[Q] bluetooth audio fix - Android Software Development

not working lollipop update how to fix


[Q] ICS bluetooth fix

EDIT: i was able to figure out the problem

[Q] [REQ] MMS.apk from 4.2.2 ROM

Hello, due to SlimBean's 4.2.2 ROM has a bug in auto sms->mms conversion (I can't turn it offf)
Does anyone have fixed one?

[Q] [Help] GS4 Sound Issue

I had Omega v12 working fine but i decided to switch to Echo v5 to try out 4.3 and my sound does not work at all and the phone freezes if i try to play any audio or change the volume. I switched back to Omega and the problem persists, any ideas, thanks.

[q] cm9 wİfİ bluetooth sound rotation fix available ?

hi guys cm9 wifi bluetooth sound rotation fix available now ?
No and there wont be as there are no drivers available

[Q] shazam on 4.42

does anybody make it work on this version?
my error is related to sound..."couln't record audio"
i'm on jammal 4.4.2 rc2
