Stock Kernel for Moto E 2015 - E 2015 General

For those who may find it useful, I am posting here a TWRP flashable zip of the stock kernel for the Moto E LTE. It's handy for anyone tinkering with custom kernels.
This kernel is for a Canadian XT1527 running build LXI22.50_24.1 of Android 5.0.2. The boot image within is unmodified and release signed for the Canadian models (CID 14). It should work on all variants of the XT1527 with unlocked bootloaders.

Boost Mobile CDMA Kernel
For those with CDMA phones (XT1526), I've attached a TWRP flashable zip for the stock Boost Mobile kernel. It is from build LXI22.50-14.8 (factory 5.0.2 for Boost Mobile). CDMA LTE MODEL ONLY! I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR BRICKING YOUR DEVICE!

since the script is:
ui_print("Squid Kernel for Moto E Styx LTE"); ##### actually surnia stock kernel I suppose...
ui_print("Mount /System Folder...");
run_program("/sbin/busybox", "mount", "/system");
package_extract_dir("system", "/system");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0755, 0644, "/system/lib/modules");
ui_print("Extracting Kernel");
package_extract_file("boot.img", "/dev/block/platform/soc.0/by-name/boot");
it should be poss for people to hexdump via
dd ...boot of=boot.img
their non-Canadian stock kernels easily and use those to revert their phones back from the SQUID-KERNEL.

mai77 said:
since the script is:
ui_print("Squid Kernel for Moto E Styx LTE"); ##### actually surnia stock kernel I suppose...
ui_print("Mount /System Folder...");
run_program("/sbin/busybox", "mount", "/system");
package_extract_dir("system", "/system");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0755, 0644, "/system/lib/modules");
ui_print("Extracting Kernel");
package_extract_file("boot.img", "/dev/block/platform/soc.0/by-name/boot");
it should be poss for people to hexdump via
dd ...boot of=boot.img
their non-Canadian stock kernels easily and use those to revert their phones back from the SQUID-KERNEL.
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The Canadian kernel should work on all XT1527 and XT1524 variants. The dual sim model might need something different, though I'm not sure. If you want to create a flashable zip for a different model, you should also include the kernel modules that go with your kernel. The kernel modules need signatures that match the kernel.


Streamline /data for System app symlinks

I just wanted to point something out now that there are quite a few different roms using larger then normal system partitions and offloading that data onto the data partition with symlinks. Here is only three examples:
Kingdom Rewind:
ui_print("Writing System...");
mount("MTD", "system", "/system");
package_extract_dir("system", "/system");
symlink("/data/Rewind-System/", "/system/app");
Kinged Kingdom and HateSLINGER:
ui_print("Writing System...");
mount("MTD", "system", "/system");
package_extract_dir("system", "/system");
symlink("/data/King-System/", "/system/app");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0755, 0644, "/data/King-System/");
Synergy Nightly:
ui_print("Writing System...");
mount("MTD", "system", "/system");
package_extract_dir("system", "/system");
symlink("/data/Synergy-System/", "/system/app");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0755, 0644, "/data/Synergy-System/");
Doing this is only making it more difficult for mods/themes/kernels. How about doing something more productive?
symlink("/data/Data-System/", "/system/app");
If every Rom mod used a more universal system this would make it easier for updates/themes/mods/kernels to be used on these new and larger rom. Making less work and creating more productivity when working on things.
I get that its your rom, but does everyones symlinks need to be different? Now, since I started working on a kernel, I have to create an for each specific rom. Let's work together as a community and streamline this.
Amen, it would be nice. Not that I'm a dev or anything but what makes one devs life easier would obviously make others as well....

[Q][AnyKernel] E:Error in /sdcard/ (Status 0)

Hi all,
since I did not get any replies to my thread about compiling modules for the kernel (see, I decided to try and compile the whole kernel instead.
I run the tablet with 3.2 with root and ClockworkMod Recovery 1.3.4. I downloaded the kernel source from Acer's website, pulled the config from device, enabled the functionality I wanted and compiled the kernel into the zImage.
Then, I took Anykernel for eMMc devices from here:
Next, I placed my zImage in the anykernel zip, changed the boot mount point from
/dev/block/mmcblk0p22 to /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 and removed the references to the system folder. Finally, my updater script looks like this:
ui_print(" ");
ui_print("AnyKernel Updater by Koush");
ui_print("Fixed For eMMC By Bumble-Bee");
ui_print(" ");
ui_print("Extracting System Files...");
ui_print("Extracting Kernel files...");
package_extract_dir("kernel", "/tmp");
ui_print("Installing kernel...");
set_perm(0, 0, 0777, "/tmp/dd");
set_perm(0, 0, 0777, "/tmp/");
set_perm(0, 0, 0777, "/tmp/mkbootimg");
set_perm(0, 0, 0777, "/tmp/unpackbootimg");
ui_print("Repack Kernel Files...");
run_program(/tmp/dd", "if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2", "of=/tmp/boot.img");;
run_program("/tmp/unpackbootimg", "/tmp/boot.img", "/tmp/");
ui_print("Flashing boot.img ...");
assert(write_raw_image("/tmp/newboot.img", "boot"),
ui_print(" ");
ui_print("Done! :D");
However, when I try to apply the update in ClockworkMod I get the following error:
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Installing update...
E:Error in /sdcard/
(Status 0)
Installation aborted.
I tried changing /tmp to /sdcard/temporary but it did not help.
I assume many of you played with the Anykernel package. What do I do wrong, what should I fix? I have been struggling with this for a long time, any help will be highly appreciated.
I thought that maybe the update-binary should be different for Honeycomb so I replaced the one from AnyKernel with the one taken from here:
Now I don't get the error, but it still says installation aborted. Any ideas?

Updater-script problems

hello all ive been working on my rom but i cant get it working in recovery it says the binary couldnt be read correctly, attached is my working folder zip from kitchen please help look into it i cant figure it out
Rename update-binary.orig to update-binary. That might be the issue mate!
Could you help me to check this problem? Thank you very much!
Rahulrulez said:
Rename update-binary.orig to update-binary. That might be the issue mate!
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Hi, I know this has nothing to do with what the OP asked on the thread, but it's related to Updater-Script so here goes:
I've notice a lot of people have been using delete_recursive instead of format command to wipe system.
Why is that? Is it safer to use delete_recursive? Because I'm using Android Kitchen and it creates an Updater-Script with format command.
It's the first time I'm using Android Kitchen though so I'm afraid of testing the zip I made before I'm sure it's safe to use format. Can somebody help me?
PS.: I didn't want to create another thread to ask this so I apologize in advance.
MaKTaiL said:
Hi, I know this has nothing to do with what the OP asked on the thread, but it's related to Updater-Script so here goes:
I've notice a lot of people have been using delete_recursive instead of format command to wipe system.
Why is that? Is it safer to use delete_recursive? Because I'm using Android Kitchen and it creates an Updater-Script with format command.
It's the first time I'm using Android Kitchen though so I'm afraid of testing the zip I made before I'm sure it's safe to use format. Can somebody help me?
PS.: I didn't want to create another thread to ask this so I apologize in advance.
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It all started with mmc bug that has been presented by ICS source for GS2.
format() command was triggering hard brick.
You can find very good and full explanation of the bug in GS2 section of the forum but here is very short and simple explanation of the bug.
The MMC_CAP_ERASE command (part of format) was writing bunch of zeros in MMC killing the phone.
After kernel source was released we were able to disable that command and it became safer but some devs still use delete_recursive instead of format.
Both command do same and have pretty much same affect but delete_recursive might be few milliseconds slower than format()
Format command is formatting the partition where delete_recursive is deleting everything from partition (folders, subfolders, files etc) and then goes over the partition again to make sure nothing left behind (thus "recursive").
For new install format() command is cleaner, I think.
But if dev has modified his script at some point it will just keep using it till new modification is required. So there may be no need for delete_recursive any more but since it's in script and script is working no one is really looking into it.
Hope this make sense.
agat63 said:
It all started with mmc bug that has been presented by ICS source for GS2.
format() command was triggering hard brick.
You can find very good and full explanation of the bug in GS2 section of the forum but here is very short and simple explanation of the bug.
The MMC_CAP_ERASE command (part of format) was writing bunch of zeros in MMC killing the phone.
After kernel source was released we were able to disable that command and it became safer but some devs still use delete_recursive instead of format.
Both command do same and have pretty much same affect but delete_recursive might be few milliseconds slower than format()
Format command is formatting the partition where delete_recursive is deleting everything from partition (folders, subfolders, files etc) and then goes over the partition again to make sure nothing left behind (thus "recursive").
For new install format() command is cleaner, I think.
But if dev has modified his script at some point it will just keep using it till new modification is required. So there may be no need for delete_recursive any more but since it's in script and script is working no one is really looking into it.
Hope this make sense.
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Thanks for reserving your time to answer me. Really appreciate it.
I came from a Galaxy S2 before the S4 and I'm aware of the MMC_CAP_ERASE problems.
I just didn't know it was caused by the format command. Thanks for explaining it to me.
I'll keep using delete_recursive from now on.
Here's my log...
Installing '/sdcard/'...
Checking for MD5 file...
I:Cannot find file /sdcard/
Skipping MD5 check: no MD5 file found.
line 4 col 17: syntax error, unexpected STRING, expecting $end
line 5 col 19: syntax error, unexpected STRING, expecting ',' or ')'
2 parse errors
E:Error executing updater binary in zip '/sdcard/'
Error flashing zip '/sdcard/'
Updating partition details...
Please help
Sent from my SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2
Joeyxc said:
hello all ive been working on my rom but i cant get it working in recovery it says the binary couldnt be read correctly, attached is my working folder zip from kitchen please help look into it i cant figure it out
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The issue is the format the text is in. Also in addition to renaming update-binary.orig to update-binary, rename update-script to updater-script. Open the updater-script.orig with a text editor and look at the format and compare it to the text you have in 'update-script'. Change the format of the text in 'update-script' to match the format of 'updater-script.orig'. You should be able to notice right away that you will need to add parenthesis', semi-colons, and apostrophes as you are missing all of them. If you need more help let me know, I can look over/help you edit it.
Edit: Come to think about it, you just needed to convert update script to updater-script using kitchen.
Can I ask an updater-script related problem here please.
I write a few CWM utils (see my thread)
Some of these scripts perform a factory reset (wipe /data essentially)
On the GS2, this used to work great, but on the GS4, doing this also wipes the entire internal SD card!
I think this happening because there is a link to sd card in /data/media/0 perhaps.
My question is, how can I perform such a wipe of /data in the updater-script and keep internal SD Card in tact?
I've tried delete_recursive and format
But always, the script ends up wiping the entire SD card along with /data
example of commands I've been using in the updater-script are:
format("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p29", "0");
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p29", "/data");
I've also tried unmounting /sdcard before attempting one of the above commands:
run_program("/sbin/umount", "/sdcard");
(also tried both of these with /data/media/0)
both actually unmounted /sdcard (as I could no longer access it in recovery) but both the format and the delete_recursive command still managed to wipe the entire internal SD card.
If unmounted, I am then unable to get recovery to see the sdcard until the device is rebooted.
I've tried to remount the sdcard to get it back online for the current recovery session in the updater-script using:
mount("vfat", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p1", "/sdcard");
but this doesn't seem to work.
Any pointers or advice would be greatly appreciated as this has been driving me nuts! :silly:
FWIW, I had issues with data too, I was unable to restore shealth2 since it is preinstalled in /data/app and I would soft-brick everytime I tried flashing it until I finally used the script below with success.
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p29", "/data");
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p16", "/system");
package_extract_dir("system", "/system");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0755, 0644, "/system");
run_program("adb", "install", "-r", "added_files/system/app/HealthContentProvider.apk");
run_program("adb", "install", "-r", "added_files/system/app/SensorService.apk");
package_extract_dir("data", "/data");
set_perm_recursive(1000, 1000, 0771, 0644, "/data/app");
run_program("adb", "install", "-r", "added_files/data/app/SHealth2.apk");
Sent from my TouchPad using xda app-developers app
Data wiping on S4:
Recent CWM versions have seemed to handle this without issue.
I'm still using my alpha CWM and it handles this case without a problem.
Are you using current recovery repos from CM as well as device repos?
Removed 3 posts as they are not development related.
Please - If you're just downloading/flashing a ROM, not developing or creating it - try that ROM's specific thread.
If one isn't there consider asking in the Q&A for that specific device.
hey guys i know it's been some time no one has replied to this thread, i hope someone can help though... Here is my issue, i am building my own rom from stock SGH-M919V (Galaxy S4..carrier Video Tron) rom using latest android kitchen, i have removed lots of bloatware, removed knox, deodexed the apps..etc.etc. I am ready to build the rom so i do that, then comes the time to flash the new rom created by android-kitchen i am using Philz Touch recovery latest, this is the error i get in recovery:
Installing update...
format() expects 5 args, got 4
E:Error in /storage/sdcard1/
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.
some times i get...format() expects 3 args, got 4...if i try a different setting in recovery.
I know a lot of ppl had this issue before, i just cant find the solution for my phone, model, rom specifically.
Android Kitchen says it needs to convert the update-script to i do what it suggest...ive learn this was the issue i am having...can someone point to the right direction to fix this and to successfully flash my rom?
BTW this is the very first rom i try to bake so i am farely new to this. I would also like to remove the format() command and use delete_recursive() do i implement it ? do i just rename the command ?.
THANKS ! :fingers-crossed:
I am making a rom in cwm but I always get the error status of 0 , help me fill in the updater script correctly?
This is the updater script made from cygwin:
show_progress(0.1, 0);
format("MTD", "system");
mount("MTD", "system", "/system");
format("MTD", "userdata");
package_extract_dir("system", "/system");
symlink("dumpstate", "/system/bin/dumpcrash");
symlink("debuggerd", "/system/bin/csview");
symlink("mksh", "/system/bin/sh");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/touchinput");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/playback");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0755, 0644, "/system");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0777, 0777, "/system/etc/init.d");
set_perm_recursive(0, 2000, 0755, 0755, "/system/bin");
set_perm(0, 3003, 06755, "/system/bin/ip");
set_perm(0, 3003, 02750, "/system/bin/netcfg");
set_perm(0, 3004, 02755, "/system/bin/ping");
set_perm(0, 2000, 06750, "/system/bin/run-as");
set_perm_recursive(1002, 1002, 0755, 0440, "/system/etc/bluetooth");
set_perm(0, 0, 0755, "/system/etc/bluetooth");
set_perm(1000, 1000, 0640, "/system/etc/bluetooth/auto_pairing.conf");
set_perm(3002, 3002, 0444, "/system/etc/bluetooth/blacklist.conf");
set_perm(1002, 1002, 0440, "/system/etc/dbus.conf");
set_perm(1014, 2000, 0550, "/system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks");
set_perm(0, 2000, 0550, "/system/etc/");
set_perm(0, 0, 0544, "/system/etc/");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0755, 0555, "/system/etc/ppp");
set_perm_recursive(0, 2000, 0755, 0644, "/system/vendor");
set_perm_recursive(0, 2000, 0755, 0644, "/system/vendor/etc");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0755, 0644, "/system/vendor/firmware");
set_perm(0, 2000, 0755, "/system/vendor/firmware");
set_perm(0, 2000, 0755, "/system/vendor/lib");
set_perm_recursive(0, 2000, 0755, 0755, "/system/xbin");
set_perm(0, 1000, 0755, "/system/xbin/busybox");
run_program("/system/xbin/busybox", "--install", "-s", "/system/xbin");
set_perm(0, 0, 06755, "/system/xbin/su");
symlink("/system/xbin/su", "/system/bin/su");
show_progress(0.1, 10);
show_progress(0.2, 0);
assert(package_extract_file("boot.img", "/tmp/boot.img"),
write_raw_image("/tmp/boot.img", "boot"),
show_progress(0.2, 10);
The rom is for s3 mini

[GUIDE][Noobs]How to Create your own stock based XPERIA ROM

Hey Guys,
My name is Braa, I’am just a new developer here in the XDA and today I’am going to show you a complete guide on how to make your own “XPERIA” Stock Based ROM.
First of all you have to get the Stock XPERIA Firmware of your device
Let’s get started to build our ROM:
First Step: (Getting the STOCK FTF File of your Device)
1) Get the latest stock FTF Firmware of your device
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
2) Open it using 7-ZIP
3) Now we will be focusing on the most important file “system.sin” Just Extract it to your desktop
4)Now go to the XPERIA Flashtool  Tools  Sin Editor   Choose the system.sin file you have just extracted to your desktop Extract Data
5)Now you will have a file called “system.ext4”
6)Get a tool called “EXT4 Unpacker” then select that file  Extract all the files into a folder
Congrlatiouns you have got your stock device firmware but not in the form of “FTF” instead in the form of “ZIP”
But this was not everything we will now move into more advanced part but don’t panic everything will be explained easily with screenshots so, Let’s GO !
Understanding the System folder you have just extracted
System Folder Contains the Majority of ROM Files, now we have to explain the SYSTEM Folder structure
1. app : contain all the system's app and the odex file of system app
2. bin : contain the command and bin files for the rom
3. vendor: specified vendor system. you have your specific vendor's app, libs, and config files here also contains the Themes (XPERIA 2011-2012 Devices)
4. etc : additional setting and files for the ROM.
5. font : It’s Clear it contains the fonts
6. framework : system's framework files and the odex file for framework
7. lib : drivers, modules, kernel related files for the rom
8. media: media files-ringtones, notification, bootanimation.
10. usr : files needed for keyboard, bluetooth, etc.
11. xbin : additional command and bin files (busybox is usually installed here)
12. build.prop file : Contains your Device default properties
A)Most of custom rom available is deodexed rom while our stock rom is half deodexed rom. I'll try to explain it in most simple way. First of all, we should understand that mostly every app in android consist of three part, *apk files, *dex/odex files, and lib files.
ODEXED rom means that *dex file needed to run the app is extracted from the apk file and placed in same folder with the apk files (/system/app). the positive side, it consume less internal memory and a execute faster. the negative side, it makes the app uncostumizable (cannot apply custom themes) and need more space in system partition.
DEODEXED rom means that *dex file needed to run the app is extracted from the apk file and placed in /data/dalvik-cache. the positive side, the app can be themed (full customizable) and consume less system partition. we could put more app in /system/app in deodexed rom. the negative side, it consume a lot of internal memory. please be cautious with the internal memory space if you use deodexed rom. (NOTE: if you start from stock rom, you may use Kitchen to convert odexed to deodexed rom).
Now if you want a really looking good Ui ROM u will stick into DeOdexing your ROM
Note: What was explained above in the part of ODEX VS DEODEX doesn’t mean that DeOdexing ROM will decrease it’s Performance
Q)How to DeOdex My ROM ?
A)Bro, This could be done using many tools like (Universal DeOdexer or DsiXda Kitchen)
Now I will explain the Dsixda kitchen method
Tools Needed:
Android Kitchen
1)Extract  Run Setup.exe  Next  Install from local directory  Set the root directory as it  Set the local package directory as cygwin_packages  Select that reload icon and install all
2)Now Click on Cygwin icon on desktop you will see that commands appear automaticly
3)Now Extract the kitchen then rename it to “kitchen” (without the quotations)
4)Then copy that folder into c:/Cygwin  home  your username folder
5)Open the cygwin and write these commnds
6)Cd kitchen  ./menu
7) Just compress the system folder we have just extracted from the ext4 unpacker into ZIP File
8)Now copy that file to C:\cygwin\home\Your username\kitchen\original_update
9)Open the cygwin  then write the kitchen commands I’ve mentioned above
10)Select “Set up working folder of your ROM”  Press Enter  Select the zip you compressed  It will ask you to add a null boot.img agree to this
11)Select the “Advanced Options”  Select De-Odex files in your ROM  Select “b” DeOdex both folders (Recommended) wait till the process finishes
Updater Script ! (Nightmare to a lot of noobs)
Sorry Guys I can’t help you with this part  even my updater-script in my ROM I forgot how I did it here is it you can base your updater-script on it
Just download it !
WE’VE Done this part !
Modifying your ROM
1)Adding Tweaks
1.1)Adding init.d Support
Adding init.d support means that you can run your favorite scripts and tweaks on your Stock Based ROM
Download the file “” and put all its files inside system folder into your ROM System Folder
1.2)Modifying Build.Prop for more stability
Here’s a lot of Build.prop Tweaks
1. Force launcher into memory
2. Raise JPG quality to 100%
3. VM Heapsize; higher RAM, higher hp can be
4. Render UI with GPU
5. Decrease dialing out delay
6. Helps scrolling responsiveness
7. Save battery
8. Disable debugging notify icon on statusbar
9. Increase overall touch responsiveness
10. Raise photo and video recording quality
11. Signal (3G) tweaks
12. Net speed tweaks
13. Disable blackscreen issue after a call
14. Fix some application issues
15. Phone will not wake up from hitting volume rocker
16. Force button lights on when screen is on
17. Disable boot animation for faster boot
18. Miscellaneous flags
persist.sys.use_di ring=0
Q)How can I add these lines to my build.prop
A)I will tell you
Download a tool called “Notepad++”
Extract the build.prop file from your ROM then right click on it then edit with notepad++
Go to Last line:
Then add
# Tweak Name
Tweak Properties
Here’s my build.prop I used in my ROM: its just a sample copy what you want from it
2)Bravia Engine 2 with X-Reality
Download the file of BE-2 then paste it in your ROM then add these lines to build.prop
# X-Reality Engine
ro.service.swiqi2.supported = true
persist.service.swiqi2.enable = 1
ro.service.swiqi3.supported = true
persist.service.swiqi3.enable = 1
3) Modifying the wallpapers of the ROM
Go to etc\customization\content\com\sonyericsson\wallpaperpicker\wallpapers
Then Add your Wallpapers
4) Modifying the Themes
Themes are found here
In newer XPERIA Devices Themes are found in /app
5) Adding Supercharger intiries
Just add these lines to your build.prop
# V6 SuperCharger, OOM Grouping & Priority Fixes created by zeppelinrox.
# BEGIN OOM_MEM_Settings
# END OOM_MEM_Settings
# BEGIN OOM_ADJ_Settings
# END OOM_ADJ_Settings
# End of V6 SuperCharged Entries
6) Making your Apptray Transparent
Just Replace the apptray_pane_bg.9.png I provided to your Home.apk in store mode
7) Changing the bootanimation (HDPI)
8) Media not scanned or No pictures found here’s the solution
Download Rescan media root and put it in data folder of your ROM
If you are on 4.1.2 and HDPI Device (Maybe works on XHDPI or MDPI)
So my ROM “Doomsday” is open source for you, it contains full XPERIA Z2 Ui just take the download link from my signature then download it and take what you need from it but don’t forget to give me the proper credits and press thanks for me
Thread will be updated soon :laugh:
My Personal ROM Updater-script
My Build.prop
[URL=""]Doomsday ROM[/URL]
EXT4 Unpacker
X-Reality and BE-2
XPERIA Z1 Bootanimation (HDPI)
XPERIA Z2 Bootanimation (HDPI)
Init.d Support
Why it says, Installation aborted.. I tried 3,4 times to make installation from custom rom. file... but unable to flash by using that rom the ROM.
Error shows this image in background.. (Can not make ScreenShot)
@Eliminator79 ho did you made a working custom rom from the above tutorial?
I have created 15-20 custom rom in different ways from different tutorials from xda, mostly it stops installation with an error. 4-5 times it started phone just for showing start animation ...
I quit....
Right now Installed stock rom back. after wasting 2 days..
Might be an updater-script
aatifaneeq said:
@Eliminator79 ho did you made a working custom rom from the above tutorial?
I have created 15-20 custom rom in different ways from different tutorials from xda, mostly it stops installation with an error. 4-5 times it started phone just for showing start animation ...
I quit....
Right now Installed stock rom back. after wasting 2 days..
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Might be an updater-script problem
What's the error that comes during installation ?
Status 7 or Status 6 :good:
no status..
it just says
installation abort..
this time is says , aborted status (0)
View attachment 2893076
Here is the updater script code
show_progress(0.1, 0);
format("MTD", "system");
mount("MTD", "system", "/system");
package_extract_dir("system", "/system");
symlink("dumpstate", "/system/bin/dumpcrash");
symlink("debuggerd", "/system/bin/csview");
symlink("mksh", "/system/bin/sh");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/chcon");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/setenforce");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/grep");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/runcon");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/touchinput");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/getsebool");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/setsebool");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/restorecon");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/getenforce");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/load_policy");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/cp");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/playback");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/du");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0755, 0644, "/system");
set_perm_recursive(0, 2000, 0755, 0755, "/system/bin");
set_perm(0, 3003, 06755, "/system/bin/ip");
set_perm(0, 3003, 02750, "/system/bin/netcfg");
set_perm(0, 3004, 02755, "/system/bin/ping");
set_perm(0, 2000, 06750, "/system/bin/run-as");
set_perm_recursive(1002, 1002, 0755, 0440, "/system/etc/bluetooth");
set_perm(0, 0, 0755, "/system/etc/bluetooth");
set_perm(1000, 1000, 0640, "/system/etc/bluetooth/auto_pairing.conf");
set_perm(3002, 3002, 0444, "/system/etc/bluetooth/blacklist.conf");
set_perm(1002, 1002, 0440, "/system/etc/dbus.conf");
set_perm(1014, 2000, 0550, "/system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks");
set_perm(0, 2000, 0550, "/system/etc/");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0755, 0555, "/system/etc/ppp");
set_perm_recursive(0, 2000, 0755, 0644, "/system/vendor");
set_perm(0, 2000, 0755, "/system/vendor/lib");
set_perm(0, 2000, 0755, "/system/vendor/lib/hw");
set_perm_recursive(0, 2000, 0755, 0755, "/system/xbin");
show_progress(0.1, 10);
show_progress(0.2, 0);
show_progress(0.2, 10);
Also replaced, updater script with yours 1, stil same error..
aatifaneeq said:
this time is says , aborted status (0)
View attachment 2893076
Here is the updater script code
show_progress(0.1, 0);
format("MTD", "system");
mount("MTD", "system", "/system");
package_extract_dir("system", "/system");
symlink("dumpstate", "/system/bin/dumpcrash");
symlink("debuggerd", "/system/bin/csview");
symlink("mksh", "/system/bin/sh");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/chcon");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/setenforce");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/grep");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/runcon");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/touchinput");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/getsebool");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/setsebool");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/restorecon");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/getenforce");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/load_policy");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/cp");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/playback");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/du");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0755, 0644, "/system");
set_perm_recursive(0, 2000, 0755, 0755, "/system/bin");
set_perm(0, 3003, 06755, "/system/bin/ip");
set_perm(0, 3003, 02750, "/system/bin/netcfg");
set_perm(0, 3004, 02755, "/system/bin/ping");
set_perm(0, 2000, 06750, "/system/bin/run-as");
set_perm_recursive(1002, 1002, 0755, 0440, "/system/etc/bluetooth");
set_perm(0, 0, 0755, "/system/etc/bluetooth");
set_perm(1000, 1000, 0640, "/system/etc/bluetooth/auto_pairing.conf");
set_perm(3002, 3002, 0444, "/system/etc/bluetooth/blacklist.conf");
set_perm(1002, 1002, 0440, "/system/etc/dbus.conf");
set_perm(1014, 2000, 0550, "/system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks");
set_perm(0, 2000, 0550, "/system/etc/");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0755, 0555, "/system/etc/ppp");
set_perm_recursive(0, 2000, 0755, 0644, "/system/vendor");
set_perm(0, 2000, 0755, "/system/vendor/lib");
set_perm(0, 2000, 0755, "/system/vendor/lib/hw");
set_perm_recursive(0, 2000, 0755, 0755, "/system/xbin");
show_progress(0.1, 10);
show_progress(0.2, 0);
show_progress(0.2, 10);
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you should set correct code partition in your update script
i mean this lines:
format("MTD", "system");
mount("MTD", "system", "/system");
you can find this lines in another custom roms which correct work on your phone.
just find this lines in that custom rom ( in meta inf folder in that custom rom ) then copy that lines and replace that in your update script
if your custom rom has a kernel , you should find the partition of kernel at the end of update script and replace in end of your update script
finally replace the update binary in that custom rom which correct work on your rom with your update binary.
do this work at the end of your work.means make your rom first then do this work with your file
hope can help you
I have also used the working update script downloaded from Eliminator79's 2nd post... but still displaying same error..
Maybe works
aatifaneeq said:
I have also used the working update script downloaded from Eliminator79's 2nd post... but still displaying same error..
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Replace the whole META-INF folder of your ROM with mine
Strongly will work :good:
Also did this too..also replaced with few other Xperia J roms, not worked. even replaced only apps folder. but in vain..
aatifaneeq said:
I have also used the working update script downloaded from Eliminator79's 2nd post... but still displaying same error..
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NO bro
just used update binary from another rom which work correct on your phone
but about update script just edit 2 lines that i told you before
find it in update script for another custom rom for your phone and replace with your update script ( just 2 lines )
of course when you build your rom then do this
Thanks for the reply.
I already did this too. but it only shows boot animation , i have waited 10-12 minutes but nothing changed... same story all the time
aatifaneeq said:
Thanks for the reply.
I already did this too. but it only shows boot animation , i have waited 10-12 minutes but nothing changed... same story all the time
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Give me the META-INF from your custom rom ( which you made it ) and META-INF from other custom roms which correct work on your phone
hamidreza2010 said:
Give me the META-INF from your custom rom ( which you made it ) and META-INF from other custom roms which correct work on your phone
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Bro, thanks for the reply..
Here are both META-INF folders, both are not working when i replace (delete and paste all new files) system folder.
P.S. Installation only works when i modify app files from Doomsday ROM Jlo v5 ROM, But i also want to change all other system folders, not only app folder.
aatifaneeq said:
Bro, thanks for the reply..
Here are both META-INF folders, both are not working when i replace (delete and paste all new files) system folder.
P.S. Installation only works when i modify app files from Doomsday ROM Jlo v5 ROM, But i also want to change all other system folders, not only app folder.
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ok just 2 thing:
1- Your roms has custom kernel ?
2- Give me META-INF folders from another normal custom rom not aroma
hamidreza2010 said:
ok just 2 thing:
1- Your roms has custom kernel ?
2- Give me META-INF folders from another normal custom rom not aroma
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i do not have any other meta inf :|
Well, i found a rom, and using it as base, where i have replaced app, framework folder and installation worked and Phone is working fine.. But when i replace complete system directory, it stopped on boot screen..
about kernal, i am using stock kernal.sin
here is the meta inf that worked only with app/framework folder
thanks dude
Great TUT :highfive: :good: :victory:
Now I get my ROM installed ok
But BIGGEST PROBLEM I FACE! On Rebooting it stucks on splash screen and then it reboots! :'(
Check my updater script!
Help me someone please :'( Been working a lot but this sh*t doesn't resolves!
I use Xperia SP and this is my whole META-INF Folder
Thanks in advance. Anyone who can help me
Meta INF download below :
Tech N You said:
thanks dude
Great TUT :highfive: :good: :victory:
Now I get my ROM installed ok
But BIGGEST PROBLEM I FACE! On Rebooting it stucks on splash screen and then it reboots! :'(
Check my updater script!
Help me someone please :'( Been working a lot but this sh*t doesn't resolves!
I use Xperia SP and this is my whole META-INF Folder
Thanks in advance. Anyone who can help me
Meta INF download below :
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Probably one of these
1)Framework issue (Both .jar & -res.apk)
2)Modified Wrongly Build.prop
3)Permissions are set wrongly
4)/lib problems
Just check and let me know

[MT6582]Most Epic Rom Ever [MERE] [MICROMAX] [A120]

*KitKat Based
*Aosp Icons
*Sound Settings
*Better Ram Management
*Network Monitor
*Listview Animation
*Volume Rocker Wake switch
*Shutdown Animation switch
*Performance Control
*Proximity Gestures
*Multiuser Support
*App Privacy
*Advanced Reboot Menu
*Updated and Fixed Gapps
*Ios Fonts
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
1. You must be on stock mmx jellybean or fota mmx kitkat.
2. Boot into recovery. I personally prefer PHILZ.
3. If you are on philz, select clean to install a new rom. If you are not using philz simply wipe/data, wipe/system in any other recovery.
4. Browse to the location in your sd card and install it.
5. Reboot. We are done!
Credits :
* Team EPIC for developing MERE
* @umangleekha & @Siddhesh.K15 .
ROM OS Version: 4.4.x KitKat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x (STOCK)
Version Information
Status: FINAL
Current Beta Version: 1.51
Final Release Date: 2015-01-12
Created 2015-01-08
Last Updated 2015-01-12
Mere rom for STOCK micromax
1. You must be on Stock Kitkat mmx_06. You can download it from here.
2. Download CTR recovery from here and flash it with sp flash tool.
3. Boot into recovery and go to Wipe Menu and click on Wipe Data-Factory Reset.
4. Now select Install zip and browse to the location where you have MERE ROM zip and install it.
5. Reboot your device & enjoy full aosp experience with MERE rom.
Download Link: MERE ROM
Hit thanks if you want me to bring more such roms for our device
Mere rom for wiko rainbow
1. You must be on wiko rainbow kitkat before flashing this ROM.
2. Boot into recovery and wipe/data & /system.
3. Browse your sd card for mere rom zip and install it.
4. Reboot & enjoy!
Note: Do not flash DOLBY mod, DSP manager is inbuilt in the latest version.
1. Download from here.
2. Boot into recovery and simply flash it, then reboot.
3. Enjoy Dolby sound on your device.
Credits: @umangleekha for this mod.
Hit thanks if you want me to bring more such roms for our device
my device is myphone agua rio (s5501) version with 4gb of storage and running Edmhar's Kitkat Deodexed. can i flash this directly to my device? Thanks.
cheeze.keyk said:
my device is myphone agua rio (s5501) version with 4gb of storage and running Edmhar's Kitkat Deodexed. can i flash this directly to my device? Thanks.
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No, its for different base.
or i need to flash the mmx fota before flashing your rom?
cheeze.keyk said:
or i need to flash the mmx fota before flashing your rom?
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First, its not my rom. It's Team Mere's creation. So full credits to them for developing such a beautiful rom. I simply ported it.
Second, i am not sure whether micromax fota works on rio or not. Better consult senior devs of your rio group.
Good work, but found a bug.
Wifi internet connection lost when switching between wifi ap (2 routers, same SSID, same security and password, different channel.)
This works well in any other ROM. Never happened to me.
Another thing. Because you used wiko rainbow DarkL zip?
You need to modify the script !!
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p5", "/system");
package_extract_dir("system", "/system");
[COLOR="Red"]set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0666, 0666, "/data/data/");[/COLOR]
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0777, 0777, "/system/etc/init.d");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0777, 0777, "/system/xbin/busybox");
run_program("/sbin/umount", "/system");
[COLOR="Red"]run_program("/sbin/mount", "/data");
package_extract_dir("data", "/data");[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Red"]run_program("/sbin/umount", "/data");[/COLOR]
run_program("/system/xbin/busybox", "--install", "-s", "/system/xbin");
show_progress(0.1, 10);
ui_print("[*] Flashing partition: BOOT");
assert(package_extract_file("boot.img", "/tmp/boot.img"),
write_raw_image("/tmp/boot.img", "bootimg"),
assert(package_extract_file("logo.bin", "/tmp/logo.bin"),
write_raw_image("/tmp/logo.bin", "logo"),
show_progress(0.2, 10);
The red lines can be deleted
moonrotation said:
Good work, but found a bug.
Wifi internet connection lost when switching between wifi ap (2 routers, same SSID, same security and password, different channel.)
This works well in any other ROM. Never happened to me.
Another thing. Because you used wiko rainbow DarkL zip?
You need to modify the script !!
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p5", "/system");
package_extract_dir("system", "/system");
[COLOR="Red"]set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0666, 0666, "/data/data/");[/COLOR]
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0777, 0777, "/system/etc/init.d");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0777, 0777, "/system/xbin/busybox");
run_program("/sbin/umount", "/system");
[COLOR="Red"]run_program("/sbin/mount", "/data");
package_extract_dir("data", "/data");[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Red"]run_program("/sbin/umount", "/data");[/COLOR]
run_program("/system/xbin/busybox", "--install", "-s", "/system/xbin");
show_progress(0.1, 10);
ui_print("[*] Flashing partition: BOOT");
assert(package_extract_file("boot.img", "/tmp/boot.img"),
write_raw_image("/tmp/boot.img", "bootimg"),
assert(package_extract_file("logo.bin", "/tmp/logo.bin"),
write_raw_image("/tmp/logo.bin", "logo"),
show_progress(0.2, 10);
The red lines can be deleted
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i will look into that wifi problem soon. & Yes, i used wiko rainbow dark l script. I was too lazy to edit it. I will fix it soon.
users like you always motivate me. Thanks for pointing out mistakes. :good:
moonrotation said:
Good work, but found a bug.
Wifi internet connection lost when switching between wifi ap (2 routers, same SSID, same security and password, different channel.)
This works well in any other ROM. Never happened to me.
Another thing. Because you used wiko rainbow DarkL zip?
You need to modify the script !!
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p5", "/system");
package_extract_dir("system", "/system");
[COLOR="Red"]set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0666, 0666, "/data/data/");[/COLOR]
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0777, 0777, "/system/etc/init.d");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0777, 0777, "/system/xbin/busybox");
run_program("/sbin/umount", "/system");
[COLOR="Red"]run_program("/sbin/mount", "/data");
package_extract_dir("data", "/data");[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Red"]run_program("/sbin/umount", "/data");[/COLOR]
run_program("/system/xbin/busybox", "--install", "-s", "/system/xbin");
show_progress(0.1, 10);
ui_print("[*] Flashing partition: BOOT");
assert(package_extract_file("boot.img", "/tmp/boot.img"),
write_raw_image("/tmp/boot.img", "bootimg"),
assert(package_extract_file("logo.bin", "/tmp/logo.bin"),
write_raw_image("/tmp/logo.bin", "logo"),
show_progress(0.2, 10);
The red lines can be deleted
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Click to collapse
Actually he used my rom's updater script, the xposed config file permission line should be removed also the data extract line can be removed but data mount and unmount line is requied because i'm wiping dalvik-cache in updater script.
umangleekha said:
Actually he used my rom's updater script, the xposed config file permission line should be removed also the data extract line can be removed but data mount and unmount line is requied because i'm wiping dalvik-cache in updater script.
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Click to collapse
You're right, I did not see well.
mr-illusionist said:
i will look into that wifi problem soon. & Yes, i used wiko rainbow dark l script. I was too lazy to edit it. I will fix it soon.
users like you always motivate me. Thanks for pointing out mistakes. :good:
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Here a test of your rom with Xpro kernel v2, and same kernel DarkL rom.
You can see 0,00 B. I use Greenify. I have no idea if it may be the culprit.
This ROM seems interesting, I will surely try this one.
Can someone confirm, if this ROM is pre-rooted?
kool_sandy said:
This ROM seems interesting, I will surely try this one.
Can someone confirm, if this ROM is pre-rooted?
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Not pre rooted
So, how to root it? I rooted it using kingoroot.
Sent from my Oneplus One
kool_sandy said:
So, how to root it? I rooted it using kingoroot.
Sent from my Oneplus One
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Well, flash root zip from the attached blog. It can be flashed over any kitkat based rom (mediatek)
Thx bro, well try this soon!
Sent from my Oneplus One
umangleekha said:
Actually he used my rom's updater script, the xposed config file permission line should be removed also the data extract line can be removed but data mount and unmount line is requied because i'm wiping dalvik-cache in updater script.
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I have share this ROM to so many friends BEC i lov this ROM
I ported for myself this rom (Gionee P3/Walton Primo GF) but i have a bug: PlayStore refuse to connect. I also port MERE 1.51 flareS from the original developers site and i have the same problem. Do you have any ideea how to solve this bug?
Latest Mere (V1.51) will be updated for wiko base today. Stay tuned!
Full ROM this time.
