[Q] gridView.smoothScrollToPosition(p) not work (use GridViewWithHeaderAndFooter) - Java for Android App Development

I use GridViewWithHeaderAndFooter for my Application. and ask this question on stackoverrflow - this link on web sity:
but nobody gives me answer. maybe you know how solve my problem.


Automic wlan accepts

Hy Guys,
i have one question and cant find the answer using forum search. Maybe it could be helpfull if my english would be better^^.
I am using hitchikker beta 0.4 and it is wunderfull. it searches all time new Ap, but how can i automatic connect to them. without the connect-notification?
I have found a programm named WZCDisabler, but it is not working on WM6.
Is there any ozher possibility?

[HELP]WirelessLAN applet is missing - Please Help

Hi, sorry if this question has been asked before .. but I tried searching and I can't find any answers .. issues were not even close to mine. I asked Uncle Google but didn't find any.
Anyway ..
WirelessLAN applet is missing in Communications folder. I have to adjust the performance in power mode to BEST because I cannot browse to internet or even update the weather.
Adding "MyCPL.cpl,13" didn't work too ..
Your help is so much appreciated.
man ... nobody can't answer???
WIFISettings and WLANSettings is missing .. can someone share a CAB? please chefs?
i finally got wlansettings.exe and wifisettings.exe + the muis.
thank you so much for all your help.
this thread was very very helpfull

[Q] Another question to my Huashan...

Because I could not post reply, so I make a new thread to ask for help.
And... My English isn't very good, so please give me a hand.
I found this --->http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=974481
and I think I can use this to hack my Huashan...
But I don't know how to use...
And this one --->http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=733098
that website cannot download.
Can anyone give me an opinion please?

[Q] How to Create / Edit Rom for Hero?

Someone knows some guide that explains how to do?
(I used the search button but I have not found what I'm looking)
I think it's a long story
No Problem

[Q] What system application controls/provides Sammy keyboard writing recognition?

I would like to kindly ask you what app (name and if possible upload) controls samsung original writing recognition? I am asking since it looks like it has been removed from Omega ROM and possibly put on bloatware its list but I was not given an answer putting the question in Omega ROM thread. I was also trying to find the answer using google search but I was unsuccessful. Could any1 help me out please?
Thank you in advance.
No one?

