[Q] note 4 SMN9100 chinese( need help) - Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have bought thi note 4 SMN9100 with 2 sim slots in shanghai but the thing is i cant get google and other apps on it. i have allready root the phone but i didnt help. so can anyone explain how i can get more apps on this phone or what to do.
please help

husein149 said:
I have bought thi note 4 SMN9100 with 2 sim slots in shanghai but the thing is i cant get google and other apps on it. i have allready root the phone but i didnt help. so can anyone explain how i can get more apps on this phone or what to do.
please help
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Been asked already, get to search!
To help you on your way... Read this thread.
1. Flash CWM for 9100.
2. In cwm flash root.
3. Flash Gapps package of your choice.
You'll likely need a VPN connection to actually log in / create a Google account. Otherwise it'll seem like there's no connection.
Sent from my SM-N9100

Does anyone know the timeline for 6.0 for Hong Kong? It seems like it's everywhere else but HK.


[Q] TurboSim on Galaxy Tab

Im new here so please dont be angry if I posted something that is allready been answered befor.
I didnt find this one:
Can Samsung Galaxy Tab be used successfully with TurboSIm card? I have T-mobile Croatia locked tab and want to use it on another network.
Im totally new in android and cant find the way to use the solutions described in some other posts.
If you already have the Turbo Sim it will NOT hurt to try it. But if not, there's an easier way to fully unlock your tab , see the following thread :
Hope it helps.

firmware problem

i have a galaxy s which i flashed to remove t-moble branding, now not sure why but i can't get wifi working so want to go back to stock firmware. the problem is which is the correct version for me.
my phone is galaxy s gt-i9000 and was originally locked to to t-mobile UK. i'm looking on the stock firmware and odin guide but i haven't got a clue which one is suitable. i've also got a message in kies saying that 'your device does not support software upgrading via kies'.
please can someone advise me how to get the phone working correctly again? don't care if i have to go back to t-mobile branding as look as it works with wifi.
Hi Rincal...
first question.. did you have your galaxys unlocked to make it sim free by a shop or market seller.. if you havent.. this will cause problems, so make sure you get that done.. its about £15.
2nd) The latest stock firmware is 2.3.6.. the xda team have Eu stock ROM threads.. look in "development", but if you cant find it.. use this:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1431596 - although i think there will be a newer version out now.. in the PIT folder, use PIT-512.
Here is a full abc flash guide
Follow it to the letter, this is how I learned.. even though Ive had no problems, you flash your sgs rom at your own risk.. make sure you read it through first before you flash anything and always backup your data 1st.
Please note: This is not my work.. please thank and respect the xda teams named in the threads.
If anyone reading this thread can give better guides or links, please point the way
Good luck
NightOrchid said:
Hi Rincal...
first question.. did you have your galaxys unlocked to make it sim free by a shop or market seller.. if you havent.. this will cause problems, so make sure you get that done.. its about £15.
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hi NightOrchid
i used a market app called galaxy s unlock to unlock it myself. it was working find after that, the problems started after rooting and flashing.
i'll try your suggestions and let you know the outcome. i've already tried flashing with a few firmwares but always have the wifi problems. should say that apart from wifi and kies the rest of the phone seems to work ok with other firmwares.

[Q] Never manege to get 4 way boot and long sms

I'm french and I own a i9500.
I've installed 3 custom ROMs on it, all of them have the 4 way boot feature, but on both on them I've never had it, only poxeroff and reboot.
I've never managed too to send long sms, in the best case it was modified into MMS (that my girlfriend can't read).
i9500 is not available in France, I've downloaded it from a french store that buy them from north africa, unlock them, and sell...)
Please help me, I guess there *must* be a problem with my S4.
Thanks in advance,
P.S. : I've always followed the installation instructions...

[INFO] HTC J One / HTL22 / M7_WLJ Root/Recoveries/CustomRoms

Dear HTC J One users,
Unfortunately there are not enough users of HTC J One (also known as HTL22 / M7_WLJ) to lobby a dedicated thread, so I decided to post this info thread with information about the device, root options and custom roms available so far.
The credit goes to all the devs who made it possible. I will provide links and credits, but please let me know if i missed someone.
1) S-OFF
if your bootloader is not 1.54
It is currently possible to unlock hboot using Revone (thanks Revolutionary dev team)
if you upgraded the bootloader to 1.54 try Rumrunner (thanks Rumrunner team)
2) Recoveries
Recovery below was reported to work with HTC j One without problems. Please comment if you know other recoveries that work fine.
Recovery #1 http://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23212708291680616 openrecovery-twrp- Required for CM10 CM11 and Global Edition Sense ROM
3) Root
you can flash su from the recovery of your choice. See attached files, and 2)
4) Custom ROMS
There are four main ROMS now:
CM10 (thanks CM team and tako0910)
CM11 (thanks CM team and tako0910)
au HTL22 J One Global Edition ROM Sense 5.0 Android 4.3 (thanks htcsoku, @bigfriend0726 @tako0910 )
au HTL22 J One Global Edition ROM Sense 5.5 Android 4.4 KitKat Beta (thanks htcsoku, Edaoke)
how did you unlock the bootloader because I cant s-off without it?
LRiley said:
how did you unlock the bootloader because I cant s-off without it?
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I have unlocked the bootloadres using Revone... otherwise you may try Rumnummer.
Hello XDA-Forum.
I am new member and i have problem with my mobile, it's HTC J One ( H22).
I think it's hard brick when i up new room. i can't turn on my phone, and i can't charge it (the led not working).
when I'm try to connect with computer, it's trus find driver.
can you help me fix my phone, sorry because my english not good. And i can see box for HTC J One in XDA.
Thank for help me!
Thread Moved to General
Just so you're aware, I've moved this thread from Q&A over to General as it's more suited over here and won't fall down the list so quickly. It would keep getting completely buried in Q&A due to all the threads being created
- KidCarter93
Forum Moderator
I am not experienced so muchg with bricks unfortunately. Seems to be hard brick from what you said. Can you take it to AU shop? or are you outside Japan?
Try to look for info about normal (non-japanese) HTC One brick problems - they are 99% same phones - so it might help
Hi people. Nice to see some information about this phone.
What ROM did you use from the list in your first post? Can you confirm, that sd-card working.
umka83 said:
I have unlocked the bootloadres using Revone... otherwise you may try Rumnummer.
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tried rumrunner with no luck
LRiley said:
tried rumrunner with no luck
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1) Sorry if rumnummer did not work
2) I have tried all the ROMs and SD card worked fine. But please remember to do a complete backup (nanndroid etc) before isntalling a new ROM so taht you can go back if something is wrong.
umka83 said:
1) Sorry if rumnummer did not work
2) I have tried all the ROMs and SD card worked fine. But please remember to do a complete backup (nanndroid etc) before isntalling a new ROM so taht you can go back if something is wrong.
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With wich ROM you had best experience?
XUNILI said:
With wich ROM you had best experience?
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I like most the latest 4.4 Beta ROM with 6.0 Sense, but I am using 4.2 right now because i need saifu keitai and some other japanese features that have bugs.
As soon as I go home from Japan , i will be using latest beta...
umka83 said:
I like most the latest 4.4 Beta ROM with 6.0 Sense, but I am using 4.2 right now because i need saifu keitai and some other japanese features that have bugs.
As soon as I go home from Japan , i will be using latest beta...
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Hi. I am now visiting relatives in Japan, and was thinking of changing my old Samsung Nexus S...
I like the quality of service here, and I guess I can buy a used keitai with much confidence.
So I was thinking about this one,as I can find it here for about 25.000 yens, but I am wondering if I will be able to use it normally abroad, with almost all the features.
For example, can you run the 4.2 rom in english ? is it convenient ? One-seg feature is exclusively for japan I guess, right ?
If you think there is another high quality phone that can be bought here, please advise :fingers-crossed:
gmeurant said:
Hi. I am now visiting relatives in Japan, and was thinking of changing my old Samsung Nexus S...
I like the quality of service here, and I guess I can buy a used keitai with much confidence.
So I was thinking about this one,as I can find it here for about 25.000 yens, but I am wondering if I will be able to use it normally abroad, with almost all the features.
For example, can you run the 4.2 rom in english ? is it convenient ? One-seg feature is exclusively for japan I guess, right ?
If you think there is another high quality phone that can be bought here, please advise :fingers-crossed:
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I have this phone HTC J One (htll 22) and I use it everywhere in Europe witout problem. To answer your questions:
1) You can Run 4.2 Rom in English, French, German, Ukrainian and many other languages. You can swith to English easily via Menu>Language and Locale > English, to swith to other languages, you need MoreLocale app and root.
2) One-seg is Japan only. No other country has this type of waves.
3) You can wait for Samsung Galaxy s5 which is coming in 3-4 month (it will be quite expensive at first). Otherwise, i beleive HTC J One is the best phone on Japanese market right now. Maybe Nexus is worth a look.
4) Yes, you can buy a used phone from Yahoo auctions for about 25000 or you can buy from http://www.Zenmarket.jp, even if you are abroad. Also, I have a slightly used rooted and sim-unlocked spare phone (PM me if you are interested)
5) to use the phone abroad, you need S-OFF, Root, and Sim-unlock. it is a pain, but it can be done if you are familiar with ADB and other stuff.
6) Is it convenient? I did not like the BlinkFeed thing. So I installed another launcher. Otherwise, it is a great, durable, very good looking phone. I am not going to change it for now.
HTL22 Sim Card Not Detected
I have HTL22 (HTC J ONE) and I've followed this forum to unlock bootloader, install custom recovery, install custom mods, S-Off and all, but I've had problem with phone not detecting a sim card.
I've tried many custom roms, and none have worked and i even bought a sim unlock code from one of the websites, however I couldn't figure out how to put that in as the roms do not ask me to enter a code.
Any kind of help would be appreciated.
miad_ said:
I have HTL22 (HTC J ONE) and I've followed this forum to unlock bootloader, install custom recovery, install custom mods, S-Off and all, but I've had problem with phone not detecting a sim card.
I've tried many custom roms, and none have worked and i even bought a sim unlock code from one of the websites, however I couldn't figure out how to put that in as the roms do not ask me to enter a code.
Any kind of help would be appreciated.
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Are you in Japan? Did you buy your phone from auctions?
if answer to both questions is yes - you might be a victim of IMEI - lock by AU. This happense when the first owner of the phone is not paying for the phone, and thus phone becomes locked.
Your phone will work ust fine outside of Japan, but in Japan IMEI number is blacklisted. Changig IMEI in Japan is legal (unlike in many countries) but there is no easy way to change it. And it is not allowed to discuss methods for changing IMEI on this board
How to root HBOOT 1.54
Is it possible to root and install custom ROMs with HBOOT 1.54?
There is reference to in OP to use rumrunner. Is there any guide how to use rumrunner to root v 1.54?
Thanks in advance.
umka83 said:
Are you in Japan? Did you buy your phone from auctions?
if answer to both questions is yes - you might be a victim of IMEI - lock by AU. This happense when the first owner of the phone is not paying for the phone, and thus phone becomes locked.
Your phone will work ust fine outside of Japan, but in Japan IMEI number is blacklisted. Changig IMEI in Japan is legal (unlike in many countries) but there is no easy way to change it. And it is not allowed to discuss methods for changing IMEI on this board
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I'm outside Japan, in Asia. I bought it from auction it was rooted and the same sim card used to work before i rooted/unrooted/rooted it myself.
umka83 said:
Are you in Japan? Did you buy your phone from auctions?
if answer to both questions is yes - you might be a victim of IMEI - lock by AU. This happense when the first owner of the phone is not paying for the phone, and thus phone becomes locked.
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wow.. this is news to me.. i was planning to buy HTL22 or Sc-01F from Amazon.. After reading abt IMEI lock, i am rethinking again..
how can anyone know beforehand if the phone is IMEI locked or not??
1) ask the seller what is IMEI number. If they do not give you the number, most likely it is blocked already
2) when you have the number go to
https://ct11.my.softbank.jp/WBF/icv...tmctr=(not provided)&__utmv=-&__utmk=79683988
3) input your IMEI in the search field and clik on CHECK (KAKUNIN)
4) if the result is ○ then no problem, if the result is △ There is a possiblility the phone will be blocked if the user stops paying the fees, and if the result is ×  - the phone is already blocked.
No news for 1.54 hboot? Im on Mexico and ther would be a lot of problems with duties to send and receive feom Japan.

NO network connection

Hello there, I'm new here..and new to Android.
My note 3 will not connect to the network, I spook with Tmobile for help and they told me to upgrade to the new KK and that should help me.
Well the thing is...It never helped. I rooted the note 3 in the past and I know that I lost my warranty on it.
Please help me, I don't have serves.
Thank you.:good::good:
re: network
ErezHaluf said:
Hello there, I'm new here..and new to Android.
My note 3 will not connect to the network, I spook with Tmobile for help and they told me to upgrade to the new KK and that should help me.
Well the thing is...It never helped. I rooted the note 3 in the past and I know that I lost my warranty on it.
Please help me, I don't have serves.
Thank you.:good::good:
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#1: Make sure your phone is NOT in "Airplane Mode"
#2: Make sure Wifi Calling is DISABLED
#3: Remove and re-install the Tmobile Sim card
#4: Goto Settings>More>Mobile Networks>Network Operators Search Now and
click "Select Automatically", it may take a minute or so for it to find the network.
Good luck!
ErezHaluf said:
Hello there, I'm new here..and new to Android.
My note 3 will not connect to the network, I spook with Tmobile for help and they told me to upgrade to the new KK and that should help me.
Well the thing is...It never helped. I rooted the note 3 in the past and I know that I lost my warranty on it.
Please help me, I don't have serves.
Thank you.:good::good:
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is it a tmobile phone?
could be simlock or regionlock?
ErezHaluf said:
Hello there, I'm new here..and new to Android.
My note 3 will not connect to the network, I spook with Tmobile for help and they told me to upgrade to the new KK and that should help me.
Well the thing is...It never helped. I rooted the note 3 in the past and I know that I lost my warranty on it.
Please help me, I don't have serves.
Thank you.:good::good:
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What have you done before u lost the network ?
did you flash N9005 rom into your tmobile device ?
MystaMagoo said:
is it a tmobile phone?
could be simlock or regionlock?
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So the phone is T mobile, I triad all of the above. Sorry about the lake of INFO, the rooted in the past the phone, and I did not like the ROM that I had on it so I unrooted the phone the original start( so it works ) and then the phone jut died on my. So i update the software, did factory resat, and root the phone from the beginning, but still the phone is not working.
The sim is new, I triad that on another phone, I still have my IMEI.
Can I put an old version on in it with Odin, after I put the new KK. the problem is the I did not backup the phone, so I don't have any thing on my PC..
Thank you so mach!
