worried that the volume and sound quality via headphones will be disappointing. Can anyone tell me if the z2 with the sound mod will be as good as the m8?
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I would admit loudspeakers are not as good as M8. But with the headphones, its so much better, background noise is cancelled out thus youre getting more out of your music. Bass and stuff. And its comfortable too. Just a small tip, try listening to music on landscape while on loudspeaker, magically improves music experience. No tricks, no software magic. Just how your ear works. Try it!
jimxms said:
Hi all,
I currently own the m8 and love it for its awesome sound quality, however the camera is absolute pants!
The only other phone I'd consider is the z2 but I am worried that the volume and sound quality via headphones will be disappointing. Can anyone tell me if the z2 with the sound mod will be as good as the m8?
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When I first purchased the phone I was very disappointed with the sound quality coming from a Wolfson Galaxy S3. Now with RomAur (Beats + Sound Mod + Viper) and Doomkernel (Faux Sound) I am very happy.
I use a combination of Faux/Viper/Walkman settings in combination with the preinstalled Beats and Z2 Sound Mod and the audio quality now rivals my S3 and surpassed my HTC One M7 (via my Sony ZX-600 headphones). Can't speak for the M8 sadly.
TLR - Z2 sound quality stock is disappointing. With mods it's great.
Both phones use the same DAC. The difference in sound comes from software and the headphone port. The Z2 has a nice black background, so its headphone port must be decent. It also has a very nice bass boost in its built in equalizer, which works in any music app and not just the Walkman app. The reason I like the bass boost is because it boosts the lower end more than the higher end bass, so it doesn't bleed into the mids. I don't use the Clear Audio+ option as it just increases the treble but also narrows the soundstage.
The included IEMs are also very decent for bundled earphones. They have a nice flat frequency response but can also give punchy bass when you make them. They have decent instrument separation as well. They could maybe do with a little more clarity, but that's all really. The noise cancelling also works really well.
I've never had the privilege of listening to any Wolfson DACs, but the DAC inside my Z2 sounds quite comparable to the Texas Instruments DAC inside my JDS Labs C5D. It's to do with taste more than anything at this point. Again, the DACs in the M8 and Z2 are the same, so they shouldn't sound too different with software tweaks off. Can you not just try one out in a store anyway?
jimxms said:
Hi all,
I currently own the m8 and love it for its awesome sound quality, however the camera is absolute pants!
The only other phone I'd consider is the z2 but I am worried that the volume and sound quality via headphones will be disappointing. Can anyone tell me if the z2 with the sound mod will be as good as the m8?
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Im using z2. Sound mod with headphones enchanting is not working for me. Its comes bugging noises. So i do prefer using sound mod without headphone enchanted. For m8 i cannot tell. But for my z2, i fully satisfy. Amazing sound with my sennheiser ie-80. Deep and detail bass. Good for easy listening. The trebles is smooth. And great Vocal too. Over all surpassing my htc one sc. Im using original rom v 314. Doomkernel v10. And yes i prefer sound enchantment than clear audio +. Ram, camera, sound, waterproof. Its comparable device for me.
Can confirm that the sound quality you get out of the box is very good, playing with the eq settings makes it even better. It's noticeable better than the Z1.
I'm using the A-Jays Three earphones and I'm really pleased although I'm wondering if getting the noice cancelling earphones would give me a even better experience.
Are they worth getting it?
Sent from my Xperia Z2
Jiyeon90 said:
Can confirm that the sound quality you get out of the box is very good, playing with the eq settings makes it even better. It's noticeable better than the Z1.
I'm using the A-Jays Three earphones and I'm really pleased although I'm wondering if getting the noice cancelling earphones would give me a even better experience.
Are they worth getting it?
Sent from my Xperia Z2
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For noise canceling they are great,sound quality is OK but not the best you can buy.
Sound on my Z2 is quite decent with the official ROM, however if you flash CM and that would be gone instantly and the volume will be very low.
I prefer using headphones over loudspeaker anyways but it would be better with a Mod, can someone post a link to a thread or something?
Well I don't really like the sound and noise cancelling on the official Sony Rom!
You really have to tweak it to be good.
The really best wound comes when you have a CM Rom installed and the equalizer set to Rock! It's is fantastic for any type of music. And If you want it louder there is mod for that...
No noise cancelling, clear sound, Beats... whatever, can "beat" the sound that come out a CM rom... in my opinion of course...
Z2 Soundmod this i can confirm so far can be installed and works.
angerousevil said:
Z2 Soundmod this i can confirm so far can be installed and works.
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Do you need unlocked bootloader for that?
Sent from my Xperia Z2
Jiyeon90 said:
Do you need unlocked bootloader for that?
Sent from my Xperia Z2
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If you can have custom recovery without unlocking bootloader. The answer is no needed. Because u need to flash zip with cwmr/twrp. Try to search xda forum about that. I lost my drm key and unlocking my bootloader on the first day this phone come out the box. So i never try to find out about that. And im using doom kernel v10 now.
angerousevil said:
If you can have custom recovery without unlocking bootloader. The answer is no needed. Because u need to flash zip with cwmr/twrp. Try to search xda forum about that. I lost my drm key and unlocking my bootloader on the first day this phone come out the box. So i never try to find out about that. And im using doom kernel v10 now.
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Yes I have custom recovery, thanks
Sent from my Xperia Z2
I started stock... the speakers were decent but just not loud enough for me
Then I bought the noise-canceling earphones and they made a world of difference
Still not satisfied I rooted, unlocked bootloader, and installed CM11
I just found it a little buggy and went back stock...
Then rooted again and installed SOUNDMOD by olokos
Bought MDR-XB90EX earbuds
Almost everything is perfect except for two things:
1) I get a crackling with Hangouts notifications (not all the time, comes randomly)
2) Call quality on the earpiece is SO quiet. Speakers sound great.
I dont know why. But other mod make my sq getting worse. Still using pure audio and stock now. Tried z2 mod by olokos. Got bugging noises. Tried m8 mod. Got breaking sound for sub.
Also tried sirius soundmod last night. And got same issue. Annoyingly noises came after installed.
I'm using noice cancelling headset with viper4android and fauxsound. It's enough for me.

Audio through headphones surprisingly good

I'm not going to lie. Coming from an iPhone and a Galaxy S6 (my Moto G is sort of an interim phone while I sell those two to afford new stuff this fall), I expected the Moto G to sound considerably worse. And yeah, it's not quite as good. But it's certainly far from the worst I've had and I've only owned expensive devices in the past. The bass is punchy, the treble is fairly decent, and the volume levels aren't awful (although I may increase mixer_paths at some point to gain a couple levels). I've actually been listening through fairly decent earbuds for the past 40 minutes or so to various types of music (alternative, acoustic, heavy stuff, rap) and I could definitely live with this sound quality if I had to.
It is pretty damn amazing what ~$200 buys you today.
I've noticed this too! Big upgrade from my n4, no more distortion!
the earphones are 'good' for the price ... cant expect more at this price point
My ear is in a full moon party.
Yeah, this is awesome.
I'm using CM12.1 With a Dolby Atmis and Jet player.
After a hour to configure the player, my brain explode with the results.
Quality-wise, yes...very good. Volume-wise, I'd say it's extremely subpar. It's easily the lowest volume of any device I've ever had. Speaker volume is phenomenal...headphone volume is god awful!!! And I'm comparing this to my Nexus 4, just as the OP says.
You can mention the speaker which gives a quite punchy sound compared to many phones from this category which are mostly ear hurting with middle and high frequencies only...
If anyone's looking for a little boost without messing with viper, etc, I made a mixer_paths.xml mod here
I'm getting the same thing. The audio through my IEMs (Hifiman RE-400 for active/gym stuff and Yamaha EPH-100 for normal listening) is freakin' excellent, but the volume is indeed low.
AwesomeTurtle said:
I'm getting the same thing. The audio through my IEMs (Hifiman RE-400 for active/gym stuff and Yamaha EPH-100 for normal listening) is freakin' excellent, but the volume is indeed low.
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The mod thread I linked above makes headphone volume LOUD!!! It can go a few notches higher, but I think it sounds great, also boosts speaker volume pretty much to its limit. It may get slightly distorted occasionally, but it's definitely a good bit louder, as well!
Motorola has done an excellent job. the sound is excellent. the happy moment. :highfive:
You can install Walkman to get the best out of the earphones.
hi guys, i have already bought the moto g3.. but the earphone is very very low. Is there any problem with my device or is in general of these phones problem ?? Could we fix it?
giwrgos21 said:
hi guys, i have already bought the moto g3.. but the earphone is very very low. Is there any problem with my device or is in general of these phones problem ?? Could we fix it?
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There's a button on the side of your phone that can fix it
Sent from my MotoG3 using XDA Free mobile app

How do the speakers sound

How do the speakers sound compared to the m8, are they better, loader, etc.
Sent from my 831C using XDA-Developers mobile app
M8 is definitely louder. It sounds good but the m8 is stupid loud and I miss it. I like the 10 better though overall
Sent from my HTC6545LVW using Tapatalk
I would wager a single speaker on the m8 is louder than the "two" HTC 10 speakers. It sounds okay, but it does not have the deepness of the m8 either. It is nice and clear, though.
It is fine for YouTube videos, but I wouldn't really say it is great for listening to music in a pinch. Definitely can't crank it up if you're trying to hear a video in public.
I am interested to see what it is capable of with a good eq once I root though. It sounds like it could still get louder without distortion. Definitely thankful they did the one speaker forward facing.
Sound pretty darn awesome. It's been awhile since I've had my M7-M9 but it beats the S7.
Sent from my HTC 10 using XDA-Developers mobile app
and how about the bass and the deep sounds? M7 and M8 was awesome in this....
zimilaci said:
and how about the bass and the deep sounds? M7 and M8 was awesome in this....
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See my post and video here comparing the 10's speakers to the M8's:
My opinion the M8 sounds better than the 10. I informally tested by playing the same tune on spotify, and the M8 had better sound, and the 10 sounded like it was in a ten can. However, I can say that the headphones, both wired and bluetooth, (Anker buds) sound better on the 10. FWIW,
Take it easy,
paradox183 said:
See my post and video here comparing the 10's speakers to the M8's:
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Thank you , well I have to try it for myself... but what I really miss is the m7 sound....(beats)
GMCPCS said:
My opinion the M8 sounds better than the 10. I informally tested by playing the same tune on spotify, and the M8 had better sound, and the 10 sounded like it was in a ten can. However, I can say that the headphones, both wired and bluetooth, (Anker buds) sound better on the 10. FWIW,
Take it easy,
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Did you change the audio setting from theater mode to music mode? Theater mode is default which switches channels to play all frequencies, giving it surround sound versus music mode which makes the tweeters play high frequencies and the bottom speaker play the mids/lows.
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richii0207 said:
Did you change the audio setting from theater mode to music mode? Theater mode is default which switches channels to play all frequencies, giving it surround sound versus music mode which makes the tweeters play high frequencies and the bottom speaker play the mids/lows.
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Honestly, I haven't noticed a different audio setting mode. I'll give that a try. Right now trying to get the OTA firmware update.
Take it easy,
I'm with the rest of the consensus in that the M8 is louder; however, using PowerAMP and a custom EQ setting I found on YouTube, the 10 is much better sounding. The range is full and clear. I'm really liking it!
Sent from my HTC 10 using XDA-Developers mobile app
my speakers sound pretty bad i think. im not sure if there is a problem with them or not tho. does the bottom speaker sound louder than the top on everyone else's phone? i tried both speaker modes and it does nothing to help hear the top speaker better. i have to cover the bottom one to be able to hear the top one at all. currently it sounds like i only have a bottom speaker when using them.
MJL99 said:
my speakers sound pretty bad i think. im not sure if there is a problem with them or not tho. does the bottom speaker sound louder than the top on everyone else's phone? i tried both speaker modes and it does nothing to help hear the top speaker better. i have to cover the bottom one to be able to hear the top one at all. currently it sounds like i only have a bottom speaker when using them.
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Sounds defective to me. Top tweeter plays highs very well and is complimented by the mids and lows in the bottom speaker.
They both play together like a car system that has separate speakers to focus on particular frequencies instead of having both trying to play every frequency (like the M series) which hurts sound clarity.
Yea it may not sound as loud as the M series but the response is much better. There are phones out there that are louder than the M8,M9 but don't sound nearly as soon. Same concept but for the 10 versus M, quality over quantity.
Sent from my HTC6545LVW using Tapatalk
richii0207 said:
Sounds defective to me. Top tweeter plays highs very well and is complimented by the mids and lows in the bottom speaker.
They both play together like a car system that has separate speakers to focus on particular frequencies instead of having both trying to play every frequency (like the M series) which hurts sound clarity.
Yea it may not sound as loud as the M series but the response is much better. There are phones out there that are louder than the M8,M9 but don't sound nearly as soon. Same concept but for the 10 versus M, quality over quantity.
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Yeah I wasn't really comparing it to my m9 simply because I knew it wouldn't sound the same based on speaker placement. That said I did expect better and why I am worried if it's defective since I can barely hear the top unless the bottom is covered. I expected be be able to pick up on sounds coming out of both easily even if the highs and lows were separated.
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MJL99 said:
Yeah I wasn't really comparing it to my m9 simply because I knew it wouldn't sound the same based on speaker placement. That said I did expect better and why I am worried if it's defective since I can barely hear the top unless the bottom is covered. I expected be be able to pick up on sounds coming out of both easily even if the highs and lows were separated.
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My 10 is louder, but I think my M9 sounds a lot better. The M9 has a much more full sound to me.
It's good but it's got a massive and obvious flaw. the woofer being on the bottom of the phone and the tweeter being on the top means the sound is different depending on where you hold it. Dead in front of you with the tweeter and woofer equidistant from your ears, yeah, it sounds great, anywhere else - especially if you hold it landscape, eg. when watching a video - weird.
It's absolutely stellar with headphones though, which is the main way I listen.
ACTransitBusFight said:
It's good but it's got a massive and obvious flaw. the woofer being on the bottom of the phone and the tweeter being on the top means the sound is different depending on where you hold it. Dead in front of you with the tweeter and woofer equidistant from your ears, yeah, it sounds great, anywhere else - especially if you hold it landscape, eg. when watching a video - weird.
It's absolutely stellar with headphones though, which is the main way I listen.
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That's why you put it in theater mode when you watch a video. It changes all channels to play all frequencies giving that surround sound feel, basically allowing both speakers to play everything. However, it'll reduce how clear it'll sound but it's obviously not for music. Pure genius from HTC.
Sent from my HTC6545LVW using Tapatalk
I have noticed something: when i hear music that sounds in both speakers, the sound quality is very good ( i´m using poweramp), but when I hear the ringtone that only sound in the lower speaker and sounds very muffled and low
Somebody here have noticed that?
Thanks guys for the comments, I have only one question left...
- Currently I own a Lumia 950XL (I gave it a shot) and the way it records audio/bass anything its way better than anything from the HTC lineup was, of course M7 was really close due to the microphone from Nokia but I am curious how the m10 handles realllllly loud club/concert sounds.
Anyone care to try that out? thanks

Audio quality

Hi experts,
I'm a long time Xiaomi user coming from Mi A1 thinking to buy this Mi 9T in US.
I'm not to happy with the A1 audio quality, especially over the headphones. I tried different brands, but not much luck. My GF has a note6pro, my family 5a..
Looking at the gsmarena site they are not impressed too with headphone test on this model, not sure it can be trusted though.
My main concern is the microphone and echo/noise canceling.
Can you guys give me a "real life review"?!
Check other thread, there many other (me included) confirm audio quality is suprisingly good, contrary to rumors. Maybe updates improved it?
I can say it is just as good as my amazing LG V20 with quad DAC! And the LG V series are the bechmark when it comes to android audio quality.
Only my problem is that volume is low, but AFAIK that is EU regulations, and should be easy to hack/fix, and would not apply anyway AFAIK for US version.
Just got my Mi 9T, and it is just STUNNING! A piece of art. I still catch myself staring at its beauty.
I would like to know about this too. And once again, there is NO EU regulation limiting volume. Manufacturers are meant to warn users when the volume is getting loud so they can confirm they want to proceed. If the phone companies can't read the rules, that's not the EU's fault. Enough with the fake news.
There's two modes of audio in the 9t "hi-fi" or regular.
I think that the option it's meant to switch from the audio chip modes, regular or performance (I think it's the best chip it has Qualcomm for audio, or at least they made it sound like that).
This performance mode uses more power, like 5 times more, and I am almost certain that gsmarena reviewed it without this setting on, that's why the poor results.
Look at this for more info of the chip.
Interesting for the consuption I didn't know ! and I can confirm that the sound quality is very good.
For the volume mine is very loud, impossible to put at max but it depend of your earphones impedance and many others things. (you have to play good quality sample music like FLAC and a good player like "AIMP" or "Poweramp" that can be "bit perfect"
Yes, I did a blind test against my creative Sound Blaster E1 (the phone supports DACs over USB C as well) and it is indistinguishable from that nice and proper DAC, IN THE HI-FI MODE. The source was lossless stuff from Tidal and the earbuds used were my trusty HiFiMan RE400a earbuds. I can verify that one has to listen at like two clicks below the full volume for everything to come through (i.e. the volume is a bit low, but baseline audio performance is excellent)
soumen08 said:
Yes, I did a blind test against my creative Sound Blaster E1 (the phone supports DACs over USB C as well) and it is indistinguishable from that nice and proper DAC, IN THE HI-FI MODE. The source was lossless stuff from Tidal and the earbuds used were my trusty HiFiMan RE400a earbuds. I can verify that one has to listen at like two clicks below the full volume for everything to come through (i.e. the volume is a bit low, but baseline audio performance is excellent)
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That's nice to hear.
razielmcr said:
That's nice to hear.
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I would be also interested in the microphone handling in the topic of Audit quality. On Mi A1 ppl always complained when I was using a headset as the noise canceling part did not work. Same for Speaker mode..
Also why "Hi-Fi audio" is not on by default as it claims to increase audio quality.
Regarding the phone calls I can tell that my factory set 9T is poor. I cannot hear and understand what people say when calling. (Never had this on any phone before) Weird sound and some echo. And nowhere any audio settings in phone.
marko-mb said:
Regarding the phone calls I can tell that my factory set 9T is poor. I cannot hear and understand what people say when calling. (Never had this on any phone before) Weird sound and some echo. And nowhere any audio settings in phone.
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I don't have that problem. Phone calls are clear
Regarding audio quality over a headphone jack = it is worst audio quality I have ever tested from any smartphone be honest. I also know people who see it the same way. I went to Mi9T from Pocophone and never had this issue there - poco is still in my house, I gave it to my wife so I can really compare between the two. Tried both normal and hi-fi modes on Mi9T.
Audio over BT is fine on other hand - thats most important for me
I was testing audio quality on SONY WH-1000MX3
What could be the reason for this I dont know. The audio chip should be great. I have tried many versions of MIUI as well.
Tested right now with Beyerdynamic dt770 Pro 250 Ohm version. My source file is from deezer to have a better idea of an average quality of a song someone might listen to.
Hi-Fi is enabled and i can say that audio quality is pretty good. I wouldn't compare it to LG Quad Dac but the phone is powering 250 Ohm studio headphones very well.
People usually evaluate audio quality by the amount of bass. IMO its good enough.
@Nexus5-32GB I have the same impression. I came from a Zuk Z2 Pro and audio quality is poor. Bass is OK but mids and treble are too high. I'm using the same Senheiser MX-30G as always and the difference is noticiable even in Hi-Fi. My wife's Redmi 4A have better sound.
I am using poweramp music player to listen to music, and the audio quality is just superb! Previously I used google play music with mi sound enhancer and the audio quality is pretty mediocre compared to poweramp.
I tested hifi with AudioTechnica M50. It does make a difference and I feel it is a lot louder so much that I'm afraid of pushing volume to max. I like my hearing very much. You don't need portable amps with this phone for the most part. It's probably not audiophile approved or something like that but it sounds very full.
billiken_27 said:
@Nexus5-32GB I have the same impression. I came from a Zuk Z2 Pro and audio quality is poor. Bass is OK but mids and treble are too high. I'm using the same Senheiser MX-30G as always and the difference is noticiable even in Hi-Fi. My wife's Redmi 4A have better sound.
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What player are you using?
Using Google play the sound it's ****.
Using Tidal it's heaven, don't know why.
Exactly, if you use it right the sound is very good but if you listen mp3 with googlemusic, sure the best earphones can't do anything for you
razielmcr said:
What player are you using?
Using Google play the sound it's ****.
Using Tidal it's heaven, don't know why.
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I don't think it's a player issue 'cause I always use the same player. I always compare the sound using Spotify. I use Spotify on all my family devices.
billiken_27 said:
I don't think it's a player issue 'cause I always use the same player. I always compare the sound using Spotify. I use Spotify on all my family devices.
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Yeah, it doesn't make any sense, I know, but in my case that happend, playing throug play music was horrible and understandable that people complain about it, but with Tidal it's beyond anything i've heard.
Other users have notified that they too notice when playing through play music.
actually is awesome
brombadeg said:
Hi experts,
I'm a long time Xiaomi user coming from Mi A1 thinking to buy this Mi 9T in US.
I'm not to happy with the A1 audio quality, especially over the headphones. I tried different brands, but not much luck. My GF has a note6pro, my family 5a..
Looking at the gsmarena site they are not impressed too with headphone test on this model, not sure it can be trusted though.
My main concern is the microphone and echo/noise canceling.
Can you guys give me a "real life review"?!
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Coming from a zte axon 7 I was really doubtful about the sound quality, but I'm impressed about it, it has a hifi logo on the box and sounds really good, with a couple of good headphones I can't listen no difference with the zte axon 7, also had a poco f1 and it sounds a thousand times better than the poco
