[GUIDE] Tips for Getting the Most from Your Custom Kernel - T-Mobile Galaxy Note 4 General

These tips are based in my study and experience of using different programs and techniques to get solid and stable performance from custom kernels. It's a long read, but a good read if you really want to minimize heat and maximize performance. This information works on any custom kernel that can be used with Synapse. This guide is aimed at beginner and intermediate users who are interested in custom kernel settings but don't know where to start. These are the most commonly optimized settings on Android.
***DVFS Rule #2 is exclusive to Samsung devices (so if you don't have a Samsung device don't use it!)***
Rule 1: What works for some won't work for others - This has always been the most important rule of custom kernels. One person using Barry Allen governor, overclocked to 3.07 GHz, and not using intelliplug will never hit 70C while your phone using those same settings might immediately cause the phone to reboot. All synapse changes made to a device must be tested by you to ensure compatibility for your hardware. Some of you may be curious, if this is the case, why Google would have everyone use the interactive governor by default? I would respond to you that they originally assigned everyone to OnDemand while they worked to make a better and more compatible Interactive governor. But as you know there are a LOT of governors out there and knowing what is best for your device is to read and to test it. The good news is that once you find something that works well you can stick with it as long as you own the device.
Rule 2: DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling) Disabler - This is mentioned in a few threads, but requires a repeat. Samsung uses DVFS to contol your CPU frequencies and voltage levels. This isn't an issue when you're running a stock kernel because it works in conjunction with MP-Decision to decide on the proper frequency level. When you're running emotion kernel you don't want DVFS to control anything. You want it to let Faux's Intellithermal work together with the kernel routines to shut down cores it doesn't need.
R2 Part 1: If your phone is running hot: Install Xposed, download Wanam Xposed (enable the module), Open Wanam, click "Advanced" menu, Uncheck "Enable TouchWiz DVFS" and reboot.
R2 Part 2: Following the reboot open Synapse, scroll over to CPU Drivers scroll down and put a checkbox in "Enable Intelli-hotplug", leave the rest alone, and click the check mark at the top of the screen to save changes. Scroll over one more screen to "Thermal" and put a check in the box, "Enable or Disable Intelli Thermal Control" and leave the settings below as they are unless you know what you are doing.
Note: The phone will be still be warm for awhile, but if you give the phone a break and allow the heat to dissipate it should run cooler and more consistently with the added bonus of shutting down 3 out of the 4 cores unlike MP-Decision which always leaves 2 cores live. After doing this if you are noticing performance loss or stuttering it's time to find a new governor that makes the most of these settings. Which leads me to Rule 3....
Rule 3: Choosing a new governor - This part is going to require some reading on your part, but I can assure you that it is worth your time. This guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/general/general/ref-to-date-guide-cpu-governors-o-t3048957 by @gsstudios is OUTSTANDING (please thank him while you are there) and carries a LOT of information about the governors and other performance informations. So find something you like from the guide descriptions to try out and leave it in place for 24 hours or more as long as you aren't experiencing excessive lag or reboots. If it performs well under normal usage the next step is to watch battery life. There won't be a single governor that does everything perfectly, but finding something that fits your needs is key. And it's OKAY if you decide to stick with Interactive, it is a very well made governor and many are based off of that design, but I equate it to finding a good pair of shoes. Lots of things will protect your feet from the ground, but shoes that you enjoy and work well make all the difference in the world.
NOTE: You can use Antutu for stability testing but do not pick a new governor and then run benchmarks and expect top score unless you chose the performance governor. Antutu specifically maxes out your device voltage and frequency to see what the device can handle which is not what intelliplug is for. If you are following this guide benchmarks are the least of your concerns.
Rule 4: Don't forget your Scheduler - Believe it or not, everything runs off of your phone storage. So using an optimized scheduler for you device could make great strides in battery and performance improvements. Unlike choosing a governor, you can absolutely benchmark your flash memory to find out which scheduler works best for you. I only use one and I am going to shamelessly plug it here: I use Android Tuner to benchmark my flash speed with different schedulers and it works great for me. How it works:
Note:To help with choosing where to start with schedulers you can use the guide I linked to above which will give you an idea of what to use. That guide has an exceptional amount of information about how these types of schedulers work and what you should use for getting what you want from your phone. What follows is my advice for testing benchmark write performance and those steps are completely optional, but it never hurts to see how your device does with your chosen scheduler.
R4 Part 1: Launch Android Tuner, from the main menu accept root, acknowledge that root is powerful, scroll all the way to the far left screen, choose "SD Card Read Speed", click "Benchmark in the center, and then notice at the top you have /storage/emulated/0 which is your faster internal memory (which you should optimize first) and then /storage/ExtSdCard which you can benchmark second.
R4 Part 2: When you are ready to benchmark choose your "I/O Scheduler" from the drop down menu and click "Run". Your results will be listed with the fastest read-ahead size on the left and the speed at which it read on the right. Higher = Better -- Then you would choose the other test size (10MB in my case) and you see which readahead value is the fastest for those files. If you manage to get a readahead that the 100MB and 10MB test highest values are the same, then you've won the lottery. Since that is almost impossible try to remember what your top 5 fastest are and choose the one that performs well in both tests. If you want to keep testing and check other schedulers for raw read speed just switch them at the top and re-run both tests.
After you've found which scheduler gives you the performance you want, go back to Synapse, scroll to "I/O" tab, and adjust pick your scheduler and readahead value, and finally click the check mark to apply it.
Rule 5: Undervolting (IMO) does more harm than good - I'll let you Google it but it follows the rule of diminishing returns. You might be running Synapse and are able to undervolt 75mV and still cruise through menus and apps like it's no problem. But I promise you at some point the CPU is going to call for that voltage you starved it of and it will reboot. It's not a matter of if it will happen, but when it will happen. This comes down to your personal silicon and I do not recommend undervolting at all. Other more advanced users may disagree with me, but for the average user there are better ways to save battery and negate heat than starving your CPU and GPU at a kernel level. Especially with DVFS disabled.
And that's all I have for you. These tips work for any custom kernel that uses Synapse to manage their settings. I've personally test my setup with Emotion and the kernel we are not to speak of on XDA. If you like the idea of getting the most out of your device then a custom kernel might be for you, but it requires a lot of patience. If you just need something that works I definitely recommend the stock kernel because they really did a good job with the Lollipop release of our kernel.
I hope this helps some of you and I hope that everyone can take something away from this guide. Feel free to let me know if this helped you in some way or if you need some guidance on the topic. I'll do my best to backup my claims with proper research and documentation.
Google - For research help and a great phone OS
Linux - The foundation of this OS
gsstudios - For his outstanding guide and work on researching this information (Definitely hit 'Thanks' on his post)
Note 4 ROM and Kernel Devs - we are very lucky to have a lot of great devs for our device; their work is appreciated and gives me something to write about
XDA and their members - where I've learned most everything about one of my favorite operating systems


(CM7/MIUI) Screenstate, Governor and Threshold Control Script

Hi Folks,
For those who are interested, I have modified the 90screenstate_scaling script used in Zach's (and now Glitch's) kernel for use with other CM7 compatible kernels. The aim is to create a very simple script that can easily be read, modified and improved upon by non-coders, such as myself.
I have retained only the code that will read the screen state, set the governor appropriately and set the scaling threshold, giving users complete control over the scheduling behavior of their CM compatible kernel.
I am not a coder and all credit goes to FloHimself and zacharius.maladroit for the original content. all I have done is (hopefully) simplify the script and make it easy for non-specialists to read.
If you would like to try it out, copy the script in to /system/etc/init.d and modify the values to your liking. If you are already on Zach's kernel there is nothing new here, as you already have this script.
The script currently includes kernel defaults from Glitch for the smartass governor, from Zach for the conservative and ondemand governors, a few experimental settings, and of course, the ability to modify them yourself.
If you add anything or make any modifications (particularly in relation to your specific usage pattern) you would like to share, please post them and I will update this thread. If you make modifications, comment them appropriately and explain your usage pattern for which the settings work best so that people know if it would work for them.
The experimental conservative settings that I have made (that are currently in use on Glitch kernel) for the screen off state are designed to aggressively keep the frequency very low, almost like a 100mhz frequency cap, while still allowing them to scale up under considerable load. They are (hopefully) ideal for background screen off behaviour such as listening to music, exercise applications or aggressive sync and push/pull email behavior (like in an office).
The experimental smartass settings are designed to test the hypothesis that quick downscaling may cause as many lags as as slow scaling up behavior. The goal is to create a more linearly scaling version of smartass which is slower to upscale or downscale (only a matter of milliseconds difference). These are still under testing.
With one of the main reasons for using smartass as a single governor, the min/max frequencies for the screen on/off state no longer applicable with the governor changing in relation to the screen state, I have moved to ondemand settings, which may have battery implication while the screen is on, but they are VERY smooth.
we could probably make conservative governor more aggressive
with the settings that laststufo used on his kernel but I'm not sure if it would scaled up fast enough if you used e.g. some DSP settings on sound while the screen is off
worth as shot
if I don't forget it - I'll post the settings later
Subscribes too
I like the idea and the simplicity of this. And with Zach's help, also known as "F*ckin scripts master" (almost a private joke ), it can only be great.
I'm a big fan of simple, though as a user of Arch Linux on the desktop I have no choice (BSD style init scripts a boot - beautiful simplicity)!
It's great you lads are watching this! Hopefully the thread will grow in to something, even if it is just an sandbox for users to experiment with the settings they prefer. If nothing else, hopefully you guys get some useful info!
I just added a bit of an experimental version that moves away from the default smartass values.
I am hypothesizing that the very accasional lags in the smartass governor might be related to the governor scaling down too fast, rather than it not scaling up fast enough.
I changed the default down threshold from 40 to 35 and the default up threshold from 60 to 65. Hopefully this will scale up and down a little more linearly and this will make the GUI even smoother. I am still testing this theory at the moment, but thought I might post it (on the first post) if anyone wanted to have a go.
you need to test your conservative settings while the screen is on
they're way too aggressive (at least the up threshold, down threshold may be ok)
also the freq_step at 10% should be at least at 15%
if we compare it with laststufo's kernel (he almost had 100 MHz steps everywhere: 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 900, 1000 MHz)
so that needs to be compensated to get smoother & similar behavior
I'll take a look & see how the new smartass settings work out
my new conservative settings are:
echo "76" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/conservative/up_threshold # 50 # 76 # 76
echo "30" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/conservative/down_threshold # 35 # 12 # 30 (higher will lead to noticable lags) # 35
echo "15" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/conservative/freq_step # more aggressive ramping up (50)
this currently keeps the cpu between 100-200 MHz while playing MP3s for me (screen off) - mostly 200 afaik right now
but I'll try your conservative settings, too, when I find time - let's see how they are in terms of "smoothness" (I'm sure they're not too usable with the GUI but could be great for background tasks while the screen is off)
Hi Zach, indeed, I would say that the conservative settings are completely unusable with the screen on. I would not recommend these with the screen on.
However, with music (DSP manager too) GPS and Cardio Trainer all running (my cycle home), it seems to work fine (screen off). Every km, Cardio trainer speaks the time taken over the music (two audio streams). With many kernels this becomes slow, or slurred, but sounds perfect with these settings.
well.heeled.man said:
Hi Zach, indeed, I would say that the conservative settings are completely unusable with the screen on. I would not recommend these with the screen on.
However, with music (DSP manager too) GPS and Cardio Trainer all running (my cycle home), it seems to work fine (screen off). Every km, Cardio trainer speaks the time taken over the music (two audio streams). With many kernels this becomes slow, or slurred, but sounds perfect with these settings.
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awesome !
so it still raises the frequency when needed ?
100 -> 200 (or more)
you checked via e.g. CPU Spy ?
thanks !
Yes, it still goes up when needed (confirmed via CPU Spy), but it needs to be really pushed. It seems like good behaviour in the screen off state.
EDIT: something in the region of a 66%/33% 100/200mhz split at these settings.
I am struggling to confirm that my settings are being applied as I would like in the screen off state. I can read off the values in /sys/devices/system/cpu(/cpu0)/cpufreq/conservative if I manually set conservative in Pimp My CPU with the screen on, but the behaviour seems at odds with the values i.e. not as laggy as one would suspect.
As (a variation of) this script are now used in Glitch's too, I have changed the comments to allow people to very easily see which settings are from kernel devs (which should probably be left alone should you wish to return to their defaults) and experimental settings (which I would suggest you change, if you change any). If you want to use parts of it in Zach's, I would suggest cutting and pasting the experimental part into the appropriate part of Zach's script as overwriting any part of it would remove much of his additional functionality.
This is great guys - thanks for this
With one of the main reasons for using smartass as a single governor, the min/max frequencies for the screen on/off state, no longer applicable with the governor changing in relation to the screen state, I have moved to ondemand settings by default. This may have battery implication while the screen is on, but they are VERY smooth.
wrong spot
that's the current version of my screenstate_scaling script that I offer as an option with Neo 17 r7
most of the stuff moved into the S98system_tweak script that now is shipped with the kernel

[GUIDE] [STARTER] Custom Kernel Features Explained! [5/20/2013]

This is a simple STARTER GUIDE to kernel features/parameters and everything you need to know about custom kernel goodies before you consider flashing them. Now that there are a few custom kernels out there for our device, you may want to know about these.
I’d be glad if you could help me complete this guide.
First of all I’d like to thank all kernel guys who put countless hours into this to bring us the features which I am going to explain soon.
Post 1:
A.: What you want to know about the CPU/GPU of your device
B.: Custom Kernel Features
Post 2:
Coming Soon!!!
A: What you may want to know about the CPU/GPU of your device:
Galaxy Note 10.1 features a 1.4GHz Quad Core CPU (Exynos 4412) and a 400MHz GPU (Mali-400).
More Data will be added soon.
B.1: CPU/GPU/IO Features which comes with Custom Kernels:
OC/UC (As for OverClock/UnderClock):
As you may know, CPU or any other processing unit features a clock frequency. Over/Under Clock simply means raising/decreasing the clock frequency of CPU.
Reason: Why would one need to overclock? Because one needs more processing power. For example if you want to experience smoother gameplay when playing high-graphic games.
Why would we need underclock? Higher processing power demands more battery. So underclocking helps us, reserve more battery. As for HOX, searching internet and texting don’t need much of processing power. So we can limit the processing power and save battery during low use of our device.
•Note1: OC/UC is not limited to CPU. GPU is also capable of OC/UC. And the interface for that is NOT available in the current custom kernels of Note 10.1.
•Note2: Gamers may not use GPU UC. Limiting GPU processing power impact significantly on your gaming experience.
UV (As for Undervolt):
Every frequency of a processing unit, demands a certain amount of power to be supplied. Undervolting to put it simple means decreasing the voltage of a certain frequency (or all of them).
Reason: The more voltage CPU/GPU gets, more heat will be generated. So mainly we UV to decrease the generated heat of CPU/GPU.
•Note1: One Frequency needs a certain minimum amount of voltage to perform correctly and the system be stable. Undervolting more than a certain amount of voltage will cause system instability.
•Note2: UV improves battery life by using less power. See this.
CPU Governors:
Frequency scaling is the means by which the Linux kernel dynamically adjusts the CPU frequency based on usage of the device. Governors refer to schemes which dictate to the kernel how it should do these adjustments. (From rootzwiki)
To put it simple, Governors are the way that CPU frequency is adjusted according to the demand of operating system.
Selecting a proper governor for your CPU is crucial to the performance and battery preserving of your device. For example if you are low using your device you may use a more battery friendly governor and if you want to play games you may use a more power consuming performance governor.
•Note: See Droidphile’s Great Guide about Governors to be familiar with each one of them and the ones that you should use in different situations here.
I/O Schedulers (As for Input/Output):
Input/output (I/O) scheduling is the method that computer operating systems use to decide which order block I/O operations will be submitted to storage volumes. I/O Scheduling is sometimes called 'disk scheduling'. (From Wikipedia)
To put it simple, Schedulers are the way reading and writing to the SD card is managed.
The same things that is said in the Governors part is applied here, too.
•Note: See Droidphile’s Great Guide about Schedulers here.
ReadAhead buffer size:
In terms of reading data from SD card, there is a cache which is used as a buffer. The size of that cache is readAhead buffer size. The size has a direct impact on your reading speed of your SD. So giving it a right amount is crucial.
File System “X” R/W (As for Read/Write):
Android by default doesn’t support all the File Systems (What are file systems?! See here). So some kernels may add certain file system R/W. The most popular unsupported file system is NTFS.
B.2 Features of Custom Kernels (AKA Goodies!!!):
MultiCore PowerSaving:
This feature try to group up tasks in the least cores possible. To put it simple, it will focus in using least cores for your tasks to be done. This means less cores are active and so more battery life. Also this will decrease performance.
•Note: To enable use TricksterMod app. 0 for disable and 2 for the most aggressive.
In order to manage your cifs/nfs network shares on your Android device you need the proper and working modules. And so you can mount/unmount your network accessible file resources and access your data.
B.3 Other Features:
Init.d Support:
There are some scripts that run every time your device boot up which are located in /etc/init.d Those are called init.d scripts. One of the most popular init.d scirpts that is available for Note 10.1 is this.
Eco Mode - NEW:
Eco Mode is an optimized dual core solution for quad-core SOC (System on Chip) like the Qualcomm S4-pro. This should allow for Maximum battery life without sacrificing performance. - Paul Reioux
TCP Congestion Control:
The choices in this section, address how the operating system kernel manages flows of information in and out of the kernel, which is at some level the "switchboard operator" of your handset. More info here.
Better to leave this options as is. Cubic or Westwood as the default of your kernel.
Dynamic FSync - NEW:
fsync is a system call in Unix/Linux. "man fsync" says:
fsync() transfers ("flushes") all modified in-core data of (i.e., modified buffer cache pages for) the file referred to by the file descriptor fd to the disk device (or other permanent storage device) so that all changed information can be retrieved even after the system crashed or was rebooted. This includes writing through or flushing a disk cache if present. The call blocks until the device reports that the transfer has completed. It also flushes metadata information associated with the file (see stat(2)).
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So it's something embedded in programs after a related set of write operations to ensure that all data has been written to the storage device. The bolded part is what makes it interesting for some to disable it - "The call blocks" means the calling program waits until it's finished, and this may create lag. The downside is that if the system crashes, the data on the storage devices may be inconsistent, and you may lose data. (From here).
Dynamic FSync, makes it possible for fsync operation to be asynchronous when the screen is on, and synchronous when the screen is off. And what does asynchronous mean? Means OS issues fsync call, but not necessarily immediately at commit time for each transaction. It delays the FSync call for a certain amount of time. In case of a crash, the transactions not yet sync'ed in the last delay time before the crash may be rolled back, but the state of the data is always consistent. (From here).
In order to explain zRAM more precisely first we need other terms defined clearly:
Swap can be compared with the swap file on Windows. If the memory (RAM) is almost complete, the data which is not used actively (ex. background applications) will be stored on hard drive so as to re-evacuate RAM free. If required, this data is then read back from there easily. This will preserve performance with no lose at multitasking (the main reason we use swap).
In zRAM unnecessary storage resources are compressed and then moved to a reserved area in the fixed RAM (zRAM). So in other words, zRAM is a kind of swap in memory. As the data is compressed not much memory needs to be preserved as zRAM. However, the CPU has to work more because compressed data has to be unpacked again when it is needed). The advantage clearly lies in the speed. Since the swap partition in RAM is much faster than this is a swap partition on a hard drive.
In itself a great thing. But Android does not have a swap partition, and therefore brings Android ZRAM under no performance gain as would be the case with a normal PC. (From here with some editing.)
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What we need to know essentially lies here:
zRAM off = Low use data will be stored the way they are in the memory. This will cause no extra load on CPU, yet need more RAM.
zRAM on = Low use data will be stored compressed in the memory. This will cause extra load in CPU as to store or restore data, yet preserve more Free RAM.
The main use of zRAM is when you are using a heavy ROM that eats up all your RAM. This will allow multitasking to be more functional. On light ROMs, or for those who don't multitask much, this is not necessary.
Note: Also there are methods to use a part of internal memory as Swap space. This is not as fast as zRAM. But no RAM will be used at all and CPU load is less. Though I am not sure that this has been brought to our device yet. Will add more data soon on this part.
Work in progress, will add more info soon.
Reserved for OP
csec said:
•Note2: UV does not impact battery life (or it is not noticeable).
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First of all, I would like to praise this guide for its information and depth, secondly I would like to help improve it;
emprize said:
the only different for me is temperature, for battery saving, always not noticeable for me, placebo effect most likely
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AndreiLux said:
This is a nonsensical argument, temperature aka heat, is power. If you are getting a less heated phone, then your battery life is improving. If this wouldn't be the case then you are holding the solution to the world's energy problems in your hands.
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just thought i would share some thoughts of a well respected and knowledgeable developer.
JSale said:
First of all, I would like to praise this guide for its information and depth, secondly I would like to help improve it;
just thought i would share some thoughts of a well respected and knowledgeable developer.
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Wow, that was hell of an argument. Seems to be theoretically true. What I referred to in above is real life experience with my phone and according to kernel guys down at HOX forums.
However the information was really interesting. I will add it to the OP.
Sent from my GT-N8000 using Tapatalk HD
Recently Added to the OP:
- Eco Mode
- Dynamic FSync
zRAM added to the guide.

Boeffla Configuration: Make Oxygen Fly

I figured I'd share my post with you guys here on XDA. My original post can be found on the OnePlus Forums.
Thanks to @Lord Boeffla OnePlus X users finally have the Boeffla kernel. This kernel brings several features which can aid in improving the fluidity and battery life of Oxygen. Hopefully someday we'll see his work with CM 13. That aside, let's get to my configurations
1. Governor/IO
I decided to use zzmoove alongside it's optimal profile. It provides smooth scaling between frequencies while maintaining great battery life. It also seems to fix performance in games. It should be noted though that Lord Boeffla did warn me against stability issues. I don't have any but it's something to keep in mind.
In place of ROW I switched over to FIOPS for the general performance benefits.
Everything else was left alone.
2. CPU
I increased the frequency to 2572mhz and applied an undervolt. I will not post undervolt settings. Every device is different and that's something you need to take into your own hands. Just because it works for me doesn't mean it'll work for you.
I did change the hotplug to zzmoove native default.
Everything else was untouched.
3. GPU
I just lowered the minimum frequency to 27mhz.
4. Boeffla Sound
I just enabled it. That's it. If anyone wants to share their configuration I'll upload it to this post.
5. Display + LED
Am I the only person that finds the display a little warm? I set red to 248 and green to 250.
Nothing else was changed
6. Miscellaneous 1
I enabled Boeffla system tweaks
Notice: if it wasn't mentioned I never changed it. This was done with the Boeffla app. Here's a link to the original thread:
Flash Procedure:
Find your device and download the kernel here:
Alternative (Uber/Linaro):
How does Uber compare to other tool chains?:
https://plus.google.com/ ChetKener/posts/YzMJEkzPQgp
Download the stock ROM here:
Download any third party tweaks such as Xposed that you use
Launch TWRP
Tap wipe, advanced wipe, and select everything except for internal storage.
Flash the ROM and then the kernel.
TWRP can be found here:
Instructions to unlock the bootloader can be found here:
I'm not responsible if you void you're warranty, kittens fly out your ***, or phone explodes in your pocket in an attempt to boil water
02/28/16: Antutu results are no longer applicable. They are scattered all over the place. Some tests, I get 71k, others 44k. The kernel isn't at fault as all other benchmarks report consistent results. Geekbench seems to provide the most accurate representation at the moment so I'll keep it updated. As for Antutu, I will no longer update the scores until they change their entire algorithm.
General Recommendations
1. Don't enable multicore power saving as it's unpredictable in terms of stability and doesn't really aid battery life. I'd get locked cores and random reboots with it on.
2. Be cautious when undervolting and over clocking. Settings that may work for others, may not work for you. Every processor is binned differently.
3. Do not flash this over Blu Spark or any other kernel. Flash the ROM and then the kernel. Dependencies for each kernel differ.
4. Do not seek me expecting a fix or patch for any issues that you may have. This doesn't mean spam the author with requests either. I will try to help to the best of my abilities, but there may be an issue I can't remedy.
Profile Downloads
Attached you'll find my custom profile. Simply take it and copy it to the folder boeffla-kernel-data and then open the Boeffla Oxonfiguration app. Tap on Default and then load. My profile should show up as Swell.bcprofile.
Refer to my disclaimer above please. My settings may not work for you.

Phone slow after root

I rooted and am running tek s ROM. The phone has been super laggy and slow since I flashed that ROM. Any advice.
Have you switched the governor to interactive or on-demand? That's the most important piece. The below link has a bunch of tips (universal to qualcomm/US S7 and S7e) to improve performance.
pitbullmommy45245 said:
I rooted and am running tek s ROM. The phone has been super laggy and slow since I flashed that ROM. Any advice.
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Check the thread under Guides about common problems and fixes.
I did but I didn't see a fix for this. I did what another member told me to do and it worked.
pitbullmommy45245 said:
I did but I didn't see a fix for this. I did what another member told me to do and it worked.
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Bug #1: Phone is laggy after rooting the phone/Battery is down the tank.
Fix: The phone is (partially) lagging because the ENG bootloader automatically sets the CPU governor to "Performance." While this is supposed to lock the CPU frequency at the maximum values, it does cause a lot of heat and possibly throttling. Additionally, the max core clocks are set to 1.593Ghz instead of their actual maximums. Not every CPU Tuner will allow you to set the big cores separately, so look around for one that does if you don't want to use Kernel Toolkit.
First, use Flashify to flash one of two zips provided by psouza4 on our sister Verizon Galaxy S7 (Edge) threads.
1. Kernel fixes & tweaks V15
2. Kernel fixes, tweaks, & Debloater
You need only flash one of these two zips. One additionally debloats the system, one does not. Choose whichever suits your needs.
What the zips do:
Next, install a CPU Tuner utility like Kernel Toolkit, then change the governor from "Performance" to "Interactive." Also change the max CPU frequency of the little cores to 1.593Ghz and the big cores to 2.150Ghz while you're at it. Leave the cores at their default minimum frequency. This will go a long way to improving the speed of the phone. Also make sure you that have the new settings to apply on boot. Every kernel manager should have this option somewhere.
Note: Although the max frequency in the settings screen will drop to some number, as long as you can see the CPU ramp up to the new settings in the information screen, then everything is fine. You can test the max frequency by turning the screen off and then back on.
Then, install sEFix and set entropy to "Ultra."
Lastly, install L Speed and:
-Main Tweaks: Turn on
-Battery Improvement
-OOM Killer
-Kernel Tweaks - "Light"
-CPU Tuner: Turn on
-CPU Optimizer
-LNET Optimizer: Turn on
-Google DNS
-Faster Streaming
-Faster Dormancy
-IO Tweaks: Turn on
-IO Boost
-Partition Remount
-RAM Manager
Literally the first bug and fix on the guide.

Help regarding Franco Kernel Manager?

Just downloaded the latest version of franco kernel manager 6.1. Im a total noob in terms of using this tool, so I've been looking for a guide or a tutorial that can assist in using it. Also what is the method of flashing the franco kernel from this tool? Where can I download the franco kernel.zip? I have been looking all over, cant seem to find it. Plz help
Im currently on RR Rom latest version 8.6.3. Im looking for a setting to enhance battery life and overall performance of the Phone.
rigerp said:
Just downloaded the latest version of franco kernel manager 6.1. Im a total noob in terms of using this tool, so I've been looking for a guide or a tutorial that can assist in using it. Also what is the method of flashing the franco kernel from this tool? Where can I download the franco kernel.zip? I have been looking all over, cant seem to find it. Plz help
Im currently on RR Rom latest version 8.6.3. Im looking for a setting to enhance battery life and overall performance of the Phone.
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Hey there
What I did to get Franco kernel was flash it during my first time rooting (so it was a clean flash, as the phone had be factory reset). Once you're in TWRP, you flash Franco kernel and then magisk. This is one way to do it. I can't advise you to flash a new kernel without clean flash because I personally didn't do it and I don't know if issues will come from that. If you can do it, my personal advice is to just do a clean flash. You know the drill, wipe system data and that stuff > flash ROM > Kernel > Magisk, and done
As for where you can get the zip, there is a thread here in the OP5 XDA forum on ROMs and Kernels I think and that's where franco posted the kernels. He's got a website too linked in the same post
HOWEVER, he hasn't updated them since last year, and I don't think they have support for Android 10, only 9
As for settings, well, in my own experience, you won't get any noticeable boost in battery life or performance without doing some drastic change.
If you want better battery life, you can decrease the maximum CPU frequency, change the governor to Conservative or Powersave, disable some cores, or all of those at once, but they WILL degrade performance, sometimes you won't notice but then you'll try to load a heavy webpage on Chrome and then you'll REALLY notice it.
The inverse is also true. To increase performance you change the governor to performance; usually the CPU frequency is set to its maximum by default, and the cores are all enabled anyway so you don't have to change anything. BUT, keeping the governor in Performance will also keep the CPU clocks at its maximum, and that's going to drain your battery like CRAZY, plus it'll overheat it. Usually there is no practical need for this setting, but I use it to play games on Dolphin emulator since thats when I can actually make use of that performance.
A better alternative is to keep the governor on Interactive, which will scale up CPU clocks depending on the load (if doing light stuff, low clocks. Heavy stuff > high clocks). Otherwise, Conservative does the same thing but takes longer to use higher clocks, so battery is saved.
Always use 1 governor for all cores. Do NOT use multiple governors (example: powersave for big cores, performance for little cores) because that will cause instability issues
Also, if you make any changes, you gotta tap the toggle on it, which will say something like "stay on boot: true". Otherwise, if you for instance change your governor to Performance, and then reboot, all your changes will reset to Default
Personally I just keep my governor in Conservative and roll with the defaults.
Hope that helps ya
sorry for digging but I was loooking for solution..
just make a backup of present kernel (tuned with FKM) and then flash it from backup menu
I was trying flash with twrp, magisk, 'set on boot' at first and many other things but it was so simple, it's there all the time

