[Q] Favorites tab in Samsung stock dialer - Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I know people have tried to remove the Favorites tab from the stock sammy/samsung dialer app however dont think anyone has been successful. Is there any update/progress on this?

[Solved] Kitkat dialer without Favorites tab
Hi everyone,


[Q] Looking for Someone with Stock Android Messaging APK for S4 i337M

I do not like the Samsung Messaging app I am looking for someone to make me S4 Stock Android Messaging Apk Dark Liquid Syle

[Q] Help Restoring Note 2 Version TouchWiz apps

I loved the look & feel of the phone dialer, msging app, and Samsung keyboard on my Note 2.
Is anyone able to prepare a .zip I could flash with TWRP to restore those?
Bonus would be the Note 2 version of the weather homscreen widget.


Hi guys, is it possible to have the stock dialer from android instead of this "****y" one from samsung?


hello. im using n9005 updated to MK1 baseband. whenever i put 'S Planner Widget' on touchwiz, the touchwiz launcher stopped working until i clear data for the launcher. is there any fix or ways in order for me to be able to use the S Planner widget? i want to use it. tq

apps missing

I have Galaxy A3 duos stock unrooted and some apps like stock music app dont appear in apps pages is anyone with same problem any solution?
