[TIP] Adjusting DPI without root - ZenFone 2 General

How to adjust your DPI without root, I believe the current DPI is around 300 I could be wrong.
To adjust the DPI follow the steps below, THIS DOES NOT REQUIRE ROOT.
Open settings and scroll all the way down to About
Open Software Information
Tap the build number quickly a couple times till it says "You're now a developer"
Head back into the main settings page and open the new Developer Options
Enable USB debugging
Install ADB on your computer (there are plenty of tutorials out there if you don't know how)
Start ADB and check if you see your device by typing
adb devices
If you see your phone go ahead and type
adb shell wm density 250
Reboot your phone to apply the effects system wide.
250 is the DPI set which I think looks the best for me. Adjust how you like it

This is a great method. Use it often. Couple more commands:
adb shell wm density reset (set to default)
adb shell wm size 1080x1920 (emulate whatever resolution)
adb shell wm size reset (set to default)

What Screen Resolution have you chosen?
Chinaphonearena said:
This is a great method. Use it often. Couple more commands:
adm shell wm density reset (set to default)
adm shell wm size 1080x1920 (emulate whatever resolution)
adm shell wm size reset (set to default)
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I noticed in the pics from your review consisted of smaller icons. I am assuming you changed the DPI to 250. I would like to know if you have tinkered with your screen resolution as well. If yes can you show us some screenshots? Does that have any other benefits like battery performance and processing speed?

sanjeevopeth said:
I noticed in the pics from your review consisted of smaller icons. I am assuming you changed the DPI to 250. I would like to know if you have tinkered with your screen resolution as well. If yes can you show us some screenshots? Does that have any other benefits like battery performance and processing speed?
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Yes, you're correct the dpi was changed. There's no performance gain I see. I do this so I can fit more on the screen at once within apps, while browsing etc... For me this is half the value of an HD device - you can shrink stuff down to fit 2x as much, but tiny text still remains comfortably legible.
This can also be done within terminal emulator. For me, not successful unless entering su.

nice way to adjust animations on your phone..its now fast without the animation by the way i need help i accidentally touch the Logger Buffer Sizes....its under settings..developer options...scroll down you will see. logger buffer sizes...now there are number to choose from..64k..256k...1m...4m...16m.... now would like to ask if what is your default value in your phone"? want to do default...whats the diffence it do when you change those settings 64...256...etc....tnx

pato2015 said:
nice way to adjust animations on your phone..its now fast without the animation by the way i need help i accidentally touch the Logger Buffer Sizes....its under settings..developer options...scroll down you will see. logger buffer sizes...now there are number to choose from..64k..256k...1m...4m...16m.... now would like to ask if what is your default value in your phone"? want to do default...whats the diffence it do when you change those settings 64...256...etc....tnx
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Mine is 256k. That should be how much data is held in the logs.

thanks...got it...it just goes to default by itself when closing developer option......

This is pretty cool, is there an adb command to readout the density what ever it's currently set at?
I ended up at 390, it gives a nice 5x5 grid.

Thanx, work fine! A little notice: Asus Powermanagment end in force closed when you change the DPI. Went back to orig. 480 and it works, when you need it
And next big issue Swift key doenst work with changed DPI. When changed i saw only a few very!! big letters. Keyboard not useable.

Thanks OP!
The issue with swiftkey is well known and documented, just search Google for it (XDA says I don't have enough posts to post links yet). It looks like there's a fix, but it requires root. I switch to the Google keyboard and it works fine with modified DPI.
FYI, density setting of 460 is the lowest (stock is 480) that will keep the widget width taking up the whole screen for wide widgets. Makes everything a little sharper than stock, which was needed.

The hardware keys below the screen also stop working when the screen resolution is changed.

tasar said:
Thanx, work fine! A little notice: Asus Powermanagment end in force closed when you change the DPI. Went back to orig. 480 and it works, when you need it
And next big issue Swift key doenst work with changed DPI. When changed i saw only a few very!! big letters. Keyboard not useable.
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ZenMotion touch gestures config also crashes.
As for swiftkey, you could probably use xposed appsettings to adjust its dpi/dp settings.

ziddey said:
As for swiftkey, you could probably use xposed appsettings to adjust its dpi/dp settings.
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I have test it with AppSettings at first but no luck or i do something wrong. I have set DPI to 480 all other at default but same as before.

tasar said:
I have test it with AppSettings at first but no luck or i do something wrong. I have set DPI to 480 all other at default but same as before.
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Try a different DPI. 480 is extreme and some apps simply won't work properly at such a high setting.

After doing this, how to revert to the original one???

dineshdotcom2000 said:
After doing this, how to revert to the original one???
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adb shell wm density reset

Chinaphonearena said:
Try a different DPI. 480 is extreme and some apps simply won't work properly at such a high setting.
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480 is original dpi

tasar said:
480 is original dpi
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Tasar, I stand corrected. 480 it is.

Application settigs
Anyone having problems with some applications after using this mod? I am having issues with viber(photos sent wont open properly- always zoomed in and i cannot see the entire photo and no option to be zoomed out) and instagram as well. Hope anyone can help me with this. Thanks

Photo Studio pro the same problem, see only a quarter of the pic, cant zoom it to full. App settings doenst help


Clear type in Lanscape mode...how to make it stay?

When I enable clear type in landscape mode by editing the registery :
Changing the value of HKLM\System\GDI\ClearTypeSettings\OffOnRotation from 1 to 0 it works BUT only for a while, then it reverts back to 0 and
I don't have clear type when I pull out the keyboard. Does anyone know how to make it stay? (it worked in the wizard without any problems)
I use nScriptm freeware from www.s-k-tools.com and a simple script. I made a shortcut in the startup folder to run this script w/o showing the console window.
BTW the same script sets PIE cache size to 4096MB for me - a value that is reset every boot as well.
Easy peasy...why make things harder
Download TwkCL from here...
or if you can't just searchfor it.
Place it in your Windows - Startup folder.
Select it to run it, nothing will happen but it HAS ben enabled.
Then you simply soft-reset your device.
Et Voila! You have Cleartype always enabled in landscape mode.
It wouldnt work properly anyway... MS Cleartype counts on horizontal orientation of R-G-B triplet in LCD matrix, it can not do "vertical subpixel rendering", only horizontal.
So if you forcefully enable it in landscape, it would smooth text in perpendicular direction, making it more blurry instead of actual resolution enhancement.
Actually it works perfectly...the text looks EXACTLY the same either way.
Been using it ever since I had my JAM.
It doesnt. Surely, you see the difference, but only in Portrait it actually works as intended. In Landscape you get same result youll get if you grab a screenshot from Cleartype text and rotate it - if you'll read how cleartype actually works, you'll understand that this would obliterate the main idea of it.
Even MS said that numerous times. The only advantage you get in landscape is "smoother" fonts, but that came with drawback of reduced sharpness and also more visible "color outlines" on letters (while in portrait when cleartype works as intended sharpness is not reduced and color outlines is a lot less visible).
Read this article - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleartype
It would help you to undestand the mechanics of it.
I actually found the answer to my own question. For the TyTN, you have to change HKLM\System\GDI\ClearTypeSettings\ROTATION\LandscapeMode from 1 to 0 and it'll stay. It works. No need to load any programs in the startup folder.
under gdi?
I can't find it, there's cleartypesetting and rotation, not rotation undercleartype.
Please clarify
Actually, don't you mean change the HKLM/System/GDI/ClearTypeSettings/ROTATION value from 0 to 1? ClearType will be on in landscape mode then.
@Ingvarr: you are correct but it still looks better when ClearType is enabled IMO
Sleuth255 said:
@Ingvarr: you are correct but it still looks better when ClearType is enabled IMO
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I guess its up to personal preferences... Iam very color sensitive, I guess thats why I cant bear visible color smudges at fonts edges in landscape
I've just used Magic SS to take screenshots of each and it looks the same even after a side by side zoomed in comparison down to the last pixel.
It looks the same to me. Maybe I'm losing it.
kittiyut;1034773 said:
I actually found the answer to my own question. For the TyTN, you have to change HKLM\System\GDI \ClearTypeSettings \ROTATION\LandscapeMode from 1 to 0 and it'll stay. It works. No need to load any programs in the startup folder.
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Hi, does this actually stay for you?, I had that set awhile back, and it would revert to the oem settings after a few soft resets or shutdowns.
I also like cleatype in landscape on, I do understand why its off by default, but I guess its really up to ones own prefrences, I changed the system font, and the cleartype makes the font look much better, It could possibly be that I need to up the font size.
Just a tip..if anyone decides to play with the system font, put the font in your windows directory, not the fonts folder, maybe everyne else already knew this, but I used the fonts folder at first...and it worked, but caused glitches.
Sorry to ramble off topic for a bit.
No, I do mean change the value from 1 to 0
If it is at 1, Clear Type would not be enabled in Landscape mode
If it is at 0, Clear Type WOULD be ENABLED in Lanscape mode
Sleuth255 said:
Actually, don't you mean change the HKLM/System/GDI/ClearTypeSettings/ROTATION value from 0 to 1? ClearType will be on in landscape mode then.
@Ingvarr: you are correct but it still looks better when ClearType is enabled IMO
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This doesn't work for me.
At first, I made the new key as kittiyut instructed because there was no key in defalut:
HKLM/System/GDI/ClearTypeSettings/ROTATION/LandscapeMode and set its value to 1
But this didn't work anything.
And then, I changed registries as follows and it seems OK before I soft-reset with stylus.
But after stylus reset, OffOnRotation=1 comes alive again.
I think TwkCL is the only solution for Hermes now.
athiqueahmed said:
I've just used Magic SS to take screenshots of each and it looks the same even after a side by side zoomed in comparison down to the last pixel.
It looks the same to me. Maybe I'm losing it.
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Well, thats exactly what is wrong - you see, you take screenshots, that doesnt capture actual micro-lamp layout on your LCD screen - and this is what ClearType uses to actually _enhance_ resolution. To correctly see it, you should take _photos_ of screen
Read the Wikipedia page, you'll understand it It it would work properly, landscape one would be different from portrait - in landscape LCD triplets go in "vertical" way relatively to the text, while in portrait they go in horizontal way relatively to the text.
shugoh;1035107 said:
This doesn't work for me.
At first, I made the new key as kittiyut instructed because there was no key in defalut:
HKLM/System/GDI /ClearTypeSettings /ROTATION/LandscapeMode and set its value to 1
But this didn't work anything.
And then, I changed registries as follows and it seems OK before I soft-reset with stylus.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System\GDI \ClearTypeSettings]
"OffOnRotation"=dword :00000000
"LandscapeMode"=dword :00000000
But after stylus reset, OffOnRotation=1 comes alive again.
I think TwkCL is the only solution for Hermes now.
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the correct tweak is HKLM/System/GDI /ClearTypeSettings and setting the onoffrotatation dword from 1 to 0
I myself just realized after your post that the key people had been changin doesn't exist, and it hadn't been mentioned to create one...no wonder people were sayin they couldn't find it, and it will revert back to 1 after a few resets anyhow, like you mentioned.
After much gnashing of teeth and fudging around with registry settings, I agree that TwkCL in startup seems to be the only way to get ClearType in landscape mode currently....
But none of these solutions does not work with AKU 3.3...
Edit: Works, works,... Need to
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System\GDI\ROTATION] "LandscapeMode"=dword :00000000
and copy TwkCL to startup.

Better keyboard density?

I have better keyboard pro but I am running hyperdroid which has the density set at 167, making the keyboard smaller.
Is there any way that I can make the better keyboard bigger?
Im not sure, as i havent tried that rom, but if you have spare parts installed, try turning off compatibility mode, reboot and see if it works. or you can always edit your build.prop lcd density.
snyper2k2 said:
I have better keyboard pro but I am running hyperdroid which has the density set at 167, making the keyboard smaller.
Is there any way that I can make the better keyboard bigger?
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There's an app in the market called LCD density changer, you could try that..
I would personally like to know this too. I would like to have low density with a normal size keyboard. I have tried turning off compatibility mode.
ive done a little testing myself now, running hyperdroid and same key board. i couldnt get it to work right til i un-installed it after turning compat mode off and restarting. so maybe it will work for you this way,,, un-install it, turn compat mode off and resart, best to turn off phone then back on really. after re-start, re-install and see if it is full screen. good luck!
Same issue here. Interesting problem -- the HyperDroid rom with CM7 on my HD2 *came* with a 167 density setting (tiny fonts) but a large keyboard (sized as if density were 240). I wanted to change the size a bit and set the density to 200, and then the keyboard got *smaller*. Now they are correlated and I can't get back to the way it was originally. Love to hear if anyone has this figured out. There must be a separate setting somewhere for the keyboard size.

Lapdock resolution is off?

Strange situation. I got the lapdock a few days back from the sale and I'm running Darkside w/ Fruitcake 2.3.5 webtop. I plugged it in, everything works (although by god it boots slowly) except the desktop doesn't go to the edge of the screen. There's a black margin around the display that my mouse cannot reach. The displayed screen is smaller than the actual LCD screen.
I had tried fastboot wipe webtop and reinstalled fruitcake with no improvement. I had also tried webtopmod1 and the issue persists.
Any ideas?
maybe lcd density settings can/are messing with it? just throwing that out there.
I had the same issue on my hacked webtop. I resolved it by editing my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.
Towards the bottom are "Screem sections". These define possible choices for screen layouts. In my file, the second of these Screen sections has an Identifier "Screen HDMI". In this, you can set the mode and virtual screen size. Set these both to 1366x768.
You obviously need root, and a way to edit the file. Once edited, reboot (clsing and opening the dock does not restart X).
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen HDMI"
Device "Tegra HDMI"
Monitor "HDMI"
Option "ARGBHWCursor" "false"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Depth 24
# Uncomment to override the preferred resolution chosen by UseEDIDModes
Modes "1280x720"
ViewPort 0 0
# Defaults to the size of the chosen mode
Virtual 1366 1024
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen HDMI"
Device "Tegra HDMI"
Monitor "HDMI"
Option "ARGBHWCursor" "false"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Depth 24
# Uncomment to override the preferred resolution chosen by UseEDIDModes
# Modes "1280x720" Orig
Modes "1366x768"
ViewPort 0 0
# Defaults to the size of the chosen mode
# Virtual 1366 1024
Virtual 1366 768
There might be better ways, but this worked for me.
NOTE: The virtual line need not exist at all per the comments
That was amazing! Thanks. It was way above my head and I'm glad someone can fix it.
Does this change work for the entertainment center also?
My webtop fits the lapdock screen just fine, but when I use the entertainment center, video is squished horizontally leaving 2 black vertical stripes on the sides.
exwannabe said:
I resolved it by editing my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.
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Is there a way to edit the xorg.conf file right on the phone? Or do you adb copy it to a pc, edit it, and copy it back?
J252 said:
Is there a way to edit the xorg.conf file right on the phone? Or do you adb copy it to a pc, edit it, and copy it back?
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I am happy using vi in a terminal, but I assume that there are many text editor apps available.
I would caution you to be carefull though. Make a copy of the file first.
I have never used the entertainment center. so can not help you. If is is still 'droid though (and not a webtop flavor), this will not have an affect.
In my case when this happens, I fix it with a simple StartX command on LXTerminal.
However, ever since I went to Fruitcake 2.3.5 Webtop, the screen res change problem hasn't happened again.
Lapdock resolution is off??
Hi Everyone...I hopeI am not bothering anyone, even though I haven been reading lots of post with no luck about this issue... I am experiencing this same issue with the lapdock, it does not run at fullscreen, there are black bars all around.
I am running stock firmware 2.3.6 with webtop version WT-1.2.0-110_OLY-6 // Also the only modification I've done to the phone is that I root it...
One strange thing is that when switching to the entertaiment center it work at fullscreen! but not in webtop...
I already tried modifing the xorg file using Root Browser with same results, I've also use startx command from lxterminal but it keeps not showing at fullscreen.
I am still afraid of using webtop from fruitcakes as I am afraid to ruin the phone (n00b....reallly n00b)....so I would like to know if anyone has any other thoughts before testing with fruitcake?

Snapchat text issue

So anytime I send a snap to someone or post on my story the text in the snap becomes very little to the left side. My dpi is standard for 1440 x 2560 and I don't know how to fix it. It's very annoying and hard to read. Someone please help. (Posted screenshot)
Did you adjust the DPI at all? Only thing I can think of. Thats super weird.
xgerryx said:
Did you adjust the DPI at all? Only thing I can think of. Thats super weird.
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Yes but I've changed it back and set it to multiple dpi's. No luck. Even factory reset it. Nothing.
A factory reset should surely reset the dpi. Many apps have issues playing nice with an overridden dpi, specifically the functionalities that include resizing or cropping.
Try an "adb shell wm density reset && adb reboot" command for good measure
bonk3rzzz said:
a factory reset should surely reset the dpi. Many apps have issues playing nice with an overridden dpi, specifically the functionalities that include resizing or cropping.
Try an "adb shell wm density reset && adb reboot" command for good measure
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thank you so much!!! It worked
Sure, no problem. Glad to help

Lowest possible DPI for LeEco Pro3

What is the lowest possible DPI that we can go to for this phone?
I am coming from LG G3 using 520 DPI. I set the font size at 403 DPI for this phone and it seems to be quite large.
Set it to 360
Are there any options for lowering the dpi with the stock rom? I have been digging through the options but haven't seen anything yet.
xerythul said:
Are there any options for lowering the dpi with the stock rom? I have been digging through the options but haven't seen anything yet.
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Havent done this, but there is a way
I have changed dpi on a rooted phone by build prop editor.
xsystem1 said:
I have changed dpi on a rooted phone by build prop editor.
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texdroider seems to have no effect on fonts so i set it 350 from texdroider and then also used the adb shell to appropriate font size using this command
adb shell wm density 350 && adb reboot
it looks good now
samjoandco said:
texdroider seems to have no effect on fonts so i set it 350 from texdroider and then also used the adb shell to appropriate font size using this command
adb shell wm density 350 && adb reboot
it looks good now
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Just tried the ADB command on unroot stock 58.019s, works flawlessly. Thanks!
Now I can fit more shortcuts... =D
CM13 unofficial... DPI 360
Joms_US said:
Just tried the ADB command on unroot stock 58.019s, works flawlessly. Thanks!
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does the dialer window that pops up when call is in progress show up correctly?
for me the end button is large and off center, the dpi for this screen has not adjusted correctly
samjoandco said:
does the dialer window that pops up when call is in progress show up correctly?
for me the end button is large and off center, the dpi for this screen has not adjusted correctly
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Button is not adjusted properly but still works.
Joms_US said:
Button is not adjusted properly but still works.
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yes, same here
