Xposed Framework Now Works for LP 5.1.1 - Xperia Z1 General

For those who don't know: Xposed Framework, the latest SDK22 alpha dated May 14, works with lollipop 5.1.1. Confirmed on my Xperia Z1 with the latest 5.1.1 r.2 cm based rom. And so does Xprivacy module starting from 3.6.11.

What of the greenify module? I haven't tried it on my Nexus 5 running 5.1.1 yet

Its working, i have greenify on boost mod. On Sony SP 5.1.1 ubl.

Is there a version working for the last stock lollipop firmware?


How to Install Xposed Framework

How to install xposed framework on stock rom note 4-910g lollipop version
Personally, for my 910F, I installed a lightly modified, deodexed Stock 5.1.1 firmware and used Wanam's customised Xposed installation for SDK22 (5.1.x).
I used RoboMix 5.0 as my base (but this is only for the 910F I believe)
... an alternative for the 910G may be the Nameless 5.1.1 ROM:
I then used the 32-bit Xposed installation (which is required on SD805 devices, as the SoC and hence Android is 32-bit only)
Hope this helps!

Xposed for sm-g903m?

There is some tutorial for installing xposed framework on S5 new edition (SM-G903M)?
I'm running android 5.1.1 rooted by chainfire.

[UNOFFICIAL] [WORKING] [MAY BE UNSTABLE] Xposed for Nougat 7.0 & 7.1 (api24) (api25)

[UNOFFICIAL] [WORKING] [MAY BE UNSTABLE] Xposed for Nougat 7.0 & 7.1 (api24) (api25)
Find the Official post by the DEV below
I can confirm this working in SM-G930FD running TGP.
Flash the classic version and not the magisk version. I tried only classic and it's working.
Reposting here so that you can easily find things related to Xposed for our S7.
Try it out.
Modules I tried so far.
Gravitybox [N]
Xposed Edge
I'll update the list as much as possible.
Update : @rovo89 released official xposed which is working fine in Samsung S7

Official Xposed framework for Nougat now available


Is xposed out yet for nougat?

I have the g361h running lineage on nougat, and I was wondering if the Xposed framework is out yet for this model? Will the official framework run on my phone or does it need to be customized specifically for the g361h?
