Unpack and Repack Apk Files - Android Software Development

Unpack And RePack Any Apk uSing Android Phone
Easy Method By Yasikst
Apk Extracter(To make Apk File Of The Installed app)
Zarchiver(To Unpack And Repack Apk)
1. OPEN ApkExtracter And Extract Any Apk That You Want To Unpack
Unpack Apk
2. Open Zarchiver (It Will Show You 2 popups On first Open..Just Click Ok and Ignore It)
3. Goto SdCard (Not External Sd) There Will a folder Name ExtractedApks....You can Get
The All Extracted Apk Using ApkExtracter Here..
4. Now Click On The Apk (That You Want To unpack )And Select Extract Here..(Or where
You want)
5. It Wil Extract The Apk.. You Can Change And Make Any change
Repack Apk
6. NOW Select All The Files That You Extracted (Using Multi select In Zarchiver)
Select Compress Zip(not 7zip) And Compress ..
7 After That.. Rename The ZIP IF You are Unpacked And Going to Repack
SystemUi .. Then SystemUI.zip to SystemUI.Apk
You Done..
oR You Can Install Normally...
BY yasikst......


[GUIDE] MODDING ICS (16-May-2012) Beginners modding guide.

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
-I will try to put it simple , and remember I don't know everything!
-I'm not a helpdesk , somethings you need to figure out yourself , don't expect me to put all my time in guiding you personal so please don't pm me about questions!!
-Second this is not a request thread , this is a do it your self thread!!!!!!
-I start with simple things and build my way up! I will also point you to the tools or upload the tools you need when it comes to that.
-All things I post here are mods I tried so if it doesn't work on your pc , IT is your pc setup not mine!
(My system is Windows 7 64bit professional.)
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Mods that need no decompiling and recompiling of a APK (Difficulty Level x---)
(Only thing you need for this is WinRar or 7Zip and Graphic program)​
1:Changing background color of the MENU on ICS.
-Extract the framework-res from the rom zip (system/framework) using a zip extracter (WinRar or 7Zip)
-You got the "framework-res.apk" , you extract that with WinRar like you would extract a zip file.
-Now you got the "framework-res" folder with his extracted content in that folder.( Remember this is not decompiling so only simple .jpg/png files can be switch this way NOT ".9.png" files)
-Now navigate to "framework-res/res/drawable-nodpi = background_holo_dark.png".
-You can use 2 sizes for it , default size is 512x512 the other size you can use is 1155x685 (for pictures with more than colors)
-Mod background_holo_dark.png the way you want.
-If finisched you select all folders and files (ctrl-a) in the "framework-res" folder and create a new zip file of it , BUT as you want to create it you change the "framework-res.zip" to "framework-res.apk " , now you create it with WinRar on store setting !
-You should have your own framework-res.apk now .
-Get the" MOD-INSTALLER.zip " I put in the attachments and you open it with WinRar (don't unpack it) , there is a folder "system/framework" , navigate to it using WinRar and now you drag the "framework-res.apk" you modded to that folder.(WinRar will ask to put it in the .zip file , you confirm this ).
-Put the "MOD-INSTALLER.zip " on your tablet and flash with CWM.
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2:Changing the soft touch buttons(Home , Back , Menu , recent) and more icons like Wifi , etc.......
(This not for battery % mod , for that we need to decompile or use a SystemUI with battery % mod already build in , I will upload one that is prepared for battery% and one stock , see attachments)
(On a later stage we are going to build our own SystemUI.apk with battery% mod included and change the statusbar , but that involves decompiling , signing , and modding .9.png images and is of modding level ,xxx-)
Using the attached SystemUI =
Rename the "STOCK-SystemUI.zip" to "SystemUI.apk" before you flash it.
Rename the "%-SystemUI.zip" to "SystemUI.apk"before you flash it.
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-Extract the "SystemUI.apk" from the rom zip (system/app) using a zip extracter (WinRar or 7Zip)
-You got the "SystemUI.apk" , you extract that with WinRar like you would extract a zip file.
-Now you got the "SystemUI" folder with his extracted content in that folder.( Remember this is not decompiling so only simple .jpg/png files can be switch this way NOT ".9.png" files)
-Now navigate to "SystemUI/res/drawable-mdpi = Here you can find all the Icons for the soft-touch buttons , wifi icons , AcerRing Icon and battery Icon
-Mod ....png the way you want or replace them with other icons but respect the image size as much as you can (A little of is no problem) .
-If finisched you select all folders and files (ctrl-a) in the "SystemUI" folder and create a new zip file of it , BUT as you want to create it you change the "SystemUI.zip" to "SystemUI.apk " , now you create it with WinRar on store setting !
-You should have your own SystemUI.apk now .
-Get the" MOD-INSTALLER.zip " I put in the attachments and you open it with WinRar (don't unpack it) , there is a folder "system/app" , navigate to it using WinRar and now you drag the "SystemUI.apk" you modded to that folder.(WinRar will ask to put it in the .zip file , you confirm this ).
-Put the "MOD-INSTALLER.zip " on your tablet and flash with CWM.
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Changing the layout of the AcerRing.
(I added the stock AcerRing.apk in attachments , just rename it from AcerRing.zip to AcerRing.apk)
-Extract the "AcerRing.apk" from the rom zip (system/app) using a zip extracter (WinRar or 7Zip)
-You got the "AcerRingI.apk" , you extract that with WinRar like you would extract a zip file.
-Now you got the "AcerRing" folder with his extracted content in that folder.
-Now navigate to "AcerRing/res/drawable = Here you find all the .png's that you can mod to change the look of the ring.
-Mod ....png the way you want (YOU NEED TO RESPECT THE IMAGE SIZE).
-If finisched you select all folders and files (ctrl-a) in the "AcerRing" folder and create a new zip file of it , BUT as you want to create it you change the "AcerRing.zip" to "AcerRing.apk " , now you create it with WinRar on store setting !
-You should have your own AcerRing.apk now .
-Get the" MOD-INSTALLER.zip " I put in the attachments and you open it with WinRar (don't unpack it) , there is a folder "system/app" , navigate to it using WinRar and now you drag the "AcerRing.apk" you modded to that folder.(WinRar will ask to put it in the .zip file , you confirm this ).
-Put the "MOD-INSTALLER.zip " on your tablet and flash with CWM.
Note about AcerRing:
AcerRing is not supported on all ICS roms , just flashing the AcerRing.apk is not enough to make it work, that is rom building and a whole different thing
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Changing the default wallpapers or creating your own:
(I added a template(created by scottw714) (A500 HD Template.psd in a zip file ) in attachments that you can use to mod wallpapers so if you put a text in the wallaper it is put in the center or you can line it out with the helping lines , you will need a graphic program that support this type of working file (I use "paint shop pro" for all my modding)
-Extract the "Launcher2.apk" from the rom zip (system/app) using a zip extracter (WinRar or 7Zip)
-You got the " Launcher2.apk " , you extract that with WinRar like you would extract a zip file.
-Now you got the " Launcher2" folder with his extracted content in that folder.
-Now navigate to " Launcher2/res/ drawable-sw600dp-nodpi = Here you find all the wallpapers.
-Mod ....wallpapers or replace the ones that are there ,but you need to keep the original name (so just adding wallpapers won't work) and you need to respect the size. You got the excual wallpaper (1920x1408) and the _small version (180x180)is the one you see when you select it in settings.
-If finisched you select all folders and files (ctrl-a) in the "Launcher2" folder and create a new zip file of it , BUT as you want to create it you change the "Launcher2.zip" to "Launcher.apk " , now you create it with WinRar on store setting !
-You should have your own Launcher2.apk now .
-Get the" MOD-INSTALLER.zip " I put in the attachments and you open it with WinRar (don't unpack it) , there is a folder "system/app" , navigate to it using WinRar and now you drag the "Launcher2.apk" you modded to that folder.(WinRar will ask to put it in the .zip file , you confirm this ).
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Changing the bootanimation
You got 2 options , use the BootAnimation-Flasher or do it manualy.
Using the BootAnimation-Flasher (see attachments):
-You open the "BootAnimation-Flasher with winrar or 7-zip (don't upack).
-Go to the folder system/media = here you put your "bootanimation.zip" (and it has to have that name!!!)
-Put the "BootAnimation-Flasher on your tablet and flash with cwm ( Your current bootanimation will be overwriten)
Doing it manualy (you need to have full root):
-Use a file manager with root permission (example: EsFileExplorer)
-Navigate to system/media = Here you put your "bootanimation.zip" (and it has to have that name!!!)
-You can backup your other (if there is one already installed) bootanimation.zip in system/media by copy/past it to a other place or just by renaming it to "bootanimation.zip.bak"
Note :
If you delete the "bootanimation.zip" and don't replace it in system/media you will get the stock android bootanimation , that is present on all Stock Acer ICS roms.
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More to come , I will try to do something everyday.
Decompiling & recompiling apk
Decompiling and recompling APK (Difficulty level xxx-)​
First we need
-Install android SDK and make sure when you run installation you select the tools and platform tools to install.(rest is of no use for Decompiling and recompiling a apk.
-Install Java SDK (JDK & JRE)(I install the Java SE 7.. and the SE 6.. as some tools only run on SE 6..) Make sure you install the JAVA Runtime (JRE)
-APK_MAnager_ICS that I put together so it works on ICS apk's.
You can also use APK-MultiTool , just google it but I don't like that new layout (personal I think)and the decompiling and recompiling doesn't work on ICS without problems.
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We are gonna build the battery% mod into the SystemUI.apk(you can use the Stock SystemUI that I added in attachments above).​
Extract the APK-Manager_ICS.zip and open that folder , You click on the "script.bat" , if nothing happens or you get a error (no adb) some of the Java stuff is missing or not installed correctly or the android SDK is not installed !!!!!!
Now lets begin building our SystemUI % mod
-You place your APK in the folder "place-apk-here-for-modding
-Look at screenshot , make sure you use the correct apktool.jar , you find these in the APKtool-switch folder that I put in there. You put the correct apktool.jar in the folder "other" , if you use the wrong one decompiling and recompiling won't work.
You set your project
Select your project apk
-Now in the "projects" folder you got to SystemUI/res/drawable-mdpi , here you add your battery icons from 0 - 100 , you can do this also for the charging icons.(I never change the charging stage icons ,I'm not interested to see a charging level in %)
-After you did that you go to SystemUI/res/drawable-sw600dp-mdpi , and here you delete all the battery icons , also the charging icons(just to save you some work)
(In this folder you also find the notify panel but these are .9.png files , that is for later but if you want to mod these now is the time)
-Now you go to SystemUI/res/drawable , here you replace the "stat_sys_battery.xml" with the one I put in the attachments (unpack the zip and use the xml file that is in it) Why use this XML , well then you don't need to mod it yourself.
If you also changed the charging level into % you need to change the "stat_sys_battery_charge.xml". Also see attachments.
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-Now you go back to the Script.bat and run it , select your project (22) and choose the SystemUI (1 in this case) and select the option "11" , Recompile.
-It will start ...........
-Answer "Yes" when it asks wheter it is system file
-Answer "Yes" when it asks "would you like to copy over any additional files...?"
-Script is paused => (don't press a key) and a 'keep" folder is created.
-Go to the "keep" folder (it's in the same folder than "script.bat")
In this "Keep" Folder, (DON'T MISS A STEPP !!!)
-delete "resources.arsc" file (You always do this when you changed XML files)
-delete originals "stat_sys_battery.xml" and "stat_sys_battery_charge.xml" from the "keep\res\drawable" folder
-delete all originals battery PNGs in / res/drawable-mdpi that were meant to be edited and delete the battery icons in /res/drawable-sw600dp-mdpi .
- Go back to "script.bat" and press a key to finish the job
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-Your new "SystemUI.apk" has been created in the "\place-apk-here-for-modding\" folder. It's called "unsignedSystemUIapk".. but it's not working yet.
-Unzip all the content of the "unsignedSystemUI.apk".
-Select all the files in the "unsingedSystemUI" folder (ctrl-a) and with Winrar/7zip BUT as you want to create it you change the "SystemUI.zip" to "SystemUI.apk " , now you create it with WinRar on store setting !
-Get the" MOD-INSTALLER.zip " I put in the attachments and you open it with WinRar (don't unpack it) , there is a folder "system/app" , navigate to it using WinRar and now you drag the "SystemUI.apk" you modded to that folder.(WinRar will ask to put it in the .zip file , you confirm this ).
-Put the "MOD-INSTALLER.zip " on your tablet and flash with CWM.
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NOTE !!!!
If it doesn't work from the first time keep trying you missed a step , If you got a error on decompiling or recompiling is because you are not using the correct "apktool.jar" that you need to put in the "other" folder. Or you missed a step.
Or you are using a apk that is corrupted with a previous mod (that is why I decompile and recompile all my mods so I can build on them , just copy/past images like in the easy step guide can result in errors when decompiling such a copy/paste apk.).
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Knowledge is power and this is why we share
thank you civ
You are a boss civato.
Envoyé depuis mon A500 avec Tapatalk
I'm not a helpdesk , somethings you need to figure out yourself , don't expect me to put all my time in guiding you personal so please don't pm me about questions!!
-Second this is not a request thread , this is a do it your self thread!!!!!!
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Civato , you are now , you know that!!!!lol!!!!
Bossman civato
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Added soft touch button mod.
Thanks so much. Will have to give this a go.
Sent from my A500 using xda premium
Nice work, very useful
Added some more stuff , enjoy.
Hey, great work Civato! Just wondering, will your Mod Installer zip work with Thor's ROM? Thanks for everything!
chaosking121 said:
Hey, great work Civato! Just wondering, will your Mod Installer zip work with Thor's ROM? Thanks for everything!
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Decided to post this question in your modding ics thread.
I'm using the stock Acer_AV041_A500_1.031.00_WW_GEN1-FULL-ROOT zip you posted in another thread. I am slimming it down a bit but am having trouble finding the Docs to Go apk and odex files to remove them. It use to be DTG.apk in the system/app folder in 3.2. Is it under a different name somewhere in the original zip?
After install, the apk shows in the system/vendor/app; but in the original zip the vendor folder only contains fake.txt
Any help locating these would be appreciated.
bytemehard said:
Decided to post this question in your modding ics thread.
I'm using the stock Acer_AV041_A500_1.031.00_WW_GEN1-FULL-ROOT zip you posted in another thread. I am slimming it down a bit but am having trouble finding the Docs to Go apk and odex files to remove them. It use to be DTG.apk in the system/app folder in 3.2. Is it under a different name somewhere in the original zip?
After install, the apk shows in the system/vendor/app; but in the original zip the vendor folder only contains fake.txt
Any help locating these would be appreciated.
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The stock one stores it in flexrom folder. That is where Acer puts his stuff.
possible to ad "change boot animation" ?
z-control said:
possible to ad "change boot animation" ?
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yes, if i got time I do a quick write up on that.
Done , added the how to change bootanimation
I'm also working on the guideon how to decompiling and recompiling systemUI for battery% mod and statusbar modding , will take a few days as I'm very busy.
Decompiling & recompiling apk
New , see post 2 , level xxx-
Thanks civato
Envoyé depuis mon GT-I9100 avec Tapatalk
Thanks civato

[Q] stat-bar

How to change status bar icons on stock odex?
There is no bad choises. Only bad results.
deodex the rom first
then root phone
extract systemui.apk to your pc
change apk extention to .zip
use winrar to extract zip
goto res/drawable-ldpi
change any png not ending in .9 keeping all file names the same
rezip everything
change extention back to apk (you will have to enable show file extentions in folder options in control panel)
put in flashable zip
flash in cwm with system mounted
iv explained this a few times now so search next time
also this method is only for changing png images - do not use it to edit anything else like xml files - you will need to decompile with apktool for that

(Tips & Trick) change graphic quality in Real Racing 3 v2.0.0

Sorry for my bad english..
I found this trick my self 2 day after v2.0.0 out, and decide to share it to you all..
Since v1.2.0 i'm not update my RR3 until v2.0.0 release, because Veneno come to this great game..
And i found eds trick not working in this version, why ? Well, my research v2.0.0 using eds file in "apk" folder, but it will using eds in ".depot" folder too if eds file not found in "apk" folder, you can find "apk" folder under ".depot" folder, right ?
Now you will think we simply replace modded eds in that "apk" folder, thats wont work because all file in "apk" folder will overwrited by RR3 every we launch the game, and our modded eds will overwrited too, why ? Again..
I think it like ramdisk in android 4.3, ex: kernel overwrite vold sdcard mount point in fstab file, thats why we using build.prop to swap that mount point and not edit the fstab file because it will overwrited every boot, just like this RR3 v2.0.0, correct me if wrong, which "apk" folder generated automaticaly by RR3 every run the game..
So lets begin this trick..
You will need :
Computer with 7Zip app
ZipSigner app in your Android, you can download ZipSigner on PlaySTORE
got it guys ? Let's work..
1. First i recommended you backup your RR3 data, all in com.ea.games.r3_row or _na folder and RR3 apk too, So if something goes wrong you can restore it..
2. Find your RR3 v2.0.0.apk file
3. Open it as ZIP using 7Zip, go to res\raw and open "res.zip" file
4. In "res.zip" go to res\ and copy that eds folder, you will need that original eds folder later, thats why we should copy it..
5. In "res.zip" go to res\eds and delete all 25 plist file in that folder, done ?
6. Now go back to previous folder step up by step up by pressing backspace key in your keyboard until you get notification [ File "res.zip" was modified. Do you want to update it in the archive ? ] press OK button and close 7Zip, got it guys ?
7. Now transfer that modified RR3 apk and the copied original eds folder we copy in step 4 to phone
8. Use ZipSigner to sign that modified RR3 apk otherwise you can't instal it..
9. In ZipSigner press Choose in/out and find that modded apk, found ? Click it, make sure Key/mode is auto-testkey, now press Sign The File in the bottom.. Your signed apk will named as -signed inside that original apk file..
10. Because signature changed if you have RR3 installed on phone you will get "Aplication not installed" if install the modified apk.. So first rename com.ea.games.r3_row or _na folder to "rr3" or something different than original com.ea.games.r3_row or _na name, done ?
11. Now uninstall your RR3 app from phone, dont worry your RR3 data will not deleted if you rename com.ea.games.r3_row or _na folder to other name like i said in step 10, Uninstalled ?
12. Now rename back your com.ea folder to original name "com.ea.games.r3_row or _na.. Got it ?
13. Finally install your modified RR3 -signed apk, Done..
Now you can place original eds folder we copy in step 4 to com.ea.games.r3_row or _na/.depot folder which it can easily changed using RR3 Graphics in PlaySTORE
Run RR3 Graphics and choose your graphic quality, low. mid. high. or xtrahigh. whatever you want..
Last, i found RR3 Graphics v1.0.14 not clone AndroidMid2.plist file, only 24 file cloned, so if your phone using AndroidMid2.plist file maybe game wont run, so we have to clone AndroidMid2.plist manualy.. simply duplicate AndroidMid.plist in /.depot/eds folder and rename it to AndroidMid2.plist, and you will have all 25 file cloned in /.depot/eds from eds_backup folder (found when we use RR3 Graphics) which contain original plist file..
Thats all guys, enjoy..

Creating a Flashable zip problem

Hi I created a bootanimation and want to make it flashable. I followed tutorials from the net and xda. I got two files META-INF and system.
I put my bootanimation.zip in system/media. That's all. I didn't touch META-INF .
After flashing the zip in cwm, it says Installation aborted . Need Help please...
thats because the flashable zip wasnt for your phone
status 0 - wrong update binary
status 6 - wrong update script
here is my template for you
simply download it
open it in winrar (or if using phone just unzip everything)
open the system foler
you will notice a framework folder that is currently empty
you can leave this folder as it is
just create folders to where you want to flash the file to
for example your bootanimation.zip create the following
in the system folder create a folder called media
in the media folder place your bootanimation.zip
the same is true for any other files you want to flash
if you want to flash a file to system/framework just put a file in that folder
if you want to flash a file to system/app just create a folder called app in the system folder and put what you want to flash there
if on winrar you just have to open the zip and right click and create a folder - no need to unzip everything
if on phone and you have unzipped everything just zip everything back up when done
flashable zip template can be download from here
if you are using stock rom you need to enable custom boot animations first using the custom boot enabler zip
(if you already have a custom boot animation and bootanimation.zip working in a custom rom then you dont need to do this)
Ovafloa_X said:
Hi I created a bootanimation and want to make it flashable. I followed tutorials from the net and xda. I got two files META-INF and system.
I put my bootanimation.zip in system/media. That's all. I didn't touch META-INF .
After flashing the zip in cwm, it says Installation aborted . Need Help please...
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If just a bootanimanion, push using root browser only
Or using a another flashable bootanimation file and the replace the bootanimation.zip with yours
I attch it . Credits to its maker
works perfectly! thanks

[Guide] 3Min Battery Mod(Step By Step Instructions) using BatchApkTool

Hi guys, i really love the 3Min battery Mod from @gharrington Tyvm bro. There is a lot of threads of how to make it yourself but i think most of them are not too detailed and cover everything. So since i use these instructions my self i thought of sharing them in case someone may benefit from it.
Preparation: :
1. Download the latest BatchApkTool .
2. Tools needed and how to extract System.img.
3. Recommended tools needed: Notepad ++, 7zip or Winrar
1. Download the latest BatchApkTool unzip it and move the need files to their designated folders explained in the next step.
2. We need to get SystemUI folder and framework folder(Inside it Framework_res.apk and arm64 folder is needed) either from a System.img in that case use the guide in the preparation section on how to extract it or import them from your device using any file manager with root.
3. Put SystemUI folder in _priv-app folder, and framework folder in to _framework folder.
Open BatchApkTool select your language make sure that all the settings match your rom, enter the following numbers for changes:
83. Smali(By default it's the latest "2.2 latest when writing this" so just check it in case)
84. Api level: ------------- select 23( for Marshmallow)
85. Apktool(By default it's the latest stable version "it was 2.2.0 when writing this" just make sure it is)
1. Under Smali section select '01 Deodex all apks and jars'(In case your rom isn't deodexed yet if it is skip this step). If your rom is stock then your SystemUi.apk needs to be deodexed for this to work. (For Nexus 6p select Arm64 when asked)
2.Under Smali section select '02' to move the deodexed files to _Input_Apk folder.
*Make a backup of META-INF folder and AndroidManifest.xml after extracting them from the deodexed SystemUI.apk file using Winrar or 7zip.
3.Under ApkTool section select '1' to decompile Apks.
4. After that go to _Input_Apk folder and open the decompiled SystemUI folder, navigate to res/layout/system_icons.xml and open with notepad ++
5. Find:
Note: These values may not be an exact match, doesn't matter
Change both values to
6. Hit enter and directly underneath that line add the following:
<com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.MinitBattery android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
7. Save your work and close notepad ++
8. You now need to navigate to smali/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy folder
** Download the latest Modfiles package(3MinitBatterySettings, MinitBatteryResources, 3 Smali files) needed from here or main website.
9. Copy the 3 smali files(files that end with .smali) into that policy folder.
10. Time to recompile the SystemUI.apk. Under ApkTool section select '3 recompile apks' in Batchapktool.
11. Once recompiling of SystemUI.apk is complete go to it in _OUT_APK you will find it there, open it with 7zip or Winrar and Don't Extract.
12. Delete META-INF folder and AndroidManifest.xml from newly recompiled SystemUI.apk and replace them with the original backup we took in step C.2.
13. Download the 3MinitBattery_Template1.zip(will remove original SystemUi.apk and replace it) or 3Minit_Battery_Template2.zip(Will not remove the original SystemUi.apk and will leave it for you to remove it manually in case you want to back it up).
14. Use one of the template zips then open it don't extract it just open it with Winrar or 7zip and drop 3MinitBatterySettings, MinitBatteryResources that we got in step C.8 to their respective folders in the zip file. Drop the newly recompiled SystemUI.apk to SystemUI folder if you choose template 1 and if you choose template 2 put it in priv-app folder.
P.s: If you choose template 2 after flashing it go to system/priv-app/SystemUI folder in your device and with any file manger with root delete SystemUi.apk after you back it up to where ever you choose then reboot the device.
15. After this make a backup of your rom and flash the zip.
16. To use 3minBattery app open it and choose your customization then reboot you should see the changes after that. Good luck! :good:
Credits go to:
- @gharrington for his Mod&Guide.
- bursoft for Batch ApkTool.
- @bdorr1105 for his Thread.
- https://androidmtk.com for the Guide&Tools.
Awesome tutorial.. I am looking to add it into a modified stock rom for a Samsung tablet that I have.. Do you know of any easy to follow tutorials for that? i am very new to this part of android..lol.. i am usually on the flashing end and now i am trying to help out for this tab because it has no custom roms until mine. Again, awesome tutorial.
glockman4519 said:
Awesome tutorial.. I am looking to add it into a modified stock rom for a Samsung tablet that I have.. Do you know of any easy to follow tutorials for that? i am very new to this part of android..lol.. i am usually on the flashing end and now i am trying to help out for this tab because it has no custom roms until mine. Again, awesome tutorial.
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Ty much appreciated. It has been a while since I created this thread since then I have stopped using this mod because it's kind of a headache to do it for every update add to that since Google already enabled the battery percentage inside the battery there was no need any more for the mod. Anyway it's still great to be able to change from time to time. Regarding the tutorial I am sorry to say I haven't tried to create a custom ROM so I can't help you much with that but I am sure there are a lot of tutorials but will require some time to search. Good luck with your project.

