[Q] G900W8 & Knox 0x0 - Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I will be getting a G900W8 soon and wondering if there is any way to install Alliance ROM v7 or XtreStoLite 2.0 without tripping Knox to 0x1 while using stock kernel?

As I understand it, you might get away without tripping KNOX when you root, but as soon as you flash a custom ROM or kernel..........game over......
Sent from my rooted kn0x0 stocKK SM-G900F S5

keithross39 said:
As I understand it, you might get away without tripping KNOX when you root, but as soon as you flash a custom ROM or kernel..........game over......
Sent from my rooted kn0x0 stocKK SM-G900F S5
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Good to know, thanks.


【Q】Will flashing of custom ROM trigger knox after root?

i am seeing that currently people are recommending kingo root or vroot, that was claimed that this won't trigger knox flag at all.
After rooting. if i were to flash any custom ROM, will this trigger knox flag?
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xuweisheng said:
i am seeing that currently people are recommending kingo root or vroot, that was claimed that this won't trigger knox flag at all.
After rooting. if i were to flash any custom ROM, will this trigger knox flag?
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Yes it will. Flashing a custom Recovery and/or a Rom will trip Knox. Kingo and vroot are not full roots. The phone is rooted enough to allow you to customize the stock rom and for applications that require root to work. If you want to flash custom roms, you might as well use the CF Auto Root method and get a full root. That will trip knox but so will what you want to do.
I'm sure it will be trip by KNOX. Keep calm until developer launch triangle away for Note 3 dude.
Sent from my CruelB Note 3 SM-N9005 Snapdragon 800 using Tapatalk

Custom ROM on official 4.3

Good day guys., I am now ready to void my knox warranty and I wanted to have a custom rom. Is it possible? I read somewhere that only the old bootloader is allowed to have custom rom. Am I stuck in this unfortunate rom?
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
ChrissyCostanza said:
Good day guys., I am now ready to void my knox warranty and I wanted to have a custom rom. Is it possible? I read somewhere that only the old bootloader is allowed to have custom rom. Am I stuck in this unfortunate rom?
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
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There is only two ways:
1. Change conclusively Knox 0x1 and have root and custom ROM. Of course loose waranty.
2. No root no change knox 0x0 and have a stock
Yeah it's okay for me to have 0x1 knox. I just want to make sure cause I thought I read somewhere you cant flash custom rom on knox bootloader
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
So last question im a little bit paranoid, is it possible to flash a custom rom given I had a knox bootloader?
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

Root the 5.0 lollipop without tripping knox?

Hey guys i just want to ask if somebody can share a tutorial of rooting the new lollipop build without tripping knox.
Sent from my SM-G900F using XDA Free mobile app
Are you already rooted, if you are your best bet is to wait until dev's get the official release and custom roms start rolling out,
If your not rooted, I'm not sure of how you will do it with out tripping knox.
SM-G900W8, 0x1
ragz said:
Are you already rooted, if you are your best bet is to wait until dev's get the official release and custom roms start rolling out,
If your not rooted, I'm not sure of how you will do it with out tripping knox.
SM-G900W8, 0x1
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Unfortunately im not rooted so my only solution is to wait until a rooting method
Sent from my SM-G900F using XDA Free mobile app
VERY interested on this too.

Custom Rom for S5 SM-G900F

Hi, I have a S5 G900F , there is any rom for this device that doesn't void The knox flag?
Sent from my SM-G900F using XDA Free mobile app
Flashing anything custom will trip KNOX
EDIT - Tell a lie, I believe there is a custom(ish) stock(ish) ROM that can be flashed without tripping knox, the thread title says KNOX0x0
*Detection* said:
Flashing anything custom will trip KNOX
EDIT - Tell a lie, I believe there is a custom(ish) stock(ish) ROM that can be flashed without tripping knox, the thread title says KNOX0x0
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so if I flash The MIUI rom , I Will void my warranity?
Sent from my SM-G900F using XDA Free mobile app
As will custom recovery, custom kernel, etc etc

My Knox in galaxy s4

I just wanted to know any way to use the my Knox app in galaxy s4 after the Knox counter is tripped?
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk
Nope all Knox features are blocked and can't used unless you know of way to reverse tripping Knox which no one has so always research before doing rooting on your phonr

