My Galaxy S5 microphone icon on the keyboard is no longer working. The icon on Google search in internet explorer also no longer works.
I've been unable to use Voice Input since installing this keyboard. Since installing Smart Keyboard Pro I've flashed my phone from stock. The keyboard that comes with the flashed ROM does not include the Voice Input key. Smart Keyboard Pro is functioning in regards to all other aspects. What might I need to do to get Voice Input going again? If I tap the microphone the voice dialog comes up but doesn't capture anything and won't close until I hit cancel.
same problem here. but in mine, the voice button is missing..
Hi guys. Does anyone know of a working softkey app? Ive tried a few apps they all either work badly (simple control only allows you to slide them out to the edge where you swipe, useless for this phone as we use the down-up swipe for recents) or dont work when needed (softkeyz adds a second nav bar everywhere but on the home screen).
Any experience?
On my S7E, whenever a Bluetooth keyboard is attached, the on-screen keyboard will no longer do swype continuous input. The only way to get it back is to force detach the Bluetooth keyboard. Anyone know if this can be fixed?
The reason this is a problem for me is that the Bluetooth "keyboard" in question is just a media button ( ) used to send play/pause, forward, back, and volume. But if I use it, then I can't Swype text in the messaging app. Anyone have a workaround?
Does anyone know how to remove the keyboard button on the navigation bar? It's in the bottom right and only appears when the keyboard is in use. I've checked keyboard settings, and navigation bar settings and neither have a disable option. I've read that a way to remove it is to freeze the stock keyboard app, but i'd rather not resort to that. I know it used to just be an ongoing notification while the keyboard was up, but now it's just in the bottom right. I've tried "Navbar apps" but it doesn't have the option to disable that. Is there any other way?
I noticed that the on-screen gestures for going back (swiping in from the left or right) are not working in the keyboard area. For example if i'm typing something in Whatsapp and want to go back then I have to swipe ABOVE the keyboard for it to work. Otherwise it registers as a keyboard input. The keyboard location is ergonomically the perfect spot to swipe so it's very annoying that this doesn't work.
I never had this problem with my previous phone, a Oneplus 7T Pro, and I am using the same keyboard (Swiftkey).
Anyone with the same problem, or better, the solution?
For new Samsung Devices like S23 series
One Hand Operation +
That's the name of the Samsung app you need. Open its Advanced Settings and disable Fit To Keyboard option.
The app's and OS's gesture systems can coexist without a problem.