[question] How to change dpi for s-viev on lolipop - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hi, I'm new here
i'm lookin' for systemui.apk with modified dpi (480) s-viev service or other idea how to change dpi for s-view window.
in android kk s-view was separate aplication so appsettings worked, now is integrated in systemui.apk.
when i change 320 dpi to 480dpi for systemui.apk in appsettings s-view window looks good, but notification bar is too big :/
after flash multi dpi system ui from n900 to my n9005 snapdragon system stuck in bootloop.
i have root, xposed deodexed and knox 0x0.
sorry for my bad English and thanks for help


[Q] How to have stock appearance on touchwiz ?

Hi everybody !
I'm currently using the touchwiz rom on galaxy S4 GT-i9505 ((I9505XXUFNC4 on KitKat 4.4.2) and don't want to change it or change the launcher, but i'd like to have stock appearance on all menus and icons on my S4 (dial, toggle bar, and configuration menu).
My phone is rooted and have a TWRP recovery. I use xposed installer with quicksettingstoggles and wanam exposed, but only few things can be changed on interface (color of toggle bar for example).
If somebody know how to do that, it will be cool
Thanks for your help !!!

[Q] Incallui dpi

Hi ..
I need to help about Incallui.apk For n9005
I have N4 Ported rom Android L but changed dpi to 300
how i can change photo & buttons size .. on (incallui) or make it multi dpi
i have Edit size on LegacyInCallUI.apk\res\values\dimens.xml File :good:
but noting happen

S-View Multi DPI Android 5.1.1

Hello Comminty,
Sorry my English is misserabel . My problem is I use an S - View Cover Note 4 but in any Rome does the multi DPI .
In Rom Bobcat 7 I have my app setting the DPI tries to put on 640 but which app I have since change to make it work . With my old Note 3 there was the SView From this I could simply put on 640 dpi and it worked .
With all other apps of multi DPI Mod works
I hope someone can help me .
same problem here... I tried "app settings" (Xposed module), but I am unable to find the right settings...

How to change themes with icons in Lollipop rooted Galxy S5 / S4-not only wallpaper?

Dear All,
I have a problem with changing themes on my Galaxy S4 and Galaxy S5. The devices are rooted on stock lollipop ROMs.
I install themes enabler (copy APP and CSC folder and apk with proper permisions) and add text "themev2".
The problem is that now i can choose themes but only wallpaper and lock screen are changing
Reading forum i never found the solution.
What to do to change all theme with icons?
Best regards.
same on mine, tried even with other apps to change only icons but with no success
I use NovaLauncher to change the icons. And animations, wallpapers, etc.
Just download packs icons PlayStore and ready.
Enviado desde G900I

[THEME][MM][STOCK] Dark/Black UI Theme for Contacts/Dialler/Settings?

Does anyone know I way I can theme the settings menu/dialler/contacts/reboot menu to a dark/black theme?
I am using:
Stock MM Rom debloated
App Settings (for DPI 480)
I only recently came from Note 3 where I had dark everything and I can't handle these white menus/apps!
