Crazy wakelocks: please help - Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm noticing some incredibly high kernel wakelocks on my Note 4, which aren't present on my Note 2 (which rules out something on my network causing the problem ).
It's anyone having these? Any idea how the heck I'm suppose to get these lower? Wlan_wake in particular is firing off several dozen wakelocks per second.
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Sent from my SM-N910U

get an app called Amplify, aka LiOn Tamer, aka as far as i know dev could be changing the name of the app again as we speak. The regular version is usually good enough, although the donate version takes care of most of the other wakelocks...assuming you are rooted and have xposed installed, if not, good luck.
This app is probably one of the best apps to control wakelocks, the battery life increase is also considerable.
As of now I got 4h34 screen on time in 19h47 of battery life and have 37% left. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't working tomorrow and needed a full charge in the morning I could hit 6.5h of screen on time and an extra 7h battery life before I reach 0%. Stats that are not possible without this app

polish_pat said:
get an app called Amplify, aka LiOn Tamer, aka as far as i know dev could be changing the name of the app again as we speak. The regular version is usually good enough, although the donate version takes care of most of the other wakelocks...assuming you are rooted and have xposed installed, if not, good luck.
This app is probably one of the best apps to control wakelocks, the battery life increase is also considerable.
As of now I got 4h34 screen on time in 19h47 of battery life and have 37% left. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't working tomorrow and needed a full charge in the morning I could hit 6.5h of screen on time and an extra 7h battery life before I reach 0%. Stats that are not possible without this app
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I've got Amplify, but it's not showing any wakelocks that would be close to those listed (in # of triggers). I am experimenting with a completely isolated wifi AP - so there's no way that devices on my network are pinging my phone. So far, wlan_wake and KeyEvents are still highish ,but there are some strange ones named "Event"followed by a number DASH number... I have no clue what the hell those are

EP2008 said:
I've got Amplify, but it's not showing any wakelocks that would be close to those listed (in # of triggers). I am experimenting with a completely isolated wifi AP - so there's no way that devices on my network are pinging my phone. So far, wlan_wake and KeyEvents are still highish ,but there are some strange ones named "Event"followed by a number DASH number... I have no clue what the hell those are
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did you try greenify?? I'm sure its an app thats doing that, this wakelock was a known issue in 4.3

polish_pat said:
did you try greenify?? I'm sure its an app thats doing that, this wakelock was a known issue in 4.3
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I am using Greenify - are you saying I should disable? These particular wakelocks have only come up in the past few days (maybe after the most recent firmware update) and I've been using Greenify since I got the phone, weeks ago.

EP2008 said:
I am using Greenify - are you saying I should disable? These particular wakelocks have only come up in the past few days (maybe after the most recent firmware update) and I've been using Greenify since I got the phone, weeks ago.
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dont disable it, just make sure you update the app list on it. I also got a N4 on launch day and the update was there out of the box, i dont have such issues though. I'm pretty sure an app is causing this, just gotta know which one. It could be almost any app, check your per app battery usage and see if an app is draining abnormally your battery.
You haven't mentioned this anywhere, but is this affecting battery life?

polish_pat said:
dont disable it, just make sure you update the app list on it. I also got a N4 on launch day and the update was there out of the box, i dont have such issues though. I'm pretty sure an app is causing this, just gotta know which one. It could be almost any app, check your per app battery usage and see if an app is draining abnormally your battery.
You haven't mentioned this anywhere, but is this affecting battery life?
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I've been getting poor screen on time, but these wakeups seen abnormally high (half MILLION triggers in less than 24 hours???).
I'm going to look at packets on my network to see if any are pinging my device for no good reason.


How much is Google Services effecting your battery?

Why is Google Services taking up so much of my battery use? The CPU total is only 38s and the keep awake time is 3m 16s.
By contrast, HD Widgets has used 5m 3s of CPU time and 23m 35s of keep awake, but has a far less percentage of battery life.
Any ideas?
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kgeissler said:
Why is Google Services taking up so much of my battery use? The CPU total is only 38s and the keep awake time is 3m 16s.
By contrast, HD Widgets has used 5m 3s of CPU time and 23m 35s of keep awake, but has a far less percentage of battery life.
Any ideas?
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i am having this issue too.... google services always takes top spot on usage for me too... no idea how to solve this?
Are you rooted? If so, what ROM are you using? Any custom kernels?
If not, which OTA are you on?
I'm using Paranoid Android and don't have this problem.
Stryder5 said:
Are you rooted? If so, what ROM are you using? Any custom kernels?
If not, which OTA are you on?
I'm using Paranoid Android and don't have this problem.
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I am running the stock rom, 4.2.1, rooted.
I've never even seen that process on my battery usage weird
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Rooted and stock ROM and stock kernel.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Running the cm10 nightlies and haven't noticed this.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Never seen that on mine at all, I'm 100%stock.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
How often do you actually use your phone? Judging by the list of apps in your screen shot and minimal screen on time, im assuming your phone is in standby more often than not. If that's the case, then the Google services are using more battery by comparison simply because you're not doing anything else that's using battery. That list shows usage by comparison. If you're concerned about it, open the Currents app and go into settings and disable notifications, also disable unnecessary notifications and updates for your Google accounts (books, magazines, photo upload, etc.) From settings > Google. Could also be Google Now.
Download gsam battery for more info on what's using battery.
And don't forget, the way that screen works is that it's saying Google services used 60% of the 17% that has been depleted, which equals about 9% in over 4 hours.
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app
I have done some tests over the last couple of days and it seems like the issue (if it really is an issue) relates to Tasker and using location by cell/network towers to activate/deactive tasks. I have turned these tasks off and programmed NFC tags to take its place for now.
No real battery gain by NOT using these tasks that use cell/network loction to be honest so it does not seem like google services is draining our battery enough to notice a difference.
After i disabled google now and google location services i no longer see "Google Services" show up in battery use. Previously it was just destorying my battery but now all is well :good:
ragmanchu said:
I have done some tests over the last couple of days and it seems like the issue (if it really is an issue) relates to Tasker and using location by cell/network towers to activate/deactive tasks. I have turned these tasks off and programmed NFC tags to take its place for now.
No real battery gain by NOT using these tasks that use cell/network loction to be honest so it does not seem like google services is draining our battery enough to notice a difference.
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i noticed the same, uninstalled tasker and no longer have 'google services' showing in the batt stats
ragmanchu said:
I have done some tests over the last couple of days and it seems like the issue (if it really is an issue) relates to Tasker and using location by cell/network towers to activate/deactive tasks. I have turned these tasks off and programmed NFC tags to take its place for now.
No real battery gain by NOT using these tasks that use cell/network loction to be honest so it does not seem like google services is draining our battery enough to notice a difference.
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I came to the same conclusion you did regarding tasker and cell near. I implemented this solution:
which minimizes the location checks and so far I think it's faring a lot better. I'm going to play around with your NFC idea though.

Terrible Battery Life

Hey guys. I know XDA is filled with battery threads, and I've done numerous searches around the forums and across the internet. Nothing seems to be helping me.
Recently, the battery life on my Nexus 4 hasn't been so great. I've attached a few screenshots of GSAM. Any ideas on what is causing the significant drain? I'm down 15% in 1 hour and have barely touched my phone. Using stock 4.4.2, rooted with some Xposed modules (none of which seem to correlate to being installed near the time of the battery life becoming crap).
Here is a dump from GSAM as well:
Edit 2: After just over 4 hours, I'm down to 50% with a ton of wakelocks. This is the part that I can't find any helpful info about. Here's the new log: 2.txt
Edit: Trying to fix the images yet again:
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Sent from my Nexus 4
Shot in the dark but have you tried a battery calibration app?
Bilge656 said:
Shot in the dark but have you tried a battery calibration app?
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You know, I haven't ever on this device. I had on my Samsung Captivate and Nexus S, but have yet to use any sort of battery calibration on my Nexus 4. And now that you mention it, I've had some strange behavior with going from 35% to 25% rapidly, rebooting, and then having it at 30%.
Do you think it's worth a shot? If so, any good apps for this? When I did it on old devices, I just used the CWM option to delete battery stats and then charged/discharged fully. Seems that TWRP (which I have installed) doesn't have this option.
jwkicklighter said:
You know, I haven't ever on this device. I had on my Samsung Captivate and Nexus S, but have yet to use any sort of battery calibration on my Nexus 4. And now that you mention it, I've had some strange behavior with going from 35% to 25% rapidly, rebooting, and then having it at 30%.
Do you think it's worth a shot? If so, any good apps for this? When I did it on old devices, I just used the CWM option to delete battery stats and then charged/discharged fully. Seems that TWRP (which I have installed) doesn't have this option.
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Follow this app's instructions -
Bilge656 said:
Follow this app's instructions -
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Thanks a lot, hopefully this works!
what the app does it deletess batterystats.bin
but google already stated that its just placebo, this file is only for the batteryicon
thats why cwm removed it.
second those wakelocks are just seconds. so its normal
third. do you have any sync service?(skype,facebook,email, or even google) if so
try disabling temporaly
if dosent work you may wanna try the xposed + xposed module called disable critical shutdown
then wait till phone turns off and charge for minimum 8hours
if not
change rom/kernel
if still not
its your battery(if so, and you still have warranty, you can get an rma if you live in a google area or get money back if you live in a area where lg controls,or buy another battery
opssemnik said:
what the app does it deletess batterystats.bin
but google already stated that its just placebo, this file is only for the batteryicon
thats why cwm removed it.
second those wakelocks are just seconds. so its normal
third. do you have any sync service?(skype,facebook,email, or even google) if so
try disabling temporaly
if dosent work you may wanna try the xposed + xposed module called disable critical shutdown
then wait till phone turns off and charge for minimum 8hours
if not
change rom/kernel
if still not
its your battery(if so, and you still have warranty, you can get an rma if you live in a google area or get money back if you live in a area where lg controls,or buy another battery
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Hadn't read about it being a placebo, thanks for the info. I downloaded BBS and think the issue is actually the (common) msm_hsic_host issue. It had several hours today. I'm flashing Matr1x kernel right now, so we'll see if that takes care of the issue.
jwkicklighter said:
Hadn't read about it being a placebo, thanks for the info. I downloaded BBS and think the issue is actually the (common) msm_hsic_host issue. It had several hours today. I'm flashing Matr1x kernel right now, so we'll see if that takes care of the issue.
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Oh nice. handn´t see this wakelock since 4.2.1 lol
opssemnik said:
Oh nice. handn´t see this wakelock since 4.2.1 lol
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Yeah, I remember reading about it way back when, and thought "oh, that's not affecting me at all." And now it looks like it very well may be causing issue -__-
opssemnik said:
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Well that pretty much clears that up, thanks!
Try going back to stock android and check the performance. It can be that one of the Xposed modules is causing you the problem.

[Q] update: ABYSMAL BATTERY LIFE - internal storage faulty?

So my phone sometime last for 3 days, normal usage, sometimes it lasts barely a day. That's with same apps, same usage, same patterns.
I charge my phone before going to bed. If I wake up with it still on 100% I know I'm in for a 3 day+ cycle, but sometimes for no apparent reason, I wake up with 75-80%.
Better Battery stats shows the phone was asleep 99% of the time. I'm going crazy over this love/hate relationship with my phone.
That's android. Sometimes apps go rouge.
Posting from my LG G2 while driving an Evo IX.
Under alarms section I see has hundreds, even thousands, depending on uptime, wakeups. What could this mean? My carrier has FD so I have it enabled, is this connected?
I've now started having abysmal battery life. I've flashed kk kdz and started from scratch yesterday. Greenify all apps I can think of, frozen all bloat. Google now is not running, location services off, Google backup turned off, I barely used the phone. I've had great battery life on kk before, it's abysmal the last week. No apparent wakelocks, no rogue apps. I'm literally stumped as to what is happening.
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Could be a built hardware issue. I've heard and seen bad battery reports.
Mine isn't as great as everybody elses, but lately I've been running without battery save on full brightness using chrome all day and changing things since root. So that's to be expected.
NIke619 said:
Could be a built hardware issue. I've heard and seen bad battery reports.
Mine isn't as great as everybody elses, but lately I've been running without battery save on full brightness using chrome all day and changing things since root. So that's to be expected.
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I'm thinking it's hardware as well. I'm gonna do another charge cycle and see if anything changes. If not, I'm factory reseting again but with no apps installed. If that fails as well, I'm gonna go claim warranty...which will leave me without a phone for a week, at least.
My drain hunting is still going on. What I have found out is the phone works fine when it's factory reseted. After installing apps, everything is still fine. The problem starts happening after my memory starts getting filled. I can't pin-point if it's pictures, videos, music..but I' sure the files themselves are good. Because they are my personal files, not downloaded from shady places.
Pretty much after some time, the drain appears again.
Is there a way to check the internal storage for errors and to possibly fix them?
i reverted back to 4.2.2. KK was draining my battery for the same activity about 2x the speed. it wasn't even a "i think" it's draining more.. it's definitely. revert back to 4.2.2 if batter life is important to you.
i tried both XDAxebb's and micromods's stock and stock debloated.
If I may, you seem to have used 3G for 12 hours over a 58% battery drain. As far as I know that qualifies as great battery life.
metalboy94 said:
If I may, you seem to have used 3G for 12 hours over a 58% battery drain. As far as I know that qualifies as great battery life.
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Not when 11h out of 12h was deep sleep.
Here is my battery life so far, 3 hours screen time 25 hours on battery.
Sent from my LG-D802 using XDA Free mobile app

Really bad battery life

My device has been completely stock running ART kitkat.
Battery life has been really bad the last few weeks. (Possibly due to 4.4.4?)
I have switched off location services, Google now, and only sync gmail.
I can only squeeze out around 2 hours and 30 minutes max compared to 4 hours 30 I was able to before. (Same settings, flight mode WiFi only)
Any one have any advice please? How can I monitor and see what's draining? I've tried a a few apps but I can't find anything.
Thank you.
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Get gsam or betterbatterystats to see where the wake locks are. What daily mail? It's eating a lot of your battery
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
Its a news app.
I'm not sure how to analyse it?
olyloh6696 said:
Its a news app. View attachment 2845757
I'm not sure how to analyse it?
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No offense but curious. You are a Recognized Contributor and doesn't know that?
olyloh6696 said:
Its a news app. View attachment 2845757
I'm not sure how to analyse it?
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This might help
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
sidnoit22 said:
No offense but curious. You are a Recognized Contributor and doesn't know that?
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None taken.
I may be a recognised contributor, however in the last 18 months I've lost my interest in mobile technology, and hence I have little knowledge on mobile tech today.
I consider myself a "normal user" now. I just use my phone as it is as a regular user completely stock and I don't know these tech things anymore.
Any help is appreciated, any other info I can give? I'm rather incline not to factory reset my phone.
App sucker screen if this helps?
So daily mail is the cause?
It is the usage that drains your battery life. If fact daily mail online doesnt drain so much. I dont know, how much and how often you use your phone and that is what really matters.
What really drains batterie (and most people dont know this) is waking up your device often. When you wake up your device all cores goes to max frequency before turning down slowly. By 4 cores it drains a lot of energy. The second is the screen brightness. The brighter the screen, the more it drains. An than there are many other factors like signal strength and quality, apps...
So to sum it up, it is your usage behavior that influence your battery life. To compare I am on cm11 with matr1x kernel, do alot of surfing, chatting, listening to music and the average screen on time is 4 hours. You may try it out.
CCody said:
It is the usage that drains your battery life. If fact daily mail online doesnt drain so much. I dont know, how much and how often you use your phone and that is what really matters.
What really drains batterie (and most people dont know this) is waking up your device often. When you wake up your device all cores goes to max frequency before turning down slowly. By 4 cores it drains a lot of energy. The second is the screen brightness. The brighter the screen, the more it drains. An than there are many other factors like signal strength and quality, apps...
So to sum it up, it is your usage behavior that influence your battery life. To compare I am on cm11 with matr1x kernel, do alot of surfing, chatting, listening to music and the average screen on time is 4 hours. You may try it out.
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Thanks mate, appreciated.
I forgot to post my brightness.
I usually have my phone on flight mode at home and WiFi signal a minimum of 3 bars. (Excuse the screenshot which is an exception)
I suppose with my phone I do always switch it on and off multiple times, however I haven't had this battery drainage problem in the past, it only occurred in the last few weeks and I have the same usage pattern. I suspect it was the 4.4.3/4.4.4 update because prior to that battery was fine.
Thanks for the suggestion of the ROM, however I'm planning to keep my device stock and I still haven't factory reseted it since day 1 (August 2013) and hope I do not need to.
Thanks all the same.
Open to more suggestions many thanks to everyone.
Install Greenify and hibernate Daily Mail Online. It's the one draining your battery I guess.
Greenify works without root, but if I remember correctly you need to hibernate apps manually.

Good lock battery drain

Has anyone noticed increased battery drain since activatinh good lock? Ive been using it today and it seems like my battery is draining faster. Thanks
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
Yes.. a bit battery drainer and makes my device a bit warmer mostbof the time
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
There is slight drain, but it's nothing really noticeable.. at least not on the latest version of good lock. I had about 2hr 35min SoT at 54% today with good lock running the entire time.. To put it into perspective, I had about 3 hours of SoT with the normal system UI with 49% left.
Either way, the battery trade off is well worth having a vanilla android UI but with all of Samsung's lovely customisations.
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
To be honest, I have not noticed a battery drain at all.
Even if there is, it should be very minuscule that you would hardly notice
Yes, due to always request location on each wake...
yea its a bit of a drain....i mean..i like it so much it doesn't bother me lol as much as if it was just a ****ty touchwiz alternative lol.... but maybe as it progresses it will get better on battery...the last update from the 5th shows some improvement over time we should it better with more stabiltiy.
Code124Y said:
Yes, due to always request location on each wake...
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The latest version doesn't require location, according to Samsung.
meyerweb said:
The latest version doesn't require location, according to Samsung.
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u mean xx.0.6?
Yes. I can't find it now but somewhere Samsung wrote that they fixed the location requirement. I haven't verified that, however. I had another issue that forced me to uninstall it.
meyerweb said:
Yes. I can't find it now but somewhere Samsung wrote that they fixed the location requirement. I haven't verified that, however. I had another issue that forced me to uninstall it.
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The latest version of Good Lock does not constantly prompt location, which is why I installed it and ran it for a bit. The first version did, and that's why I uninstalled it. But since I've decided to root and use Xposed modules, I'm back at the normal system UI.
What issue caused you to uninstall it? I'm rather curious.
any possible way to show icon labels for wifi bluetooth,location ect... in the pull down menue
Seems to consistently take about 4% off my battery. Haven't decided if that's enough to really care. Really like the lock screen.
It took over 15% of my battery (no location enabled, just "everywhere"). It was next under the screen in battery stats. Needless to say I uninstalled it because of that only. Otherwise I kind of liked it except for the multitasking.
dannejanne said:
It took over 15% of my battery (no location enabled, just "everywhere"). It was next under the screen in battery stats. Needless to say I uninstalled it because of that only. Otherwise I kind of liked it except for the multitasking.
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I've seen a little bit of battery drain but I get an entire day out of my phone so I'm not worried about it. Never as much as you say though. Maybe uninstall and reinstall it. I love the new UI. Also HUGE update came out today
I think that the battery usage is dependent on the number of routines that you run. I personally just set up the default routine to my liking and don't have any others set up and Goodlock typically stays under 5% usage.
My wifi keeps switching off
Sent from my SM-G935F using XDA-Developers mobile app
Newest version does not give me any drain at all. Now it's also optional to have the new multitasking or not.
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Sent from my S7 Edge
dannejanne said:
Newest version does not give me any drain at all. Now it's also optional to have the new multitasking or not.
Sent from my S7 Edge
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I don't see the Google search bar in recents and I have the latest version installed with the new recents UI turned off.
Sent from my SM-G935F using XDA-Developers mobile app
dannejanne said:
Newest version does not give me any drain at all. Now it's also optional to have the new multitasking or not.
Sent from my S7 Edge
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The only thing I don't like turning off new recent apps screen it that it takes away the "close all" button but nevertheless shows Samsung is working in it and giving us options based on feedback
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
