[Q] ROM Question Note 3 - Verizon Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I did search around for this and even on Google I don't think I got a clear answer. Does a plain jane AOSP ROM exist for the Verizon Note 3 retail? I don't care about losing any of the phones features due to this. I've seen the Eclipse ROM but is that the only option? Thanks in advice!

RobotechXB9R said:
I did search around for this and even on Google I don't think I got a clear answer. Does a plain jane AOSP ROM exist for the Verizon Note 3 retail? I don't care about losing any of the phones features due to this. I've seen the Eclipse ROM but is that the only option? Thanks in advice!
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not unless the bootloader gets unlocked...

Thanks for that info. Just so I understand, the bootloader on our phones is not currently unlocked and probably won't be unlocked in the near future?

RobotechXB9R said:
Thanks for that info. Just so I understand, the bootloader on our phones is not currently unlocked and probably won't be unlocked in the near future?
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You can always keep hope alive but I don't think it will...


[Q] i don't know if i can root

i want to root my evo 4g, i have updated the software version to 4.24.651.1, the android version is 2.3.3, i see in the threads about ota's and other stuff that i have no knowledge of yet as i've never done this before, is there a thread explaining all of this and can i root with the new software update? or can i go back to old version of software? thank you anybody and all who help, i appreciate it.
Until HTC unlocks the bootloader, or someone finds an exploit, if you're s-on...you're out of luck...for now.
That sux, i was really looking forward to trying it out. Thank You Mattykinsx.
hells_punisher said:
That sux, i was really looking forward to trying it out. Thank You Mattykinsx.
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Have no fear, root will come one way or another.
It always does, for HTC phones anyway.
Is anyone actively working on it? I'm sure someone must be. And if so, how close are they? Wife wants her phone rooted, but it's updated to the latest. Unfortunately we didn't know beforehand that it would be a bad move.
usmaak said:
Is anyone actively working on it? I'm sure someone must be. And if so, how close are they? Wife wants her phone rooted, but it's updated to the latest. Unfortunately we didn't know beforehand that it would be a bad move.
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Don't know.
Asking for etas can get you shot 'round these parts.
mattykinsx said:
Don't know.
Asking for etas can get you shot 'round these parts.
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LOL! Thanks for the warning. I'll be sure to watch out for that.

GB on Tab

anyone know an easy (noob friendly) way for me to upgrade my software on my original galaxy tab? it is slow and boring =)
why not search for a post that is related to your query.
that might help.
i tried
didn't really see anything
plus i am looking for suggestions =)
maybe if you told us which tab you have, we could make some recommendations...
pvtjoker42 said:
maybe if you told us which tab you have, we could make some recommendations...
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i thought there was only one original galaxy tab?? but its the small one for t-mobile
mrfisch13 said:
i thought there was only one original galaxy tab?? but its the small one for t-mobile
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There's actually quite a large range of Tabs, both GSM and CDMA for carrier-specific models (like Springs SCH models) and country specific variations like the P1000 T/L/N/R etc.
Also, you might want to try and search again to find what you're looking for since there are bounds to be instructions (like those included with releases of the Overcome ROM for example). Remember also, that the best method would be to simply connect your device to your PC running Samsung Kies and check for an official release before you get too far.
In future, try and be VERY specific about what you have, what you're looking to a achieve (custom ROM/stock upgrade) and what you have to deal with: things like what device you have, what computer you're using etc. This will make it a lot easier for the community to help you out.
mrfisch13 said:
i thought there was only one original galaxy tab?? but its the small one for t-mobile
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there are at least three-four distinct models of the Gtab, CDMA, Wifi, GSM and Tmo US GSM. Since you have the latter, I'd recommend the Overcome Kratos rom, at this point. But there are other choices.
have a read of this thread...
I updated and I am sure if I can, then it's got to be easy!
ofiaich said:
have a read of this thread...
I updated and I am sure if I can, then it's got to be easy!
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Cool! I will check it out! Thanks!

Help! What rom can I get to unlock hotspot

I have a sprint galaxy s4 with the mja update. It's not rooted. I have no wifi at my house because my parents are cheap. I need to get a custom rom to unlock the factory hotspot, I'm not looking for crazy customization. Any smooth rom will do as long as it's compatible with my phone. What's available?
Boostinvr4 said:
I have a sprint galaxy s4 with the mja update. It's not rooted. I have no wifi at my house because my parents are cheap. I need to get a custom rom to unlock the factory hotspot, I'm not looking for crazy customization. Any smooth rom will do as long as it's compatible with my phone. What's available?
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A whole lot is available!
Please do some searching and reading.
leaderbuilder said:
A whole lot is available!
Please do some searching and reading.
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Do you think this is a good choice? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2512983
Boostinvr4 said:
Do you think this is a good choice? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2512983
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Oh that's an excellent choice.
Just make sure you know how to do what you want to do.
Boostinvr4 said:
Do you think this is a good choice? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2512983
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Like leader said. Be careful and make sure you read the whole OP at the minimum.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
You can always just root and install the hotspot mod.

I have a question?

I'm seriously thinking of buying one of these with the "1.7GHz octa-core Cortex-A7 CPU; 2 GB of RAM" version.
I'm not real happy and the operating system but I have read that lollipop has been installed and there are instruction for doing so.
However it did not state which version it was installed on?
Will it work on all versions?
Gabriel51 said:
I'm seriously thinking of buying one of these with the "1.7GHz octa-core Cortex-A7 CPU; 2 GB of RAM" version.
I'm not real happy and the operating system but I have read that lollipop has been installed and there are instruction for doing so.
However it did not state which version it was installed on?
Will it work on all versions?
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The only one I saw was Android 5.0 for Mi 2/2S at the Miui site.
Where did you see one for the Note?
tkalli said:
The only one I saw was Android 5.0 for Mi 2/2S at the Miui site.
Where did you see one for the Note?
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Gabriel51 said:
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Thanks for the info.
tkalli said:
Thanks for the info.
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Help me find out if it will work on the model I want, if you don't mind.
Or is there a stock android rom for this phone
Gabriel51 said:
Help me find out if it will work on the model I want, if you don't mind.
Or is there a stock android rom for this phone
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I am using this ONE
It is 4.2.2, but it is better than using Miui
tkalli said:
I am using this ONE
It is 4.2.2, but it is better than using Miui
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It looks good but i can't read a word about it.
Is there anything in English about it.
(i never liked the iphone look)
Gabriel51 said:
It looks good but i can't read a word about it.
Is there anything in English about it.
(i never liked the iphone look)
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I used the translation addon for Firefox.
I also joined the forum, since they have a lot of ROM's.
Here is AOSP ROM.
tkalli said:
I used the translation addon for Firefox.
I also joined the forum, since they have a lot of ROM's.
Here is AOSP ROM.
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I have that feature but I did not notice it at the top of the page.
I like these roms better better
The obstacle against better ROM's is the lack of the kernel source.
This why developers here don't do much with Miui.
Don't see this changing, so just have to find ROM's elsewhere.
tkalli said:
The obstacle against better ROM's is the lack of the kernel source.
This why developers here don't do much with Miui.
Don't see this changing, so just have to find ROM's elsewhere.
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Maybe things will break loose before long because they are selling a lot of these devices.
BTW; Will these roms you pointed me to work on the version I'm interested in?
Gabriel51 said:
Maybe things will break loose before long because they are selling a lot of these devices.
BTW; Will these roms you pointed me to work on the version I'm interested in?
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I have the Redmi Note 1W. It was sent to me by a friend in Malaysia.
Can only get 3G as it lacks the bands for LTE.
There is a newer version out for 4G/LTE.
Not sure if it has the bands necessary for the U.S. since it is sold in Asia
and Europe.

Could this be real? Official Oreo for the M9

News article and link to the source. I have my doubts and i'm trying to not get peoples hopes up here but if this is legit then I guess we have a reason to celebrate maybe
Don't be a tease[emoji14]
Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
We live and see it
Hope so....won't root until confirmed
eskimosound said:
Hope so....won't root until confirmed
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I'm not rooting my M9 anymore. The phone works just fine and I'm known to stuff things up by rooting, after all I don't plan on ever changing rom, Nova launcher does what I need, and as for adds.....oh well.
Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
2ISAB said:
I'm not rooting my M9 anymore. The phone works just fine and I'm known to stuff things up by rooting, after all I don't plan on ever changing rom, Nova launcher does what I need, and as for adds.....oh well.
Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
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I love rooting just to install sun dreams SRom...he's now not doing them anymore so that combined with the fact I want Oreo and the M9 is so wonderfully fast might stop me.
I will certainly wait until the Oreo update....to be fair though my favorite so far has been Jellybean!! Nougat is dull, I can't stand the Sense icons...thank goodness for the Theme app.
eskimosound said:
thank goodness for the Theme app.
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Too bad substratum doesn't really work on this phone. Or was it just me?
mrbtree98 said:
News article and link to the source. I have my doubts and i'm trying to not get peoples hopes up here but if this is legit then I guess we have a reason to celebrate maybe
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Found the source. Seems legit ? since i cant post urls yet just google optus
Android Software Updates-22-01-2018 and there is a 8.0 update listed under htc one m9
I wonder how much lag it's going to create..
Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
Janith said:
Found the source. Seems legit ? since i cant post urls yet just google optus
Android Software Updates-22-01-2018 and there is a 8.0 update listed under htc one m9
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I posted the link to both sources right above what you quoted
Guys, please don't put your hopes too high and take this rumor* with not only a grain but two hands full of salt.
HTC (like all big OEMs) officially supports its devices for 24 months after their market release. The M9 is getting three years old, soon. In other words, it's more than unlikely that HTC will provide any further updates for the M9. Especially since the EOL phase got reached almost a year ago and not just recently.
In addition, why should a carrier branded device get a major android update the unbranded European version or the dev edition doesn't get? Don't forget that these two versions normally got their updates around 3 months before the carrier branded ones. If the Optus variant really got android 8 at then end of February or the beginning of March then SKU 401 and 617 would already be running this newer version since somewhen between late December and mid-January.
Disclaimer: Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see the M9 getting another major update. However, chances are more than high that the whole thing is just a canard.
* Since this info is nothing more than that.
If a specific career device gets an update, would it be possible for all other variants to run it (ported version , may be?)?
Or, would it be possible to port it to other varriants?
thilak devraj said:
If a specific career device gets an update, would it be possible for all other variants to run it (ported version , may be?)?
Or, would it be possible to port it to other varriants?
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It depends. Theoretically, it should be possible, but some carrier specific feature might not work for other carrier. That is, if the ROM is still compatible with the old firmware.
shaqman89 said:
It depends. Theoretically, it should be possible, but some carrier specific feature might not work for other carrier. That is, if the ROM is still compatible with the old firmware.
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Apart from the carrier specific features, the rom still should work , right? That is software for literally the same hardware..
Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
I asked HTC on Twitter, here's their answer
lucyr03 said:
We live and see it
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hi ...why sygic apk not work on this rom ( HTC One (M9): S.Team S8.0 X5.5.8 ZX3.02) ?
help me. tnx
abbas_392003 said:
hi ...why sygic apk not work on this rom ( HTC One (M9): S.Team S8.0 X5.5.8 ZX3.02) ?
help me. tnx
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I don't know, I don't use this app and I'm not the rom developer.
Test, sorry please ignore this.
Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
thilak devraj said:
Apart from the carrier specific features, the rom still should work , right? That is software for literally the same hardware..
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In general term yes.
Note that carrier specific would sometimes means ril+modem. So in such cases, the port could work but leaving phone and data capability out.
