[q] help please! - Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I rooted my phone and thought that factory resetting it would un-root it so I could download the 5.0 lollipop update, but I was wrong and got it looked at my friend. He said to come on here. My problem is that it boots up and it just goes to the screen that comes on right before the Verizon logo which says, "Samsung Galaxy S5; custom (unlocked lock below it); powered by android". After it boots to there, it doesn't go any further. It's just stuck at that screen and won't change. What's wrong with it? :crying:
Model # : SM-G900V
If you need any other information, ask me anything that would help you fix my phone!!

The only thing I could direct you to do is download your stock from sammobile.com and flash it with Odin... Also remove your imei from the post... People can tinker with it and its not needed in any shape or form to fix your issue good luck!

On any forum you go on not just XDA "help please!" is NOT a reasonable or logical topic title.
Topic titles are supposed to give a brief description of the subject matter, not just a silly generic "help please!". Using proper titles means you get more views and thus potentially more/better help. A lot of people simply skip these type of titled topics when browsing forum.
Please use come common sense for future topics.


[Q] Need help -- Should I Root or OTA update first?

hello everyone,
I have a Galaxy S4 sgh-i1337M with Fido in CAanda. I would like to Root and enjoy my phone as it should be.
Before doing anything, I checked for software update on the phone in settings, and there is one that is 100.01 MB. Looking up that size, I think it has something to do with this number (my modem version??):
I337MUMUFNK1 -- which comes up when I search google for an update of that size which is OTA and for my phone.
Samsung and Fido and Google say to call the 'others' as they do not know what this update is for. WTF! Nobody knows what the update is for??
My phone info:
I am on 4.4.2
SGH-I337M locked to Fido in Canada
KERNEL VERSION: 3.4.0-1529758
[email protected] #1
The baseband seems to be what the update will modify??? (ignore this if its dumb)
Should I root the way it is now and disregard the latest update?
Should I update the phone now, as I won't be able to receive OTA updates in the future and then Root? (I know I can always do whatever I want after rooting.....
it would still make sense to do this update now, then root as its just easier that way).
Thank you in advance to everyone who knows the answer to this and responds!
Nobody knows?
Thanks for writing to us at XDA Assist. Please standby while we have your thread/question moved to the appropriate sub-forum for your device.
For future reference you can find your device sub-forum here (bookmark/subscribe this):
AT&T, Canadian Bell, Rogers, Telus, Virgin Samsung Galaxy S 4
Within that section you will find a dedicated q&a sub-forum (this is where your thread is going to be moved to):
AT&T Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting
Good luck!
PS. In future please be patient and wait a bit longer than two hours for somebody to answer your query. Thanks
I posted this the night before...this is a repost after it seemed to go missing.....
Anyways... was hoping for a quicker response than 2 days so far! Lol
I went ahead and did it...no more question.
P.s. I am with Fido in Canada...is there no sub forum for that to have placed the question in?
Now to see if this forum has a sticky for latest how to root a specific device...fingers crossed:fingers-crossed:
Nerdy_McGee said:
I posted this the night before...this is a repost after it seemed to go missing.....
Anyways... was hoping for a quicker response than 2 days so far! Lol
I went ahead and did it...no more question.
P.s. I am with Fido in Canada...is there no sub forum for that to have placed the question in?
Now to see if this forum has a sticky for latest how to root a specific device...fingers crossed:fingers-crossed:
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The device sections are for the phones themselves, not the carrier that you're with, so the section that this thread has been moved to, and today I provided links for, is the correct section for this phone.
Transmitted via Bacon

Please save me!!!! (sprint sg4 sph-l702tvpubng5)

Omg so I let this guy root my phones cuz I was a tad bit scared to myself lol. After he did I started messing around an loving it! But the I ACCIDENTALLY (I think) messed with system U I an bricked my phone. It wouldn't leave the Yellow Sprint Logo an was terrified! I learned about Factory Reset an how it erases everything, but come to find out my Google+ is constantly show up sayin, "unfortunately Google+ is responsive," or whatever. Then I CAN SYNC INTO ANYTHING! So can't get old photos, contacts, ect. Any time I TRY AN SYNC it says ( See pic below) that. So I've been looking on how to fix it an come to these 3 reasons why my phone is having these problems:
1) Tweaked around an messed with the System U I
2) I'm still on the original 4.4.2 version of I believe kit kat
Or 3) can't remember atm..lol smh
I also can't update my supposedly outdated Google Play Store and have this Icon (See pic Below). An cuz when I use certain apps I get a pop up that says "Needs Root Access," or whatever, EVEN AFTER I FACTORY RESET! So I downloaded a few Root Checkers and they ALL said I'm NO ROOTED! So it's like I'm Rooted but Very Limited....After 4+ Flipping Months of research I've come to POSSIBLE REASONS WHY IT'S MESSING UP AN SHEET:
1) Still on the Original 4.4.2 kit kat and needs Update (Since Idk I didn't get Updates after Rooting)
Or 2) I need to Restore my Firm and Softwares like I just got it from the store.
Thanks for writing to us at XDA Assist. Please standby while we have your thread/question moved to the appropriate sub-forum for your device.
For future reference you can find your device sub-forum here (bookmark/subscribe this):
Sprint Samsung Galaxy S4
Within that section you will find a dedicated q&a sub-forum (this is where your thread is going to be moved to):
Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting
Good luck!

Completely new to android system

Hi guys ,
I have recently brought a Samsung s7 edge on EE in the UK, I did but the phone second hand but appears to be working correctly to start .
The phone will not find any software updates or play pokemon go for my son and Samsung knox is also tripped out , says the software has been modified in a unauthorised way, I went to samsung and they said it has been rooted and void of warranty so all I can do is Give them £250 for a new motherboard for the phone.
I followed some instructions by downloading a terminal client and it's not showing me as having super user status on the device ,
.I've had I phones since day one and was loving the freedom of android but I really do find myself out of my league as I'm pretty illiterate when it comes to this kind of stuff . I'm looking to either flash the phone back to its factory state or have the phone rooted properly to allow me to update etc
I'm very apprehensive about attempting this myself and was hoping someone could point me in the direction of a idiots guide on how to or specialist on here who would do it for payment if I were to meet them somewhere with their laptop
I have tried Google searching but nothing much seems to make sense , thanks in advance
You want to flash a stock firmware. Get everything working OK first. Try "Updato" for fast firmware downloads. Try a "BTU" firmware. Download Samsung phone drivers and Odin. YouTube Odin very simple to use. Should restore your phone. Then look into rooting.
Sent from my SM-G935F using XDA-Developers mobile app
The phone is modified in a way that it was rooted before, but prior to selling, the vendor unrooted it. Pokemon Go will not work on a rooted device.
First thing is to find the exact build of the phone (under software info in the about section of settings), then look for the corresponding firmware. Trustworthy sources is this forum and sammobile (I usually get my firmware files here). Samsung PC drivers can be found on the internet. Officially they are installed on the PC when you install Samsung SmartSwitch (Samsung's PC Backup and Updating software). Then download Odin. You will use that to flash the stock firmware back onto your phone.
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
Elliottsdaddy said:
Hi guys ,
I have recently brought a Samsung s7 edge on EE in the UK, I did but the phone second hand but appears to be working correctly to start .
The phone will not find any software updates or play pokemon go for my son and Samsung knox is also tripped out , says the software has been modified in a unauthorised way, I went to samsung and they said it has been rooted and void of warranty so all I can do is Give them £250 for a new motherboard for the phone.
I followed some instructions by downloading a terminal client and it's not showing me as having super user status on the device ,
.I've had I phones since day one and was loving the freedom of android but I really do find myself out of my league as I'm pretty illiterate when it comes to this kind of stuff . I'm looking to either flash the phone back to its factory state or have the phone rooted properly to allow me to update etc
I'm very apprehensive about attempting this myself and was hoping someone could point me in the direction of a idiots guide on how to or specialist on here who would do it for payment if I were to meet them somewhere with their laptop
I have tried Google searching but nothing much seems to make sense , thanks in advance
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you need to unroot and Relock the Bootloader
OTA updates doesn't work on some phones with unlock bootloader
follow this link and read carefully
it explains everything you need to know
Geeks Empire said:
you need to unroot and Relock the Bootloader
OTA updates doesn't work on some phones with unlock bootloader
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The UK S7 Edge, which is the Exynos variant (G935F) doesn't have bootloader restrictions in that form, thus there is nothing to "relock".
Geeks Empire said:
it explains everything you need to know
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Why do you link to an article on a questionable site, named exactly what I'd imagine a phishing, scammer website would call it to someone completely new to Android!? Seriously, stop linking to these weird a** pages. These pages only exist to generate traffic. They're not even ran by real people. The same exact text on that website is on five other websites, copied and pasted. This is not productive. New users need assistance that's going to help them in the long term. They have to understand the process.
@Elliottsdaddy You want your device restored to its original state. Unrooted. The process of unrooting by flashing a stock firmware is fairly complicated for a newbie and requires you to extensively read and comprehend the tutorial/process. Seriously. There is a lot that can go wrong. I'm gonna ask you to follow the link below. It's a tutorial, posted on XDA by one of our senior members @henklbr. If you have questions, first use the search function and see if your question has already been answered by someone. If not, feel free to ask and give enough detail so people can help you appropriately.
Firmware Download:
nitrous² said:
The UK S7 Edge, which is the Exynos variant (G935F) doesn't have bootloader restrictions in that form, thus there is nothing to "relock".
Why do you link to an article on a questionable site, named exactly what I'd imagine a phishing, scammer website would call it to someone completely new to Android!? Seriously, stop linking to these weird a** pages. These pages only exist to generate traffic. They're not even ran by real people. The same exact text on that website is on five other websites, copied and pasted. This is not productive. New users need assistance that's going to help them in the long term. They have to understand the process.
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i don't wanna defend it but i checked it! (Sorry not completely) and didn't find anything harmful for devices!
anyway thanks for noticing :good:

Upgrade Note 3 N900A Factory Unlock

I am new to this forum and definitely to the aspect of upgrading the OS. I own Note 3 SM-900A which I bought online. It is factory unlocked. I am using it in India since 2014. There has been no problem ever since. But I have now realised that many apps don't work including Google Assistant on current OS 4.3. I wish to upgrade it. However I face a problem when I try OTA upgrade that no upgrades are available. This is understandable as I am not part of AT&T network.
I guess the only option left is root and upgrade. Therefore my queries:-
1. How does one go about it?
2. Which version of OS do I install and where do I get it form?
3. Do I have to install custom ROM? Can't I simply download pure OS and install it?
Sorry for sounding like a newbie... I am one thought.
Moderator - If this is the wrong forum, kindly direct the question to the right forum.
Any help will be welcome...
Thank you
This is not the forum for your phone .
see link in this thread
Are you sure you are pointing me too the right forum. They seem to be discussing about spotting the difference between the real and fake phones. Mine is not such case.
You need to read that post .
Models are listed and forums linked.
Forums also listed at the bottom of this Note 3 forum.
The n900a is the AT&T version of the note3:https://forum.xda-developers.com/note-3-att

Newb Requires Help with Binary block!

Hi Everyone!
Apologies if this has already been covered, but didn't know where to start as this is all completely new to me.
I have inherited a Samsung Galaxy SM J500FN which when turned on displays ' Custom binary blocked by FRP. secure fail : Kernel ' .
All the mobile phone shops i have spoken to are only interested in replacing screens and the like, aside from one guy who recommended this forum.
I don't need any of the previous data that's held on the phone so could be taken back to out of the box state. I've had a look at Youtube and seen various mentions of ODIN but have absolutely no experience and didn't want to screw it up any further!
Hope some one can help!
Many thanks, Jay.
Anewbcalledjay said:
Hi Everyone!
Apologies if this has already been covered, but didn't know where to start as this is all completely new to me.
I have inherited a Samsung Galaxy SM J500FN which when turned on displays ' Custom binary blocked by FRP. secure fail : Kernel ' .
All the mobile phone shops i have spoken to are only interested in replacing screens and the like, aside from one guy who recommended this forum.
I don't need any of the previous data that's held on the phone so could be taken back to out of the box state. I've had a look at Youtube and seen various mentions of ODIN but have absolutely no experience and didn't want to screw it up any further!
Hope some one can help!
Many thanks, Jay.
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Hi Jay, nobody yet replied you because there's a lot of learning before understanding the replies we usually exchange here. But don't desperate, begin plainly, look into the various threads, specially related to J5, and begin from the first posts, jump here and there, and after a while this big kaos will turn into something meaningful. Then look for FRP lock, there's a lot of posts... This will lend you to ask what is Odin and what is for... There are also tons of replies... Perhaps you then 'd want to know what a ROM or firmware is, why some of them are STOCK, OFFICIAL, CUSTOM... And you'll be ready to post questions that can be replied in a bunch of rows...
Kind regards
