Kodi / icefilms problems - Nexus Player Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

(I hope it's okay to talk about icefilms here. If not, please delete. Thanks.)
I just got my nexus player couple of days ago and I really wanna replace my old openelec pc asap. It's so nice to have a all in one solution for all my media including some emulatuon gaming...
The problem is with kodi. I can't start any stream on icefilms. No matter which hoster. It resolves the link and seems start but then it aborts right away. I'm on kodi 15 isengard. Same version works just fine on my phone in the same network...
Is anybody else seeing the same problem? Happend on 14.2 too...

Works for me.. Kodi build from the Play Store.. Maybe try Icefilms links from Genesis add-on?


Mobile Episodes

Ok, I have been googling both here and in general and cannot find the solution to my search. There are plenty of places to watch old TV episodes on my PC at home, such as surfthechannel.com, but I can't seem to find the same thing for mobile phones like ours. Anyone know of a good website that has old TV episodes that can be streamed over the data connection to our phones? I was almost all caught up with Dr Who and wanted to get in some additional watching while at work.
Download Skyfire browser and watch your shows on that site. Should work.
I agree...use Skyfire. I tried nearly every single shareware and freeware program that is supposed to let you watch TV and they all had major problems. The biggest issue is that Media Player cannot handle most of the video streams. I even tried Coreplayer and it busted out on most of the streams.
seems to be working fine. Thanks. It was agrivating using IE and having it give me a mobile version rather than let me actually get to the video content like I wanted.
Update: I found the issue and the fix to no audio. In advanced settings make sure you don't have hint for mobil checked. Once you have made that correction do a soft reset and you should have audio. I have not gotten on surfthechannel yet to confirm if it fixes it there or not. Will update later today when I try that sight.
necromis said:
seems to be working fine. Thanks. It was agrivating using IE and having it give me a mobile version rather than let me actually get to the video content like I wanted.
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does your volume work on surfthechannel.com? i can't seem to get it to work... hmmf! the video seems alright, but useless without sound! i am addicted to house! =)
actually I didn't try it there yet. I was watching chuck on NBC.com yesterday. I will try out a Dr Who episode later today to see if sound works or not.
Make sure your audio is not muted (here will be a checkmark if it is muted). In Skyfire go to Menu -> Actions -> Mute Audio
actually it seems that today I am getting no audio either. Nothing is muted. I did a soft reset last night. I usually do to make sure the GPS is not running any more and since then it is not playing sound.
thank you necromis and segadc....but I beg you both to forgive my stupidity! lol =) I actually figured it out last night... it seems that my audio was muted thru the actions menu....hmmmmmf, go figure that would produce no sound!!! lol *blushing*
well I had put an update on here earlier but it didn't stick so I am posting it in a new message. I found the fix on here earlier for the audio, besides the obvious one you found. LOL It seems that if in the advance settings you have hint for mobile checked it won't sync sound. So make sure that is also unchecked and do a soft reset afterwards. Also the audio server is not always functioning or connected to properly. You can try to exit and reload skyfire to resolve it and hook up with the audio server properly that way.

xperia wifi problem

hey guys, i need some help...videos are sluggish on the youtube app when connected via wifi, but when connected via activesync the videos are clean and nice, so i suspect is has something to do with the wifi connection, can someone please help me to solve this issue?
-what rom are you using? probably a good idea to post this problem in the ROM thread
-does the video play smoothly if you play after its puased untill its fully downloaded
-did you try other youtube players like the official player or youtube play or core media player

Video Streaming?

Does any1 knows if there are any application like Airvideo for Iphone, that cans tream your own videos from home computer?
May be something simmilar?
Http://www.orb.com worked fine back in the days with my Kaiser, never tried with the HD2 but would believe it works just as well or even better.
Thanks, it may be working as i need. WIll check it out today.
i use VLC to stream live TV and other stuff to my HD2, works just fine.
It's a bit of a hassle to find something that really works fine. Ended up getting CorePlayer for my phone and it works great.

Video stutter

Wondering if anyone has experienced frame drops/stuttering during local streaming in xbmc or netflix?
I get frame drops and sound loss every minute or so using both netflix and xbmc... My WiFi reads as excellent... And the NP is in the same place as my chromecast which played everything without problems... Wondering if I have a defective unit...
GoodB0Y said:
Wondering if anyone has experienced frame drops/stuttering during local streaming in xbmc or netflix?
I get frame drops and sound loss every minute or so using both netflix and xbmc... My WiFi reads as excellent... And the NP is in the same place as my chromecast which played everything without problems... Wondering if I have a defective unit...
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I have this problem but not with audio loss. I noticed watching a couple google play movies this weekend. Same boat as you with excellent wifi and chromecast is fine. I am wondering if it is defective also. I was gonna call google later today. I have till friday to send it back. Did you figure anything out?
I'd have to say that the problem has gone away for the most part... Might have been an updated issue or something else. But I haven't used netflix or Kodi for a while... Been hooked on popcorntime which works fine...
Sent from my SM-N900W8 using XDA Free mobile app

[SOLVED] Can't Cast to my Nexus Player

Hey Everybody,
just purchased a Nexus Player and need some help.
Google Casting doesn't work as it should. It appers in every Cast-Enabled app, but it won't connect.
On my Chromecast everything works fine.
It worked on Lollipop but after the marshmallow update it broke.
I'm now on Android N beta and it still doesn't work.
The Google Cast Receiver is the newest version 1.18.55065
I can connect youtube (but only sometimes)
Google Play Music and almost every othet app won't connect.
Netflix connects, but there's always a problem when i try to start a stream.
I can’t even watch Netflix from the Android TV itself.
- factory resetted 3 times
- deleted appdata of google cast receiver
- uninstalled google cast receiver updates
- force closed google cast receiver
I don't know what to try.. my next step will be, to download the Pure Nexus Rom from xda..
Could it me a problem with my network? i would not think so, because my Chromecast works perfectly.
I would really appreciate it, if someone could help me

I don't own a Chromecast, just the Nexus Player since last year, and the cast thing has NEVER worked for me. When I bought it it updated to Android 6 right away so I couldn't test the cast with the previous version. I doesn't work. Then I went to the Android N preview, still no luck. Now I'm on PureNexus and still the same thing. The closest thing to casting I've ever got was using Kodi on the NP and Kore on my phone, and "Share" a youtube video from my phone to kore, then kodi. I wonder what the problem might be since I havent had any problem at all with my Apple devices on Airplay....
Just got a new one, and the problem is gone.
still thanks for your help
