GNL with abstract wallpapers - Nexus 5 Themes and Apps

This is default preinstalled launcher from stock 5.0.1. Because I don't like geo wallpapers I remove them and change them with abstract ones from GNL from Google Play and default wallpaper from 4.4.4. Just copy to /system/app/GoogleHome/, (offcourse you have to remove existing one), set the right permissions, restart and you are good to go.
Regards, Zagor.


Launcher/Launcher2 Default Wallpaper

I am trying to change the Default Wallpaper on a rom I am cooking, Does anyone have a way of doing this? I have tried replacing the Launcher.apk with a modified one contain-ing the image I want but it still defaults to the now deleted lake from the apk, Where are the settings stored for this?
the default wallpaper is in framework-res.apk>res>drawable
thank you.

Need Live Wallpaper Location

I've recently installed the Nexus S live wallpaper in my SG3 but unfortunately it didn't work. Then I've un-installed the live wallpaper but whenever I'm going to set the live wallpaper (from Home --> wallpaper --> live wallpaper), I can still see the live Nexus S live wallpaper there (which I've already un-installed). Even if I select it, the application closes forcefully.
My phone is on the stock 2.2 but rooted. I've even used the titanium back and roo explorer to find the apk file corresponding to the that live wallpaper.
Can anyone please help me to find out the path of the live wallpaper apk file path (in phone memory or sd card) so I can manually delete the file.
Thanks in advance.
/system/app/livewallpapers.apk delete this one. use root expl
I reinstall the app and then uninstall it - by this way, the problem is solved now.
Many thanks for your help.

[REQ] Gallery3d.apk

Uninstalled Gallery3D.apk thanks to this APK list which is getting posted around here, which states you can uninstall it, only need it for lockscreen chooser
Uhm, well, now litening changed my lockscreen wallpaper. Thus I would need Gallery3D.apk back to get my all-black wallpaper back. Or does anyone know where the wallpapers for the wallpaper chooser are located so I could copy my black one there?
I'd hate to install a new litenig image and have to sort through all the crapware again

how to change app background?

there are themes in the theme store, and some themes change the background on the: setting, clock, my files, keyboard
so my question is how i can change the backgroung and the icons without change the theme? tnx
There a module in xposed installer named gravitybox

What is the Stock Google Pixel Font

What is the Stock font in Google Pixel and how do i get it installed on S8? I am rooted and i want to know where should i put it inside /system.
Isn't it Roboto?
Roboto is the standard typeface (followed by Noto) in material design and on Android as well, so I assume Google used the first one for the Pixel.
You can download any TrueType-Font (TTF) to your phone and paste it into system/fonts.
If that doesn't work, download iFont from the Play Store and paste the TTFs into /sdcard/ifont/custom .

