Can't install some google apks on cyanogenmod 12.1 rom - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi , all
On my sg4 i9506
i ve installed last rom nightly
cyanogenmod 12.1 boot is well
But after installing microgaps
I get fcs on somes
Google apks like : Gmail, play store ...
Notification : services Google play is stopped
Over 5 times & it's go
But youtube , works well
Any helps thanks in advance

Try with this gapps if this helps:


[Q] GApps crashing

Play store on my L7 with cm10 are instantly crashing. Version is good.
whitch GApps did u flash?

Sound problem on CM11

I have installed newest version of cm11 (13032014) (nightly) but....
DSP manager stops working ("unfortunately, dsp manager has stopped" msg.) and device is unable to play any videos/audio/calls
Any solutions ? (few reinstalls + change of version and modem change already done)
: (
Ky0sHiR0 said:
I have installed newest version of cm11 (13032014) (nightly) but....
DSP manager stops working ("unfortunately, dsp manager has stopped" msg.) and device is unable to play any videos/audio/calls
Any solutions ? (few reinstalls + change of version and modem change already done)
: (
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what S4 you on?
as my S4 I9505 says latest nightly is cm11-(17 02 2014)
are you on nexus 4? as i know that has daily nightlies... if so you be better posting in nexus 4 part of forum.

build cm12 d802

Hi i have build cm12 for my LG g2 after that i have flashed gapps dated 07.11.14 but google play services crash always when i would open browser play store and so on...maybe there is a some bugs with this and i dont know about that...?can you help me ?when can i fine cm changelog for lollipop?

[Q] Google Play services not working on cm11

Hi I have the international version s4 (i9500) I've been running cm11 on it for months or maybe a year without problems. I fixed permissions using rom manager and after I rebooted it deleted some apps. Google play services didn't work after the reboot. I flashed gapps again but it still didn't work. Please help

Cm 12.1 gapps crashing

Hey XDA Communit i installed nightly version of cm 12.1 on my i9500 s4 aaand everything worked fine...
Untill i tried to instal gapps... i got them from cyanogen forum aaand when i flashed them... i got constant eror and crashing from gapps
I even tried that method installing one after another and then wiping dalvins cache..but that didnt work for me.
I hope that someone can help me and make step by step guide for me on how to install gapps on cm 12.1
Thank you :fingers-crossed:
Hello RadakBre,
Download Cyanogenmod and move it to yur S4.
Download Gapps from Use Setting's: ARM+5.1+Pico.
Go to the Recovery from your S4 and flash Cyanogenmod 12.1 and then open_gapps-arm-5.1-pico.
You must download other Google-Apps from PlayStore, if you want them.
Trafalgar Square said:
Hello RadakBre,
Download Cyanogenmod and move it to yur S4.
Download Gapps from Use Setting's: ARM+5.1+Pico.
Go to the Recovery from your S4 and flash Cyanogenmod 12.1 and then open_gapps-arm-5.1-pico.
You must download other Google-Apps from PlayStore, if you want them.
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Hey bro these gaps work also with gt i9505?
Yes, all devices
