Bluetooth headaches: please advise... - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all,
I am plagued by many by the inability to keep my Pebble connected after the Lollipop upgrade on stock. I was hoping in the next OTA by Samsung by they did not fix the issue. Now Bluetooth seems even more broken and sometimes it fc's instead of deactivating.
Has anyone a good advice on how to solve that?
Eventually, I can consider also something that will require rooting as I don't know how many updates will Samsung still grant.

What firmware are you on? I have heard that OF3 fixes the BT issues, I personally have no smart toys (watches) but I have never had any disconnection issues with my normal BT headset.

McBain_666 said:
Hi all,
I am plagued by many by the inability to keep my Pebble connected after the Lollipop upgrade on stock. I was hoping in the next OTA by Samsung by they did not fix the issue. Now Bluetooth seems even more broken and sometimes it fc's instead of deactivating.
Has anyone a good advice on how to solve that?
Eventually, I can consider also something that will require rooting as I don't know how many updates will Samsung still grant.
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I had this issue with CM11 on my Note 3 and then I switched back to TW ROM (AryaMod) and its all good after that...
I am using Moto 360...


[Q] Hello Hello Bug

Hi guys, first off:
thanks for that great forum which helped me getting started with flashing custom roms / getting root access etc...
When searching for my problem i found out that it is called the "Hello Hello bug".
So basically when anyone calls me and i am answering the phone the first 2 seconds or so my microphone doesnt seem to work (the person on the other side does not hear me).
I thought that this bug would be fixed in the new custom roms. i tried CM 10.1 Jellybro ( but even with this up-to-date rom i am getting the same bug.
As i couldnt find anything to fix this bug i was wondering if you guys have the same problem or if anyone knows how i can get around this issue?!
Best regards,
I have that problem. I just wait for a second and then say "hello". That seems to be working out pretty well.
Not sure on a legitimate fix though. I think it has to do with the images that the devs have to work on. Hopefully it'll be fixed in an upcoming new patch.
Known issue, will eventually be fixed.
AW: [Q] Hello Hello Bug
Try call delay patch from play store.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
scherfa said:
Try call delay patch from play store.
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i already tried that before.. didnt change anything for me! (thanks for the tip though)
btw: that image verification is driving me crazy.. im trying to read what the image says for like 15 times now -.- (should those be any words, or are those just random letters? cant believe there is no better solution out there *sigh*)
so, the new update is coming soon (some of you might already have it) and i was wondering if you guys know if the new version fixes either the "hello hello bug" or the bug where you cant hear the caller at all on some calls?
Those bugs are really driving me crazy and i'm really wondering how its possible for a telephone to have so many bugs in the most basic functionality of all - TALKING TO PEOPLE!
any insights / suggestions?
r3try said:
so, the new update is coming soon (some of you might already have it) and i was wondering if you guys know if the new version fixes either the "hello hello bug" or the bug where you cant hear the caller at all on some calls?
Those bugs are really driving me crazy and i'm really wondering how its possible for a telephone to have so many bugs in the most basic functionality of all - TALKING TO PEOPLE!
any insights / suggestions?
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For me the bug is fixed on 4.2.2.
El Daddy said:
For me the bug is fixed on 4.2.2.
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niiiiiiice, now im really looking forward to the new version!
thx for the info
the version 4.2.2 doesnt resolve the hello hello bug for me...
do i have a chance on making it work by changing my kernel or the rom? i dont know what is the most likely cause for this.
I have exactly the same problem, no solution yet.
4.2.2 latest stable CM
same here.. problem still persists, allthough i feel like it happens fewer than before...
Hi, I have the same problem. Is there any way now to solve it? Did appear maybe any solution for that?
Nexus4 Rooted

[Q] WiFi issues on Nvidia tegra note 7

I just bought an Nvidia tegra note 7 and I'm having issues with the WiFi. The device's WiFi keeps getting disconnected. I noticed this problem first when I was downloading an OTA update. It would keep stopping periodically and then start again. I dont think its a problem with my router coz my phone and laptop work fine.
Any ideas on what I should do?
saikanth said:
I just bought an Nvidia tegra note 7 and I'm having issues with the WiFi. The device's WiFi keeps getting disconnected. I noticed this problem first when I was downloading an OTA update. It would keep stopping periodically and then start again. I dont think its a problem with my router coz my phone and laptop work fine.
Any ideas on what I should do?
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I recelled that happening a new times on my device back when it was on 4.2 JB, seems to have been fixed with 4.4.2 update. My quick fix was just to OFF/ON the tablet, sometimes, going into AIRPLANE MODE, and switching back to normal mode would work too.
I recommend you just download the KIT KAT UPDATE.ZIP and load it manually from the SD card instead, of OTA
I'm curious, are you using the slide cover? I always had issues with the touchscreen when waking the tablet by opening the cover, and in helping someone else with that issue, he mentioned that he thought it might be the reason he was having wi-fi issues as well. I've never had any wi-fi issues myself, but it's worth a shot!
Slide Cover...Yep
rchrdcrg said:
I'm curious, are you using the slide cover? I always had issues with the touchscreen when waking the tablet by opening the cover, and in helping someone else with that issue, he mentioned that he thought it might be the reason he was having wi-fi issues as well. I've never had any wi-fi issues myself, but it's worth a shot!
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Yes, I am using the slide cover as well, and no wifi issues after updating to 4.4.2, but I am still experiencing "ghost" random double tapping on my device. Quite annoying, and its been mentioned a few times in other postings. I hope its really a software problem, and not a defect with the digitaizer.
You might want to try cycling the screen off and back on with the power button after opening the cover. This is a software issue that has existed since this tablet released. If the screen still does this after a sleep/wake cycle with the power button, then it could be a hardware issue.
I've been having the same problem. Very annoying. Will updating to 4.4 fix anything?
Jupiter683 said:
I've been having the same problem. Very annoying. Will updating to 4.4 fix anything?
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In general being on Kit Kat is awesome, better than JB. The external SD card being only READ ONLY is really the biggest problem after the update. The tablet has to be connected to a computer to add/remove items.
If you dont use a MicroSD card on yours, even better. HP hasnt gotten around to updating the permissions to let their own HP FILE MANAGER cant write to the external SD card....
Way out
saikanth said:
I just bought an Nvidia tegra note 7 and I'm having issues with the WiFi. The device's WiFi keeps getting disconnected. I noticed this problem first when I was downloading an OTA update. It would keep stopping periodically and then start again. I dont think its a problem with my router coz my phone and laptop work fine.
Any ideas on what I should do?
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Its most probably an issue with the JB4.2(from my xp).An update to JB4.3 or KK4 would do.

Mic not working and in NEED of a fix!

Hi, Okay so I am having a problem with the Nexus 4 microphone. It's not working for the following;
Voice Search
Video capture
Pretty much everything a mic is used for really...
The problem started persisting I believe back in 4.3 or possibly just after the 4.4 update, not entirely clear.
I have found a rather irritating fix for the problem, it's a silly fix but it's a fix strange as it is if I plug in the usb data cable the mic works. Strange yes? If I plug in the usb cable and then unplug it the mic works for a little bit and then goes dead again. Even stranger yes?
Since the problem has occurred I have I have been running customs ROMS and Kernels, predominantly for the 4.4.4 update and nothing really less. The problem is still persistent, hasn't gotten worse in anyway...just persistent. Keep in mind I hadn't put anything custom on my phone until after the problem occurred.
So obviously this states that I have done factory resets, formats, flashes etc...
Currently running the latest Dirty Unicorn ROM with the PAGAAPS.
I have read a lot on the google product forums and some other threads around the place with others having practically the same issues. There is a lot of varying conclusions between it being a hardware or software issue with no real resolution though. Some have dissembled their phone and changed the mic and what ever other hardware they found necessary to change or try and also find that it hasn't fixed their problem.
Here is a link to one thread with everyone having the same issue, everything on there I have tried apart from doing open surgery on my phone.
Nexus 4 microphone not working Google product forum
So if this is a software issue for some phones, the problem could be solved in the upcoming update to Lollipop 5.0 which could be potentially awesome for me.
....if no resolutions happens from that, well then I'm stuck with what is causing the issue.
In conclusion notes; and in case the 5.0 update doesn't fix the issue, and in knowing that my small fix can be resolved with the data cable plugged in. Is there another fix I could try, with an app, rooted app, or with an Xposed module that anyone knows of that I could at least try? Any help in this direction would be much appreciated.
Best Regards,
Loopy Frog said:
Hi, Okay so I am having a problem with the Nexus 4 microphone. It's not working for the following;
Voice Search
Video capture
Pretty much everything a mic is used for really...
The problem started persisting I believe back in 4.3 or possibly just after the 4.4 update, not entirely clear.
I have found a rather irritating fix for the problem, it's a silly fix but it's a fix strange as it is if I plug in the usb data cable the mic works. Strange yes? If I plug in the usb cable and then unplug it the mic works for a little bit and then goes dead again. Even stranger yes?
Since the problem has occurred I have I have been running customs ROMS and Kernels, predominantly for the 4.4.4 update and nothing really less. The problem is still persistent, hasn't gotten worse in anyway...just persistent. Keep in mind I hadn't put anything custom on my phone until after the problem occurred.
So obviously this states that I have done factory resets, formats, flashes etc...
Currently running the latest Dirty Unicorn ROM with the PAGAAPS.
I have read a lot on the google product forums and some other threads around the place with others having practically the same issues. There is a lot of varying conclusions between it being a hardware or software issue with no real resolution though. Some have dissembled their phone and changed the mic and what ever other hardware they found necessary to change or try and also find that it hasn't fixed their problem.
Here is a link to one thread with everyone having the same issue, everything on there I have tried apart from doing open surgery on my phone.
Nexus 4 microphone not working Google product forum
So if this is a software issue for some phones, the problem could be solved in the upcoming update to Lollipop 5.0 which could be potentially awesome for me.
....if no resolutions happens from that, well then I'm stuck with what is causing the issue.
In conclusion notes; and in case the 5.0 update doesn't fix the issue, and in knowing that my small fix can be resolved with the data cable plugged in. Is there another fix I could try, with an app, rooted app, or with an Xposed module that anyone knows of that I could at least try? Any help in this direction would be much appreciated.
Best Regards,
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My N4 had a broken mic out of the box brand new lol. It was the latest batch, made in October 2013
I fixed it by getting a new mic because i diagnosed it wasn't a software issue
I ended up flashing "LRX08 B15.5S" from [L][5.0] Android L-pv N4 [B15.1 updated 10-27-2014] and I also put the "91u-a9: AOSP/L" Kernel from [KERNEL] [4.4.4/CM/(L)] [Bleeding Edge] Unleashed Kernel Series [91u-a9] [10/28/2014] Thinking there might be a chance it would fix my problem bringing it to 5.0 instead of 4.4.4.
I thought it worked all day yesterday without the data cable needing to be plugged in, I ran tests all day and it worked fine. Today is a different story though. I guess the data cable creates some form of initial connection the phone needs for my mic to work, and leaving it long enough it looses that connectivity. I'm not sure.
I don't have any intentions sending the phone in to get fixed, or repaired, as I'll be upgrading my nexus soon enough. I guess at this stage my fix is too cut the very end off of an old cable and have it in my pocket for incoming and outgoing calls. Anyone else have another solution?
Best Regards.
Flash stock firmware... Don't flash custom firmwares without running a thorough check
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
arkangel72 said:
Flash stock firmware... Don't flash custom firmwares without running a thorough check
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
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I believe that's what I did in the very very beginning of the problem, however on the possibly note that I didn't I'll do that just before Nov 3rd, if the official L is update is available then. Thanks ark
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
arkangel72 said:
Flash stock firmware... Don't flash custom firmwares without running a thorough check
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
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flashed stock. Problem still persists.

[GENERAL HELP] Post Your Questions Here Instead of Making a New Thread

Many people are joining xda on daily basis. Some of them join the forum to get custom ROMs while some join in order to get some of their problem that they are facing with their phones solved.
There are dedicated threads for ROMs but what about HELP/QUESTIONS??
People generally straight away start a new thread to get their doubts solved. But this can lead to chaos in the forum.
I'm creating this thread as an alternative to *New Threads* that aim to resolve a question.
Not only this, this thread can also become a Database kind of place where people can look if their question is already solved or not...
I request all members of the BLUE VIVO AIR sub-forum to help and answer some questions posted here if they can.
I hope you guys get the idea behind this thread...
I am new here. I agree with you making a separate thread for q/a. So is this thread for all the devices or for only high end devices..?
jdss007 said:
I am new here. I agree with you making a separate thread for q/a. So is this thread for all the devices or for only high end devices..?
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This is for vivo air device only
This is a device specific thread
Press thanks if u liked my work
Ok got it
Official Lollipop images?
I got a Fly Tornado Slim from Russia which is identical to the Vivo Air.
Other names of the phone are: Kazam Tornado 348 (UK), Allview X2 Soul Mini (Romania) and Gionee Elife S5.1 (India, first appearance)
I checked all of the manufacturers, but couldn't find a lollipop firmware so far.
Did anyone have more success?
Root!!! HELP!!!
Does anyone know how to root the Vivo Air?
Any help will be appreciated
CallmeTunde said:
Does anyone know how to root the Vivo Air?
Any help will be appreciated
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Try framaroot app
If framaroot fails try kingroot
Hmm I've tried towellroot framaroot and kingroot and they all failed...
Hopefully something works soon, I wanna remove all the preloaded crap lol
Framaroot Fail
SSJGohon said:
Hmm I've tried towellroot framaroot and kingroot and they all failed...
Hopefully something works soon, I wanna remove all the preloaded crap lol
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I tried framaroot too and it failed...
I've even tried the PC based ones, but I can't get the phone to work in USB Debugging mode on the PC so they wont see it.
Did anyone ever have any luck with root?
SSJGohon said:
I've even tried the PC based ones, but I can't get the phone to work in USB Debugging mode on the PC so they wont see it.
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Did u even install the adb drivers??
Press thanks
Tried all root tools so far and couldn't root it. Some people had the luck to root it, I heard. But it depends on the firmware installed.
I use the current "Kazam Tornado 348" firmware so far, which is a slightly modified Vanilla Android.
Camera software non responsive.
Good morning ,
Good people. I Just received my BLU Vivo Air (black) yesterday and love it for the mid tier phone that it is. I love the form factor and how light and thin it is.
Right out of the box there was a minor update for bug fixes and performance. After that everything was still working fine. Including camera. Now this morning I attempted to use "CharmCam" once again to take a night shot. When I loaded the app there was a light haze and I could see the image behind the haze. It was as if the camera lens some how over exposed to allow more light in. The issue is that the software was also non responsive to the point of not even being able to take the picture. So I rebooted and still same result. I then tried the native camera app and this worked fine the first time and then the same haze and non responsive software buttons after the first picture.
Once I get a chance I am going to do a factory reset and see if that fixes the issue.
Still love everything else about the phone.
I'm looking for some info on the stock launcher to see if it is even worth while keeping it versus installing GEL or Nova. The icons on screen don't bother me per se, I have an iPhone.
Issue with bluetooth phone audio in the car
Hi Everyone,
The issue i'm having with my Blu vivo air is the phone audio doesn't go through the car speakers or use the car mic. I'm connected through bluetooth and I can play all my media audio through my car speakers. It's only when i try to pick up a call and talk that this feature completely doesn't work.
I understand that with so many different car head units functionality can be a little different. I'm just seeing if any others are experiencing the same thing. I had no issues previously with my htc one. I just started loving this phone too, and this is a big feature for me. My only work around is to pick up my phone and take it off bluetooth and answer it normally, which i shouldn't be doing in my country. I own a scion fr-s stock head unit for those wondering. I hope there will be an update to fix this issue......
Rlee491 said:
Hi Everyone,
The issue i'm having with my Blu vivo air is the phone audio doesn't go through the car speakers or use the car mic. I'm connected through bluetooth and I can play all my media audio through my car speakers. It's only when i try to pick up a call and talk that this feature completely doesn't work.
I understand that with so many different car head units functionality can be a little different. I'm just seeing if any others are experiencing the same thing. I had no issues previously with my htc one. I just started loving this phone too, and this is a big feature for me. My only work around is to pick up my phone and take it off bluetooth and answer it normally, which i shouldn't be doing in my country. I own a scion fr-s stock head unit for those wondering. I hope there will be an update to fix this issue......
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Have you tried to format the phone? I saw a post the fixed WiFi connection by formatting.
Also, a few of the users here has already received some updates. I believe the most recent is v11.
Sent from my 1+1
WiFi does not work
I just got mine days ago, the WiFi was working when i first set it up but then it stops for no known reason. i have done a factory reset on the phone and was able to connect to my WiFi network again, but as soon as the phone finish updating the WiFi stops working again. does anyone knows how to fix this? i really like the design of the phone, but i'm going to return unless this WiFi is problem permanently fix.
Vivo Air Battery Issue
I find Vivo Air to be excellent phone. Battery life is great, with 3G enabled it lasts more than 3 days, but it is my wife's phone and she mostly uses it for calls and viber.
The only issue that she has it that battery percentage is not shown correctly. The percentage goes down as it should be and after some time it will just go up. For instance it can go to 55% and the next time she lights the screen it will show 85% full. So, she does not know what actual battery status is. We tried with installing battery apps, DU Battery Saver, but it shows wrong battery percentage as well.
I have opened case with BLU company and they advised to perform factory reset, without wipe data cache, but it did not help.
BLU is a little bit slow with answers, so I tought that maybe somebody had same problem and can advise how to solve it.
So, any ideas what to do?

microphone acting up

I recently updated my xt575 with the September security patch. Since then my microphone doesn't work only when making a phone call on speakerphone. Normal phone calls, audio and video recording, and voice commands all work just fine. I have tried booting into safe mode with no success, and then did a full factory reset and held off on downloading anything before trying again, still with no success. Is anyone else having this issue? Does anyone know of a fix or workaround for this before I try contacting Motorola? Thanks.
P.s. I am on stock ROM on Att network. I use Android pay a lot so would like to avoid rooting.
SirMiks said:
I recently updated my xt575 with the September security patch. Since then my microphone doesn't work only when making a phone call on speakerphone. Normal phone calls, audio and video recording, and voice commands all work just fine. I have tried booting into safe mode with no success, and then did a full factory reset and held off on downloading anything before trying again, still with no success. Is anyone else having this issue? Does anyone know of a fix or workaround for this before I try contacting Motorola? Thanks.
P.s. I am on stock ROM on Att network. I use Android pay a lot so would like to avoid rooting.
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Same man. It's weird too. It will fix itself after a couple days - or at least mine did
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Odd... I am on AT&T, for the moment at least, and use my speakerphone all the time, never had an issue before or after the update.
Try clearing your cache partition maybe?
Same problem
Hello. I'm trying to solve my Moto's mic for over a week now.
I was trying many ROMs, but ended up using TruePureXMM ROM along with franken kernel.
It was all working fine, except some overall phone lag and constantly trying out other kernel auditor settings...
...untill about 2 weeks ago. Phone's microUSB port got damaged, and I had to return my phone to repair service.
After I received it back, I wanted to try out some Nougat ROMs, and tried couple of them, but found out that the mic isn't working properly there.
Decided to return back to stock, using this forums tutorials, done it without any single errors or problems in the process, I did many devices roms changes before.
It didn't help at all. The receiver don't hear me at all, the only sound they can hear is when I blow into the mic's direction.
*Note that when I change to speaker mode, the receiver hear me with some breaks in between, but it's the only way to call from now on...
I'm confused now, completely no idea if it is really the OS problem, or if it's just something with the microphone itself.
Looking forward for any tips, thanks for help.
SR3TLAW said:
Same man. It's weird too. It will fix itself after a couple days - or at least mine did
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I hope so. It's been a few weeks already... If it doesn't fix itself then hopefully the nougat update will help.
Sent from my Moto X Pure using XDA Labs
acejavelin said:
Odd... I am on AT&T, for the moment at least, and use my speakerphone all the time, never had an issue before or after the update.
Try clearing your cache partition maybe?
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I have tried that too. Nothing send to help and I've been searching online for a while for a solution with no results. I don't think being Att has any relevance but figured I'd share that anyways just in case.
Sent from my Moto X Pure using XDA Labs
Also on att with September security update and speaker phone works fine.
