I9500 lollipop kernel source release - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Not sure if i am posting in the correct section but i got a link to the lollipop kernel source for our i9500. Its on the third page.


Kernel Source

I dont know if i´m right but aren´t these the kernel files that are needed for fix GB ROMs??
wrong section as should be in the Q&A section
waiting for the desire GB kernel and source to be released
There is a link to the "Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) Upgrade for HTC Desire". Is it that we are waiting for?
Short answer: no.
Read & continue here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1208481

ICS - Question about how useful source is?

SO now that the source for ICS is out I have a question. Please excuse my ignorance as I am still trying to learn a few things.
The main question is if a kernel can be made for the note directly from the source and then the current modem files be flashed to it to make it work or do we have to wait for Samsung to release a version built of the source with custom drivers. I guess I am just not sure if the source contains drivers for some hardware or if it is all custom added on top of the rom.

Lollipop kernel source code for SM-N910T_NA now available

See here:

Open Source Right for all :/ ( I don't think mods care about it anymore )

@Darth @Heisenberg Open source is right For all :/ I learned from xda and if you all remember I had my first thread closed for it too. (Kernel thread) .... Well let's stop the intro and talk straight this Thread by @ED300 Cm13.0 by ed300 has all Obsolete and Non updated sources It doesn't even contains device tree :/ and Obsolate Kernel tree too if you check his kernel Compiled date. plus Vendor By floromu has no camera vendor And Blobs As well for adreno blah blah one have to use openssl concept for it ... That means the sources on ops thered are either not updated and I remember I read somewhere that GPL sources should be published but why op @ED300 didnt ? That's sad ! Am I fool trying to make Device tree from Lettuce Jalebi and Make ROMs For this device and open source it for public I just want to ask that when I will be able to see the correct device tree and Vendor source :/ on our OPs thread first of all let me Make few things clear Latest sources By Floromu 6-7month old are way obsolete than cm structure latest Structure is here check this
Link :- https://gitlab.com/dev-harsh1998/android_device_lenovo_a6000/tree/master
Well that means ROM can't be compiled On Floromu's tree
And as Says our op has elberry 6 latest Patch interesting
point 2:- Kernel sources :- dated 6 months old
Compiled Date xyz with unlocked freqs and wake Gesture.
I have No hate For @ED300 I just want our op to opemsource his GPL things And follow proper Rules
3 threads on same thing? Please don't create anymore. And see my reply here,
Thread closed.

OOS N Sources are out!

Hi, the N kernel source code is live at: https://github.com/OnePlusOSS/android_kernel_oneplus_msm8996/tree/oneplus/QC8996_N
Let the fun begin :victory:
Hope for a LineageOS support now.
Thread closed, existing thread here: Kernel Sources
