Help, S4 keeps loosing the internet connection and phone connection. - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey, so I've been having this irritating problem for a while now... First it didn't really bother me that much, but now I'm starting to loose my mind over it..
The problem is that my Samsung galaxy s4 keeps on loosing my internet connection f.ex as I'm surfing thru the internet on anysite actually, while refreshing a page or trying to acces to a new page
I come across starting at the blank screen for a while and figuring that my phone once again lost the connection to the internet, this takes up to approx. 5-10 secs. After that the internet connection comes back,
and the internet works OK for a couple of minutes again. While i'm somehow still able to live with this problem, there's another. I constantly use GPS, google maps at work as I happen to be a courier at a delivery firm, the
gps freezes from time to time and usually when I'm leaving from one stop to another and try to input a new address into googlemaps it takes like 10 seconds till it finds the adress because the internet once again disconnected.
I also have another problem, My phone keeps blocking calls and i'm neither able to call anyone instantly, when I dial up a number and start calling the person my phone goes into somekind of "thinking" mode and it usually takes like
10 seconds ( sometimes longer ) before the phone starts to dial..
If there's anyone who knows how to fix this problem i'd appreciate it alot, really... I really WOULD. this phone is literally driving me crazy, and since I'm still paying of this phone, I don't really have the money to buy a new one lol..
The Phone is rooted, i've installed plenty of roms but seems like I have the same problem with every rom...
Atm i'm using the Samsungs original firmware which i downloaded from samsmobile.
Thanks in advance,
best regards ~ andy.


windows mobile networking problems...or is it just BAD LUCK?

hey guys;
I used to have a ppc phone, an audiovox ppc4100,and it was the most horrible phone i have ever, ever used. (google it and youll see what im talking 'bout!). one of the biggest issues i had with it was that the gprs connection was SO unreliable its a joke. connections dropped all the time , even though it said i was connected i couldnt access any website, the only way to make it work again was to turn on flight mode and then turn it off again.
problemm was that IT JUST WOULDNT TURN OFF when i clicked the button so the only option left was soft reset. Being so angry with all this i THREW THE PHONE AWAY(i really did that!), went on ebay and bought myself a treo 650. at first i was a little disappointed by the lack of multi-tasking on palmOS , but the GREAT 3RD party apps really made up for it. the network connection was absolutely rock-solid: i could stay online on instant messenger for literally DAYS without a single drop in connection.
But i wasnt really that happy still. I hated the fact that if i was browsing a website and i received a call, i had open the browser back and go to the website all over again. im a multi-tasking kind of guy, so then i started seeing all the great reputation HTC has with their windows mobile devices and i thought: why not get one and see what happens? Maybe the maker of my last ppc phone was horrible and not all windows mobile phones are like that? and so i got the wizard(mda vario).
i frickin' love this device. i can skype on it, browse the web fast and with multiple windows on opera, watch streaming videos, orb and logmein on it. its great. but there is one small little tiny problem: the horrendous and annoying networking problem has haunted me like a ghost!!! it happens with less frequency, but it still does: for example:
Today i took the subway to work, and before i got underground i was browsing the web and on msn messenger. when i got underground, i had no signal and obviously couldnt use the web anymore. When i got out of the subway, my phone still had no connection. not even phone, not even 1 bar. so i walked a little more to see if would catch the signal but it just wouldnt do it. i then tried going into flight mode. it worked instantly. then i tried to turn it OFF, but no matter how many times i clicked on iit it just wouldnt work!!! Again the only way was soft reset. **Sigh**...
Sometimes I'm talkin on msn messenger and suddenly my edge connection JUST STOPS! My friends still see me online and send messages that I end up not receiving, even my messenger list stays online, but my 'send' button becomes grey and if I try to access a website it also doesn't work. The only way is trying going on and off flight mode, but sometimes it does not work as you saw up there.
Seriously, is there any option, hack, cab, ANYTHING that can help me out? I'm using summiters aku2.2 rom (i don't think its the beta one) and the problem also happened on the stock t-mobile rom.
This is frustrating the heck out of me! It seems like I'm the only one with this problem

sms with delay

Hi there, due to the fact that the search option doesn't work with less then 4 characters, i can't search for "sms".
But here's my real problem:
I've flashed different roms into my mda vario, after unlocking it. First the rom, then the last original t-mobile rom, but it was toooo slow, i've imediatly deleted it, en flashed the mr clean rom.
But in all roms i have some delay in recieving sms-messages.
Half the time they appear directly after they were sent by my friends, but sometimes i get them after a few hours. for example: it was sent at 15:00, and i received it at 17:30.
And sometimes i don't get any sms-messages, and after an soft-reset, i get 10 at one time, all delayed.
does anyone know what to do about it? or what causes it?
i sometimes get this too though not often its usually when my phone loses signal and when it comes back into signal it wont recevie txt messages until i soft reset or send another txt out then ill get like 4 all at once lol.
Wizard isnt the best phone for txtin i must say as i send a good 1,000 txts a month and so far its poor.
Sounds like a network issue to me...
The network isn't registering the phone or something similar. For SMS the towers "push" the messages to the phone. Queuing them when they don't detect the phone on the network. If the phone is on the network and not getting the messages until it is reset and forced to re-acquire its signal than it is a network problem.
I've seen this problem on a few networks regardless of phone make and model.
I would agree with the above, its a provider issue not a phone issue.
I have a debate with Orange about 10 years ago about not getting text messeges when I loose and then regain service. I was told that when a text is sent to a phone that is off or lost a signal the message is stored until a set time has passed and then delivery is retried, thus getting all the messages at once. The way 'around' this is the disconnect the phone from the network and re-connect. This forces a scan of the message queues and again you will get all messages in one go.
I would assume going in to Flight Mode and back will do the same thing as a soft boot, but I have not tested this.
so i could suggest it's not quitte an rom- or wizzard-issue, but a network-issue.
I also think going to flightmode and back will solve the problem. So we will hear from you if that's a solution?
I'm busy reflashing a new rom into my wizzard.
TwanS said:
I also think going to flightmode and back will solve the problem. So we will hear from you if that's a solution?
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I would hope that as you seeing the problem that you could test this. I get all my texts on time (luckely) so I can't help you I am afraid, I can just share my thoughts.
Let us know how you get on.
bilbo_28 said:
I would hope that as you seeing the problem that you could test this. I get all my texts on time (luckely) so I can't help you I am afraid, I can just share my thoughts.
Let us know how you get on.
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I've tried, but now there's nobody who has sent me an sms
ghehe, i'll wait....
but i do think it will work.
i'll keep you posted
This is happening to me all of a sudden and its not a network issue. I have 4 phones on my account and i texted between all of them and only my phone won't get the messages UNLESS I reboot my phone or use smartskey to close a window.
Here is the strange part, when a text message is sent to my phone, the screen turns on, but doesn't show the message pop.
Is smartskey blocking it?
Also, closing a window by clicking on the X also kicks the message to come through

GPS programs lagging on 8525?

Hey guys, I recently had a 8125 and a 1 GB miniSD card and had/have iGuidance installed. When loading the program on my 8125 it took around 30 seconds to fully load into the Agree screen. On my new 8525 it takes around 3 MINUTES for it to load fully!!!
I am running a comletely STOCK 8525, and the ONLY thing I have done is CID and SIM unlock my phone. Can anyone please shed some light on this problem for me! I use the GPS DAILY, and this is the first time i tried the 8525 with the gps software and it takes WAY WAY WAY too long to load. Is anyone else getting these problems with their GPS software? Ie. TomTom, TeleNav, Destinator? Please help me out!
I'd like to know this as well, because I am in the market for an 8525 and I use the GPS almost every day as well...
close your data connection before opening iguidance.. this has been covered several times here.....
Yes its the open data connection that causes the delay. YOu can close you data connection by holding down the red end phone button for 5 seconds. Then is should launch normally.
Also if you phone makes a data connection while using the GPS software everything runs fine and the voice prompts are not slow as they were in the 3.0 version.
iNav fix one break one... I guess they will have another version out later this year to fix the slow start up...
I will say, that after upgrading to the 3.01 version. The first startup is still a little long . . about 1 min, but any startup there after only takes maybe 15 seconds! Go Inav. I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but will try it out to see if the slow voice promots are fixed. Will report later
Globalrebel said:
I will say, that after upgrading to the 3.01 version. The first startup is still a little long . . about 1 min, but any startup there after only takes maybe 15 seconds! Go Inav. I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but will try it out to see if the slow voice promots are fixed. Will report later
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Not the same kind of luck for me. It seems to still take a few minutes to load although the program lag (once you are in the actual program) seems to be fixed.
EDIT: Nevermind, if I disable the data connection it boots up fairly quickly! Thanks guys!

Strange phone issues with Samsung Galaxy S

I bought a Samsung Galaxy S about a month ago, and have been having odd problems with it since the off. Has anyone else had these sort of symptoms:
1. I occasionally lose my data connection - the icon disappears from the top of the screen and whilst I can still make and recieve calls and text messages, I cannot download anything in any app. The only way I've found to get my data connection back is to reset the phone. This happens maybe a couple of times a week.
2. My WiFi seems to suffer from a similar problem. I can be browsing the web on Wifi, then suddenly I'll not be able to download anything anymore. The wifi icon is still visible, but I'll basically be unable to download anything until I switch the wifi off and back on again. Then, it starts working as normal again.
In both these above scenarios, I think I've narrowed it down to primarily happening after I use the Android Market, but it's difficult to tell as it's very intermittent.
3. A couple of times since getting the phone, I've been unable to make or receive any calls. Even switching the phone off and back on didn't help - my signal bar was showing I had a signal and my data connection was still active. Couldn't tell if this was a network problem or not though as there weren't any people nearby on the same network as me. After a while, it started working normally again.
4. The email client randomly lost all of my email settings. One day I was receiving all my emails, the next day I had no email accounts set up at all.
5. I installed Sensor Dump and Phone Explorer to see what data was coming in from the sensors, and have noticed that the light sensor never sends any data. Is this normal?
I also have the usual slow-down issues, etc, but the above have got me stumped as I can't find anyone else reporting the same issues. When I first got the phone, I went crazy installing a load of Android apps, so initially I blamed the software I'd installed. After a reset and being a bit more selective with the apps I install and use, I'm still getting the same issues. I just can't pin down whether this is a faulty phone that I should return, or if there are software issues either relating to the way I'm using the phone or just with bugs in the firmware.
Has anyone else had anything like the above happen with their Galaxy S?
I've experienced no.2 several times, wifi just stopping all data traffic. Not found out what causes it though.
As for the other problems, I haven't experienced any of those. Do you use automatic brightness on the display? If not, problem no. 5 might be caused by the sensor being turned off.
thanks for the reply - at least I'm not completely alone!
I have the automatic brightness turned on - which is why it seems odd. To be honest, I've never actually see the auto brightness do anything. It always seems to be the same brightness to me.
Strange Problem
I've experienced no.4 some times. My inbox did not show some older mails.
ProfWolfMan said:
I've experienced no.4 some times. My inbox did not show some older mails.
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I think it might be normal that older mails disappear from the inbox after some time? My problem was that everything went. I had three email accounts set up, all downloading emails every hour. Then, one day I went into the email app and there were no accounts at all! I had to set it all up from scratch again.
I hear there are better email apps available for Android, so I'll probably switch to one of those soon.
lordwaym said:
1. I occasionally lose my data connection - the icon disappears from the top of the screen and whilst I can still make and recieve calls and text messages, I cannot download anything in any app. The only way I've found to get my data connection back is to reset the phone. This happens maybe a couple of times a week.
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i got this problem, i used to connecct my phone to IM client 24/7.
and it seems that after my sgs lost its connection, it won't tell me, my msntalk just displaying the entire contact list just as it is. and i need to turn airplane mode on off to return it back
anyone have the solution for this?
I bought a Galaxy S on Orange UK in July. I'm having the same problem as 1. quite consistenly now.
I thought it might be related to the green power battery saver app I had installed, but i've removed this and still having the problem.
I'm using the phone in several central London locations so I think it's unlikely to be a problem with the data network.
Any suggestion would be welcome since I'm often without data.
ive 1 and 3 but very rarely so far
rebooting fixes it for me
running froyo jp3
for email i use K9, it's almost the same as the integrated mail, only much better (PUSH imap)
Nik_B! said:
I bought a Galaxy S on Orange UK in July. I'm having the same problem as 1. quite consistenly now.
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I'm actually getting this happen a lot now. It seems to be getting worse, which makes me think it might be a hardware fault. I generally lose my data connection once or twice a day minimum, but some days the phone is virtually unusable.
I have found that it's more likely to happen after using Wi-Fi, so my other thought is that when coming out of Wireless mode, the phone may not switch the normal 3G/HSDPA data connection back on. Most of the time I can fix this by putting the phone into flight mode and then back out, but sometimes it needs a complete reset.
The other problem I've noted with the data connection is that sometimes it seems to rapidly switch between HSDPA and 3G - the data icon at the top of the screen keeps going from '3G' to 'H' then back again. I guess it has something to do with signal quality but it only seems to happen when the phone is showing a good signal strength (four bars). The problem I've found when this happens is that it virtually locks up any ongoing data transfers, making it impossible to download a webpage or check my emails. Strangely the only way I've really found to stop this happening is to move somewhere where my signal strength is weaker, such as indoors, which then seems to make the phone stop attempting to use HSDPA. I can't find a way to switch off HSDPA from within the phone's settings while leaving 3G on.
I really am now finding that using this phone is an increasingly frustrating experience. I've found even more weird faults, such as sometimes my text conversations show the wrong people's names up against them, and then my replies go to the wrong people. It's like an insane, shiny mess of a phone!
lordwaym said:
I bought a Samsung Galaxy S about a month ago, and have been having odd problems with it since the off. Has anyone else had these sort of symptoms:
1. I occasionally lose my data connection - the icon disappears from the top of the screen and whilst I can still make and recieve calls and text messages, I cannot download anything in any app. The only way I've found to get my data connection back is to reset the phone. This happens maybe a couple of times a week.
2. My WiFi seems to suffer from a similar problem. I can be browsing the web on Wifi, then suddenly I'll not be able to download anything anymore. The wifi icon is still visible, but I'll basically be unable to download anything until I switch the wifi off and back on again. Then, it starts working as normal again.
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I am indeed experiencing same problems just drive me crazy with a need of complete reset everyday..
turning on n off flight mode won't change anything..
I really hope someone can bring a miracle to solve this problem..
I'm on XXJPC
setting the APN parameter(Setting-->Wireless and network-->Mobile Networks-->Access Point Names-->New APN) to 2G only seems to solve the 'lost data connection' problem..
I am connected 24/7 now..
Give a try guys!

My Omnia 7 keeps loosing it's 3G connection

My Omnia 7 keeps loosing it's 3G connection. To restore it I have to restart the phone. T-Mobile say that this happens from time to time, but it's happening every day now. It's annoying as it stops my push email from being up to date, and of course prevents the use of any internet based services until the phone is restarted.
Has anyone else noticed their phone has switching to GSM?
Had mine for 6 days.Been fine up until today,then I had the same problem.Only the once so far.
Confirm loosing 3G
Confirm loosing 3G connection, and also have phone call failures.
Factory reset did not solve the problem.
Bring it back to shop
Blackstone is back now!
At first this was occasional with my phone, then more frequent, and it's all the time. If I want to use the Internet I have to restart the phone. My house is covered by full HSPA, but the only way to get it is to take the battery out while the phone is switched on. I can sometimes get 3G by a simple restart, which I lasts about 40 minutes.
I like the phone, so I'm going to hold out for a software update. All it needs to do is check available networks and I think that, if this is a wide spread issue, Samsung/Microsoft will fix it. Hope so.
Please post here if you have this issue too.
I have also been having this issue... sometimes it doesnt come back straight away when i restart it but after about 10mins its back.
When I activated it with orange I was told to expect a few txt msg's that would need deleting and the phone restarting... I only got 1 msg, maybe this has something to do with it, maybe the phone hasnt been sent enough updates.
I also have this issue and have done for weeks. Orange couldn't solve it either.
It only happens overnight at home. I either need to reset the phone / rescan available networks or turn flight mode off and on again for the connection to restore.
I was thinking it may be an issue with t-mobile since it only happens at my home where orange signal is poor and i roam over to t-mobile.
If i stay in an area with good Orange signal i don't get the problem.
Good to know i'm not the only one with this problem. It's very annoying!
Hi y'all.
I had the same problem: 3G was lost every time. I was fed up restarting the phone every time, so I looked for another way to get 3G back. I found out that disabling and enabling SIM security (phone > setttings) got me 3G again... for a short while.
But: after disabling SIM security permanently, 3G kept on going (in fact for over a week now).
I think that changing the PIN to some other number, might cause this. I haven't yet tried changing it to the default PIN again, to see if using that for SIM security solves it. For the moment I'm too happy it works again.
I have suffered from poor reception issues ever since I got my Omnia 7.
It seems like the reception comes and goes. I will receive e-mails, which proves that the phone has been connected, but as soon as I try to use data myself, by visiting a web page or refreshing an app like facebook, the reception disappears and the "no reception" symbol drops down from the status bar.
Also, often when I try to send an SMS, it will appear to have been sent, yet 10 minutes later I will receive a "Can't send...try again" message. Once I have received this, the SMS will never successfully send. However, in the meantime I can receive SMS messages, which shows that the phone has been getting a signal.
This is SO frustrating and is ruining my experience with the phone.
I have posted requests on the Microsoft Answers forum and the only suggestions have been to reset the phone or turn WiFi off. Neither of these have had any effect. I have never enabled SIM lock.
I have heard that there is a firmware update due soon which includes a new radio stack. I am desperately hoping that this will improve the situation, as at the moment I cannot rely on my Omnia 7 as my only phone.
Hi Loco,
You are right in saying that social answers doesn't really help much .
Luckily there IS a new firmware from a couple of days ago! Check out the Omnia 7 Dev section. There are only a few posts.
And here is also a good link for you. You are right to assume that it comes with a new radio stack which improves on performance.
Finally found a thread on this... I have been having a similar problem since I got my phone from Optus here in Australia. I took it back and they replaced it for me but the new phone is exactly the same. I don't lose the 3G icon but anything data related just ceases from loading. Right now I'm trying to refresh the Facebook app and it just comes up with 'Unable to connect', even though I have full 3G reception.
I flashed it to the newer leaked firmware and it hasn't changed anything, problem still persists unfortunately. This is a major problem that isn't getting enough attention! It seems quite widespread and Omnia 7 specific.
Had similar problems, but after I changed my provider ( O2-Germany), 3G is stable.
For the people having this problem, have you tried setting the phone to prefer 3g? Details of how to do this are here
johnnymatrix said:
Finally found a thread on this... I have been having a similar problem since I got my phone from Optus here in Australia. I took it back and they replaced it for me but the new phone is exactly the same. I don't lose the 3G icon but anything data related just ceases from loading. Right now I'm trying to refresh the Facebook app and it just comes up with 'Unable to connect', even though I have full 3G reception.
I flashed it to the newer leaked firmware and it hasn't changed anything, problem still persists unfortunately. This is a major problem that isn't getting enough attention! It seems quite widespread and Omnia 7 specific.
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Same here man. On Optus and my reception sucks with this device. What the hell is samsung doing? FIX IT!
I have been having this problem with my Omnia 7. The frustrating thing is this is a replacement phone I had for an LG which I had replaced THREE TIMES due to random resets. So now I have a phone that I have to turn off and on EVERY MORNING in order for the data connection to start working again. Needless to say I am very frustrated. I am on Orange in the UK. I suspect it could be related to when being an a poor reception area and it tries to switch to tmobile. I am going to try turning roaming off. Please, if anyone finds a solution to this let me know.
m4tthall said:
I have been having this problem with my Omnia 7. The frustrating thing is this is a replacement phone I had for an LG which I had replaced THREE TIMES due to random resets. So now I have a phone that I have to turn off and on EVERY MORNING in order for the data connection to start working again. Needless to say I am very frustrated. I am on Orange in the UK. I suspect it could be related to when being an a poor reception area and it tries to switch to tmobile. I am going to try turning roaming off. Please, if anyone finds a solution to this let me know.
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My problem got worse with the Mango update. I'm now on my 2nd handset after having a replacement from Orange warranty. This one still loses it's connection but much less frequently.
TBH i don't think it will ever get fixed. I started an MS Answers thread months ago and lots of people had the same problem but we never got a response from MS.
Conisdering the age of the model now I doubt Samsung care, well they didn't seem to care a year ago so they won't now... For this reason I will not buy another Samsung phone. It's infuriating.
Looks like I am stuck with it until December then when I can upgrade to a Nokia lumia. A long wait :-(
i have this issue, too.. but for me i only have to set airplane mode on and off. sometimes i deactivate data connection, go to a random website, get the 'no connection' error, then activate data connection back and it works.
however, after installing the latest drivers & firmware, i get this issue A LOT less frequent. like once in 2-3 days.
i hope ms or samsung will fix this because it can get really annoying. especially when you need eg. a quick google-search..
Just flicking the flight mode wouldn't be so bad but that doesn't work for me, I have to restart the phone each time. I love WP7 but this and the other problems with the LG is driving me nuts. Almost wondering whether I should have just followed the crowd and gone for an iPhone.
m4tthall said:
Just flicking the flight mode wouldn't be so bad but that doesn't work for me, I have to restart the phone each time. I love WP7 but this and the other problems with the LG is driving me nuts. Almost wondering whether I should have just followed the crowd and gone for an iPhone.
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Same as me - Flicking flight mode on-off doesn't solve it, needs a soft-reset.
Like I say, there are quite a few with Omnias on Orange with this problem.
I'm in the same boat, I've had this for months now so I guess I'll just deal with it until I can upgrade the start of April and get a Lumia (hopefully the EU 900/910 will be here by then!). There is no way on this earth Samsung are getting any more of my money. Nokia seem fully commited so they can take my cash next time!
I have the same problem with the data stopping working on o2 in the UK. But I also sometimes cant receive calls even though the phone has service, then there are the times where it site there going GPRS/3G/3G+/No Service and you cant do anything with it apart from pull the battery.

