Service mode issues - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

dont find some features in service mode samsung galaxy s4 gt i 9500

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XDA Visitor said:
dont find some features in service mode samsung galaxy s4 gt i 9500
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Galaxy S III touchwiz on Galaxy note?

I wonder if it's possible to rip the software from the S III and port it to the galaxy note. Do you guys think it's possible to see roms running this? On HTC phones it happens but I haven't seen that ever happen with a samsung phone. Any thoughts?
S-Voice would be great too
Posting in the right section would be good too
guys, please keep our forum clutter free and try to post on the right thread.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA
Nice Idea Seeing if the S3 software will work on the Note we hope so........ Also off topic and unnecessary posting.......
......... THREAD CLOSED..........

Galaxy S III Android Roms database

Hi guys,
Just letting you know that I added a section for Galaxy S III roms in
I just addded all the current Galaxy S III roms that are listed on XDA.
The rom information is automatically refreshed from the "Galaxy S III Android Development" thread every 15 minutes.
Please have a look at it and let me know if you see anything strange (I'am almost sure that I missed somethiing )
That cool m8. Thanx
Is it possible to add themes in a section below roms.
Themes and apps section for gs3 on xda is a mess already and it's only a month old
great idea..if ppl actually use this "tool" lol. btw i think you are missing cm9 on the list.
ang1 said:
Hi guys,
Just letting you know that I added a section for Galaxy S III roms in
I just addded all the current Galaxy S III roms that are listed on XDA.
The rom information is automatically refreshed from the "Galaxy S III Android Development" thread every 15 minutes.
Please have a look at it and let me know if you see anything strange (I'am almost sure that I missed somethiing )
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Good work :good:
Moved to general, as this falls under rom lists which belong there.
Nice resource though
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
showing some as ICS even though its JB like omega V15

S4 Active forum.

Is there a forum for the s4 active? I've looked around and didn't see one. I know there's no root for it yet but it would be nice to have somewhere us active users can share stories.
yankeesfan714 said:
Is there a forum for the s4 active? I've looked around and didn't see one. I know there's no root for it yet but it would be nice to have somewhere us active users can share stories.
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No and I wish there was cuz the s4 forums are salt and peppered with s4 active threads that need to go but since there is no root no need for a sub forum yet since no development can be had hope u guys get root soon and then mods can move all these s4 active threads out of our subforum
sent from my SGH - leet ( i337) using Tapatalk 4 beta

Need help from senior devs ( abondoned galaxy s5 ((sm-g900h))!!!!

Hello to everybody . This is first thread I have ever made on forum . I opening it just to say , from the all users of exynos octa-core galaxy s5 that we need development !! I knew that this device is very unpopular but please don't leave it . Also I need help from all people who use octa-core galaxy s5 - in comment to this post write I'm with you . Let's show to all devs that even if this model very unpopular , people still using it and still need development!!!
Now let's try our luck here
Also need your help here guys
We will fight for our rights cause it's some sort of rasism )))!! But between H and F versions of galaxy S5 !!!
P.S sorry for bad english
Freaking true they always make something for g900f
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
I am with you man.
There is no developmen for our phone.
all the started roms are left like that only.
they have so many bugs.
no rom is perfect.
i am with u
Count me in
TheDarkSithLord said:
Hello to everybody . This is first thread I have ever made on forum . I opening it just to say , from the all users of exynos octa-core galaxy s5 that we need development !! I knew that this device is very unpopular but please don't leave it . Also I need help from all people who use octa-core galaxy s5 - in comment to this post write I'm with you . Let's show to all devs that even if this model very unpopular , people still using it and still need development!!!
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I too agree with you bro.
Me too
naezh said:
Freaking true they always make something for g900f
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
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And it is so funny how g900f users ask devs to port g900h roms to their device
The phone is not exactly unpopular because a great majority of S5 users use this variant. It is the easiest variant to obtain since it is the international variant.
Majority of countries will have this variant so you can't necessarily go into a store and buy a specific variant because most places will have this variant and may not even know the difference between the variants or may not even know that the S5 has other variants.
Essentially if you ask a store owner which variants of the S5 they have they will more than likely look at you with a confused face and ask "what are you talking about?"or "what's a variant?".
But even though this variant is the most readily available and the most widely obtained and used, devs; and even Samsung, the phone's own creators, do not want to have anything to do with it for some unknown reason.
The same thing goes for other phones with international variants as well like the LG G4.
So I would really like an answer as to why this is like this.
Sent from my Samsung SM-G900H using XDA Labs
A08M31 said:
And it is so funny how g900f users ask devs to port g900h roms to their device
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They have all They need
But me The g900h user want to port g900f rom to my phone
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
I am in
TheDarkSithLord said:
Hello to everybody . This is first thread I have ever made on forum . I opening it just to say , from the all users of exynos octa-core galaxy s5 that we need development !! I knew that this device is very unpopular but please don't leave it . Also I need help from all people who use octa-core galaxy s5 - in comment to this post write I'm with you . Let's show to all devs that even if this model very unpopular , people still using it and still need development!!!
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I'm with you
i was trying to port roms but no luck phone didnt boot anyway i am in
I agree with you
We need some attention from senior dev's
I am with you too bro! Not only me but even two of my friends that have this same variant!
So technically I think I can vote +3!
TheDarkSithLord said:
Hello to everybody . This is first thread I have ever made on forum . I opening it just to say , from the all users of exynos octa-core galaxy s5 that we need development !! I knew that this device is very unpopular but please don't leave it . Also I need help from all people who use octa-core galaxy s5 - in comment to this post write I'm with you . Let's show to all devs that even if this model very unpopular , people still using it and still need development!!!
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+1 with u
I have 3 phones of this model, so any update will be of great help.

Anyone out there still using galaxy S4 GT-I9500 ?

GT-i9500 is almost 4 year olds. :angel:
I and my friend were buying this phone together in 2013.
Yesterday ,my friend changed to an iphone. He said S4 was great but now no one uses a 4-year-old device anymore.
I think we can prove he was wrong. I see although we just have a little dev, but we are still a big community. And i hope if the dev see that there are many people using GT-I9500, they will keep develop for our device. :good:
So who using GT-I9500, raise your hand and if you can, tell us which rom, which kernel you are using ? :laugh:
Really, we just still have 3 people using GT-I9500 ?
Please anyone ...
But_Hacker said:
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Stop spamming the development section because you want to prove to your friend's wet dream people are using this phone.
From what I read about it, development for that device is a pain in the butt.
If you want to use an S4, then get any of the Snapdragon variants of it.
