*** Attention - Walmart price match to best buy. VZW NOTE 4 *** - Verizon Galaxy Note 4 General

Saw in Walmart weekly ad page 32 that note 4 was 268, instead of 299. Weekly special from Nov 2 to 8.
I printed out the page, went to best buy and performed successful price match.
I preordered black note 4 verizon via best buy, traded in phone for 200 bucks credit, picked it up on 10/23 when it was released. Today 11/5 is last day of 14 day return policy.
Went to customer service, they were baffled and tried to come up with many reasons why it's against policy. Showed me a policy guide which said it can not price match online retailers for phones. I refuted as walmart is brick and mortar store and they sent me to best buy Mobile department (i thibk they were lazy). They called my local Walmart and confirmed they had it in stock and it was 268. Price drop guarantee worked and cha ching! 35 bucks extra to spend on accessories
I actually got a best buy email today for earning cash for a rewards member, 5 bucks. But they wouldn't let me apply it for previous orders, boo, couldn't get too greedy.
Regardless, happy man I am!
Enjoy and good luck! Every penny counts, it did take 15 mins extra of my time.

Oops, didn't see that there was another post about this, enjoy!

We generally don't price match mobile phones unless it is a price match of the carrier, since our prices are set in conjunction with each carrier. If we price match another store, we don't get refunded accordingly by the carrier and lose the difference between what our price is and whatever the price is that was matched.
WalMart and other stores usually have different contracts and stuff that aren't the same as what ours are and that's probably why there was so much confusion.
You got lucky in that they gave you the discount though! We almost never ever ever price match over here on mobile phones. :good:


Best Price For Atrix

So I have a Captivate now, and I was wondering where I can get the best price?
I'd be using my girlfriends upgrade and she would get my Captivate, so I'd be upgrading and not a new purchase.
Should I just try to talk Amazon/AT&T into giving me a larger discount or price matching with something such as Costco's 119.00 dollar deal?
I got my atrix from costco yesterday for 119. I love it. So fast and flash plays SUPeR smooth and crystal clear. Att wontacknowledge the costco price unless you get real lucky and are getting a whole new line as opposed to upgrAding (since it gives more commision).
I went to a bunch of atts first and gave up since 149 was the lowest I was able to get them to lower it. At the moment, costco will have the best price and I doubtany store would match them.
The CostCo price looks great, but don't you need a membership at CostCo to buy the phone from it?
I got mine last week at the At&T website for $100+tax, next day delivery. I posted the link in some other thread...
If you arent eligible for upgrade att is the best price 500
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
I was in an AT&T store trying to get a better price on a dock and the salesman told me that with this being a high profile release and only the first week management has been given instruction not to give away discounts so easily. They have an approved reseller list that they can match price from, otherwise good luck. I know Amazon had the phone for $129 if you were a new contract, otherwise $149 for an upgrade. Unless Costco is on their list and you have proof of the price and the contract terms being an upgrade, I'm doubting your luck with AT&T or Amazon to get lower than $149.
My Phones:
Motorola MicroTAC Elite
Nokia 7160
Nokia 6340i
Nokia 6230
Nokia 6682
HTC Tilt
HTC Fuse
HTC Tilt2 (custom ROM)
Samsung Captivate (custom ROM,rooted)
Motorola Atrix (rooted)
you would need a costco membership. i think its like 40 bucks.....so if you dont already have one, i suggest going to Target. i got mine in the mobile kiosk in target for 149.99
also i believe radioshack sells them at that price......i think the dude at tartget old me they were part of radioshack but maybe im imagining things
Johosophat said:
The CostCo price looks great, but don't you need a membership at CostCo to buy the phone from it?
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oFUNGUSo said:
you would need a costco membership. i think its like 40 bucks.....so if you dont already have one, i suggest going to Target. i got mine in the mobile kiosk in target for 149.99
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Costco isn't actually the company that sells the phone, it is membership wireless in conjunction with costco. I ordered 2 today through them and do not have a costco membership. Order processed successfully. $127.91 after taxes, etc.
So you ordered them via phone or website?
Look in the local classifieds.
I was able to get an unopened one for $420.
Retail store employee won it in a sales competition and didn't want to part with his iPhone.
For those who are already with AT&T I've had quite a bit of luck calling in to them. Talk to the Customer Relations Dept. (this is the dept. for cancellations). Told'em I was going to leave if they couldn't do better on the price of the phone. They ended up selling it to me for $125, free shipping, free activation, and $180 credit on my cell bill.
turniipp said:
For those who are already with AT&T I've had quite a bit of luck calling in to them. Talk to the Customer Relations Dept. (this is the dept. for cancellations). Told'em I was going to leave if they couldn't do better on the price of the phone. They ended up selling it to me for $125, free shipping, free activation, and $180 credit on my cell bill.
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When was your contract up?
I talked them down to $299 online, and not eligible for new contract upgrade until 2/12.
I then had another opportunity arise with adding a line to my account. it is strictly a dummy line for business calls, and they switched me to a family plan with combined minutes, etc. They allowed me to use new line phone upgrade on MY number, even though it was only a dummy line being added. I brought in a print-out from amazon for $149, she said they only price match best buy, but gave me $25 off. so basically cheated the system and they were ok with it and walked away with the phone for $175
zizux said:
When was your contract up?
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It was set to end in October of 2011. Typically through AT&T your eligible for an upgrade after 1 year. I have gone the rounds multiple times on multiple phones and have found that calling in to them always produces the best results.

Best Buy and Pricematching

I had to upgrade to my Evo before the April 1 deadline because of the Premier Program changes and I was able to jump in the best buy buyback program for free. And since I don't think I am the only one around here I was wondering.
When I look at what the retail price for phones on bb.com compared to sprint's retail prices, bestbuy is almost $100-200 more. (e.g. sprint Evo $450/ BB Evo $600) Has anyone tried to get them to pricematch sprint when buying a phone at retail price? If you go to bestbuy's pricematch policy the first FAQ is
"What is considered a local retail competitor? "
and the answer is ....
"A retail store located in the same market area as your local Best Buy store."
The reason I ask is this. On the same web page there is a link for a New York Price Match Class Action lawsuit about a similar situation where an individual bought a camera from Best Buy then found the same camera at a "local" camera retail shop for less, and BB wouldn't price match it. And this individual won. (Reference the Decision and Order Document. The conclusion is on the bottom of page 31)
Note : There is more to the story, but this is what started the wheel turning in the lawsuit. I recommend reading that specific document thoroughly so you can see how scandalous retail can be.
I can understand not matching contract prices, although in the past they have for me. But in this case we are talking "retail" price. I have up til August to get 50% for my Evo ($300) and I was thinking for future sake how i would attack the upgrade. I could either do an ETF (about $180) and lose my mobile #, but pay contract price ,or I could just cash in the Evo for the program and buy phone at retail.
Has anyone had any experience with this situation with BB?
Typed on my CyanoSavaged SuperEvo.
I'm not sure why you'd want to sell your phone to best buy when you can get more for it on here, craigslist, or ebay. There is a reason they want to buy it back from you at that price.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
I had to purchase my Evo at full retail price and i looked into this too. I was inclined to purchase it at Best Buy because they actually had it in stock where as the sprint stores near me put me on a waiting list (this was during the 2 week wait list stuff)
I hoped to price match because i knew people there from working there 3 years beforehand
They wouldn't price match for me either
I ended up getting my Evo at Radioshack after walking in randomly to see if they had them in stock. It was like 25 bucks more, but after being on a wait list for over a month i decided 25 bucks more than Sprints retail price was worth it
A little off topic, but on the price match subject at Best Buy. I just bought a new high end refrigerator from best buy, and before she rang it up she went online and checked all the major appliance sellers for the product and Lowes had it for $159 cheaper so they matched that price with out even asking. Of course, I had already shopped around and new of the lower price and was planning on making them price match. I prefer shopping at best buy for big purchases to maximize my reward points.
OneStepAhead said:
I'm not sure why you'd want to sell your phone to best buy when you can get more for it on here, craigslist, or ebay. There is a reason they want to buy it back from you at that price.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
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$300 for an EVO which is nearly 2 generations old hardware is a VERY good amount to receive for it.
They only fetch $200-250 average on craigslist, and that's begging the buyer to pay more.
I have purchased a phone from best buy at retail price and they matched the price to sprint for me. I don't know why they would not. That seems kind of stupid.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
princessakiki said:
I have purchased a phone from best buy at retail price and they matched the price to sprint for me. I don't know why they would not. That seems kind of stupid.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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A lot of times it depends on the sales person. Same thing when you walk into a Sprint store for an upgrade, exchanges, or just service.
OneStepAhead said:
I'm not sure why you'd want to sell your phone to best buy when you can get more for it on here, craigslist, or ebay. There is a reason they want to buy it back from you at that price.
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Evo's go for about $200-$250 here in the Phoenix area, you will occasionally see the $300, but I doubt that is where the negotiating settles at.
I have purchased a phone from best buy at retail price and they matched the price to sprint for me. I don't know why they would not. That seems kind of stupid.
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Obviously you didn't read the Class Action I referenced. In the reading the customer was told he could not price match because the identical camera was sold at a local retailer that specifically sold photography equipment, not an electronics chain store like Ultimate Electronics or Circuit City for example. Also they were practicing within the Best Buy chain that they would not price match it it was not cost effective, like a percentage of profit over cost.
Now I know from being a part time manager in the past at an Autozone store that we were not allowed to price match oil/antifreeze products against Wal-Mart, Target, etc., specifically for the reason they were big box stores. But we "could" pricematch other auto part retailers (Checkers, Napa, etc.) This is why I asked the question, because I was wondering if Best Buy has ever said that when buying a phone retail. Because I could see something said along the lines of, "Well they have lower retail because they receive your monthly payment."
In a "for profit" business, I don't think it would be stupid on their end not to price match as they give back considerably higher buy back on phones over Sprint. Also Best Buy may not buy as many phones as Sprint so their bottom line could be slightly higher.
The best buy buy back program is a scam. I'm glad you got it for free; its like saying hey you pay me $250 upfront to purchase this $1000 laptop, and when you trade it back you only get 500. This is stupid and Best buy wins. I used to shop at best buy all the time until realizing that their markup on everything is like 30% higher than normal retail value. I purchased my heroc on launch day at best buy and paid 100 bucks for it with upgrade. I believe at the time sprint had it for 199 with upgrade. I think their full retail price is much higher on phones because they just cancel out the rebates. I purchased my evo at radio shack for 99.88 but their full retail price was also much higher than sprint's as well. Hmmm
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Yeah, there is no way I would have purchased it.
However, the situation was at the time was that I had an upgrade that I was going to lose in April whether I used it or not. So now with the EVO3D and the Nexus S coming out, I would like to take advantage of it if necessary.

Is Best Buy Serious?

I was all set to trade in my S3 for an S4 using Best Buys 'buy back' program. I just got a notification that they're accepting pre-orders, but for the unactivated full price of, wait for it, $749.99!!! What the heck? That's $100 more than At&t. What a bummer...
RTBee said:
I was all set to trade in my S3 for an S4 using Best Buys 'buy back' program. I just got a notification that they're accepting pre-orders, but for the unactivated full price of, wait for it, $749.99!!! What the heck? That's $100 more than At&t. What a bummer...
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They'll price match AT&T.
That's what I thought. In fact it's part of their low price guarantee. But At&t has already announce what they're selling it for, you'd think Best Buy would have check that first.
RTBee said:
I was all set to trade in my S3 for an S4 using Best Buys 'buy back' program. I just got a notification that they're accepting pre-orders, but for the unactivated full price of, wait for it, $749.99!!! What the heck? That's $100 more than At&t. What a bummer...
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how much do they really buy back? Aren'y you better off selling it on ebay or craigslist? You can probably sell it for $400.
Bestbuy is a total ripoff if you buy full price. The price point for this device is too damn high.
If you are not in a rush, wait a month. Even in the UK the sim free prices are heavily inflated. In a month or two they will drop along with bug fixes.
BarryH_GEG said:
They'll price match AT&T.
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How exactly does it work? Do you place the pre-order at the $749.99 price, and then when you go to pick it up, you bring a printout of the AT&T page showing the AT&T price, and they refund you the difference then?
Or is there some other process? I must admit I do appreciate the 30-day return policy and the no restocking fee of Best Buy versus 14 days + restocking fee at AT&T.
Edit: I just notice that pickup is not an option... shipping only, apparently.
Do not do any buy back bs they will always low ball you... Just sell it on craigslist and make more money.
I was on best buy website and the price is ridiculous.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Bestbuy no longer price matches contract phones...FYI.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
My local Best Buys WILL price match contract phones at local store rates (not online), but they will not price match pre-orders. So you will have to pre-order and exchange your $50 cash for a gift card, and then bring the ad and have the store call the local store to verify the price/promotion once you pick up your phone.
But of course, some stores will do contract phones and some won't. Just depends on the store/sales rep/manager. Full-price unsubsidized phones should be no problem, though, once the phone is actually released.
I would double check that.... if your local store does that your EXTREMELY lucky...... policy changed around march 4th.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
c-low18 said:
I would double check that.... if your local store does that your EXTREMELY lucky...... policy changed around march 4th.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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I've heard other stores have as well. And I was just there for the One pre-order not too long ago. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a policy change, as employees there don't seem to be well versed in much, but regardless of that my answer still stands.
You sir are lucky.... . My customers would kill to be able to still price match contract devices..... . Either way I'm excited for this launch...
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Guys, they price match, that's for sure.... I asked when going in-store to pre-order - I'm not paying full price online and wait for shipping when I can pay $50 to reserve one and get it on launch day just like I did last year - they will now price match Amazon
I had to price match the SIII for $150 on launch last year with Target, since they weren't doing online price matching, but now they are, so just escalate it until you get it matched! I only paid $100 for my SIII on launch (see below)! Just go into the store and pay the $50 to reserve it, then deal with the price matching on launch day, it's all very simple and I've done this at least 4 times in the last 2 years with various Best Buy stores for the phone accounts I manage
I know I'm walking away with this S4 on launch day for $50 off from the Phone Freedom thing they did this year like last year, and hopefully another $50 more off from price matching!
KryptosXLayer2 said:
Guys, they price match, that's for sure.... I asked when going in-store to pre-order - I'm not paying full price online and wait for shipping when I can pay $50 to reserve one and get it on launch day just like I did last year - they will now price match Amazon
I had to price match the SIII for $150 on launch last year with Target, since they weren't doing online price matching, but now they are, so just escalate it until you get it matched! I only paid $100 for my SIII on launch (see below)! Just go into the store and pay the $50 to reserve it, then deal with the price matching on launch day, it's all very simple and I've done this at least 4 times in the last 2 years with various Best Buy stores for the phone accounts I manage
I know I'm walking away with this S4 on launch day for $50 off from the Phone Freedom thing they did this year like last year, and hopefully another $50 more off from price matching!
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Back when the evo3d dropped with the phone buy back and a price match I pulled up on my phone in the store, I ended up walking out of the best buy in town with one for under 20 bucks out of pocket. Was only a year ago. Hope this isn't true about them no longer doing any price matching. I'll actually have to order one online from somewhere lol.
Sent from my ever-changing OG Evo...
pmacevad said:
Back when the evo3d dropped with the phone buy back and a price match I pulled up on my phone in the store, I ended up walking out of the best buy in town with one for under 20 bucks out of pocket. Was only a year ago. Hope this isn't true about them no longer doing any price matching. I'll actually have to order one online from somewhere lol.
Sent from my ever-changing OG Evo...
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I'm trying to follow this.... so a year ago, you went to a BBY and bought a year old phone for $20 after a buy back and a price match? Shouldn't they have given you money at that point???
I forgot to mention, if you are on this forum and using the buy back system, let me introduce you to Craigslist for quick cash or eBay for the best profits.... I sold an iPhone 4 on eBay that my cousin bought and used for a week before making the switch to Android, and pulled $625 from some schmuck in Bahrain who obviously had to have it, so if you walk into a BBY and let go of a current phone (read: NOT a now two year old Evo3D) and unload your phone for less than $200, most going for around a hundred bucks, let me know and I'll sell it for you for a 25% commission! haha
KryptosXLayer2 said:
Guys, they price match, that's for sure.... I asked when going in-store to pre-order - I'm not paying full price online and wait for shipping when I can pay $50 to reserve one and get it on launch day just like I did last year - they will now price match Amazon
I had to price match the SIII for $150 on launch last year with Target, since they weren't doing online price matching, but now they are, so just escalate it until you get it matched! I only paid $100 for my SIII on launch (see below)! Just go into the store and pay the $50 to reserve it, then deal with the price matching on launch day, it's all very simple and I've done this at least 4 times in the last 2 years with various Best Buy stores for the phone accounts I manage
I know I'm walking away with this S4 on launch day for $50 off from the Phone Freedom thing they did this year like last year, and hopefully another $50 more off from price matching!
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O they still price match... Contract phones are the only exception now..... But if your best buy still does contract phones thats awesome!! Take advantage of it....I would!! Lol. On a side note I was glad they did phone freedom again..... It's an awesome deal. Fifty bones for free.....
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
I talked to Best Buy Mobile today in my area and they said that they only price-match phones with a contract but not off-contract phone prices. So I just bought the phone directly from Sprint. $150 cheaper than Best Buy.
optimummind said:
I talked to Best Buy Mobile today in my area and they said that they only price-match phones with a contract but not off-contract phone prices. So I just bought the phone directly from Sprint. $150 cheaper than Beat Buy.
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Nice so on contract price match IS ok? Just making sure it wasn't a typo as I heard policy changed in march.
---------- Post added at 12:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 AM ----------
KryptosXLayer2 said:
Guys, they price match, that's for sure.... I asked when going in-store to pre-order - I'm not paying full price online and wait for shipping when I can pay $50 to reserve one and get it on launch day just like I did last year - they will now price match Amazon
I had to price match the SIII for $150 on launch last year with Target, since they weren't doing online price matching, but now they are, so just escalate it until you get it matched! I only paid $100 for my SIII on launch (see below)! Just go into the store and pay the $50 to reserve it, then deal with the price matching on launch day, it's all very simple and I've done this at least 4 times in the last 2 years with various Best Buy stores for the phone accounts I manage
I know I'm walking away with this S4 on launch day for $50 off from the Phone Freedom thing they did this year like last year, and hopefully another $50 more off from price matching!
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Make sure to price match then use the phone freedom in that order.
j510 said:
Nice so on contract price match IS ok? Just making sure it wasn't a typo as I heard policy changed in march.
---------- Post added at 12:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 AM ----------
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Yes, that's what I've been told--price-matching only for contract phones. Last year, Best Buy price matched Amazon Wireless and I paid one penny for my Sprint S2. As did my wife and mom.

$30 coupon code for Nexus 7 (2013) right now!

I didn't see this posted so I figured I would share. I wasn't even planning to upgrade but after seeing the free shipping and $30 off coupon code through Staples, I really couldn't resist. Especially since I have a buyer lined up to purchase my 2012 Nexus 7 for $140 this weekend. :highfive:
Coupon code: 41178
Not sure how long they'll have this offer up but it worked for me.
just walked into a staples near by and used the online staples coupon, printed out.
bought the 16 gig for $199.
tell the employee to use the online code: 41178
you need to print out the coupon and bring it in store. doing unboxing now.
expires 7/28, go get it!
If you anyone of you were impatient like I was and bought it at Best Buy, you can have them price match it. I had to call in a couple times, first rep lied to me and told me they don't do pricematch of item after purchase only during. Here's their policy http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Payment...ee/pcmcat297300050000.c?id=pcmcat297300050000
Just arrived at my Staples and they only have the 16gb version. Oh well.
bobafuzz said:
If you anyone of you were impatient like I was and bought it at Best Buy, you can have them price match it./url]
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I bought mine at Best Buy this morning. I called them to ask if they would match the Staples price, they said only if it's an in store price, I told them it was a coupon discount and they said definitely not. I'm not sure how the other guy above got away with that, it's literally in their pricematch guarantee that they will not match coupon prices. Anyway, Best Buy will allow you to return your item for free, even if it's opened and you can return it to any Best Buy store if you ordered it online. What I'm going to do is buy the Staples one and not open it and return it to Best Buy. Hopefully they won't match the serial number on the box. If they do, then I'll return the opened one, no big deal.
Edit: Oh well, Staples site says they're out of stock online, both models.
Edit 2: Called the store near me, they don't even carry the new model yet, they only have the old one. Other Staples in the area all seem to have the 16GB in stock, no 32GB, so I called them. They said they had only one in stock that was "on hold for a customer, but If I wanted to buy a protection plan for it, they would hold it for me instead"... Sounds real shady. Anyway, in case anyone's wondering, the online code (which is 41178) will work until this Sunday (7/28), but apparently the code 35852 will work in store if you ask the cashier to try it for you.
16gb at the local Staples, with coupon, $199 out the door. :good:
Thank you so much for posting this I rode as quick as I could to staples to pick mine up!
And I was going to wait for my 1 day shipping, Ain't nobody got time for that!!
bobafuzz said:
If you anyone of you were impatient like I was and bought it at Best Buy, you can have them price match it. I had to call in a couple times, first rep lied to me and told me they don't do pricematch of item after purchase only during. Here's their policy http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Payment...ee/pcmcat297300050000.c?id=pcmcat297300050000
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You got lucky, their policy clearly states they do not price match post purchases.
The Guarantee is limited to one price match per identical item, per guest and does not apply to: Contract mobile phone devices and plans, the online prices of retailers not listed, the online prices of third party vendors (Marketplace vendors) on designated major online retailers websites, post purchase price match requests to competitor's prices, Best Buy for Business™, offers that include financing, gift card offers, bundling of items, free items, pricing errors, mail-in offers, coupon offers, competitors' service prices, items that are advertised as limited-quantity, out of stock, open-box, clearance, refurbished/used items, our and our competitor's Deal of the Day, daily deals, special hour sale event items and credit card offers, BestBuy.com Clearance & More and Marketplace items, and items for sale Thanksgiving Day through the Monday after Thanksgiving.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
michaelg1030 said:
You got lucky, their policy clearly states they do not price match post purchases.
The Guarantee is limited to one price match per identical item, per guest and does not apply to: Contract mobile phone devices and plans, the online prices of retailers not listed, the online prices of third party vendors (Marketplace vendors) on designated major online retailers websites, post purchase price match requests to competitor's prices, Best Buy for Business™, offers that include financing, gift card offers, bundling of items, free items, pricing errors, mail-in offers, coupon offers, competitors' service prices, items that are advertised as limited-quantity, out of stock, open-box, clearance, refurbished/used items, our and our competitor's Deal of the Day, daily deals, special hour sale event items and credit card offers, BestBuy.com Clearance & More and Marketplace items, and items for sale Thanksgiving Day through the Monday after Thanksgiving.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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Hrmm are they're contradicting themselves? Because if you scroll down to the FAQs
How do I request a price match from BestBuy.com?
When making a purchase, or during the return and exchange period after your purchase from BestBuy.com, price match requests from BestBuy.com are handled via phone. Please call 1-888-BEST BUY (1-888-237-8289) for a BestBuy.com price match request. Please tell us about the lower price that is still in effect that you want Best Buy to price match. Best Buy will then review and verify the price match request.
Edit: I guess that only applies to pricematching themselves.
bobafuzz said:
Hrmm are they're contradicting themselves? Because if you scroll down to the FAQs
How do I request a price match from BestBuy.com?
When making a purchase, or during the return and exchange period after your purchase from BestBuy.com, price match requests from BestBuy.com are handled via phone. Please call 1-888-BEST BUY (1-888-237-8289) for a BestBuy.com price match request. Please tell us about the lower price that is still in effect that you want Best Buy to price match. Best Buy will then review and verify the price match request.
Edit: I guess that only applies to pricematching themselves.
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You have 15 days to get the price matched post purchase, "We will also match prices post purchase if we lower our price within 15 days of your purchase." But you still did get lucky because it says "The Guarantee is limited to one price match per identical item, per guest and does not apply to: ... coupon offers, ..."
Edit: Yeah, looked at that wording, it does say "if we lower our price within 15 days of your purchase."
Edit 2: Apparently the code doesn't work in store. Just called a Staples store near me and I asked if they had any in stock, before I even said anything about the coupon, the guy said "If you have the coupon for $30 off, it doesn't work for the new tablet, only the old ones" and that he just tried it numerous times for a customer. Oh well, hopefully they'll get more in stock online, or maybe they didn't realize the coupon was working for the new Nexus 7 and it wasn't supposed to be and they finally fixed it.
Damn sold out
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
insane deal! already got mine at best buy since I thought it was a mistake didn't think Staples would be selling them as well.
To clear up BB price match.
1. They only price match against other stores at the time of purchase. Post purchase price matches apply only to a lower BB price.
2. They do not price match coupons.
sn0warmy said:
I didn't see this posted so I figured I would share. I wasn't even planning to upgrade but after seeing the free shipping and $30 off coupon code through Staples, I really couldn't resist. Especially since I have a buyer lined up to purchase my 2012 Nexus 7 for $140 this weekend. :highfive:
Coupon code: 41178
Not sure how long they'll have this offer up but it worked for me.
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Hey,what is this coupon code for?Please let me know bcz I plan on buying one thank you
My local BB did price match the coupon (local staples only had the 16gb, I wanted the 32). Still stuck paying tax versus amazon, but out the door at 254.39 for the 32.
dave99 said:
My local BB did price match the coupon (local staples only had the 16gb, I wanted the 32). Still stuck paying tax versus amazon, but out the door at 254.39 for the 32.
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That was my out the door price for the 16GB. Essentially got 16GB free! Congrats!
evodon84 said:
To clear up BB price match.
1. They only price match against other stores at the time of purchase. Post purchase price matches apply only to a lower BB price.
2. They do not price match coupons.
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I'm curious if they can still reject my pricematch, they told me it will be sent to credit department or something. I asked for a confirmation number and was given a case number.
bobafuzz said:
I'm curious if they can still reject my pricematch, they told me it will be sent to credit department or something. I asked for a confirmation number and was given a case number.
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huh, I think best bet would be to go to a local store and hold the coupon over there head. Chances are the Manager would match it to get your business. Online there is prolly less leeway
ordered from amazon, saw this deal, went to staples, they didint accept coupon, canceled amazon, bought at staples anyway...
went to a different staples about 15 min ago with my recipt and showed the coupon..... gave my 32$ back
im happy
They stopped the 30 bucks coupon for new nexus. Old nexus still works! They also are canceling online orders for people who used the 30 coupon.

Best Buy deal

Went to buy the 4 With Walmart ad for price match on their $40 off deal. Found out Best Buy started deal better. Came out with Note 4 half price.
Glad I waited a little
I dont see this deal anywhere. Is this in-store only?
Not sure. I didn't know about it . My wife went to get it and when she showed the Walmart ad to him he said he had a better deal.
Gave her $150 gift card and let her use it on phone. She called me very happy as was I.
I Was just complaining about my luck the day before because Walnut was sold out.
Turns out that was a blessing!
I did a little searching. You must have gotten them to price match with the Costco deal:
I'm considering doing this today. Did Best Buy allow you to use the gift card on the Note 4 purchase?
npro1464 said:
I did a little searching. You must have gotten them to price match with the Costco deal:
I'm considering doing this today. Did Best Buy allow you to use the gift card on the Note 4 purchase?
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Yes they did.
Ah, didn't see this point few mins ago, but I just did a PM with walmart successfully. Enjoy!
sprintuser1977 said:
Went to buy the 4 With Walmart ad for price match on their $40 off deal. Found out Best Buy started deal better. Came out with Note 4 half price.
Glad I waited a little
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Did you post a screen shot cause I don't see anything. Can you explain the deal because I just bought my note 4 from best buy on Monday and didn't get any deal. They price matched Verizon since I paid full price
Tried two Best Buys with no luck. As usual, it seems each Best Buy has their own policy. One BB said they wont price match Costco. The other said it was for new lines only. Did you get this through a new line? I just want to upgrade my line. I kinda wish I didnt goof on missing the trade in deal...
npro1464 said:
Tried two Best Buys with no luck. As usual, it seems each Best Buy has their own policy. One BB said they wont price match Costco. The other said it was for new lines only. Did you get this through a new line? I just want to upgrade my line. I kinda wish I didnt goof on missing the trade in deal...
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l added a line. 1 had not seen it advertised either. My wife went to pick it up with the Walmart ad and the rep told her he could do that but had something better.
She said he printed out something, then scanned a Barcode off the print out and told her she would get a $150 gift card. He then told her she could use it towards the phone.
I asked her and he never told her what it was he printed out or what. We were just elated it happened.
For reference this was in Valdosta, Georgia.
If needed I will try and post receipt
Hey! I work at Best Buy Mobile! So let me clarify this deal for you guys! It shouldn't have been a price match to WalMart or CostCo. We normally don't match ads with CostCo because you have to pay them for a membership and it isn't a public store, so they're able to afford putting up crazy-ass deals as they do, and we don't match WalMart (in the Mobile department) because almost every single phone is subsidized and the price is set by the carrier for us, so we cannot modify the price because we end up losing whatever difference in price there is as we don't get that refunded to us from the carrier. Also, we do direct contracts with the carriers that we support, unlike Car Toys and CostCo and a few other places which run under third-party contracts.
Not too sure what deal you guys got onto, but for the rest of this week only you will receive a $150 gift card per NEW LINE you start with Verizon right now. Husband and I just upgraded to Note 4s tonight by porting into Verizon from AT&T/T-Mobile and got $300 back in gift-cards, which we used to pay for the deposit that Verizon wanted from me ('cause my credit isn't too good and I was more interested in the Edge program anyway.)
So, what probably happened is that you added a new line, which qualified for the instant gift which is able to be applied toward the cost of the phone (if you're buying it on a 2-year contract, doesn't work toward your device payments via Edge [unless you have to pay a deposit]). Also just so that everyone is aware, if you're on a More Everything Plan, make sure that you're aware that this month there is a promo plan through Verizon where the 10GB plan is going for $80 and $100 for the 15GB plan.
