Which american S5 is compatible with Canadian W8? - Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've searched for the answers to this to some extent. I had the S3 which was compatible with the AT&T 747, but the question is, is there a compatible US model for the S5? Can I flash stock ROMS for the G or F, say?

BCSC said:
I've searched for the answers to this to some extent. I had the S3 which was compatible with the AT&T 747, but the question is, is there a compatible US model for the S5? Can I flash stock ROMS for the G or F, say?
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I believe you want a phone that supports 1700Mhz and 2600Mhz which is band 4 and 7. That covers the 3 amigos (bell, telus, rogers).
Looking at the Galaxy s5 specs that would be G900A (At&t), G900M(Vodafone), G900T (Tmobile).
I would post the links but this site won't let me.
Supposedly all s5's have a fully populated radio so only limitation if any is firmware anyways and there are procedures on this site how to change that now. So in theory any s5 can be made to work. If not please correct me.

I do recall that when 4.3 started leaking for the s3 there was bootloader issues that made them very unfriendly together between AT&T and Canadian. Does anyone know if these bootloaders are still an issue?

Wow it really is amazing how many people DON'T search or have any urge in their mind to find out the answers themselves. If you'd of just searched the boards instead of making this thread you would have your answer, but that would be too easy I guess so why not get spoon fed??

thatsupnow said:
Wow it really is amazing how many people DON'T search or have any urge in their mind to find out the answers themselves. If you'd of just searched the boards instead of making this thread you would have your answer, but that would be too easy I guess so why not get spoon fed??
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He you condescending prick. I've helped countless people around here. My thanks to posts ratio is about triple yours. So yeah, I read. And for once in years i took the lazy way. So feel free to take your head out your ass look at my profile and see the countless people I've helped along the way, and just answer the fu(king question instead of being a pompous douche. Unless of course you don't know sh!t and just wanna roll through finding the easy troll posts.
So at any time, feel free to be part of the XDA community for what it is and assist someone instead of being a ****.

BCSC said:
I've searched for the answers to this to some extent. I had the S3 which was compatible with the AT&T 747, but the question is, is there a compatible US model for the S5? Can I flash stock ROMS for the G or F, say?
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You are safe to flash all CUSTOM 900f roms (Non Odin Flashable) .
You can only flash 900w8 STOCK ROMS (Odin flashable)
As for Bootloaders, you can only flash 900w8 variants, for example,my carrier is Sask tel, but I use the latest Puerto Rico bootloader and it's no problem. So as long as its for a 900w8 it should be OK. Always double check to make sure any advise given is accurate and you don't pay the price. Just saying..
SM-G900W8, 0x1

ragz said:
You are safe to flash all CUSTOM 900f roms (Non Odin Flashable) .
You can only flash 900w8 STOCK ROMS (Odin flashable)
As for Bootloaders, you can only flash 900w8 variants, for example,my carrier is Sask tel, but I use the latest Puerto Rico bootloader and it's no problem. So as long as its for a 900w8 it should be OK. Always double check to make sure any advise given is accurate and you don't pay the price. Just saying..
SM-G900W8, 0x1
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Thank you good sir.


installing f320l/s/k rom on d802

Will flashing roms for the international g2s work on the korean models. If no what if I flash the modem after as people do with the verizon gnex to flash official google gnex roms. I need a devs answer on this one , someone with knowledge on the topic. Thanks!
I would like to know the answer to this aswell

[Q] flashing stock firmware over old/ region

hello i require your assistance
i bought a samsung galaxy note 3 SM-n9009 in china. Upon bringing it back to singapore, i realised that i may not be able to use it with local telcos. I have limited knowledge of phone firmware, but if im not wrong, each telco has their own firmware. Hence, my question is, am i able to flash my local telco's firmware over the current one, and use my simcard on it without any drawbacks? and if so, how?
i have did a limited search and found that only european note 3 are region locked. im not sure if the current one is.
thank you for your help
for info: singapore local models are n9005.
Nuker22110 said:
hello i require your assistance
i bought a samsung galaxy note 3 SM-n9009 in china. Upon bringing it back to singapore, i realised that i may not be able to use it with local telcos. I have limited knowledge of phone firmware, but if im not wrong, each telco has their own firmware. Hence, my question is, am i able to flash my local telco's firmware over the current one, and use my simcard on it without any drawbacks? and if so, how?
i have did a limited search and found that only european note 3 are region locked. im not sure if the current one is.
thank you for your help
for info: singapore local models are n9005.
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There isn't much info around about the N9009 model, Is it like the N9005? snapdragon? -- From what I can see it isn't possible, however it may be possible flashing N9005 firmware but I wouldn't hold your hopes too high.
radicalisto said:
There isn't much info around about the N9009 model, Is it like the N9005? snapdragon? -- From what I can see it isn't possible, however it may be possible flashing N9005 firmware but I wouldn't hold your hopes too high.
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thank you for the fast reply. its a china dual sim model. how do i tell if its snapdragon? and if its possible how should i go about doing it?
Yup it's Snapdragon - Only N900 has Exynos (my bad should have realised straight away) ---
In regards to flashing, you need to read A LOT on here about the different flash routes you can take, compatability and methods. And be ready to be able to flash back to the software that it is on currently or you could end up with a bricked device. Once you have read up on everything, you can then decide if you feel you can flash your device or not, or if the device can handle it without messing it up.
Although saying that *eureka!*. Have a look if you can change your CSC/Modem radio -- that may work rather than trying to flash a new firmware.
radicalisto said:
Yup it's Snapdragon - Only N900 has Exynos (my bad should have realised straight away) ---
In regards to flashing, you need to read A LOT on here about the different flash routes you can take, compatability and methods. And be ready to be able to flash back to the software that it is on currently or you could end up with a bricked device. Once you have read up on everything, you can then decide if you feel you can flash your device or not, or if the device can handle it without messing it up.
Although saying that *eureka!*. Have a look if you can change your CSC/Modem radio -- that may work rather than trying to flash a new firmware.
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how could i go about checking to change the csc/ modem radio?
Have a look around the development section and you should find Modem radios/CSC files etc -- have a read and see what is there and if others have had similar issues, you may also find someone in that sub-forum with a wealth of knowledge regarding changing stuff (far more than me at least)
hopefully anyone else who has any experience would be able to shed some light on this matter
Theres not much research in n9009 cuz nobody has them
If i were you id try to flash a signapore csc and modem but no whole FW
hit 'thanks' if i helped you
SM-N9005 DBT-DMJ7 0x0
XDA Developers 4 premium app

Galaxy S5 G900R4?

Is there any ROMs that support the galaxy s5 g900r4? (US cellular)
TheTechnicalBoss said:
Is there any ROMs that support the galaxy s5 g900r4? (US cellular)
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I have asked about issues with the other roms not working. I lost calling, texting, and could only use wifi with all roms. I also had to remove the SD card prior to the phone allowing me to activate after flashing back to "stock."
I have not found one that works. I tried Phoenix and Alliance roms at first and was tired of flashing back to stock. You CAN use xposed framework and I have used kernels like Blaze. That is about all I've been able to find. You can find dedicated US cellular forums BUT you won't find much there unless something changed in the last day or two. Nobody would answer my questions about why their roms would not work and possibly how to get them to work Sorry, this is about all you'll find. I had a few issues and my threads were also deleted
I have unlocked every USC phone I've ever had...there's plenty of devolopment out there for USC phones. I haven't seen anything other than custom kernels yet for G900R4 though.
fffft said:
There aren't a lot of USC users here so we don't know much about your system. In the past, USC has locked their bootloaders and that is the key reason that you don't see much custom ROM development.
Also, USC (along with Sprint, Verizon) still use CDMA while the rest of the world is using GSM. That basic incompatibility also deters wider development.
Have a look at the Safestrap thread in the Verizon S5 forum. Safestrap is an app for loading an emulated custom ROM + recovery and can probably be used for USC as well.
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XeCuTioN said:
I have unlocked every USC phone I've ever had...there's plenty of devolopment out there for USC phones. I haven't seen anything other than custom kernels yet for G900R4 though.
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Does anyone know of a kernel that has SELinux set to permissive that will work? That's honestly the last thing I need. I wanted a bootloader unlocked phone that ran off CDMA so I can use it where I live so US Cellular seemed to be the solution.
US Cellular confirmed that the R4 has a unlocked bootloader. I am running a stock deoxed/debloated touchwiz. I am super surprised and disappointed that there hasn't been more interest and development for this phone. I am so tempted to trade it for a different.
phillybizzle said:
US Cellular confirmed that the R4 has a unlocked bootloader. I am running a stock deoxed/debloated touchwiz. I am super surprised and disappointed that there hasn't been more interest and development for this phone. I am so tempted to trade it for a different.
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I'm running a g900r4, (klteusc) as well. What rom are you using? I've been all over the gs5 unified and initial developments sections, and am currently using the cm11 unified while waiting for the slim rom unified. I'd gladly prefer a bloat free touch wiz though it seems the stock based roms are exclusive to g900f and the like.
{galaxy s5 g900r4 klteusc)
You guys want this http://teamuscellular.com/Forum/forum/411-galaxy-s5-romskernelsmods/
CM11, kernel w/o SELinux Enforcing, other goodies.
Head over to teamuscellular.com/forum and you should find a few available options to try. Including stock deodexed ncf ROM(touch wiz). And other custom Roms ported to USC. Like "cm 12 lollipop alpha." Looks good but no customization. As well as all stock Odin flashable zips. Some others like alliance and beanstalk have been ported, haven't tried those though. Hope this helps. Enjoy!

S5 Lte-A UK Firmware Flash

Hi All
As the title says. Can I flash an LTE-A version with UK firmware?
Many thanks.
andybg40 said:
Hi All
As the title says. Can I flash an LTE-A version with UK firmware?
Many thanks.
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what do you mean by LTE-A?? do you mean the model SM-G900F ??
if yes well you can flash uk firmware.
hope that I helped
Galaxy_Guy said:
what do you mean by LTE-A?? do you mean the model SM-G900F ??
if yes well you can flash uk firmware.
hope that I helped
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I have the SM-G906K version of the prime device, is that still doable?
andybg40 said:
I have the SM-G906K version of the prime device, is that still doable?
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I wouldn`t risk flashing firmware that`s designed for a different device model, in this case the G900F firmware on a G906K.
andybg40 said:
Can I flash an LTE-A version with UK firmware?
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There isn't a lot of reliable information about your model so there is no authorative answer.
Most will say that it's risky and not recommended to flash a firmware from another variant. As well, you don't simply have a different variant of the 801 Snapdragon based S5. You have a derivative model, with a different processor (805), screen resolution, et cetera. Strongly arguing that it is highly unlikely to work and would likely brick your phone.
The best you might hope for is someone alleging that they were able to do so. And then you'd still need to estimate the credibility of such a report.
If you have root and a custom recovery installed, you could remove much of the risk by trying a 900F based custom ROM, e.g. the Phoenix ROM, rather than flash stock 900F firmware. All in all though, it's an improbable fit.
fffft said:
There isn't a lot of reliable information about your model so there is no authorative answer.
Most will say that it's risky and not recommended to flash a firmware from another variant. As well, you don't simply have a different variant of the 801 Snapdragon based S5. You have a derivative model, with a different processor (805), screen resolution, et cetera. Strongly arguing that it is highly unlikely to work and would likely brick your phone.
The best you might hope for is someone alleging that they were able to do so. And then you'd still need to estimate the credibility of such a report.
If you have root and a custom recovery installed, you could remove much of the risk by trying a 900F based custom ROM, e.g. the Phoenix ROM, rather than flash stock 900F firmware. All in all though, it's an improbable fit.
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Thanks for your help guys.
Yep, I imported this model for the specs. It's not a real drama on the stock firmware tbh. I just wanted to remove the splash screen and network installed apps from Korea.
I've hidden the apps, but there are still a couple of Korean bits and pieces I would like to get rid of. Maybe a firmware or suitable rom will become available soon.
No, u can't use the SM-G900F firmware on the SM-G906K

New to the Note 3, wanting to know about what I can do with this.

More specifically, I have had the note 1, then the note 3 neo, And as some of us know, various phones have there little idiosyncrasies, ie; if one's firmware is updated to x.x.x you can't do such and such. In the past I spent hours looking through relevant forums and spent much time experimenting with my phones since the HTC HD2 Leo. I'm no Dev, but I am somewhat savvy. Now however, I don't have the time, had to replace the neo, (kindy glad, cause it doesn't have quite as much going for it.) because the modem quit, I think I know why, but it's so beat up now it was a little embarrassing to be seen in public with it. So now iI have the note 3 with 4.4.4. I want root, preferably without tripping knox, as it has not yet been tripped, howeever, not a deal breaker. I don't want to brick it, Almost did that too many times to the neo, And its no fun, takes too much time to fix. So can anyone tell me or point me to a thread that has good info on what I can do to this thing? I'm not as flash happy as I used to be, but I do like to and sometimes need to access features and capabilities that aren't always stock. Thanks in advance,
You are in the wrong forum if you have a Neo.
Boot into download and post the model #. You can't root without tripping knox on KK or LP as far as I know.
audit13 said:
Boot into download and post the model #. You can't root without tripping knox on KK or LP as far as I know.
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TowellRoot is for rooting on kitkat without trip knox. I did it successfully.
I suppose it depends on model number of the phone? Not sure since I always root via supersu and a custom recovery.
JJEgan said:
You are in the wrong forum if you have a Neo.
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neo was my last device. now i have the note 3 sm-n900a, and the sm-n900v, though i am referring to the att variant, because that is the forum i meant to post in
now i gotta look into moving or reposting this where i meant to.
With the n900a, rooting is a little trickier since the bootloader is locked.
