Stopping Device Slow Downs (Sluggish Performance) - Shield Tablet General

After some pain at the hands of sluggish performance on my new Shield Tablet to the point where it won't even turn on (soft reset required) I have discovered the following causing problems:
1. Older versions of Folder Organiser (specifically the version on Amazon App Store) slows the tab down considerably
2. Amazon apps being moved to SD. Basically don't do it for any Amazon app
Please add your own discoveries to this thread.

Soundcloud seems to be buggy on 5.0 I have had some freezes with it on several devices

PicSay Pro leaves artifacts all over the screen when it's used. I find it almost impossible to use it for simple tasks like cropping an image now.
Dolphin Browser is slow. Unnaturally "this can't be my WiFi" slow.
Apps on Android don't age as gracefully as on Windows. Even when the developer updates them occasionally, often OS changes, like what I presume is a shift from Dalvik to ART, can be crippling.
Sent from my Galaxy S5

I am really struggling to find stable performance on the tablet. It seems to jam up for no reason and require soft reset to get working again, at least twice a day.
Has anyone else moved apps to SD card? did it give you any problems? - This is the only thing I can think of beyond hardware faults.


Occasionally slow after application launch

I have an issue with a custom application on an HTC Touch device where the application is really slow occasionally. About 10% of the time the application will run at 30-40% of normal speed. After launch, if the application is slow, then it will always be slow. If the application is fast then it will always be fast. Exiting the application (not minimizing) and trying again usually resolves the issue. Has anyone seen this type of behavior before?
would be very very clever to tell us what application this is?
- what other apps are running ?
- how much free RAM do you have when starting this mysterious app ?
and much more questions Could be a memory Problem because the touch doesn`t have too much. ActiveSync also slows down the device.
The application is a custom app I wrote for work. The application doesn't exhibit and issues with memory leaks and such, and there is no significant difference in available memory when it is running slow or fast. I believe the application foot print is about 18MB, but I don't remember exactly. In any case there is plenty of memory free.
I have seen this behavior after a soft / or even a hard reset. So the initial conditions of the device are rather pristine. I noticed simple applications such as calibration.exe have some of the same tendencies. My intuition is this is not an application problem, but rather a more general windows mobile issue. However this isn't that easy to prove.
So please let me know if you have had any of the same experiences or can suggest any tests which may help me narrow down this issue.

RAM, browser, apps & Android

My main reason for switching from SGS to SGS2 was the RAM (besides the annonying lag when I/O), on SGS constantly the browser was closing when switching to an app (eg: twitter, gmail) and back.
Well.. unfortunately even if we have a lot of free RAM on Galaxy S II, Android KEEPS closing the applications after a while (sometime in less than 3 minutes). It's extremely annoying that we cannot use the free RAM because of Android nature of closing NEEDED apps.. Can we change this?
Another problem with the browser, it happened many times to me: it just closes automatically when using, I cannot reproduce, it just happens random. This is more annoying than the first thing because when re-opening the browser it doesn't open from cache state (with URL-s on tabs).. so you lose all the information about opened urls (I tend to open many tabs, in most cases all 8 tabs are being used by me)
I have installed Opera, xScope but simply I prefer the stock browser because is the most polished and faster browser IMO
(tested also junks as Firefox - wich is a shame - and Skyfire - same)
Your solution is to root ans install one of those apps that alters androids internal ram levels. That will keep your browser in memory and not reload everytime.
DSF said:
My main reason for switching from SGS to SGS2 was the RAM (besides the annonying lag when I/O), on SGS constantly the browser was closing when switching to an app (eg: twitter, gmail) and back.
Well.. unfortunately even if we have a lot of free RAM on Galaxy S II, Android KEEPS closing the applications after a while (sometime in less than 3 minutes). It's extremely annoying that we cannot use the free RAM because of Android nature of closing NEEDED apps.. Can we change this?
Another problem with the browser, it happened many times to me: it just closes automatically when using, I cannot reproduce, it just happens random. This is more annoying than the first thing because when re-opening the browser it doesn't open from cache state (with URL-s on tabs).. so you lose all the information about opened urls (I tend to open many tabs, in most cases all 8 tabs are being used by me)
I have installed Opera, xScope but simply I prefer the stock browser because is the most polished and faster browser IMO
(tested also junks as Firefox - wich is a shame - and Skyfire - same)
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drulo222 said:
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Click to collapse
install CM11 and you will get plenty of free RAM. Much more than on stock 4.1.2 ROM.
Free ram in Android is 'wasted' (as it is with any Linux derivative). It's not designed to keep ram free, memory is managed in a completely different/much more efficient manner than Windoze/other OSes (which is the reason why n00bs get in a tizz when they see relatively lower free ram in Android, they're used to the way it's managed by other OSes.
By attempting to force more free ram, you are not going to somehow magically improve the performance of the device, if you think you will, you're fantasising & ignoring 2.5 yrs of however many people's experience with this phone (which says Android manages ram just fine).
MistahBungle said:
Free ram in Android is 'wasted' (as it is with any Linux derivative). It's not designed to keep ram free
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This, free ram is overrated. Usually, a lot of the ram is cached apps/processes, not really consuming cpu cycles, just there in ram until the app is used again or the space is reclaimed by another process, thus, in terms, is reclaimable ram. Unless of course there is a bugged app with a memory leak.
Now, why the browser keeps losing the data on app switch, is another topic and I honestly think there is something else going on with the phone and not really android f*cking up with the ram management.
Personally, i would update to the latest version (if youre not there already), and then create a backup and do a complete wipe (had a friend with a completely messed up xperia that when he did the wipe, it almost looked like a new phone afterwards)

newbie question iconia slowness

I just got iconia 2 weeks ago and its not refurbished however I feel it is slow web pages take 8 to 12 seconds to load sometime if I'm performing any task it is stuck for 6 to 9second no response n then it works fine. There is a lag usually for 5 to 7 second. Is that normal I didn't root my tablet didn't install a whole lot app yet I just little bummed due to the lag n slowness. Any thing you can suggest or share your experience.
Many thanks
I'm not a fan of the stock browser. It tends to lag and has rendering issues. You might want to try Opera Mobile. ( be careful not to download Opera Mini- it's intended for phones) I've been using it for a week or so and really like it. Better rendering, smoother scrolling, less crashing.
I use dolphin browser works good.
bad browsing experience
I have tried many of the web browsers on the market..
My experience is Some view some sites better then others. I use the stock browser for most sites.There is NO real solution to this issue.avoiding portal type websites. Such as helps. if you need content from there or similar sites YOU can d/load there app from the Marker.
Also try this.. Advanced task killer app .This tool should not be allowed to auto start and run in background. but can be used to diag. a rouge app.
Get Advanced task killer from the market..
try opening it from time to time and see what apps are actually sitting in the TRAY. if you see some apps that you installed and have not used since your last reboot. try killing them and see if this helps.. Use this Tool for one app at a time. If you find the app causing the sluggish internet. See if you can adjust settings on it . Maybe tell it to not START to not push notifications and so on..
NOT All apps play nice . you might just have one of them that decide to steal bandwidth on a constant basis.
Good luck and we all feel your frustrations.. I will point out runny task managers in the background is BAD IDEA. not all apps setting in the try are actually running Many are static and waiting for your input..
Erica Renee.... Memory management Trick #1
I don't experience the lag you are posting about. You may have a misbehaving app on your hands.
I too have experienced random sluggishness at times with the stock browser. Its especially bad on javascript-heavy sites. My bigger complaint, however, is the random typing issues I have, like goofy text selection and seemingly stuck shift states on the keyboard.
This appears to be a problem with the latest update. Beforehand, this lag simply was not there. Some sites (XDA Developers being one) lag with the banner ad at the top loading. This happens on almost EVERY vBulliten 4.x forum. I think a lot of us are hoping this issue will resolve with ICS, since it's doubtful Acer will do much more work with HC.
I will echo what the others have said.
When I first started messing around with my A500 I too noticed a small lag. My solution was to root my device and load a ROM from the ROM list:
Most of the ROMs work much better than the stock android that comes installed on the A500. Also once I had pretty much cached the sites I use the speed issue vanished.
The stock browser lags. Especially when you use your keyboard (there are some videos on youtube) other browsers does not have this lags.

[Q] Scrollling with pics = lag

Hi all,
I guess ever since getting the Nexus 7 when it came out, I've been trying to reduce lag. It has become as sort of project of mine. The last year, I have gone over lots of ROMs, kernels, tweaking tools, and tried lots of good (and very much bad) stuff.
So far, I've come quite far and I am quite happy with the way my Nexus 7 runs. The Nexus runs great in all other apps, really. Browsing is smooth and not comparable in any way to what I started out with. I have some Danish, poorly designed sites that are quite heavy, and I get no lag.
Apart from one thing - i get BAD lag when scrolling down a list which has images in it. I also get minor lag at other lists, but images makes it horrible. My two best examples are the play store (almost unusable) and gReader (slightly better with images off in lists, but hey, shouldn't have to be like that).
I've been googling loads and it seems very few people have the same problem? I've had this problem with all kinds of ROMs, kernels, tweaks, whatever really. I can have a crap setup with a million services running and a google now process gone haywire with cpu at 75 degrees celsius, yet the stutter is just the same in play store and greader (e.g.).
My current setup (but note, I've tried many with same result):
- Completely fresh install of recent CM10.1 nightly
- franco kernel (1.7GHz CPU, 700MHz GPU, 512Kb read-ahead, interactive, deadline, fsync off, gpu scaling off, wifi performance streaming)
- Almost all services disabled, including most of google's, meaning I have greenify running, a few under google services and android keyboard
- Sync is currently off
- Currents is not installed
- I've got fstrim installed and run that recently on all partitions
- I've got 9GB of 13-ish free at the moment
- Location sharing off
- Accessibility off
- No widgets, completely empty homescreen (I use Apex, not locked in memory)
I've been testing on a 100/100Mbit line fiber and 60/15Mbit LTE and identical experience.
I DO have Xposed installed atm, but after this fresh install (and many other similar times), I go straight to play store on a fresh install before installing anything. Same problem always there.
I had been using Trinity kernel for quite some time, at the time I adjusted read-ahead a lot, but in this situation a standard read-ahead actually means less lag for me. I guess it means more, small lags, actually, less noticeable.
I've been testing Seeder and similar apps recently, but get no particular difference with this problem.
When using the older version of Google Play, it is much more smooth, yet in the lists with apps it still stutters. Like 2-3 stutters a second, at times it hangs for a whole second, when scrolling down. It stutters each time and image is placed.
My experience: It seems the act of scrolling AND loading images doesn't work well in parallel.
I really hope someone can help me understand the problem, or, if so lucky, help me eradicate (or at least) reduce it.
Mkay, so it seems I am in a situation, where lagfix etc. doesn't alleviate the problem with very low random write speeds. I have done Forever Gone and various other things, but it just doesn't help. So, after googling a lot again, with inconclusive results:
What the feck is the conclusion on those low read speeds? I have plenty of space free...
delanvital said:
the play store (almost unusable)
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The Play Store has always stuttered horribly when scrolling, as does Play Music. From my own observations, this is an issue with the implementation of rendering in these applications, rather than a lack of system performance. It is not isolated to the Nexus 7 either; it occurs within these applications on every Android device.
When you load the Play Store (or Play Music with album art) and begin to scroll, images are loaded when they come into view and unloaded once you move past them. I would surmise that the behaviour is intended to conserve RAM on less capable devices, however the consequence appears to be that this constant loading and unloading of images while scrolling results in stuttering. I have tested this hypothesis by comparing image-based applications (such as HTC Music) which do not implement the aforementioned function against those that do. The result is always that the former are completely smooth, while latter stutter incessantly.
Now that most new Android devices are shipping with 2GB of RAM, I do hope that Google will either remove this function or disable it on current devices (based on the brand/model the device identifies as).

LG Stylo 2 (VM) Having huge lag after A7.0 Update

So the other day, I read about the Android 7 update and thought it sounded pretty neat. I noticed that my phone had the update available, so I went for it. Why not? (note: I just broke another Stylo 2 somehow, water damage maybe? lines all over the screen, unresponsive to touch commands, etc., so I just bought a new one and I kinda wanna keep the warranty, and by the time an exploit for Android 7 comes out my warranty will be over probably )
Anyhow, I notice my phone now has HUGE lag spikes, even when using processes that really shouldn't be overloading my processor. I've disabled a lot of bloatware apps (like Virgin Apps We Love, Amazon Store, etc.) so they shouldn't be running in the background. I have background processes limited to 2 and ANR dialogues set to show. Should I use something in Hardware Acceleration Settings to fix this, or is there an easier solution? My favorite mobile game is The Battle Cats, and I had no problem with rendering or processing with Android 6. Now all of a sudden, I lag after a few entities spawn and I really can't imagine why. It makes the game nigh unplayable.
The app using the most Memory is Android OS, followed by Google Play Services, System UI, and Android System.

