[SCRIPT][GUIDE] Reduce google play services battery drain [] - Nexus 6 General

These past days I've been plagued with Google Play Services draining my battery, especially using the location services. Using Privacy Guard I could clearly see the absurd amount of times my location was requested, even with the location services OFF.
So I went digging and you wouldn't believe the amount of services and providers that google uses to enforce their location track onto the phone.
I am VERY selective with my startup apps, ranging from greenify to swiftkey and adaway, but nothing that explicitly requires any location services whatsoever. I know whatsapp requests your location, but only when you open it. At startup, with very few and selective apps starting up, NOTHING should require your location (having location services OFF), unless there's something that actively tries to monitor where you are (IE: watchdog service, locate my phone, etc).
By default, I had a LOT of requests from the play services for my location CONSTANTLY. I also had 6 or 7 services running in my phone associated with gapps (configfetch service, dispatchingservice, analytics, geolocation, etc).
By disabling all of what I disabled, I managed to decrease the amount of location requests (and therefore wakelocks and idle battery consumption) while still retaining basic functionality like being able to use google maps.
I effectively disabled GOOGLE LOCATION REPORTING, which IS ALWAYS RUNNING IN THE BACKGROUND and CAN NOT BE DISABLED unless you break the mechanism. How do I know? I used Greenify + Donation, and checked "Reveal hidden sync", then I went into accounts-> Google and BAM, location reporting was ALWAYS IN-SYNC, even if you disable it, after a reboot it would come back.
This is XDA so let's get technical, but first, proof:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Automatic method:
1 - If you're using SuperSU, go into settings -> SuperSU -> Settings -> Enable SU during boot
2 - If you're unsure your rom has init.d support, try Universal init.d. If you're NOT using a nexus please let us know if it works (I'm looking at you touchwiz users )
3 - Go to the bottom of this post. Download either FixGS.zip or FixGSExtended.zip, flash through your recovery.
4 - After your next reboot it will take a while (couple of minutes tops, depends on eMMC speed, encryption, etc) to disable all the services. Go back into the SuperSU settings and DISABLE SU during boot.
5 -That's it, if you need to revert either script, a _REVERT script is also attached at the bottom of the post.
FixGS has all the essential location services enabled. FixGSExtended furthermore disables all the items noted below, under "Additional stuff to remove" in the manual method.
Manual method:
1 - Go to the bottom of this post
2 - Download either FixGS.zip or FixGSExtended.zip, extract the .sh file from it.
3 - Place it in /system/etc/init.d/ and give it 755 permissions (allow all execute and read boxes, only allow owner to write)
4 - If you're unsure your rom has init.d support, try Universal init.d.
4b - I use terminal emulator for Android to execute the script. Simply write
5 -That's it, if you need to revert either script, a _REVERT script is also attached at the bottom of the post.

Update 2:
Previous updates:
Update 1:
Main script changelog:
Disabled the following items:
Re-enabled the following items:
Extended script changelog:
Re-enabled the following items:

Previous versions go here.
Archive (redundant, if you want to see older service names just download the previous zips):
Items to disable:
Items to leave enabled:
Search terms (disable all items while searching for these terms, EXLCUDING the ones right above, the items to leave enabled):
Items to disable in Google Services Framework:
Additional stuff to remove
Google fitness (search for fitness):
Google "car" (search for car. including the dot at the end) :
Google feedback (search for feedback):
Google help (search for googlehelp):
Google "Kids" (search for kids. including the dot at the end):
Google plus (search for plus. including the dot at the end) :
Google Wifi scans? (search for wifi):
Disable Android device manager/Tinder (you need to leave this service ON if you want ADM):

Does the script need to be ran on every boot?
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

That's a lot to disabled. Will location base apps run normally?
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

Yeah... I ran this script, and my battery went... Let me just say.... "Poop"...... Went ahead and restored backup.

mgbotoe said:
That's a lot to disabled. Will location base apps run normally?
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
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I used FixGSExtendedv2 and my gmaps and earth run normally and lock my location with no problem.

Seems to be functioning well for me. Nicely done.
Sent from my PureNexus 6

wkobaint said:
I used FixGSExtendedv2 and my gmaps and earth run normally and lock my location with no problem.
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Sweet thank you
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

mjohnson4580 said:
Does the script need to be ran on every boot?
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
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I don't believe so, as in my case only a single execution will do the job. Besides, supersu disables super user requests on boot by default. I just took advice from a neighbor thread.
mgbotoe said:
That's a lot to disabled. Will location base apps run normally?
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
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That's because there's a lot to be disabled and has been piling up over the years. Yes, location based apps work, if they don't, report back with a log.
Andromendous said:
Yeah... I ran this script, and my battery went... Let me just say.... "Poop"...... Went ahead and restored backup.
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Get me a log, possibly BBS. I can't test every single situation but if I can't replicate the issue I can't fix it.
wkobaint said:
I used FixGSExtendedv2 and my gmaps and earth run normally and lock my location with no problem.
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Great, thanks for reporting.
AFront85 said:
Seems to be functioning well for me. Nicely done.
Sent from my PureNexus 6
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Thank you for the feedback.
Let me know if you have any issues or FC's while using any apps and grab a catlog if you do. I've been trying my best to remove any unnecessary services running in the background, and you've got the entire collection of items to disable manually if you're into that as well.
Also be aware that I'm always using the latest gapps for these measures. For example, previously, you could disable the checkin service. Now it creates a permament checkin handoff wakelock.

As @mjohnson4580 mentioned above, does the script survive boots or does it need to be run after every boot?
Looks like it was answered above. Thanks!

Thanks for the time and effort youve put into this, its exactly what we all need. Im not sure what kind of logs you need, i didnt have any major issues other than i noticed google play services was still draining my battery, even worse than before. What can i do to help? I can test more tomorrow perhaps

Andromendous said:
Thanks for the time and effort youve put into this, its exactly what we all need. Im not sure what kind of logs you need, i didnt have any major issues other than i noticed google play services was still draining my battery, even worse than before. What can i do to help? I can test more tomorrow perhaps
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I can say that increased battery drain can be caused by a few factors:
- An essential process/service is not running and thus causing FC's
- An app is accessing a non-essential process/service (like ads, stats, or analytics) over and over again, because the app is coded that way.
- An app is accessing a non-essential process/service and causing a FC.
These are usually shown in the logcat and what I've been basing my research upon.
You can also use better battery stats and watch partial wakelocks/alarms, but be aware that the alarms and the partial wakelock times are bugged (sometimes, it shows 99% deepsleep and a wakelock that lasted for hours, but the battery drain was minimal).
There might be an issue disabling the gmscore stats service/provider (I've seen a couple of force closes over the past few days), would you like to try an -experimental- script (just a few services added/removed) to see how it performs?

I've been getting Google Services FC as well since adding this mod. Seems to happen more so when using location services like AutoMate.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

Thank you,this mod works well for me!!!

MrBrady said:
I've been getting Google Services FC as well since adding this mod. Seems to happen more so when using location services like AutoMate.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
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I hope I don't have to repeat this again (as it's very tedious, especially when the post just above you is about the very same thing) , but please provide some logs. I can't do anything without logs, especially if I'm not getting any of the issues you are.
As always, this isn't that much of a magical fix, users are very well welcome to try their own stuff (this is XDA after all). I'm trying my best to make a -general- script, but if I can't replicate the issues, well, I can't fix them either .

Choristav said:
I hope I don't have to repeat this again (as it's very tedious, especially when the post just above you is about the very same thing) , but please provide some logs. I can't do anything without logs, especially if I'm not getting any of the issues you are.
As always, this isn't that much of a magical fix, users are very well welcome to try their own stuff (this is XDA after all). I'm trying my best to make a -general- script, but if I can't replicate the issues, well, I can't fix them either [emoji14].
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What log do you need? Just a logcat? If so I'll be sure to pull one next time the FC occurs.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

Just received a Google Services FC after waking the device.
Nexus 6 running Pure Nexus ROM (5.1.1) and Elite Kernel.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

@Choristav, just switched ROMs and now I'm using Euphoria ROM (5.1.1) with Micro PA Gapps. Now when I run this mod, I get a lot of generic messages, instead of calling out the package name.
For example: "Unknown id: disable"
How do I know if it's actually working? Thank you!

MrBrady said:
@Choristav, just switched ROMs and now I'm using Euphoria ROM (5.1.1) with Micro PA Gapps. Now when I run this mod, I get a lot of generic messages, instead of calling out the package name.
For example: "Unknown id: disable"
How do I know if it's actually working? Thank you!
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Maybe the Gapps have a google play service that is too old to have some of those items present? As I've mentioned with every update, a lot more stuff has been added (playlog, phenotype, etc). As such, while just a couple of months ago my G2 was sleeping perfectly fine, now I must add a few processes to avoid a permanent wakelock in the background.
What I'm personally doing now is to try and judge whether disabling the main services or keeping the very basic ones is better. On one hand, disabling them should remove any of their functionality, but on the other, if a logcat is showing constant attempts to re-connect to the service and fails to do so, it may be just the way to drain battery.
How do you know the script is working? well you either check with system tuner or in settings -> apps. Analytics and device broker should be gone. If you disable the ADM/Tinder service, you'll probably be left with a single service and process (that's just 2, instead of 6/7/8 which are present by default).
I can't find the screenshot of this exact fact, so here's another one proving that gapps with this script doesn't rape my battery on my g2 (sync enabled, hangouts are present, google keep and so forth, just no SIM, still pretty good):
Anyway I'm uploading a v3 of the script, which should be a little bit less aggressive in disabling stuff. If you find better battery life with it, it'll just prove that enabling the very basic services is better than disabling them entirely and having apps trying to access them constantly.
Edit: @MrBrady updated, check it out.


[ROM][ECLAIR] LCR 1.7.3 Liquid Community Rom [27/07/10]

Well i see this has not been posted here before... so, the best (so far) Eclair rom for Liquid
By malez, piter1225, behnaam, maxisma and vache
Wiki Page:
Bugtracker page on Google Code
To upgrade from 1.X to 1.7, you need to install the latest official Acer_LiquidE_1.100.39_EMEA_GEN1 update file first (1.100.05 bin file will work too)¶
bin file and howto are here http://code.google.com/p/acer-liqui...cker/wiki/HowToRootAndFlashLiquidCommunityROM
Themes pack
Always reboot at least once after installing and configuring a new rom or patch¶
If you have used apps2sd, always do a WIPE SD in sdcard menu within the recovery before installing LCR¶
Please use bug tracker to indicate closed bugs, append to existing ones or open new issues. Thank you all
From 1.7.2 to 1.7.3 (this version is a patch, no data loss EXCEPT your launchers configuration (can be easily backed up) and updated apps)
Added Froyo Gallery3D (for real
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
fixed SD card issue
fixed dxdrm logging
modified setUIval.sh / getUIval.sh to be able to choose the requested setting table OK
ramzswap enabled
fixed filterAds.sh
modified audiocall.sh to add another audio filter (quiet to loud) OK
added a gscript to clean logs (logs are stored in /cache use about 100k/each boot) OK
updated apps
wake on camera (Credits to xaueious)
modified cleanRom : 30sec timer to let user poweroff the phone in case a wrong run + removed VoiceSearch? + sendlog
addded sms.sh to backup/restore sms /system/sbin/sms.sh gscript OK
update uiconf tool with screenshots
no more freq limit
Google Maps moved to /data/app
Speed Up Android 2.1 Browser, Default javascript engine in Froyo. Enabled
animated GIF support (Credits to Auxx / g4rb4g3 / xaueious )
From 1.7.1 to 1.7.2 (this version is a full version). We advice you to install latest Acer Update to eclair first.
Fixed sound on call
New application to configure UI (developped by reppad [email protected])
Additionnal fonts were removed, so asian languages are back
Gallery app from froyo
Purge DxDrm logs on reboot
Purge aPanic on reboot
Wifi tethering (many thanks to gengaro86)
Fixed some UI issues
All apn were updated
Bluetouth file transfer
Added cleanROM.sh in gscript : will remove all 3rd apps included in the rom
Added filterAds.sh/unfilterAds.sh in gscript to remove adds
Added audiocallLoud.sh / audiocallStandard.sh / audiocallQuietToLoud.sh to change audiocall sound
Other fixes
From 1.7 to 1.7.1 (for the moment only a patch is provided, not a full rom, so install it on trop of the 1.7. You won't lose any application or data.
Fixed battery usage (use full android UI, stream UI uses a lot a battery)
Audio hack for in call sound (a bit louder)
Fix sound reverb on app like Sipdroid
Fix slow gallery
Fix camera (note that zoom in camera is available when taking picture under 2M resolution)
Ability to use standard eclair AOSP dialer in LCR_UI.txt
will remove Notes application (Titanium backup it before applying if you want to keep it)
Updated Google Maps 4.3
Updated sendlog
Updated Launcher Pro 0.6.3
Updated ADW 0.8.9 => If you slide up, status bar will hide/show. If you slide down, notification bar will display
Updated Titanium Backup 3.2.7
Updated android term
To gain in space usage, it is recommanded you uninstall all updates for these application before applying (they can be removed after but you won't have the preconf for launchers in this case).
Always reboot at leat once after first boot to be sure everything is well applied.
From 1.6 to 1.7
based on Acer_LiquidE_1.100.05_EMEA bin file. Flash THIS bin file before installing Update recovery to at least 0.5.3 too
Based on stream dump
New fully cusomizable User Interface : Notification type, notification position, dialer, lock screen (See the file LCR_UI.txt on sdcard for more infos. To apply changes, just reboot. You will need to remove/re-add widgets after applying a change. Use Stream lock stream will break widget refresh on reboot))
really faster than original bin and than 1.6
Incredible sound with Dolby Mobile
Read Divx / Xvid
New Camera app with a lot of settings
Voice Recognition
sensivity patch included but not applied (use gscript to load increaseSensitivity.sh and it will be applied permanently / to remove run restoreSensitivity.sh)
better open GL
black themed
optimized network for better performances (can be disabled)
fixed Bouygues Telecom MMS issues (issue 78) no more need to use Hancent to send mms.
fixed Add APN to list (issue 96)
fixed custom ring-tones for contacts are not working (issue 99)
fixed Sms notification sender is wrong (issue 100)
fixed Wifi doesn't work after wake up (issue 101)
fixed issue Phone stay in standby if switching from 3g to 2g (issue 102)
Launcher choice at startup (to unselect default one : Settings / Application / Filter ALL / Select defaut launcher and choose 'remove default action' )
fixed Widget load on reboot
many optimizations (Framework, Contacts, Live wallpapers, Mms)
New bootsplash / bootanimation (thanks to paulf66)
New supported fonts : Greek, Cyrillic, Georgian, Armenian, Hebrew, N'ko, Tifinagh, Lao, Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics, Ogham, Arabic
updated HTC keyboard
update Launcher Pro and AWT Launcheradb shell
updated Maps 4.2
updated Barcode scanner
updated titanium backup 3.2.4
updated Deskclock Launcher
updated ES File explorer
updated ES Task manager
Updated quickboot
and more....
of course apps2sd is still here
know bug: if you use acer stream lock screen, your widgets won't refresh well. You will have to remove and re-add them after reboot.
know bug: battery indicator will always indicate a little less battery than you really have. Use battery time lite widget for exemple to know the exact amount of battery available.
system will automatically reboot after first boot ( about 30s after sim panel ) : this is normal
From 1.5 to 1.6
* based on Acer_LiquidE_1.100.05_EMEA bin file. Flash THIS bin file before installing is recommanded but you can also flash the rom on top of 0.14 or 0.16 bin. Update recovery to at least 0.5.3 too
* really faster than original bin
* some battery optimizations
* black themed (white theme patch will be provided)
* optimized network for better performances (can be disabled)
* fixed Bouygues Telecom MMS issues (issue 78) use Hancent to send mms.
* Launcher choice at startup (to unselect default one : Settings / Application / Filter ALL / Select defaut launcher and choose 'remove default action' )
* many optimizations (Framework, Contacts, Live wallpapers, Mms)
* added a Notes app
* removed xt9
* removed Voice search and accessibility tools
* updated Maps
* updated Barcode scanner
* updated titanium backup
* updated Deskclock Launcher
* and more....
Many thanks to Piter who has joint LCR and made a really good job on this rom. If you want better battery performance, disable haptic feedback (use spare part) and vibration in HTC mod keyboard (keyboard settings / Text input / Vibrate on input)
From 1.4.1 to 1.5
* based on Acer_LiquidE_0.014f.01_EMEA_GEN1 bin file. Flash THIS bin file before installing or you will have no network and no adb access. Update recovery to at least 0.5.3 too
* really faster than original bin
* AppsOrganizer, Cardock, Carmode, Tetherbot removed. Will be provided as addon pack
* Themes will be provided as patch too
* Acer apps removed
* DeskClock Launcher (big thanks to Cedric Gatay)
* Maps 4.1.1
* Titanium backup 3.0.16
* es File explorer 1.3.12
* es Task manager
* barcode scanner 3.22
* Meridian player pioneer 0.16.0
* fixed 3D games are slow or not working at all on 1.3. ( issue 66 )
* fixed Compass doesn't work probably causing backwards navigation in all navigation programs ( issue 68 )
* fixed Compass doesn't work probably causing backwards navigation in all navigation programs ( issue 73 )
* fixed Keybord vibration not workingHTC_IME ( issue 75 )
* fixed Contacts pictures ( issue 77 )
* partially fixed Bouygues Telecom MMS issues (issue 78) change default,mms to wap in settings to fix
* fixed Message led is on if a notification icon in a taskbar ( issue 79 )
* even better sound
From 1.4.1 to 1.4
To upgrade from LCR 1.4, just flash the zip file. If you have not LCR 1.4 installed do a FACTORY RESET before flashing
* fixed vodafone it apn ( issue 73 )
* fixed Sometimes connection don't work after disabling/enabling data connection (issue 83)
* fixed Clock alarm bug with daily alarm when it was first reapeted ( issue 85 )
From 1.3 to 1.4
Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHuL8-159q8 (thanks to fastreward)
* Fully rebased on new bin (Acer_LiquidE_0.010.00_EMEA_GEN1)
* BusyBox v1.16.0
* Superuser 2.0.1 (Chain DD)
* HTC IME with voice and mods (Jonasl)
* New black theme (AdamZ - Baisangour)
* New boot and wallpaper (Paul 66)
* New boot animation (liquid_it)
* Helix 2 Launcher
* Nemo player
* Flac player
* New calculator
* NavLauncher => 2.2.4
* Titanium backup => 3.0.4
* MoreLocale => 2.2.0
* AppsOrganizer => 1.4.10
* Barcode Scanner => 3.22
* GoogleMaps => 4.1.1
* Removed facebook
* Removed battery graph (addon)
* Removed AutoKiller
* Fixed Nexus Live wallpaper (bais)
* Better Audio No distorsion at all (Metlus)
* Added Flac support (AndLess)
* Added Meridian Player Pioneer 0.15.3
* Added Gscript lite : (change defaut launcher)
Big Big thanks to Paul66, Fastreward, Neo, Natsumi, Liquid_it and all members that have supported this version. Thank you all. It's for you. Malez
1.3 addon pack (LCR 1.3 required) = Addon pack v3 fixed
* script to fix su request issues
* clock weather widget (HTC style)
* animated wallpaper (Earth / HTC Sense)
* online wallpaper app
* Original laucher with app/photo widgets from acer (use adb shell launcher stock/helixir/status to switch)
* NemoPlayer
See wiki page for pictures and documentation
From 1.2.4 to 1.3 wipe made on install
* Rebuilt on new liquid Acer_LiquidE_0.008.06_EMEA_GEN1 bin (compatible with baseband A1-03.10.03 only)
* Multitouch
* Added more locale 2 for internationalization (settings in app list)
* Added international keybord
* Added titanium backup
* Added tetherbot
* Added navlaucher
* Added more ringtones
* Added sqlite
* Bootsplash graphics by Cyril Bardelang
* Of course fully working apps2sd
From 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 factory reset recommended
* compatible with ACER_LiquidE_0.004.01_EMEA_GEN1 bin only (baseband A1-03.05.02)
* Do a factory reset to be sure to benefit of all fixes in this version
* auto fix boot if data/dalvik are symlink and no sd card
* fixed MMS send
* fixed memPrint
* added cardock + carmode
* added file explorer + task manager
* added sendLog
* added tetherbot.apk
* added AppsOrganizer_1.4.8.apk
* added barecodeScanner.apk
* added battery graph
* removed auto flash malez recovery
* added wysie contact
* fixed sipdroid (if not uninstall/resinstall sipdroid)
From 1.2.2 to 1.2.3
* Voice Search is fixed!
* Apps2SD will now check if there's enough space free on your SD
* Apps2SD won't break if you don't have an app installed anymore
* Apps2SD now can move dalvik-cache and data (data not recommended!) also (See Wiki for instructions)
* ROM keeps the autostart log now
* Added logboot to display all autostart logs
* Added logbootclear to erase all autostart logs
* Added memPrint command to display memory usage and settings
* Fixed ins_run and ins_runOnce for args
* Changed oom settings for less cpu and battery
* Corrected log-debug for better structure of logs
* No more need to reinstall update.zip after factory reset/data wipe
* Automatic memory settings adjusted
* Autokiller updated to 2.2 (personnal preset)
* MapView fix which affected for example Places Directory (credit to shafty)
From to 1.2.2
* Fixed rights on autorun scripts
* All apks are zipaligned on boot for even better performance
From 1.2.1 to
* Boot logs are now stored in /data/logs/
* Little boot speed up
From 1.2 to 1.2.1
* Fixed terminal emulator FC
* Added Quickboot
From 1.1.1 to 1.2
BIG CHANGES! Apps2SD wiki will be updated tomorrow by Malez on how-to switch apps2sd on
* A lot of speed improvements
* HelixLauncher with modifications! Thanks to Faruq!
* Some apps moved to /data partition for easly uninstallation
o SpareParts
o AutoKiller - By ratson at htcpedia, thanks!
o Maps Brut.ALL's hacked maps for Non-us navigation, thanks!
o SetCPU
* Apps2SD fully working with ON/OF/STATUS feature and auto fix (if sd fails on boot). - Big thanks to Malez for his work on this!
* Terminal Emulator added for doing commands when you dont have access to a computer
* Recovery flashed on first boot - Malez Recovery 0.2.1!
* Zipalign of data on boot, lowers apps footprint which gives faster loading of them!
* Some other things missed out!
From 1.1 to 1.1.1
Only slight changes..
- Exchange Calendar Sync
- Added Talkback, Kickback and Soundback
- Fixed T-Mobile US APN (Thanks to eVil)
- Fixed build number
- Nexus themed Launcher.apk
From 1.0 to 1.1
- Zipalign on-install, Thanks to Wes Gerner for that script
- SpareParts (added)
- Launcher2 replaced with Standard Android Launcher for more speed (Live Wallpapers are still working !!), update.zip provided for those who want it back look in downloads section - Thanks to [email protected] for launcher
- Apps2SD with on/off feature (disabled by default) (You need an ext2 partition of course), read Wiki for guide howto activate - Thanks to LoxdevK, Cyanogen and more for that script
From ACR to 1.0
-Kept Acer's Contacts.apk as it provides an HTC like speed dialer and some other functions
-Nexus One bootlogo (Thanks to g4rb4g3) & bootanimation
-Removed the automatic wipe, if you have problems, please wipe first and retry!
-Zipalign on boot
-Increased VM Heapsize for speed
-Zipaligned and Optipng'ed all the apk's aka optimized them for speed
Hi ! Thank you for this share but :
- Do you have screenshots for this ROM ?
- The bugtracker page doesn't work...
anghell3122 said:
- The bugtracker page doesn't work...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks, just updated the link
sure screenshots:
someone have tried this one? work fine?
been using it for a couple weeks... its nowhere near as fast as donut... but hey, its a first approach to eclair on the liquid... i use it just for fun, my work phone is a nokia e72... so i can play with this
well, just updated from acr 1.8 which became sluggish...
I was prepared to reinstall all my apps and was a beautyful surprise finding everithing back in place I just put the zip in sd, booted into recovery and "apply any zip from sd card". fast and efficient! I have just 2 annoiances:
1- I'd like to put the phone on vibrate in the lockscreen, not only mute (but I think is a problem of the system, not of the rom itself
2-when I open a contact I see on the right side either the phone number to call and the possibility to send a msg; but no matter what I choose only the phone call starts. Is this a rom bug (also on acr 1,8) or part of the original system?
Rest seems very good, fast and efficient
1.2.2 version is out and is quite a good ROM. All apps are running much faster.
just updated the info!!
quoting malez...
LCR 1.5 available
From 1.4.1 to 1.5
- based on Acer_LiquidE_0.014f.01_EMEA_GEN1 bin file. Flash THIS bin file before installing or you will have no network and no adb access
- really faster than original bin
- AppsOrganizer?, Cardock, Carmode, Tetherbot removed. Will be provided as addon pack
- Themes will be provided as patch too
- Acer apps removed
- Maps 4.1.1
- Titanium backup 3.0.16
- es File explorer 1.3.12
- es Task manager
- barcode scanner 3.22
- Meridian player pioneer 0.16.0
- fixed 3D games are slow or not working at all on 1.3. (issue 66)
- fixed Compass doesn't work probably causing backwards navigation in all navigation programs (issue 68)
- fixed Compass doesn't work probably causing backwards navigation in all navigation programs (issue 73)
- fixed Keybord vibration not workingHTC_IME (issue 75)
- fixed Contacts pictures (issue 77)
- partially fixed Bouygues Telecom MMS issues (issue 78) change default,mms to wap in settings to fix
- fixed Message led is on if a notification icon in a taskbar (issue 79)
- install malez recovery >= 0.5.3 first
- If you have used apps2sd, WIPE SD (in wipe the recovery wipe menu) before flashing or you will have problems
updated to 1.6!
help with pinch to zoom
thank to all commuinty for this wondergul rom
I installed it succesully but while I have pinch to zoom in google maps don't have it in chrome
how to enable pinch to zoom in chrome?
teux said:
thank to all commuinty for this wondergul rom
I installed it succesully but while I have pinch to zoom in google maps don't have it in chrome
how to enable pinch to zoom in chrome?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you just get dolphin browser HD
Multitouch should work in stock browser on this bin. It does for me.
Thanks to all, I am using this ROM now, the best ROM I tried, but I got the problem with Contacts;
- there is no Contact Phone, only Google and SIM Contacts available to add..
- I have a lot of contacts in my SIM, but when I want to import SIM Contacts, it reported that no contacts in my SIM..
Pls help, thank you..
thuwailib said:
Thanks to all, I am using this ROM now, the best ROM I tried, but I got the problem with Contacts;
- there is no Contact Phone, only Google and SIM Contacts available to add..
- I have a lot of contacts in my SIM, but when I want to import SIM Contacts, it reported that no contacts in my SIM..
Pls help, thank you..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
just updated thread to 1.7 ... try that one first
this rom is very fast and stable.you've got a lot of options inside.it is faster than the lcr 1.6.now you can find dolby sound in it.,this is incredible. thank you very much.
jpmve said:
this rom is very fast and stable.you've got a lot of options inside.it is faster than the lcr 1.6.now you can find dolby sound in it.,this is incredible. thank you very much.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
also, there's divx support!
[[ Cold ]] said:
just updated thread to 1.7 ... try that one first
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks Cold, I've just updated to 1.7, it's load SIM Contacts on first reboot, but didn't load again on second and next reboot..
Also, I couldn't import SIM Contacts from Contacts application.. and the Phone Contacts (I mean phone memory contacts) still not found..
I like this ROM, except this problem..
Thanks all developers for this wonderful ROM..
Installed LCR1.7 and I wouldn't say it's stable.
Lot of applications are crashing...
Will go back to 1.6 and wait for updates of 1.7 to come.

[DISCONTINUED][ROM][UNOFFICIAL][UBERTC/linaro]nvertigo-cm-12.1 for SM-T800 16gb

Bad news: this build is discontinued.
Good news: lineageos is comming to chagallwifi. @Paulicat from TeamExynos5420 is doing a great job: https://forum.xda-developers.com/ga...m-lineageos-14-1-sm-t700-t800-coming-t3535159
CU, Nvertigo
I do not do any further builds of this rom. But thanx to @ristokoo - who is not just talking, but taking action - and thanx to @deadman96385, who will commit future fixes - the rom is carried on. For the most current builds look at the last pages of this thread for @ristokoo's builds. Since @ristokoo has no working build-environment, I'll provode you with security fixes and - propably - monthly updates. Many, many Thanx to @ristokoo for his time, dedication and support!
IMPORTANT: from build 201151118 on it is mandatory to use a Lollopop boot loader!!! You can check your bootloader version in a rooted shell (adb shell or terminal): "getprop ro.boot.bootloader" the third last digit has to be "O". A odin flashable tar for BOJ1 can be found here.
Please refer to posting #3 on how to report an issue.
IMPORTANT: netflix does NOT show HD content for the most devices. For detailed information refer to this posting.
I consider the builds from 20151112 on as non-beta and stable.
Don't expect nightlys. I'm planing one build per 10 - 14 days. @lionheartk is pushing upstream updated builds from time to time. You can find them in the thread when he publishs them - so read the thread. When hunting down an issue or implementing new features, I will push test-builds in the thread - not here in OP.
CyanogenMod (pronounced /saɪ.'æn.oʊ.dʒɛn.mɒd/) is an enhanced open source firmware distribution for smartphones and tablet computers based on the Android mobile operating system. It offers features and options not found in the official firmware distributed by vendors of these devices.
* Your warranty is now void.
* We are not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.
@Barracuda77777 (without his contributitions and encouragement there would be no cm11 rom. He alone saved me from loosing myself in source code! Whenever I got stuck he came up with the brilliant change or the day saving idea. Thank you, brother!)
@UpInTheAir (most of the code changes in the kernel from the last 10 days before Christmas are from his SkyHigh kernel. He let me use his code, and most important: he explained with endless patience to me what I was doing... To reflect this the default branch of our kernel is no longer cm-11.0 but cm-11.0-sh [sh for small sister of SkyHigh]. Thank you, mate!
@crpalmer (for picassowifi device and kernel gits - the base @Barracuda77777 and me sstarted of from)
@eousphoros (for his device git: the base for @crpalmers work)
@lionheartk for providing twice-a-weak-builds.
@diegocr for getting rid of repackrom.
@deadman96385 for the kernel source from build 20151118 on.
@halaszk88, @faux123 and all the others I forgot
Unique Features
Features not to find in cm at the moment:
sswap support (using sswap binary for utilizing the swap partion of chagallwifi)
init.d support
modulized kernel and module loading support through init.d script 01moduleload
Known Issues
MHL has no sound and wrong colors
If you map MENU to a capacitive key (no matter if key itself or "long press", it will not work - workaround: do not map MENU to anything at all, then the apps are forced to show action overflow menu (aks 3 dot menu) - works on some apps (i.e. bootloguptime) on others not.
Some minor crackling when using bt-audio the same time as 2.4GHz wlan (5Ghz wlan is issue free).
No real issue, but a not currently supported feature: no onscreen navbar. If you want it - no problem: This is your chance to give something to the community!!! Untill you fixed it, you can use this untested workaround
YOU tell us...
Before reporting issues install the most recent release, read the thread and in doubt do a clean flash. For reporting an issue, please read posting number three
I recommend official twrp3 build from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=65594033&postcount=315
Do a nandroid backup (and try at least once a restore to be sure it works - reboot to recovery in between backup and restore)
Download the flashable zip and check md5 checksum
read thread (reread postings 1 to 5)
Always do a "clean flash" as described in posting #2 (if you are already on my cm12 rom you can try a "dirty flash" as described in #2 - if you come from any other rom "clean flash" is mandatory!)
(optional: flash gapps)
Third party installations of busybox may affect rom; read this.
opengapps: opengapps.org. I use the nano package for arm, version 5.1, from 20151129 (newer may work - but 1129 is proofed to work, as 0304 - for example - is proofed to be an issue).
On Xposed
Xposed is not supported in this thread: xposed changes systemfiles, so the resulting system is not the origin rom any longer. I don't want to discourage anybody from using xposed with this rom: if everything works, you are fine. If issues occur, clean flash with only gapps installed and reproduce the issue.
Source code
Device: https://github.com/nvertigo/android_device_samsung_chagallwifi
Kernel: https://github.com/nvertigo/android_kernel_samsung_chagallwifi
Binaries: https://github.com/nvertigo/android_vendor_samsung_chagallwifi
Standard build branch is current-12.1.
(Due to heavy work in progress git repositories are not always up to date.)
WARNING: try to not ask already answered questions - this will lead to bad karma, which leads to unwanted side-effects in your life. Kidding, of course - but really try to read the thread.
Changlog and Download
Mirrors are welcome. Thank you in advance!
For cm-12 upstream changelog please consult: http://www.cmxlog.com/12/#
Build 20161118
Fixed Zygote whitelist after the patchup from android security bullentin.
Build with UBERTC/linaro toolchains instead of aosp's stock toolchains.
ROM: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=457095661767116515
MD5: f1a68ffce9144ecb9582a3deea61286d
Build 20160123
No changes in device-tree and kernel - just a maintain-release with all the cm changes (12:00 h GMT).
ROM: link follows, as soon as upload has finished.
MD5: b65a084022752fd753ac5286b7085352
Build 20160113
Double tap to wake: fix settings. — nvertigo
BoardConfig.mk: enable BOARD_HARDWARE_CLASS. — nvertigo
powerhal: enable wake_gesture when screen switches off, and disable wake_gesture when screen switches on. — nvertigo
CMHW: Add Double Tap to Wake support (1/2) — Sean Hoyt
Switch to software h264 decoding — Sean Hoyt
kernel: use [email protected]'s deathly kernel again. — nvertigo
proprietary-files.txt: not maintained, therefore extract-files.sh and setup-makefiles.sh are needless. — nvertigo
cm.dependencies: removed; doesn't work with UNOFFICIAL builds. — nvertigo
sepolicy: allow netd module_request and fsetid. — nvertigo
sepolicy: allow hostapd searching in efs_file:dir. — nvertigo
fstab: add length for encryptable footer. — nvertigo
device.mk: fix PRODUCT_AAPT_CONFIG, this should not contain dpi keywords. — nvertigo
CMHW: Add Double Tap to Wake support (2/2
changed to cyanogenmod_chagallwifi_defconfig. — nvertigo
power_profile: Correct values from stock rom — Schischu
Inform vendor/cm that BFQ is in use — Sam Mortimer
synaptics_dsx: Add double tap to wake support — Schischu
chagallwifi: add IKCONFIG and IKCONFIG_PROC as module. — nvertigo
synaptics_dsx: Add double tap to wake support — Schischu
chagallwifi: add support for /proc/config.gz — Sean hoyt
tc300k: Fix blinking of capacitive buttons — Schischu
ROM: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=24369303960684813
MD5: 4b7a25fd16e9c11bf8f73d2f2bf4da3b
Happy Flashing!
Build 20151118
IMPORTANT: from build 201151118 on it is mandatory to use a Lollopop boot loader!!! You can check your bootloader version in a rooted shell (adb shell or terminal): "getprop ro.boot.bootloader" the third last digit has to be "O". A odin --flashable tar for BOJ1 can be found here.
Also I strongly recomend a clean flash this time - sorry, folks.
Changed kernel source: this rom comes with deathly kernel from @deadman96385 (Thanx, dude!).
Changed kernel graphics driver f-rom t6xx to midgard.
Updated mali blobs to Lollipop.-
Fixed missing selinux domains for macloader and sswap.
If you expirience bt-audo issues, when using 2.4GHz wlan at the same time, you can try flashing an other audio_policy.conf from here. Depending on your bt-audio-device, time of day, moonphase and humidity one or an other will give better results.
ROM: http://charlesingo.mine.nu/ftp/nvertigo/cm-12.1-20151118-UNOFFICIAL-nvertigo-chagallwifi.zip
MD5: http://charlesingo.mine.nu/ftp/nvertigo/cm-12.1-20151118-UNOFFICIAL-nvertigo-chagallwifi.zip.md5sum
https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=24269982086999228 Thanx to @diegocr
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=63903074&postcount=1617 Thanx to Hannibal226
Mirroring is welcome! Please use Mirror as soon as availible - I'm running out of data volume on my download host!
Happy flashing!
Build 20151113
I'm quite proud to call this build the first non-beta, stable release. As I can tell from the user testing of the last test builds, this is the most reliable, media compatible and nearly issue free combination of the configurations we tested. it has chagalls native kitkat mali blobs. Most of the other blobs are from kitkat, too - only wifi-, bt- and widevine blobs are lollipop. I reverted the introduction od lollipop OMX-blobs, 'cause the lollipop ones were introducing some small issues with media playback.
If you expirience bt-audo issues, when using 2.4GHz wlan at the same time, you can try flashing an other audio_policy.conf from here. Depending on your bt-audio-device, time of day, moonphase and humidity one or an other will give better results.
Update mali blobs to native chagall version.
BoardConfig.mk: derp: fix wrong path. — nvertigo (HEAD -> 121-work
Boardconfig.mk: updated graphics and FIMGAPI settings. — nvertigo
cm.mk: remove \ from last line. — nvertigo
Update to BOJ1: wifi and bluetooth. See also the changes in the vendor-git. — nvertigo
audio: desabled offloading again; makes things worse. — nvertigo
add 48k sampling rate for a2dp — Franco Rapetti
audio: added audio offload. Idea from cm's i9500 git. — nvertigo
BoardConfig.mk: cleanup and beautyfy. — nvertigo
Revert "audio_policy.conf: update from N9005." — nvertigo
Disable journaling on system image for save space — nexor (nvertigo/current-12.1, current-12.1
audio: Fix ril log tag. — Andreas Schneider
hal: audio: Match HAL function prototypes. — Andreas Schneider
Various storage fixes — Sinisa (thermskin
fstab.universal5420: fix vold warnings — Sinisa (thermskin
device.mk: Add permissions for bluetooth and voip — Andrew Tarabaras
Add firmware path for Station, fixes wifi hotspot — Andrew Tarabaras
patches: adjusted OMX-google-ffmpeg.diff to upstream. — nvertigo
audio_policy.conf: update from N9005. — nvertigo
patches: adjusted OMX-google-ffmpeg.diff to upstream changes. — nvertigo
rootdir/etc/fstab.universal5420: enabled the additional use of f2fs for /cache and /data. From [email protected] — nvertigo
ROM: http://charlesingo.mine.nu/ftp/nvertigo/cm-12.1-20151112-UNOFFICIAL-nvertigo-chagallwifi.zip
MD5: http://charlesingo.mine.nu/ftp/nvertigo/cm-12.1-20151112-UNOFFICIAL-nvertigo-chagallwifi.zip.md5sum
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=63820133&postcount=1594 Thanx to @Hannibal226
Happy Flashing!
Build 20150413
Updated from cm-12.0 to cm-12.1 - cm-12.1 is based on AOSP 5.1. Remeber to update your gapps package to 5.1. I recommend pa gapps pico: http://forum.xda-developers.com/paranoid-android/general/5-1-x-5-0-x-4-4-x-pa-gapps-mirror-t3069879
MD5: bdc8dc0937ac7416bad5314a45896719#
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=60089014&postcount=893 Thanx to @Hannibal226
Build 20150331
Another sepolicy fix allows the cm-12.0 bootanimation to show up immidietly on boot. ccode is reverted to 00.
sepolicy: allow surfacflinger to add Exynos.HWCService. — Nvertigo
chagallwifi: init: Do not override init.rc! — Christopher R. Palmer
chagallwifi: init: Remove reference to init.recovery.universal5420.usb.rc — Christopher R. Palmer
Revert "Compile stock and Samsung MTPs together [AndreiLux]" — Nvertigo
Revert "enable CONFIG_USB_ANDROID_SAMSUNG_MTP again." — Nvertigo
Revert ccode to 00. — Nvertigo
ROM: http://charlesingo.mine.nu/ftp/nvertigo/cm-12-20150331-UNOFFICIAL-nvertigo-chagallwifi.zip
MD5: 7161aed1b89f7190702dc5abe77a6f18
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=59820711&postcount=806 thanx to @Hannibal226
Build 20150319
This build has a significant advantage: I fixed sepolicy in a way (see git for details), that it's NOT necessary any longer to flash @Chainfires SuperSU. Init.d is working right out of the box. Also Titanium has fixed its problems with cm's superuser. I have adjusted the OP accordingly, so I recommend you read OP again.
I also worked again on MTP and UMS: UMS is only working without problems, if you DON'T use move2sdvard, 'cause sdcard gets unmounted to present it as mass storage to the device on the other end of your usb-cable. BUT: MTP is presenting internal AND external memory WITH ALL DIRECTORIES and not only media containing directories - so you can use it at least on windows machines as substitute for UMS.
The kernel modifications I introduced with rhe seperate keenel are included in roms kernel, and I set ccode for 2.4GHz to EU.
wifi country code: set ccode to EU for 2.4GHz to enable channel 12 and 13. — Nvertigo
Revert "selinux: make init.d work again." — Nvertigo
sepolicy: allow debuggerd access to mali. — Nvertigo
sepolicy: vold: allow module_request. — Nvertigo
sepolicy: fix init.d support for 01moduleload and 10systemtuning. — Nvertigo
include/linux/sched.h: fix my derp from incomplete conflict resolving. — Nvertigo
defconfig: enable CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES_ARM_BS. — Nvertigo
defconfig: adjusted cyanogenmod_chagallwifi_defconfig after incorparating manta's 5.1 from exynos5420. — Nvertigo
for not in cm tree building: adjust CROSS_COMPILE; can be overwritten on command line. — Nvertigo
HID: input: generic hidinput_input_event handler — David Herrmann
net/compat.c,linux/filter.h: share compat_sock_fprog — Will Drewry
sk_run_filter: add BPF_S_ANC_SECCOMP_LD_W — Will Drewry
ARM: pull in <asm/simd.h> from asm-generic — Ard Biesheuvel
crypto: create generic version of ablk_helper — Ard Biesheuvel
ARM: 8120/1: crypto: sha512: add ARM NEON implementation — Jussi Kivilinna
ARM: 8119/1: crypto: sha1: add ARM NEON implementation — Jussi Kivilinna
ARM: 8118/1: crypto: sha1/make use of common SHA-1 structures — Jussi Kivilinna
crypto: arm-aes - fix encryption of unaligned data — Mikulas Patocka
CRYPTO: Fix more AES build errors — Russell King
ARM: add .gitignore entry for aesbs-core.S — Russell King
ARM: add support for bit sliced AES using NEON instructions — Ard Biesheuvel
ARM: move AES typedefs and function prototypes to separate header — Ard Biesheuvel
ARM: 7837/3: fix Thumb-2 bug in AES assembler code — Ard Biesheuvel
ARM: 7723/1: crypto: sha1-armv4-large.S: fix SP handling — Ard Biesheuvel
ARM: 7626/1: arm/crypto: Make asm SHA-1 and AES code Thumb-2 compatible — Dave Martin
arm/crypto: Add optimized AES and SHA1 routines — David McCullough
ARM: add seccomp syscall — Kees Cook
CHROMIUM: ARM: r1->r0 for get/set arguments — Will Drewry
CHROMIUM: ARM: arch/arm: allow a scno of -1 to not cause a SIGILL — Will Drewry
CHROMIUM: arch/arm: select HAVE_ARCH_SECCOMP_FILTER — Will Drewry
CHROMIUM: arch/arm: move secure_computing into trace; respect return code — Will Drewry
CHROMIUM: arch/arm: add asm/syscall.h — Will Drewry
cgroup: remove synchronize_rcu(
power: Avoids bogus error messages for the suspend aborts. — Ruchi Kandoi
freezer: shorten freezer sleep time using exponential backoff — Colin Cross
seccomp: Use atomic operations that are present in kernel 3.4. — Robert Sesek
seccomp: implement SECCOMP_FILTER_FLAG_TSYNC — Kees Cook
seccomp: allow mode setting across threads — Kees Cook
seccomp: introduce writer locking — Kees Cook
seccomp: split filter prep from check and apply — Kees Cook
sched: move no_new_privs into new atomic flags — Kees Cook
Fix execve behavior apparmor for PR_{GET,SET}_NO_NEW_PRIVS — John Johansen
seccomp: add "seccomp" syscall — Kees Cook
seccomp: split mode setting routines — Kees Cook
seccomp: extract check/assign mode helpers — Kees Cook
seccomp: create internal mode-setting function — Kees Cook
CHROMIUM: seccomp: set -ENOSYS if there is no tracer — Will Drewry
seccomp: fix build warnings when there is no CONFIG_SECCOMP_FILTER — Will Drewry
seccomp: ignore secure_computing return values — Will Drewry
seccomp: use a static inline for a function stub — Stephen Rothwell
ptrace,seccomp: Add PTRACE_SECCOMP support — Will Drewry
seccomp: Add SECCOMP_RET_TRAP — Will Drewry
signal, x86: add SIGSYS info and make it synchronous. — Will Drewry
seccomp: add SECCOMP_RET_ERRNO — Will Drewry
seccomp: remove duplicated failure logging — Kees Cook
seccomp: add system call filtering using BPF — Will Drewry
seccomp: kill the seccomp_t typedef — Will Drewry
arch/x86: add syscall_get_arch to syscall.h — Will Drewry
Add PR_{GET,SET}_NO_NEW_PRIVS to prevent execve from granting privs — Andy Lutomirski
prctl: adds PR_SET_TIMERSLACK_PID for setting timer slack of an arbitrary thread. — Ruchi Kandoi
mm: add a field to store names for private anonymous memory — Colin Cross
ROM: http://charlesingo.mine.nu/ftp/nvertigo/cm-12-20150319-UNOFFICIAL-nvertigo-chagallwifi.zip
MD5: d3164baca1f11987a61a306f87d7985f
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=59573116&postcount=693 Thanx to @Hannibal226
Build 20150310
fix vulnerability to FREAK attack in Browser.apk. Until cm (there are curtently two diffrent suggestions in gerrit to fix this) commits a fix, every rom builder can do this before brunching:
pushd external/chromium_org/third_party/openssl
git fetch http://review.cyanogenmod.org/CyanogenMod/android_external_chromium_org_third_party_openssl refs/changes/39/90739/1 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD
kernel: gone back a few steps (for details see git). After patching kernel to 3.4.106 and applying some additional commits, I hoped increasing speed and decreseaing battary usage, I realized in many loading cycles, that one or some of the additional commits slightly decrease battery life (the opposide of my intention) - so I removed them again. Sadly I have not the time to examine, which commit really did the bad. I will push the questionable commits in branch "questionable". Everybody can test which commit is the culprit patch. My gut feeling suggests the "squash 'enhanced power efficiency' patch" commit. I would be very thankful for help on testing, 'cause it's very time consuming. You need AT LEAST two complete recharging cycles to make an educated decission. Thanx in advance.
UMS mode: fix write acces to device.
ROM: http://charlesingo.mine.nu/ftp/nvertigo/cm-12-20150310-UNOFFICIAL-nvertigo-chagallwifi.zip
MD5: 77cc7bc67818f1251dcf295482fddd65
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=59363050&postcount=578 thanx to @Hannibal226
Build 20150305
Changed wifi countrycode back to 00 (rememner to adjust this to the country code your wifi router is operating in, if expirience wifi issues)
Updated f2fs driver
ROM: http://charlesingo.mine.nu/ftp/nvertigo/cm-12-20150305-UNOFFICIAL-nvertigo-chagallwifi.zip
MD5: 4229d8df0afd698fe0c10dfaed3327db
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=59253368&postcount=540 thanx to @Hannibal226
Build 20150228
KODI/XBMC and some games,no input issue solved.
Power off charging fixed.
Updated kernel to 3.4.106.
Cherry picked some effiziency changes from SkyHigh (thanx to @UpInTheAir
USB UMS mode fixed.
Added mdnie mode setting to init.d/10systemtuning. From: [email protected]
Make wifi 2.4GHz channel 12 (and perhaps channel 13) working again.
ROM: http://charlesingo.mine.nu/ftp/nvertigo/cm-12-20150228-UNOFFICIAL-nvertigo-chagallwifi.zip
MD5: e6ff3a48b31826cfc5c1e31211062e2e
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=59161974&postcount=501 thanx to @Retiredfinally
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=59175868&postcount=507 thanx to @Hannibal226
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=59179113&postcount=509 thanx to @Bantryred
Build 20150203
fix move to sd card. (*)— Nvertigo
fix power off charging (lpm charging) partly. (**) — Nvertigo
chagallwifi: sepolicy: Fix denial killing CM's SetupWizard — Christopher R. Palmer
chagallwifi: bluetooth: Fix audit denial — Christopher R. Palmer
sepolicy: fix gpsd: simplify file_contexts; restrict gpsd access to files to the required rights. — Nvertigo
chagallwifi: wifi: Switch to world regulatory domain. — Christopher R. Palmer
(*) Works even if wiping system to do a rom-flash, but be carefull: it takes time. If you have moved some apps to sdcard wait for 10 minutes or so after boot seems completed before logging in. On a test I was impatient and the apps seems to have gone from homescreen (nova) and appdrawer, but after a while they was back in app-drawer and I had to readd them to home screen. If waiting a bit before logging in, everything is in place.
Remember when apps are moved to sd, that a nandroid WILL NOT(!) INCLUDE THE MOVED APPS.
Not all apps are movable. If you move apps, that require root, you will be asked again to allow root (like you just reinstalled them).
(**) power off charging IS working. It charges and does not emergency reboot to recovery any longer. It even shows the sammy charging animation, BUT gpio keys (power, volume and home) do not work. So you can't reboot, while plugged in. You also can't switch on screen with animation again. If you want to reboot, plug off device, then the screen will come on with charging status. Wait til it goes black again, wait for three more seconds, and start your device normally with the power button.
This build is done from the 12-work branches of my three gits. I will push this status to current-12.0 soon.
ROM: http://charlesingo.mine.nu/ftp/nvertigo/cm-12-20150203-UNOFFICIAL-nvertigo-chagallwifi.zip
MD5: 2d0c5826ba5d2ba1d2f3761c5165664a
Build 20150128
fixed selinux for gps
fixed selinux for init.d support works only if you flash @Chainfire's SuperSU
ROM: http://charlesingo.mine.nu/ftp/nvertigo/cm-12-20150128-UNOFFICIAL-nvertigo-chagallwifi.zip
MD5: 36bc597e89be0af6233abf4f4824bc69
Build 20150125
fixed netflix
adjusted battary capacity to our 7900 mAH specs
all upstreammcommits till 20150125 18:00 h UTC
ROM: http://charlesingo.mine.nu/ftp/nvertigo/cm-12-20150125-UNOFFICIAL-nvertigo-chagallwifi.zip
MD5: ac0d1198c4100b407bcc46a01235c6c7
Build 20150123
Set selinux to permissive for now. This fixes: gps and init.d support. repo synced: 20:00 20150123 UTC.
ROM: http://charlesingo.mine.nu/ftp/nvertigo/cm-12-20150123-UNOFFICIAL-nvertigo-chagallwifi.zip
MD5: d5fc4388c383e9b8a5beb9aa67cde5e2
Build 20150121
ROM: http://charlesingo.mine.nu/ftp/nvertigo/cm-12-20150121-UNOFFICIAL-nvertigo-chagallwifi.zip
MD5: f2a0a10cd867b34a3d3107ef5640b9c8
Different ways of flashing
Very dirty flash:
flash rom
Dirty flash:
wipe system
wipe cache
wipe dalvik-cache
flash rom
flash gapps
Clean flash
factory reset in recovery - (without wiping /data/media) this resets your settings and deletes your installed apps
[optional for paranoids - 'cause it's done from installer-script in the process of flashing] wipe /system
wipe cache
wipe dalvik-cache
wipe data (without wiping /data/media) this resets your settings and deletes your installed apps
flash rom
flash gapps
Very clean flash
factory reset in recovery - (without wiping /data/media) this resets your settings and deletes your installed apps
[optional for paranoids - 'cause it's done from installer-script in the process of flashing] wipe /system
wipe cache
wipe dalvik-cache
wipe data (without wiping /data/media) this resets your settings and deletes your installed apps
wipe internal memory
flash rom
flash gapps
I recommend ALWAYS a "Clean flash", though myself I do many times "Dirty flash"es while testing. Whenever I run in issues, I reflash the "Clean flash" way. On the issues with Camera2 I even did "Very clean flash"es - to ensure no old data is interfering.
On many threads it is MANDATORY to have done a "Clean flash" before reporting issues. Not so here - and I want to leave it this way. But always ask yourself: how many times have I done a dirty flash? Have I tested and edited files? Is it time to "Clean flash"?
I count on users good judgment.
Reporting issues
Before you report an issue
Make sure you have installed the most current build.
Do a "clean flash" as described in posting #2 (do NOT flash xposed: it's not supported - see above #1). Dirty flashes are ok most of the time. But you can never know when "not most of the time" a dirty flash produces issues, so before repprting an issue it is mandatory to perform a "clean flash", just in case...
What an issue report should contain (at least)
The more detailed information is provided, the better I can iron it out. It's not possible for me to hunt down any issue that I can't reproduce or understand, the only way to undestand your issue and it's underlaying dynamic is a logcat. I don't know automagically all usecases of all users.
Detailed description of steps to reproduce the issue.
logcat, while reproducing the issue (as text)
I'll ignore all other reports, 'cause that would be just guessing and begging for information.
How to get a logcat
Go to settings->about tablet and tab build number 7 times to enable developer options.
Go to just enabled settings->developer options and enable root access as well as local terminal
open terminal from app-drawer and type:
su -
logcat -d >/sdcard/Download/logcat.txt
zip /sdcard/Download/logcat.txt
Now you have /sdcard/Download/logcat.txt.zip - this file is the oxygen to burn down your issue!
provide this logfile with your report. Alternatly you can skip the zipping step and upload the palin text file to paste.bin or dropbox or something like this.
How to build cm12 for chagallwifi
Most important preperation step!
Learn git. Read all the manpages, that come with git. I don't speak of github - thats a nice service I like to use, but working with git means working on the command line. githubs web interface is a lightwight, impotent version of git. Github is great as server to store your projects, but not that what youmwill need the next days... Learn git or go home.
Setting up the environment
Consult the HOWTOs of your distro. You can use any distro to build android on, there is even a HOWTO on setting up an android build environment on cygwin on win. Ubuntu, archLinux and gentoo are known to work and have detailed descriptions on the settup.
I use gentoo with icedtea-7. But as stated: any distro will work, once you have setup your environment.
Getting cm12
Find a place on your harddisc partitions with at least 18 GB free space and appropriate access rights for the user you are building with. Get a shell as this user and get the scm source:
mkdir cm12 #you can call the dir how ever you want - but whenever I refer to cm12
# as directory in this howto, I refer to THIS directory. I may also use the
# term: cm build root.
repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b cm-12.1 # this initiates the repo
repo sync # this fetches the code (quite a couple of GBs - get a laaaarge cup of coffee)
Getting chagallwifi specific gits
Copy the following lines as nvertigo_local_manifest.xml to cm12/.repo/local_manifests/
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<remote name="tm"
fetch="https://github.com/TheMuppets/" />
<remote name="cm"
fetch="https://github.com/CyanogenMod/" />
<remote name="nvertigo"
fetch="https://github.com/nvertigo/" />
<!-- save us from the step of extract-files -->
<!-- BLOBS for manta -->
<project name="proprietary_vendor_samsung" path="vendor/samsung" remote="tm" revision="cm-12.1" />
<project name="proprietary_vendor_audience" path="vendor/audience" remote="tm" revision="cm-12.1" />
<project name="proprietary_vendor_widevine" path="vendor/widevine" remote="tm" revision="cm-12.1" />
<project name="proprietary_vendor_broadcom" path="vendor/broadcom" remote="tm" revision="cm-12.1" />
<!-- BLOBS for lge -->
<project name="proprietary_vendor_lge" path="vendor/lge" remote="tm" revision="cm-12.1" />
<!-- BLOBS for oneplusone -->
<project name="proprietary_vendor_oneplus" path="vendor/oneplus" remote="tm" revision="cm-12.1" />
<project name="proprietary_vendor_oppo" path="vendor/oppo" remote="tm" revision="cm-12.1" />
<!-- BLOBS, device tree and kernel for chagallwifi -->
<project name="android_vendor_samsung_chagallwifi.git" path="vendor/samsung/chagallwifi" remote="nvertigo" revision="current-12.1" />
<project name="android_device_samsung_chagallwifi.git" path="device/samsung/chagallwifi" remote="nvertigo" revision="current-12.1" />
<project name="android_kernel_samsung_chagallwifi.git" path="kernel/samsung/chagallwifi" remote="nvertigo" revision="current-12.1" />
As you can see, I'm building for more devices then chagallwifi. I've decided to keep this file this way: perhaps it holds a hint on how to save us from extract-files.sh.
After you have put nvertigo_local_manifest.xml in place, make sure all dependencies are there and fetch the additional git repos:
source build/envsetup.sh
breakfast picassowifi #this pushes the relevant git repos to .repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml and fetches them
repo sync # this one fetches our additions to nvertigo_local_manifest.xml
Build cm12 for chagallwifi
Now you are ready for build. So let's clean the build environment and fire off the magic to homegrow a cm12 rom for chagallwifi (you guessed it: from cm12 dir):
source build/envsetup.sh
make -j9 ARCH=arm clean #cleaning from previous build; you have to replace 9 by number of cores + 1
make -j9 ARCH=arm clobber #paranoid; you have to replace 9 by number of cores + 1
time breakfast chagallwifi >make.log 2>&1
time brunch chagallwifi >>make.log 2>&1
# in a second shell: tail -f make.log
make.log is better seacheble then scrolling on terminal. If something goes wrong, search for "Error 1". In the lines before that you can see what breaks your build. On my slightly overclocked amd-fx8150 with 16GB Ram brunching takes about 100 minutes.
Now you have build a flashable rom. Congrats.
Learn git.
Put the following four lines in your /etc/gitconfig
lg1 = log --graph --all --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset) %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(bold white)— %an%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
lg2 = log --graph --all --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold cyan)%aD%C(reset) %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)%n'' %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(bold white)— %an%C(reset)' --abbrev-commit
lg = !"git lg1"
Example 1: You have a fix for the device tree.
cd device/samsung/chagallwifi
git lg1 # get an impression of the git in treeview; scroll, read, learn the way the source flows
git checkout -b my-branch #you create your own local branch
#edit the files for your fix
#if you add a new file
git add new_file
#if you editied an existing file
git add edited_file
#if you want to remove a file
git rm removed_file
#now each edit is in gits staging area, but it's not commited; to commit it locally:
git commit -em "Fix foobar: foo the bar from... Try to document what you have done and why."
#now the message is taken as title for the commit and an editor opens: you can write in more detail to document your changes.
#if you want to provide such a commit in a way I can use ist
git lg1 # get the hash of the commit you want to provide
git format-patch -1 --stdout hash >/tmp/my-commit.diff
Send me the file - do NOT copy'n'paste the content. That would break tabs and spacing and render the commit unsuable. I will apply the commit with "git am", so authorship remains as well as git history. The latter is important if later one wishes to merge two different gits with simalar commits.
If you decide to keep your own git at this point, go to the github web interface, login with your name (i.e. XXXX), go to my device repository and clone it. Back to your local shell in cm12:
cd device/samsung/chagallwifi
git remote add yyyy https://github.com/XXXX/android_device_samsung_chagallwifi.git
git fetch yyyy
#remember you have commited your changes locally in your local branch cm-12..0
#the local branch cm-12.0 is setup to follow the branch cm-12.0 of the origin remote git
#but we want the local cm-12.0 to follow the one from yyyy:
git branch --set-upstream-to=yyyy/cm-12.0 cm-12.0
git push
Now you have pushed your local commit to your own remote git. Congrats. Now you write me an email: "Huh, look at my git, it fixes everything and will finally bring peace to earth.... It's in hash." Of course, I want this commit in my repo, and that is
Example 2: Take a commit from an other devs git
cd device/samsung/chagallwifi
git fetch https://github.com/XXXX/android_device_samsung_chagallwifi.git #I don't want to have this as an additional remote
git cherry-pick hash
...to be continued....
Looking forward to your up coming updates of cm12.:good:
Bushcrafter said:
Looking forward to your up coming updates of cm12.:good:
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Me too... Would really like to try my build.
It seems my router/3g-stick is broken:
I'm not at home at the moment. I have my development server connected to the internet via a netlink n3000 with a 3g-stick. Sinve yesterday I get connection closings. I tracked that down: I can login to my machine, but as soon as the traffic increases the n3000 reboots... First after 180 to 220 MB of traffik, at the moment after som Kb (if I "tail -n250 /var/log/messages" connection breaks du to reboot...). I'm pissed off.
I'm will be at home at end of the week - hopefully it's the stick (I have a spare one). If the router is broken I need to order a new one...
How ever: sorry for making you expect a cm12 build - but it will be there as soon as I get my developing machine back to an reliable internet connection!
nvertigo67 said:
Me too... Would really like to try my build.
It seems my router/3g-stick is broken:
I'm not at home at the moment. I have my development server connected to the internet via a netlink n3000 with a 3g-stick. Sinve yesterday I get connection closings. I tracked that down: I can login to my machine, but as soon as the traffic increases the n3000 reboots... First after 180 to 220 MB of traffik, at the moment after som Kb (if I "tail -n250 /var/log/messages" connection breaks du to reboot...). I'm pissed off.
I'm will be at home at end of the week - hopefully it's the stick (I have a spare one). If the router is broken I need to order a new one...
How ever: sorry for making you expect a cm12 build - but it will be there as soon as I get my developing machine back to an reliable internet connection!
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No problem. Hope you get it figured out when you get home!:good: We all need your expertise with cm12 so we can have the best tab s ROM in the WORLD!:laugh: :good:
Bushcrafter said:
No problem. Hope you get it figured out when you get home!:good: We all need your expertise with cm12 so we can have the best tab s ROM in the WORLD!:laugh: :good:
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+1 :good::
nvertigo67 said:
Me too... How ever: sorry for making you expect a cm12 build - but it will be there as soon as I get my developing machine back to an reliable internet connection!
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No need to apologize. I doubt the rom development for the tab s would be anywhere close to where it is now without your work.
Now after approx 24 hours of hoping for a cm12 rom that will finally boot on my t805, i almost don't dare to ask if there is a slight chance it will happen this time?
Uh maybe someone (maybe me? I'm trying!) could compile the rom from your GIT and upload it somewhere?
Thread is closed until OP can provide a download link. At that time the OP can contact moderation team for re-opening.
Moscow Desire said:
Thread is closed until OP can provide a download link. At that time the OP can contact moderation team for re-opening.
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Sorry for the incinvience! Thank you for your help!
Download is up - Known Issues is updated. I will cleanup now and update git repositories.
Remember: IT'S ALPHA - for daily driver use my cm-11.0 build.
Thanx to all for their patience!!!
nvertigo67 said:
Sorry for the incinvience! Thank you for your help!
Download is up - Known Issues is updated. I will cleanup now and update git repositories.
Remember: IT'S ALPHA - for daily driver use my cm-11.0 build.
Thanx to all for their patience!!!
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I will give it a try!:good: Its good to see that you got your router problems figured out!
Update: Just got your ROM running on the s and so far so good. How good do you expect battery life to be with this ROM?
Bushcrafter said:
I will give it a try!:good: Its good to see that you got your router problems figured out!
Update: Just got your ROM running on the s and so far so good. How good do you expect battery life to be with this ROM?
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I don't know. I'm using cm12 perhaps 7h h longer then you. As long as I haven't fixed gps I suppose it not too good - but I'm guessing here.
nvertigo67 said:
I don't know. I'm using cm12 perhaps 7h h longer then you. As long as I haven't fixed gps I suppose it not too good - but I'm guessing here.
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I will run it for a couple of days and see what my battery life is like. Is there anyway to get synapse to work with your kernel? Just curious.
Yay LP thanks will flash when it's a bit more stable
Bushcrafter said:
I will run it for a couple of days and see what my battery life is like. Is there anyway to get synapse to work with your kernel? Just curious.
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Synapse don't know anything about a kernel - UKM does. UKM does not support our device. Grep the current version of UKM (i belive there is also a git repository for it), take a look at the device files and jason scripts and modify for chagall. You can do it in a way, that settings not availibale in a given kernel are not shown. Everybody would be glad...
My time is limited and I have made the decision to use my time on cm12 for chagall - I have started the above work. I you really want to develop UKM for us all drop me a note and I will push my work to git. But first of all make yourself familar with UKM and git. Propably it would be usefull to read the UKM thread and contact the developer.
Hi, Just to say thanks for this rom and to let you know that I flashed it and have it running now on my T800 there is just a couple of minor issues SuperSU won't update and I don't have access to my external SD card.
Thanks again :good:
Screenshot, wait time batery life
maxal said:
Hi, Just to say thanks for this rom and to let you know that I flashed it and have it running now on my T800 there is just a couple of minor issues SuperSU won't update and I don't have access to my external SD card.
Thanks again :good:
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Sdcard: read issues section in OP for workaround. init.d support is broken at the moument.
What do you mean with "SuperSU won't update"? Error message? Logcat?

[ROM][7.1.2][UNOFFICIAL] LineageOS 14.1 - SM-T800

LineageOS is a free, community built, aftermarket firmware distribution of Android 7.1.2 (Nougat), which is designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android for your device.​
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
#include <std_disclaimer.h>
* Your warranty is now void.
* We are not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.
LineageOS is based on the Android Open Source Project with extra contributions from many people within the Android community. It can be used without any need to have any Google application installed. You will need to provide your own Google Applications package (gapps). LineageOS does still include various hardware-specific code, which is also slowly being open-sourced anyway.
This thread is for Official LineageOS 14.1 builds for chagallwifi (SM-T800) The following will not be supported here:
Custom kernels
I don't support Xposed and any logcat which includes a Xposed module will be ignored. You're kindly invited to not report bugs if you:
Flashed a custom kernel
Installed or did mods from untrusted sources
Modified system files
Have not attempted a clean flash
First time flashing LineageOS 14.1 on your device, or coming from another ROM?
Download the zip(s)
Install a compatible Recovery
Perform a nandroid backup of your current ROM (Optional)
Wipe data/factory reset
Flash LineageOS
Install the Google Apps addon package (Optional)
Make sure you have the Marshmallow bootloader. Guide is in the comments below.
There will be a new build every week, every Monday.
The builds will no longer be personally tested by me before being uploaded (but everything will probably be fine)
Change logs will no longer be posted within every new build, but instead when the changes are uploaded to GitHub. I will try though to post changes for major bugs or fixes as they are released.
Some builds might feature only minor changes, ie. only updating the LineageOS source
Chagallwifi Download
Google Apps:
Beans GAPPS 7.1.2
Device Tree
Aytex, who made all of the banners on this post.
@Barracuda77777 (For helping along the way)
@UpInTheAir for his kernel magic and misc fixes
@crpalmer (for picassowifi device and kernel gits - the base @Barracuda77777 and @nvertigo67 started of from)
@eousphoros (for his device git)
@nvertigo67 (for his work on chagallwifi)
@Nexorrr (for his work on chagalllte)​
Fingerprint is disabled
Other issues?
Before posting in this thread, make sure of a few things:
You used the search function of the forums.
If you are the only one having a problem. Boot into recovery, wipe data/factory reset, reflash the rom/gapps and nothing else. Boot up and see if the problem persists.
Make sure your post is relevant to this thread.
Logs! You can use this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tortel.syslog
For OTA updates to flash correctly:
You can get Official TWRP 3.1.0-1 for chagallwifi from this link!
This updated TWRP recovery image contains a fix that will allow it to flash OTA updates properly!
How to update to Marshmallow bootloader (required for 20170324 and later builds)
Updating the bootloader is very quick and doesn't wipe data or repartition the device.
If the last Samsung ROM you had was 6.0.1 Touchwiz, you already have Marshmallow bootloader and don't need to follow these steps. (If you were on MM, and it still won't boot, follow the steps below)
1. Download the bootloader-only Odin package: T800XXU1CPK2.tar.md5
This has the latest Marshmallow bootloader (December 2016)
2. Download Odin 3.11
You can skip this if you already have a working Odin
3. Shutdown your tablet and start it up by holding Power+Home+Volume Down to enter Download Mode. Volume Down is the one right next to the power button. Really shut it down and use this key combination, if you use Advanced Restart, or go into download mode via TWRP the bootloader won't change.
4. Make sure the screen of your tablet has a green android symbol with a "Downloading..." text
5. Open Odin3_v3.11.1.exe and follow the instructions in this image:
If anything is missing, you WON'T flash bootloader successfully.
6. Click Start. Your tablet will automatically reboot back into your ROM.
7. To verify you have the new bootloader, you can run in terminal emulator "getprop ro.bootloader". It should say T800XXU1CPK2.
Thanks @ZakooZ for the post!
Deathly Adiutor App
Deathly Adiutor is an open-source, modified version of Kernel Adiutor made specifically for Exynos 5420 devices.
Power Saving:
S-Pen Power Saving - Same as in Touchwiz, disables S-Pen detection if it's inserted in the slot
S-Pen Input Booster - Instantly increase CPU frequency when the S-Pen touches the screen
Touchscreen Input Booster - Instantly increase CPU frequency when you touch the screen
Touchkey Input Booster - Instantly increase CPU frequency when you touch the capacitive buttons
Touchscreen Glove Mode (Not all screens support this)
CPU Control:
CPU Settings reworked - Deathly adiutor back-end was cleaned up to work specifically with our CPU
CPU Thermal - Control all thermal throttling points for the CPU (make your device run colder... or even hotter)
GPU Control:
GPU Time in States - Same as CPU Time in States (Times in each frequency)
GPU Frequency Control (not yet supported on Nougat)
GPU Voltage Control (not yet supported on Nougat)
GPU Governor Control (not yet supported on Nougat)
Battery control:
Full power statistics - See current and maximum charging currents and current source of power
Unstable power source detection - Lowers current until the power source is stable
Customize charger current limits - Make your device charge faster (safe, if the charger can not supply enough current, the board will dynamically decrease the current)
Screen-On current limiter - Limit charging if screen is on (to avoid overheating)
Privacy mode - Disable main speaker if headphones are plugged in
Earpiece volume
Left/Right speaker volume
Speaker equalizer
Left/Right channel volume
Mono output mode
Headphone equalizer
App Themes:
Light theme - White and Red
Dark theme - Grey and Red
This post was written by @ZakooZ
This app is brought you by the exynos5420 developer team: @deadman96385 @thompatry @ZakooZ @Orion116 @mosimchah @joshndroid @Andmoreagain @thermskin, @javelinanddart, @tincho5588, @ShevT @DarkExistence
@ShevT - Russian
The following people deserve distinction for their major contribution:
@tincho5588, responsible for 80%+ of the code for the new features
@deadman96385, the main maintainer of the Deathly kernel and most of the remaining code
The app can be found in the Play Store:
Free version (with ads): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.exynos5420.deathlyadiutor.ads
Donator version (no ads): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.exynos5420.deathlyadiutor.adfree
Helping the developers
You may have noticed there's 2 versions of this app, one ad-free for donators and one with ads.
You can help us by clicking ads you're interested in for the free version, or purchasing the donator version!
We will use the money generated by this app as common money for the developers of the team. It will be used to pay for our web-hosting (we own a gerrit server and a domain name, exynos5420.com). It will also be used to buy a new device if one of ours breaks.
Translating the App
You can also help us by translating the app to your language:
1. You can start by looking at the full english language file: Link
2. Then compare it to your unfinished language file. You can find it here, under values-xx/strings.xml, xx being your language abbreviation.
3. You can then fill-in the missing strings in your language file. Here's an example of what a proper update looks like.
4. Then you can submit your translation by using our gerrit. If you don't know how to use gerrit, just PM the translation to your favorite developer and he'll get it merged!
Thx for your work
Looking forward to testing it out
Thank you very much for your work!
It doesn't works for me, I only see boot animation and it doesn't start even after 20 minutes. I tried Paulicat version and works fine. Whi? I did a clean flash.
Same for me. Bootllop after flashing ROM and latest Gapps (nano).
Yeah, bootlooping.
BananaPrime said:
Yeah, bootlooping.
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I installed with a full wipe (including internal sdcard), using latest pico gapps.
No issues...
I also recently updated my bootloader to Mashmallow, but I doubt that's what makes mine bootup while some bootloop.
Bootlooping? How far does it boot ?
Please be 100% certain that you wiped dalvik, system, data and cache in twrp and try flashing without gapps. Did you change anything such as flash custom kernels etc?
Could one of you take a logcat during boot for me please. It has to be user error seeing as mine is working fine, and others are working fine. The number of downloads - complaints shows that.
Just plug your tablet into you PC while it's booting (make sure you have adb installed)
Then , once you start to see the screentype adb logcat into your terminal (./adb logcat if windows or Linux)
Just upgrade from @Paulicat's Jan 17th build to this Jan 25th build; just flashed lineage, open gapps nano and SuperSU (in that order, in one go) and rebooted.
Looks like the video problems of the previous release are not present here; I can now play YouTube Videos at high res and use the HW codecs of MX Player without stuttering; previously I had to drop from 1080p to 720p or use the MX+ codecs to make it play smooth.
The WebView component apparently still have problems; using for instance FlipBoard to read articles causes a crash/weird screen flickering from time to time, associated with a crash. The log reports a WebView crash (there's first a "OpenGLRenderer: GL error: Out of memory!" followed by a google-breakpad dump of "WebView:55.0.2883.105" "A arm 04 armv7l samsung/lineage_chagallwifi/chagallwifi:7.1.1/NMF26V/e609fadfba:userdebug/test-keys" "webview" "OpenGL ES 3.0|ARM|Mali-T628" and a long hex dump.
Finally, GPS does not work out of the box; the gpsd still misses a few libraries. I've copied them from elsewhere (RR, if I recall correctly) and have placed libsec-ril.so and libxml.so in /system/lib -- and then GPS works instantly (as far as I can tell it may lock on faster than on the previous build).
I guess the WebView has to be fixed upstream, but maybe the missing gps related libraries could be included in the next build?
Thanks for your great work!
- Per.
pnomandk said:
Just upgrade from @Paulicat's Jan 17th build to this Jan 25th build; just flashed lineage, open gapps nano and SuperSU (in that order, in one go) and rebooted.
Looks like the video problems of the previous release are not present here; I can now play YouTube Videos at high res and use the HW codecs of MX Player without stuttering; previously I had to drop from 1080p to 720p or use the MX+ codecs to make it play smooth.
The WebView component apparently still have problems; using for instance FlipBoard to read articles causes a crash/weird screen flickering from time to time, associated with a crash. The log reports a WebView crash (there's first a "OpenGLRenderer: GL error: Out of memory!" followed by a google-breakpad dump of "WebView:55.0.2883.105" "A arm 04 armv7l samsung/lineage_chagallwifi/chagallwifi:7.1.1/NMF26V/e609fadfba:userdebug/test-keys" "webview" "OpenGL ES 3.0|ARM|Mali-T628" and a long hex dump.
Finally, GPS does not work out of the box; the gpsd still misses a few libraries. I've copied them from elsewhere (RR, if I recall correctly) and have placed libsec-ril.so and libxml.so in /system/lib -- and then GPS works instantly (as far as I can tell it may lock on faster than on the previous build).
I guess the WebView has to be fixed upstream, but maybe the missing gps related libraries could be included in the next build?
Thanks for your great work!
- Per.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Glad most things is working for you!
Yep, this build has a more updated device tree then what Paulicat had so there are a few fixes!
GPSD is being investigated by @deadman96385 and should be an easy enough implementation
Thats the first time I have heard about the webview implementation, would you mind sending a full log? Thanks for letting us know!
DarkExistence said:
Glad everything is working for you!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So far, it's better -- also appears more "smooth" and fluid in use, I think
GPSD is being investigated by @deadman96385 and should be an easy enough implementation
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yep, possibly just a few missing libraries or a different linking method, or something. Good you're working with @deadman96385 on this also; he already responded to this in the other thread when I debugged and reported it related to the previous build.
Wiped all for 3 times, it doesn't boot.
Eboshi Moriyama said:
Wiped all for 3 times, it doesn't boot.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have a f2fs data partition. Perhaps that ist the reason for the bootloop?! (i have the bootloop too)
Clean flash - boot OK - flashed pico OK - flashed superSU OK - boot OK
No prob at all :good:
kaodd said:
Clean flash - boot OK - flashed pico OK - flashed superSU OK - boot OK
No prob at all :good:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
tried again with clean ish flash - bootloop
tried dirty over RR 7 - boot ok - total frozen :laugh:
start with 3-fingers in recovery, u know what i mean
starting again lineageOS Darky-Edition
nice boot animation, kinda posh will try xposed too
My T800 is currently happily running the now out of date [AOSP 7.0][T700/T705/T800/T805] by @Schischu so I'm looking to upgrade. Here are apps I'd like to know work before I give this ROM a try. If anyone can tell me if they work or not I'd appreciate it. If any of them are considered mods I apologize in advance as I've read the OP mods policy. In any case I'd never ask for their support or inclusion in the ROM as that's my responsibility.
Here's my list:
LastPass (some other 7.1.1 ROMs have issues with this app)

[ROM][8.1.0][kuntao] Pixel Experience [AOSP][r46][2018/09/13][Unofficial]

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
PixelExperience for Kuntao (Treble)
What is this?
An AOSP based ROM, with gapps included, and all Pixel stuffs (launcher, wallpapers, icons, fonts, bootanimation).
Based on Android 8.1
Known issues
NavBar (no option to turn it off in system, but possible with Navigation Gestures)
All builds
Treble TWRP by CodeElixir (official Los treble TWRP is works as well)
No need for Gapps already included
jhenrique09 for Rom source
mikeioannina for device specific sources​
So, I built this rom for those who were using its official version, but stuck at older security patch.
Clean flash this rom even if you are coming from official version, but first make sure you are using treble enabled TWRP.
I won't make it official, but will keep it up to date as much as I can
Fullbustah said:
So, I built this rom for those who were using its official version, but stuck at older security patch.
Clean flash this rom even if you are coming from official version, but first make sure you are using treble enabled TWRP.
I won't make it official, but will keep it up to date as much as I can
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Not requesting, but you may build Havoc ROM
Amazing rom
No bugs or problem expect you mentioned
But battery need to make more performance
Resurrection Remix 6.1.0[OFFICIAL] better than pixel in battery
Thx alot for your efforts
Is any way to get android p for our p2?
ROM is Amazing thank you
palbadi said:
Not requesting, but you may build Havoc ROM
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Why? what is wrong with the official havoc??
pradeesa said:
Why? what is wrong with the official havoc??
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Because of source...
New build's up! Latest PE source, upstreamed kernel to .121 and september security patch.
* vendor/opengapps/sources/all/
1b312af Google Play Books all-16 4.4.9_RC04.211999632 (nodpi)
* vendor/opengapps/sources/arm/
af6b8bc Google Play services (watch) (beta) arm-23 14.3.62 (050300-212530033) (nodpi)
* vendor/opengapps/sources/arm64/
af5ffed Google Play services (leanback) (beta) arm64-19 14.3.62 (080406-212530033) (213-320)
* build/make/
93afad8e0 Also check if BOARD_KERNEL_SEPARATED_DTBO is set
cbeedf247 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' into oreo-mr1
* device/qcom/sepolicy/
cc7d967 msm8960: Fix compilation
* frameworks/av/
2209ff82b Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/av into HEAD
* frameworks/base/
278c5c9baac Automatic translation import
ad35dc476fb PackageManager: Avoid another NPE when dereferencing mPlatfromPackage
5a387413a85 Add support for the .opus file format
9f67d3050a3 SystemUI: Fix Data Usage tile to match Settings
7e91edcc5bc SystemUI: Initialize mClockVisibleByUser to android:visibility
a154099bb55 camera: Check if aux camera whitelist is set before restricting cameras
592e4a752bd Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base into HEAD
* frameworks/hwkeys-support/
3aa0ec2 Automatic translation import
* frameworks/native/
08558c06f SF: Backport "Fix landscape LCM issue" for legacy hwc
e1334d6f0 SF: Backport "Need GSI to support landscape LCM" for legacy hwc
3eaa5febc DO NOT MERGE: Fix landscape LCM issue
fb45ce305 DO NOT MERGE: Need GSI to support landscape LCM
1cfbe2ade Revert "SF: Squashed hwrotation support"
5610d0a77 Revert "SF: Fix hwrotation screenshots at surfaceflinger layer"
24cdbef45 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/native into HEAD
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
4d62a8d09 Merge "TelephonyComponentFactory: Fix SubscriptionInfoUpdater overloading" into oreo-mr1
103a2761b Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/opt/telephony into HEAD
* hardware/custom-interfaces/
2bbb129 biometrics: fingerprint: add locking to default impl
8c922ec Update makefiles from anywhere.
* hardware/interfaces/
b42ed618 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/hardware/interfaces into HEAD
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
a0ddd442 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/apps/Bluetooth into HEAD
* packages/apps/CustomSettings/
5069311 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Launcher3/
a58625351 Remove dependency on the fwb
2ceeaa70f Delay workspace loading after a failed shortcut drag by half a second
549982185 Fix state transition logic when going from overview to overview
1ae9aed9e Never scroll workspace when app drawer is visible
9c1cb8008 Fix duplicate <uses-sdk> elements in Launcher3Tests
1e1bb8c5a Add click handler for QSB on boot to keep it responsive
5f0f49028 Bring back long press caret for search functionality
9bf5138b5 Reset scroll position when dragging up the app drawer
08fd17397 Improve proguard optimization rules by only optimizing constructors
e878db025 Disallow interacting with a widget that is being resized
3e344f7ae Check both normalized and non-normalized search input for app search
* packages/apps/MusicFX/
69c2e8c Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
6c227b58 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/apps/PackageInstaller into HEAD
* packages/apps/Settings/
c3396fa6be Automatic translation import
817ac09809 Settings: fix german translations for "gesture"
123f6d4642 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/apps/Settings into HEAD
* packages/apps/Snap/
9923e543c Snap: use platform cert
475de8f8c Automatic translation import
e4b606f5e CameraSettings: Do not crash if zoom ratios are not exposed
c90655c2a Snap: Allow quickreader to work with secure device
f7713cdc2 Automatic translation import
* packages/apps/Updates/
edee08f Automatic translation import
* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
c2885a5 Automatic translation import
1c0fade Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/providers/DownloadProvider into HEAD
* packages/providers/MediaProvider/
5272a61 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/providers/MediaProvider into HEAD
* packages/services/Telephony/
3e18d3b7 Automatic translation import
c5b5b62f Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/services/Telephony into HEAD
* prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86/
6190503 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86 into HEAD
* system/bt/
b56676d8 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/bt into HEAD
* system/sepolicy/
93520ddc Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/sepolicy into HEAD
* system/vold/
aa36b97 secdiscard: should pin_file to avoid moving blocks in F2FS
1b04581 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/vold into HEAD
* vendor/aosp/
e8ace8b9 repopick: Warn about empty commits instead of failing
30c12c26 apn: Disable IPv4 for T-Mobile (and MetroPCS) domestically
d975d66b build: Add dtbo task
269b04ce config/common: Clean up debug packages
* vendor/themes/
81b3355 Automatic translation import
* kernel/lenovo/msm8953/
0b214ce45661 Merge tag 'v3.18.121' into HEAD
4d0074a15971 Merge tag 'v3.18.120' into HEAD
ca7727492112 Merge tag 'v3.18.119' into HEAD
8acff1ff0f82 Merge tag 'v3.18.118' into HEAD
7f2f0353d5f2 Merge tag 'v3.18.117' into HEAD
71fa851e8729 Merge tag 'v3.18.116' into HEAD
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
0a3e05328 TelephonyComponentFactory: Fix SubscriptionInfoUpdater overloading
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996/
56d639dfa Fix Buffer Overflow in Vendor Service display.qservice
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8998/
7a01a094b Fix Buffer Overflow in Vendor Service display.qservice
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/sdm845/
1e16c6d9b Fix Buffer Overflow in Vendor Service display.qservice
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/apq8084/
330d85272 mm-video-v4l2: Protect buffer access and increase input buffer size
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8974/
0acdb944c mm-video-v4l2: Protect buffer access and increase input buffer size
* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8994/
e9262b2c1 mm-video-v4l2: Protect buffer access and increase input buffer size
* hardware/broadcom/wlan/
8c96d23 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' into staging/lineage-15.1_merge-android-8.1.0_r46
* hardware/qcom/display/
27b78f208 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' into staging/lineage-15.1_merge-android-8.1.0_r46
* hardware/qcom/media/
85d5d95bf Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' into staging/lineage-15.1_merge-android-8.1.0_r46
* kernel/lenovo/msm8953/
ba6984fc0162 Linux 3.18.121
2f294385874e cdrom: Fix info leak/OOB read in cdrom_ioctl_drive_status
86c0a645ffd2 scsi: core: Avoid that SCSI device removal through sysfs triggers a deadlock
a6abc93760dd scsi: sysfs: Introduce sysfs_{un,}break_active_protection()
1d7acd2e1365 MIPS: Correct the 64-bit DSP accumulator register size
7ab91fb42438 kprobes: Make list and blacklist root user read only
be4f8c44a1c7 s390/pci: fix out of bounds access during irq setup
dc826c93cd80 s390/qdio: reset old sbal_state flags
0fd19868d763 pinctrl: freescale: off by one in imx1_pinconf_group_dbg_show()
3aeaed1e802e ASoC: sirf: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference
aa6ba5e2fcc1 udl-kms: fix crash due to uninitialized memory
953d8afde43f udl-kms: handle allocation failure
8f02d4bb5a8a udl-kms: change down_interruptible to down
e0dd67c762f6 fuse: Add missed unlock_page() to fuse_readpages_fill()
9b39c90f1c2b fuse: Don't access pipe->buffers without pipe_lock()
91196d94bdd3 x86/process: Re-export start_thread()
a030af4fee1a KVM: arm/arm64: Skip updating PMD entry if no change
107c387a9385 KVM: arm/arm64: Skip updating PTE entry if no change
872f590e7a18 arm64: mm: check for upper PAGE_SHIFT bits in pfn_valid()
1f9e5416abb6 ext4: reset error code in ext4_find_entry in fallback
ef2d2e24f212 s390/kvm: fix deadlock when killed by oom
8e46b7744059 btrfs: don't leak ret from do_chunk_alloc
4c41a07aeead mm/memory.c: check return value of ioremap_prot
f3ab0500e950 scsi: vmw_pvscsi: Return DID_RESET for status SAM_STAT_COMMAND_TERMINATED
ea0f6042693f scsi: fcoe: drop frames in ELS LOGO error path
7ae3f84f252b drivers: net: lmc: fix case value for target abort error
0171efb2288f arc: fix type warnings in arc/mm/cache.c
04b68e45e601 arc: fix build errors in arc/include/asm/delay.h
e5b4032baa09 enic: handle mtu change for vf properly
af47ed842dd6 Revert "MIPS: BCM47XX: Enable 74K Core ExternalSync for PCIe erratum"
417ea4338f93 tools/power turbostat: Read extended processor family from CPUID
33a11da050d9 zswap: re-check zswap_is_full() after do zswap_shrink()
fdb2cd0ff6ba selftests/ftrace: Add snapshot and tracing_on test case
582db66cad1b cachefiles: Wait rather than BUG'ing on "Unexpected object collision"
4eabf1e29537 cachefiles: Fix refcounting bug in backing-file read monitoring
a60d0786f758 fscache: Allow cancelled operations to be enqueued
903d5b843dc6 net: axienet: Fix double deregister of mdio
73b89b6f951f bnx2x: Fix invalid memory access in rss hash config path.
da1ab9d3f0f8 media: staging: omap4iss: Include asm/cacheflush.h after generic includes
b725b8a218bc can: mpc5xxx_can: check of_iomap return before use
4dafaff5d758 atl1c: reserve min skb headroom
4794000789d6 net: caif: Add a missing rcu_read_unlock() in caif_flow_cb
944dbf3b36cf tools/power turbostat: fix -S on UP systems
2b8e010e3a0c usb: gadget: f_uac2: fix endianness of 'struct cntrl_*_lay3'
54615755396b tools: usb: ffs-test: Fix build on big endian systems
a438b32e424c usb/phy: fix PPC64 build errors in phy-fsl-usb.c
97f07e5888aa usb: gadget: r8a66597: Fix a possible sleep-in-atomic-context bugs in r8a66597_queue()
c51c58d75d8f usb: gadget: r8a66597: Fix two possible sleep-in-atomic-context bugs in init_controller()
2d72c0a9616b drm/imx: imx-ldb: check if channel is enabled before printing warning
ce7c57f67930 drm/imx: imx-ldb: disable LDB on driver bind
ad020ae8a46b scsi: libiscsi: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in case of TMF
115b73804426 nl80211: Add a missing break in parse_station_flags
491e335a5e38 mac80211: add stations tied to AP_VLANs during hw reconfig
0b389a690180 xfrm: free skb if nlsk pointer is NULL
ea0926cca042 xfrm: fix missing dst_release() after policy blocking lbcast and multicast
9a21340d0866 Cipso: cipso_v4_optptr enter infinite loop
319bc6ceb7c1 sched/sysctl: Check user input value of sysctl_sched_time_avg
* system/libhidl/
dcab148 Merge tag 'android-8.1.0_r46' into staging/lineage-15.1_merge-android-8.1.0_r46
Thanks for update. Why cant we get android p?
MrJackTR said:
Thanks for update. Why cant we get android p?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No ETA pls.
Once the source is stable we will get pie. Why can people not think of something so simple? It takes time. And our Devs are doing it in their free time. They aren't being paid.
sm00th4f3 said:
No ETA pls.
Once the source is stable we will get pie. Why can people not think of something so simple? It takes time. And our Devs are doing it in their free time. They aren't being paid.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for information. I appreciate for your work.
> Official Los treble TWRP is works as well
Which one is this? Thank you.
nsandersen said:
> Official Los treble TWRP is works as well
Which one is this? Thank you.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The twrp from los treble thread.. :laugh:
What about battery backup in this rom?
Just installed this but fingerprint reader isnt showing?
Fullbustah said:
<Mod edit: quote of OP removed>
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Link not working anymore. Are u still working on this rom?
Abhi8232 said:
Link not working anymore. Are u still working on this rom?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Rom is ded and links deleted since I needed space on gdrive.
Fullbustah said:
Rom is ded and links deleted since I needed space on gdrive.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank u for the reply. Anyway felt sad that u r not working anymore on this rom.
BY- @yashh5
⚡️Android Version-9.0
⚡️Download Link- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M26KJunTjbp2T06kNT1lTovHe9aQb3mK/view
⚡️Credits [email protected] @arghyac35 @Astridxx @BeastMaster1 @subhaam
- January Patch merged
- NFC fixed
- Cast working
- Enabled B-services aging
MrJackTR said:
BY- @yashh5
Android Version-9.0
Download Link- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M26KJunTjbp2T06kNT1lTovHe9aQb3mK/view
Credits [email protected] @arghyac35 @Astridxx @BeastMaster1 @subhaam
- January Patch merged
- NFC fixed
- Cast working
- Enabled B-services aging
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Link not working.

[ROM][12.1][OFFICIAL][Rolex/Riva] crDroid v8.x

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
*** Disclaimer ***
I am not responsible for any damage you made to your device.
You have been warned.
crDroid is designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android for your device also attempting to bringing many of the best features existent today.
Extra features (implemented by the maintainer):
* Ability to disable touchscreen buttons
* Audio amplification
* Bluetooth aptX codec
* Clear Speaker
* GrapheneOS Camera
* Improved battery saver at kernel level
* LED indicator on offline charging (red when 0-99%, off when 100%)
* Mi Sound Enhancer
* Properly calibrated sensor-based Doze mode
Flashing Instructions:
OrangeFox recovery (Download from here)
Gapps (Download from here)
Magisk 20.0 or newer for root (after first boot) - (Download from here)
Firmware (Download from here)
First time installation (Non-standard - read):
Install OrangeFox recovery from the "Pre-installation" section or any other recovery with FBE encryption support
Download the latest crDroid ROM & the latest Gapps package (Optional)
Boot into recovery
Perform a wipe of
Dalvik / ART Cache
Format data is MANDATORY using OrangeFox recovery (or any other recovery with FBE encryption support)
Flash crDroid ROM
⚠ The ROM is encrypted by default. This is a crDroid requirement! ⚠
If you don't care about encryption, you can disable it within OrangeFox recovery: demonstration (you should see "Disable FBE" button instead)
Note: encrypting via ROM's settings is no longer supported in crDroid, so you will not be able to enable encryption in any other way (except clean install or as shown in the demo above).
Flash Gapps [NikGapps SL ARM64-Core] (Optional)
Flash Magisk Root (Optional)
Reboot to the system
Update installation:
Download the latest crDroid ROM
Reboot to recovery
Flash crDroid update
Note: you don't need to flash Gapps/Magisk again
Wipe Dalvik / ART Cache
Reboot to the system
ROM: https://github.com/crdroidandroid
Kernel: https://github.com/crdroidandroid/android_kernel_xiaomi_rova
ROM https://crdroid.net/rova/8
Changelog: See here
Known issues:
You tell me
Visit official website @ crDroid.net
crDroid rova Telegram
crDroid Community Telegram
crDroid Updates Channel
Donate to help our team pay server costs
It looks really nice. I think I'll be testing it soon. Thanks.
Is there anyone using this room ? How about stability and battery life ?
I've tested the ROM for 3 days and it works fine. Battery life is really great, for me with a normal use I can have 2 days of battery life, including wifi and network use.
I like a lot all the customizations options, really nice.
I recomend this rom.
hi do i have to download latest version of orange fox or R11.1(3) or older. im trying to install to stock rom.
mm.ycel said:
hi do i have to download latest version of orange fox or R11.1(3) or older. im trying to install to stock rom.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
install latest version for cr8, it's using FBE encryption
ok now i flashed latest version but boot orangebox.....img command giving me long orange lines on screen.
mm.ycel said:
ok now i flashed latest version but boot orangebox.....img command giving me long orange lines on screen.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
your device is riva. Read "Miscellaneous" spoiler
Update for crDroid 8
Spoiler: Changelog
- Synced with crDroid 8.7 sources (July security patches). Read official changelog:
* https://crdroid.net/blog/2022-07-14-crDroid-8.7
* https://crdroid.net/blog/2022-07-24-changelog-july-24
* https://crdroid.net/blog/2022-08-05-changelog-august-5
- Upgraded kernel to 4.9.323-2.1-iusmac
- Reduced battery drain when using "Pocket Detection" feature
- Added Smart Charging feature (Settings > Battery > Smart Charging)
- Improved GPU power hinting
- Added Userspace Reboot (adb reboot userspace)
- Fixed empty "Internet" tile in Quick Settings
- Added more Dirac presets
- Improved display latency & responsiveness
- Switched to UClamp for boosting & capping
- Updated GrapheneOS Camera App to v45
- Added native support for "Ok Google" hotword feature
- Increased CPU boosting to 1.2s on Lock Screen
- Improved RAM pressure management
- Fixed "laggy" start of boot animation
- Enabled VoLTE and VoWiFi for all carriers
- Upgraded blobs/configs to Android 11 (R) for:
* Audio
* Media
* Display
* Telephony (RIL/IMS)
* Bluetooth
* WiFi
* Sensors
- Fixed call volume control for both speakers and for Bluetooth earpiece
- Fixed broken screen recording (now ~30fps instead of ~10fps)
- Fixed detection of headset buttons (hook, Vol+, Vol-)
- Made the extra features searchable in Settings app
- Switched to performance governor for GPU power hinting
- Add support for Google Phone call recording
(!) requires any Text To Speech (TTS) app for working
I see that the instructions say that I need firmware V10.1.1.0.NCKMIFI.
Can I come from 10.3.2 OCKMIXM?
First time to flash this phone. I still have to enable unlocking through the Mi Account
ayunatsume said:
I see that the instructions say that I need firmware V10.1.1.0.NCKMIFI.
Can I come from 10.3.2 OCKMIXM?
First time to flash this phone. I still have to enable unlocking through the Mi Account
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you need to downgrade to the latest nougat firmware or you will get in trouble with everything (roms, kernels, recoveries etc.).
I've now downgraded using the link below and have installed the NCKMIFI firmware. After numerous tries with Mi Unlocker and trying to get OrangeFox working, I finally got the ROM installed (with FBE disabled). For those with Mi Unlocker failing to unlock, try using Find Me through i.mi.com. I also had to flash the NCKMIFI firmware even though I used the All-in-One procedure for iusmac's OrangeFox recovery to correctly detect partitions. I didn't use the rilfix and sensorfix zips.
Downgrader: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/guide-rollback-downgrade-firmware-from-oreo-to-nougat.3938904/
Everything in this ROM is pretty fast! It feels like a new phone compared to stock firmware. So much free space too. Pretty unbelievable for such an old and low-spec phone (SD425/2GB RAM/16GB storage). Funny how I was happy to see 100% health of the phone's eMMC too! Whew.
I also installed Nikgapps core as per instructions though I wonder if Basic wouldn't slow this down too much -- but I installed most of the Basic's apps anyway except for Dialer through the Play Store.
But something seems wrong with Mobile Data. I'm using two sims but have also tried one sim.
1: Somehow, my primary sim's data is not working even though APN etc is set. My secondary sim works with mobile data though. Tried switching them around and using the primary sim alone to no avail. In dual-sim, the mobile data QS tile says that it is Not set to use data when this SIM's data connection is activated.
The primary sim was working in my stock ROM as SIM1 and is tested working in other phones. The primary SIM's network is Globe Telecom in the Philippines.
2: The Data Disabled indicator seems to be inconsistent.
Using the secondary sim's data (in dual-sim or single-sim), I get data but:
----- 2.1: when data is on and the indicator is on, the data disabled indicator (!) still shows up.
----- 2.2: when data is on and the indicator is off, the data disabled indicator (!) still shows up.
----- 2.3: when data is off and the indicator is off/on, the indicator(!) works correctly
3: The switch data card in QS seems confused? The points below are in dual-sim.
----- 3.1 When using SIM1 for data (seen in QS and in SIM settings), the switch QS tile says SIM2 is active.
----- 3.2 When using SIM2 for data (seen in QS and in SIM settings), the switch QS tile says SIM1 is active.
This is contrary to how switch data works with Android 12.1 (EvolutionX ROM) on my Mi A1 phone where it shows the current active data sim.
So that's my only problem now, mobile data being inconsistent with dual-sim. And somehow mobile data not working with the Globe Telecom (primary) sim even with switching them around. Luckily, this primary sim isn't being used so much for data as the secondary one has free data for messaging services so the 2nd one is being used a lot more anyway.
I hope these get solved as they are the only things I think that is wrong with this ROM
After trying to get things right, I got it. What I did was to downgrade from miui11 oreo to nougt, install given orangefox, format data, then flash crdroid, gapps and magisk.
After setting everything up, I can say that its awesome. This gives me a lot of customizations to play with, and most importantly, android12 update. Thanks a lot for helping me revive my old phone.
Is this custom rom safe for banking transaction? Thx
It is giving very poor battery life and has overheating issue.
This was not the case with android 11 nitrogen OS which gave superb battery life.
Is there any solution or explanation to what could have gone wrong?
Else everything is superb.
Thank you
Jyoti_re said:
Is there anyone using this room ? How about stability and battery life ?
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Good stability but poor battery life with overheating issue.
Cant say if only in my case or all devices.
Update for crDroid 8
Spoiler: Changelog
- Synced with crDroid 8.8 sources (August security patches).
Read official changelog:
* https://crdroid.net/blog/2022-08-11-crDroid-8.8
* https://crdroid.net/blog/2022-08-19-changelog-august-19
* https://crdroid.net/blog/2022-08-30-changelog-august-30
- Upgraded kernel to 4.9.326-2.2-iusmac
- Switched to HW compositing for EGL & SurfaceFlinger
- Disabled zRAM writeback job (caused "lagginess" on long-term usage)
- Optimized graphics & high resolution video playing
- Improved disk I/O performance
- Fixed smart charging not resuming when overheated
- Fixed smart charging sometimes not working in deep sleep
- Backported FMRadio app from LineageOS 18.1
* adapted code base to Android 12+
* added full wireless support (uses builtin antenna)
* improved UX
* redesigned UI
* added dark mode + "Material You" colors
- Updated MTP USB IDs from Mi 10
- Added "Reboot to Fastboot" item to advanced reboot menu
(!) It will reboot you to recovery builtin fastboot. It doesn't work
specifically on OrangeFox R11.1(4). Wait for R11.1(5).
- Updated GrapheneOS Camera App to v47
- Added thermal mitigation and sensor-based (battery, skin, CPU/GPU)
overheat warning pop-ups
Update for crDroid 8
Spoiler: Changelog
- Synced with crDroid 8.9 sources (September security patches).
Read official changelog:
* https://crdroid.net/blog/2022-09-11-crDroid-8.9
- Improved disk I/O performance
- Increase zRAM to 1.5G
- Optimized graphics render engine
- Updated FMRadio to v3.1:
* Fixed colors for Pure dark
* Fixed RDS retrieving
- Optimized builtin screen recorder
- Updated GrapheneOS camera to v48
Awesome ROM. Obviously this phone is lagging a lot, maybe due to RAM issues, but ROM has no issues. Who would have thought this phone getting Android 12? lol
iamsonal said:
Awesome ROM. Obviously this phone is lagging a lot, maybe due to RAM issues, but ROM has no issues. Who would have thought this phone getting Android 12? lol
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Thank you, appreciate that! The laggs increase proportionally to quantity of apps on the background and how heavy they are. The main trick is to use alternative less heavy apps, and the most important to disable all non-sense/meaningless notifications to the apps.

