[Q] 160 characters limit SM-G900L - Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have Galaxy S5 running official Lollipop , there is limitation of 160 characters in sms, after that sms changes to MMS. Please guide how can I change that.


[Q] Galaxy S 5 G900V texts will not send?!

I recently rooted and installed a custom ROM onto my Samsung Galaxy S 5. I installed the Alliance Rom 4.4.2 and everything runs great except that my text messages will fail when i try to send them. I can receive texts and call, i can even call people i just can not text anyone. Anything i can do to fix this?

[Q] Galaxy S4 sms change mms with smiley

I have a galaxy S4 i9505 with Android kitkat 4.4.2. When I select a smiley on a sms, sms becomes automaticaly mms.
Could you help me to avoid this.
open you sms
go to settings
clic on text message
clic on input mode
now you have 3 modus
Thanks, but it doesn't work
davlaug said:
I have a galaxy S4 i9505 with Android kitkat 4.4.2. When I select a smiley on a sms, sms becomes automaticaly mms.
Could you help me to avoid this.
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Root the phone. Install Xposed framework. Install the module Wanam. Go to sms settings and check this feature!

[Q] Galaxy S5 SM-G900K korean rom(olleh) help :(

I want to remove all the korean features in my stock rom because I'm having problems in using USSD in the dialer and also I'm having problem with the 160 character limit in sms plus thr annoying no network notification when my signal is lost. Winmack posted a rom but it has a password and I tried to email him and pm him but he's not responding. Can someone help me at least make my korean rom into somewhat a stock international version rom? I'd appreciate any help.

about rom for samsung galaxy note4 910s/k/l

i'm finding a rom rook which can fix 160 text limit maybe an international rom cooked can help! tks a lot

Changing characters length restriction on stock memo app

Hi everybody! I'm new here, I have Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime SM-G530H 4.4.4 and rooted, I have reading many posts here how to customize android and about hidden features in csc.xml etc...
How can one change the number of characters written in stock Memo App. I think, there is maximum 1500 characters per one memo.
Is there a string in csc or others files to do such thing?
Thanks in advance
khaledce said:
Hi everybody! I'm new here, I have Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime SM-G530H 4.4.4 and rooted, I have reading many posts here how to customize android and about hidden features in csc.xml etc...
How can one change the number of characters written in stock Memo App. I think, there is maximum 1500 characters per one memo.
Is there a string in csc or others files to do such thing?
Thanks in advance
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Yea maybe but I dont know how to do it. U can use samsung notes app instead.

