[Q] Change - Lockscreen Wallpaper / OOS 2.1 - OnePlus 2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So it's seem you cannot change the Lockscreen Wallpaper on Oxygen OS 2.1.
What is the simplest way of doing this ? Let's say without Xposed.

This is working for me !


anyway to make the official froyo locksreen portrait

anyway to make the official froyo locksreen portrait without installing another lockscreen ???????

[Q] Notification toggle

Is it possible to get a gingerbread style notification toggle to froyo roms? Any way?
I don't think so... You could use Oxygen ROM, it has it... or use something like Quick Settings
I sugggest to you use [ROM] miui 1.8.5 there you can download many of other themed notifaction bars. Its easier than try to modify stock roms
Miui is buggy. I have seen notification toggle on my brothers stock samsung galaxy mini 2.2.1 so it should be possible to use some kind of toggle in u8800. Or is it?

Lewa OS 7.2 lockscreen

Is there anyway to change this stupid wallpaper on this awesome lockscreen ??

[Q] Anyone know how to remove Lockscreen from E7 Kitkat?

It was easy to remove the default lockscreen in the stock Jellybean 4.2.2 ROM. But it's proving almost impossible to do the same after the kitkat upgrade.
Has anyone disabled their lockscreen? Is yes, how did you do it?
No one???
Same question. I also wish a standard Android lockscreen, not this bottom-up sliding.
I've tried to freeze navi keyguard - as the result the home-button stoped to work.
Changing the settings in build.prop as suggested für JB lead to no success.
Any Idea?
Does anyone kniws how to remove the english weekday in the lockscreen clock widget?
This doesn't happend on the GM Discovery Elite KitKat ROM. I've checked and althou the navi keyguard and the weather app s are different in size, replacing them dont change this.

[Q] How to change lockscreen clock widget?

So my mother's S5 is on Phoenix Rom, I can't find where to change it (and if it's even possible).
I dont think it is possible
But with a framework that supports to customize your lockscreen may help
Eg:-xposed installer(gravitybox or xblast module),alliance framework

