Which image extension is supported by a framework ? - Galaxy Y GT-S5360 and Duos 6102 Q&A, Help & Troubl

Allright, i know my question could be strange but in fact i wanna know which image format could support framework-res.apk as PNG is the best format for a picture, i would like to know if i can convert all "Non-PNG" pictures into PNGs and if they will stay recognised by the apk. Sure it's not a huge space improvement but if i do this for all pictures, i'll probably have few MB away.
So thanks everybody


Long as the file name is the same & any xml references are correct it shouldn't make a difference if it's jpg or png


Cube icons?? BRN or PNG?

are the icons BRN or PNG. I just custom made my icons for the 3X2 media launcher, should i make new icons for the Media Hub??
i made them all PNG, i know it can be converted to BMp then to BRN, but then where do i store them on the phone>?
also are PNG's ok ?
any help is thanked!
ambush276 said:
are the icons BRN or PNG. I just custom made my icons for the 3X2 media launcher, should i make new icons for the Media Hub??
i made them all PNG, i know it can be converted to BMp then to BRN, but then where do i store them on the phone>?
also are PNG's ok ?
any help is thanked!
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I'm not sure about PNG's , but i use BRN.
Store it in Windows Folder, and if you are replacing the originals due to haveing the same name file, you need an explorer that can overwrite system files. ex. resco explorer( Thats what i use whenever i copy files and need overwriting )
ohh i see just use the samfile name and overwrite them.
do the media hub and 3 X2 launcher have different size icons or it doesn't really matter?
i was hoping for when Touch settings comes out for us on the vogue, we can just select the picture file manually? But i want to convert the pics to BRN. Got it!
510jungleboy said:
I'm not sure about PNG's , but i use BRN.
Store it in Windows Folder, and if you are replacing the originals due to haveing the same name file, you need an explorer that can overwrite system files. ex. resco explorer( Thats what i use whenever i copy files and need overwriting )
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how were you able to overwrite the file if its under windows directory with 2000+ files? im using memmaid. and it wont let me see all the 2000+ files under \windows
i actually have to create a new folder and have it point to that directory using the registry.
handlez said:
how were you able to overwrite the file if its under windows directory with 2000+ files? im using memmaid. and it wont let me see all the 2000+ files under \windows
i actually have to create a new folder and have it point to that directory using the registry.
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I took the originals BRN of the Music, Sprint TV, and On Demand icons and convert it to size so that it will fit properly when i am playing Audio Manager with the functions displayed. Just like in the picture.
dont need that , need to know do i need to make different icon sizes for the 3X2 launcher or the Media hub... I can also just make PNG then save them as BMP, then convert them to BRN.??? THen when touch settings comes out, i can just use the icons through that prog. My question is where do i save the pics. I want to keep original pics there as well. But right now i also want these pics.

Woot! Changing default icons in WM6.1

First of all, the start menu icon
i got help from this post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=2271995&postcount=8
and u can see how i got it on my BA
Want it??
the file is attached too. (signed already)
rename the file as shellres.96.dll
and paste this file in ur \Windows folder in ur device
Ofcourse u have to make a backup of originall shellres.96.dll too
Njoy this nice gray start menu icon
MORE ICONS ON THE WAY, I AM STILL DISCOVERING bout the icon changing thingi.
POST UR ICONS IN "PNG" with transparent background and in a multiple of 8 width and height that is 16x16, 24x24, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256.
so that i may get more time in modding rather in finding
GL all and happy modding. Atlast folder icon changing will work
Step 2, Changing the default folder icons
here are they
EDIT: the resource hacker is showing the folder icons in two pairs (16x16 and 32x32). If i am gonna replace one, the whole icon group gets changed. so uptill here no luck. will some body help me making a dll file with two icons (one for 16x16 and other for 32x32)
One small note,
the complete name of the file being replaced is shellres.96.dll.0409.mui
The reason I am making this comment is because depending on the rom (WWE or any other country ID), this might change. For instance, WWE is 0409, but I believe that German was 040C.
Other than that, good post. Let us know when you are able to change the system folders.
the mui exists there for localization thingi
I have used shellres.96.dll, the one i have pasted here and the screenshot is of my BA's. So I say authentic. I havent tried ur method since i am going fine
Now about the folders, the problem comes with pointing two icons in same icondump (i-e i need to have a file (like shell32.dll in windows for PC) which should only contain 32x32 folder icon (normal) and 16x16 icon (small). I dont know how to make such icon resource files. I have all PNG sets for my desired icons. I straight away convert them through an activeX based converter. Then THE PROBLEM IS ABOUT DUMPING TWO .ICO FILES IN ONE .ICO

What png images supported by Titanium

My png image files won't show up on a panel I made. If I use a png file already in windows from another plugin, it shows up on my panel. If I try to use mine, I get the red X all the time. Does this mean the png file is not the right type? What does the .png image have to be like to be supported by Titanium? Mine is 32x32.

Manila editing and lua:tutorial

Hey people,
Many people were pm'ing me n asking me to write tutorials on how to edit manila files n write lua.
As its a very less known topic im one of the few people who knows how to write it and edit it.
I will try to explain the basics first n then the advanced stuff
To be frank
manila editing is complicated.Not cause its hard but cause it need a lot of imagination
UnLike other languages that uses graphics like flash or vb or whatever lua and manila editing DOES NOT give you a visual workspace
You have to image what you write in real time and so it needs a lot of trial /error
What we need
the files we want to work on
1>As the basics i would like to explain how the background for all tabs mod was made
1.we have a file called 5c9aa261_manila.
for me this is the most important file that a developer needs
in manila this is a file that controls backgrounds
1>For example it runs on every tab and executes its functions on every tab
It is the shadow of tf3d
So anything that you want in the background in every tab or u want to be seen in every tab u put here
So by common sense the slider and the background are in this file
Now what we do for the bgfor all mod
1>Make a png file size 512 X 512
Manila cant take a image of any size.Therea re fixed sizes.i personally always use the size 512 X 512
So now we have a image named lets say sample.png
copy the file 5c9aa261_manila from the windoes folder and open it in m9editor
doubl click it
NOw the hard part
the structure of a manila file was something that took me loads of thinking to figure out
a basic structure
Group (named whatever)
--FIle in group(top most layer)--this is what is seen right on top
--File in group(second layer)--this is what is seen underneath the upper file
and so on a and so forth
lua files are action script that are recognised by the tf3d
usually lua files are either of two types
1>binaries(damn its just a name nothing more)
using the search button you can search for "binary"
click on it and you will see code in it underneath
2>files that we ad..they always end in .lua ..so using search search for ".lua" and you will find it
Lua is scanned through by tf3d when u start it the first time
lua is usually at the top of the file
so for example lets write a little lua
if rotastrainsdonations>200$ then
title.String="need smore donations"
this is seen by tf3d
whenever you will press the slider this function will be called
and it will display what the function does!!
So when u move around in the file you will see groups and files in them..
if you understand this much its enough to make whatever the hell u want
ok now getting back to what we want to do
Step 3
Searching for the existing background
images are always .qtc files
So search for ".qtc"
you will come to a file called "backgroundlevel1..blahblahblah.qtc"
now that we found it we need to place the file we want on top of it..so thats its seen in right on top and in every tab
so how to make a file that we want?heres secret no1
1>copy any qtc file thats existing by right clicking its entry ..for example the file now is "backgroundlevel1..blahblahblah.qtc"
right click copy
now right click on the entry again
click paste below
so now we have two entries of the same name
change the top entries name
---change this name to whatever you want--for example firstbg
so now we have two entries
now click ok
move your mouse over the entry
a small popup will appear
with a name like gftfgrh455_manila
thats the name of your file
Write it down somewhere
Click save
Step 4
now we need a qtc file to put ur image in
just take any _manila file from the windeos foler which is a image file
For example the file that i have used in my panoramic background mod
i will attach that here
paste it in the same place as the 5c9aa261_manila file
open it in m9editor
right click it
save as png
open the png file
paste your image in
open m9editor
right click the qtc file
load from png
rename the file to what we got earlier "gftfgrh455_manila"
Now paste both these files in ur widows folder
and walla
bgforall tabs in a second
This is a basic thing to do
Next step will be to integrate images with lua..
Thank you, thank you!
Awesome... exactly what I was looking for! Please, do go on....
xoxo Maureen
thats a great idea!
you are tha man!
This is very nice... I can not wait for the followup. image editing is pretty nice but I am having more trouble with decompiling the lua files. Also is there an easy way to break out the scripts and files into there directory structure? so that we can find all the internet tab items in one folder and all the common in another? I tried a few of the lua kitchens that I have seen around but most of them seem to crash when I try to use them on the 2.5 manila files. is there a difference?
Thanks for this. It is nice to see someone sharing there knowledge and expertise.

[HOW TO] S-Note templates with custom backgrounds

I was looking for an easy way of having the "Note" and "Meeting" templates with white background, so it would print decently. So far it seems there's no easy way to create own templates apart from messing with the .apk file. The alternative of manually setting the background each time I create a note or add a page does not look appealing as well.
Until somebody comes with a better solution, here's what I managed to get:
Simple description:
Modify original '"Note" template
Download the "Wine" template form 'new snote' dialog window
Replace the "Wine.snb" with modified "Note.snb"
Detailed description
* Intro:
Templates are stored in *.snb files, which are plain zip files (just like .apk's), easy to open/change with e.g. 7-Zip.
We want to customize the Note template ('note.snb' file).
Root is necessary.
* How to modify note.snb backgrounds:
Copy the file '\system\app\Snote_wxga.apk' to your PC
On PC:
Open the 'Snote_wxga.apk' file and
Goto to '\assets\templates' folder
Open the 'Note.snb' file
Go to folder 'snote\media\':
- the two .png files located there are note backgrounds (for title page and normal ones) - edit or replace the files with your own
- the two .jpg files are thumbnails - edit or create your own, by e.g. resizing and converting the .png files from previous step
* How to get the modified template to the device:
Download new template from the web (in new note window dialog) - let's say it's "Wine"
Go to folder '/data/data/com.sec.android.app.snotebook/download/template', it should contain following files:
Replace the file '/T_001/template/wine.snb' with your modified copy of 'note.snb' (remember to change the name from 'note.snb' to 'wine.snb')
All other .png files are thumbnails - edit, make your own or leave as it is
* How to change name of the new template from 'Wine' to something else:
Copy the 'template.list' file to PC
Open it with a decent text editor (e.g. Notepad++)
Find the string {"value":"Wine","lang":"en"} for your language, and change the 'Wine' label to one of your choosing
Copy the file 'template.list' back to folder '/data/data/com.sec.android.app.snotebook/download/template' on your device
The following procedure can be repeated - so far there are 3 downloadable templates provided by Samsung, each of those can be replaced the same way.
PS1. It works.
PS2. At least on my device.
Thanks for trying that out. I haven't got round to it yet, but I was planning to try something similar myself.
The other solution I had considered was a rather more radical hack of the snote apk, but a more flexible solution: If it was possible to hack the apk so that the downloaded templates are stored in the default external storage in /sdcard/Android/data/com.sec.android.app.snotebook/ rather than the internal storage you could get to that without root, and just edit the templates any time you wanted.
It would be easy enough to do with access to the java code, and while I'm sure it might be possible to do by hacking the smali files, it's more work than I can find the time for at the moment.
rmein said:
Thanks for trying that out. I haven't got round to it yet, but I was planning to try something similar myself.
The other solution I had considered was a rather more radical hack of the snote apk, but a more flexible solution: If it was possible to hack the apk so that the downloaded templates are stored in the default external storage in /sdcard/Android/data/com.sec.android.app.snotebook/ rather than the internal storage you could get to that without root, and just edit the templates any time you wanted.
It would be easy enough to do with access to the java code, and while I'm sure it might be possible to do by hacking the smali files, it's more work than I can find the time for at the moment.
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Hopefully Samsung will discover the idea of custom templates some day. Also, judging from the structure of snb files, they must have some template editor (i don't believe they would edit all the xml's manually). Would be great if the editor was made public as well.
As for the solution - editing java lives far above my abilities, so I hope you'll find the time. I chose the described method, because the other solution, i.e. replacing the snb files directly inside the snote apk, would not survive the flashing, unless the new apk was installed to data, which I had no time to check if would work at all. Besides, having the ready-made template folder, I was able to repeat the process on my wife's Note within a minute.
One final remark - I did not bother with creating new backgrounds, any decent graphic editor enables to edit images palette colours, I used GIMP, to simply change background of 'Note' and 'Meeting' to white.
Sent from my GT-N5100 using xda premium
Thank you for finding and sharing this. I am still struggling with finding the Wine template. On the dialog "new note" in my Galaxy note 10.1 it just shows me the 10 templates available to choose. No template to download. Or do you mean another dialog? I don't understand that part really well.
Another question (I suppose I will know that when I can do it). Can I put templates (background images) of higher resolution? . That is the whole reason why I want to change the templates. I think the finest pen stroke looks pretty thick.
duguet said:
Thank you for finding and sharing this. I am still struggling with finding the Wine template. On the dialog "new note" in my Galaxy note 10.1 it just shows me the 10 templates available to choose. No template to download. Or do you mean another dialog? I don't understand that part really well.
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Don't know how it works with Note 10, on the 8 the pressin the "+" for new note shows window as in attached screenshot - the 'download button' is marked
duguet said:
Another question (I suppose I will know that when I can do it). Can I put templates (background images) of higher resolution? . That is the whole reason why I want to change the templates. I think the finest pen stroke looks pretty thick.
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I guess you could try, but it could require additional editing of one of xml files - I think template dimensions are stored there
Many thanks!!!
So now I know I don't have the same S-note version. I don't see that download option. Could somebody send me the Wine template file? thanks!
I'll let you know if I made it increasing the resolution.
duguet said:
Many thanks!!!
So now I know I don't have the same S-note version. I don't see that download option. Could somebody send me the Wine template file? thanks!
I'll let you know if I made it increasing the resolution.
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I'm afraid this might not work for you - the whole template/background swapping works because additional templates are installed by SNote app itself. I doubt your version will be able to recognize template files if you just copy them.
anyway, I'll attach the templates after the weekend, so you can try for yourself
duguet said:
Could somebody send me the Wine template file? thanks!
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As promised - modified templates with white background (names in template.list unchanged):
1. Note (replacement of Wine template)
2. Meeting (replacement of Movie template)
3. Memo (replacement of Weaning Food template)
p107r0 said:
I was looking for an easy way of having the "Note" and "Meeting" templates with white background, so it would print decently. So far it seems there's no easy way to create own templates apart from messing with the .apk file. The alternative of manually setting the background each time I create a note or add a page does not look appealing as well.
Until somebody comes with a better solution, here's what I managed to get:
Simple description:
Modify original '"Note" template
Download the "Wine" template form 'new snote' dialog window
Replace the "Wine.snb" with modified "Note.snb"
Detailed description
* Intro:
Templates are stored in *.snb files, which are plain zip files (just like .apk's), easy to open/change with e.g. 7-Zip.
We want to customize the Note template ('note.snb' file).
Root is necessary.
* How to modify note.snb backgrounds:
Copy the file '\system\app\Snote_wxga.apk' to your PC
On PC:
Open the 'Snote_wxga.apk' file and
Goto to '\assets\templates' folder
Open the 'Note.snb' file
Go to folder 'snote\media\':
- the two .png files located there are note backgrounds (for title page and normal ones) - edit or replace the files with your own
- the two .jpg files are thumbnails - edit or create your own, by e.g. resizing and converting the .png files from previous step
* How to get the modified template to the device:
Download new template from the web (in new note window dialog) - let's say it's "Wine"
Go to folder '/data/data/com.sec.android.app.snotebook/download/template', it should contain following files:
Replace the file '/T_001/template/wine.snb' with your modified copy of 'note.snb' (remember to change the name from 'note.snb' to 'wine.snb')
All other .png files are thumbnails - edit, make your own or leave as it is
* How to change name of the new template from 'Wine' to something else:
Copy the 'template.list' file to PC
Open it with a decent text editor (e.g. Notepad++)
Find the string {"value":"Wine","lang":"en"} for your language, and change the 'Wine' label to one of your choosing
Copy the file 'template.list' back to folder '/data/data/com.sec.android.app.snotebook/download/template' on your device
The following procedure can be repeated - so far there are 3 downloadable templates provided by Samsung, each of those can be replaced the same way.
PS1. It works.
PS2. At least on my device.
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S Note of Galaxy Note 3
Does anyone know how we can get large (A4) size templates for S Note? The default pages are like small (size) notes.
Can someone give me the S Note apk files for Galaxy Note 3? I want to install this on my Asus tablet as well so I can synchronize my work done on either of the two.
I have been using Asus Supernote earlier on my Asus Tablet and Galaxy S3 mobile, but the Supernote does not work on my new Galaxy Note 3.
Unless I missed it - is it possible to change the default save file name? I used the memo template to create my new one - copied over wine. When I hit save it defaults to Memo_date_time. If I can find where to change the Memo portion of the filename. Would make for a sweet setup then

