I read through this post for Androids, and the setting locations, etc, all are available for the OnePlus and I've setup my OnePlus's for this battery fix.
[GUIDE][PSA] Google Play Services battery drain fix
I also have a G3 and I have also read through the G3 posts. There is one long post about gp services and decreasing battery drain, but the success seems very limited, and it is not as direct or simple as the Guide. I have looked around my G3 settings and can not find the same menu options/ease of doing the changes.
Is there the same more direct and easy method as the Guide, for the G3?
Thank you.
Alright, so nothing so far. Would it be possible, since the two phone are Android based, to install the portion/app of Android from the OnePlus, where you can make the modifications, to the G3 somehow?
Can this thread be moved to Q&A?
JeffDC said:
I read through this post for Androids, and the setting locations, etc, all are available for the OnePlus and I've setup my OnePlus's for this battery fix.
[GUIDE][PSA] Google Play Services battery drain fix
I also have a G3 and I have also read through the G3 posts. There is one long post about gp services and decreasing battery drain, but the success seems very limited, and it is not as direct or simple as the Guide. I have looked around my G3 settings and can not find the same menu options/ease of doing the changes.
FIs there the same more direct and easy method as the Guide, for the G3?
Thank you.
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If you rooted your G3 and installed Exposed, add AppOps Exposed module. Then follow the guide. CM11 integrated appops in Privacy setting.
hwong96 said:
If you rooted your G3 and installed Exposed, add AppOps Exposed module. Then follow the guide. CM11 integrated appops in Privacy setting.
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Yes, I do have app ops on my G3.. Thanks, I'll try it.
Hello everybody,
I'd like to have a tablet UI for my emails apps and for the settings app.
My ROM (Revolt JB) includes the xposed framework settings.
I installed the framework and the module but even when I set a different DPI and select "tablet UI", the app (gmail) stays in phone mode. (It only works for chrome).
I've watched videos and tutorials about how to do it buy none of them worked for me...
If you guys can help me...
Sent from France to the best forum ever using my awesome Nexus 4
baxtandroid said:
Hello everybody,
I'd like to have a tablet UI for my emails apps and for the settings app.
My ROM (Revolt JB) includes the xposed framework settings.
I installed the framework and the module but even when I set a different DPI and select "tablet UI", the app (gmail) stays in phone mode. (It only works for chrome).
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I can't remember anymore which module exactly comes with ReVolt, but I use JellyBam which comes with "Xposed App Settings". You can configure the settings per app that way. I just tried it and when you set the resolution to at least 600p Gmail will use the tablet UI. You might want to check this thread. It has a link where you can download additional modules. I guess you will find the module in question there as well. Good luck!
Go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yx0a-C4xGTM will show how to set it up.
That's how i do ! I tried to download his xposed settings app but I couldn't install it... I really don't understand...
Sent from France to the best forum ever using my awesome Nexus 4
baxtandroid said:
That's how i do ! I tried to download his xposed settings app but I couldn't install it... I really don't understand...
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That's weird. I am by no means an expert and I have only a week ago rooted my phone for the first time, so I guess I am at my wits end here as well. But what happened when you tried to install the module? I guess the Xposed thread might be your best bet to find out what could be the problem though. I hope you can resolve the issue. In any case please keep us posted. Good luck again!
MasterRedfox said:
That's weird. I am by no means an expert and I have only a week ago rooted my phone for the first time, so I guess I am at my wits end here as well. But what happened when you tried to install the module? I guess the Xposed thread might be your best bet to find out what could be the problem though. I hope you can resolve the issue. In any case please keep us posted. Good luck again!
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The framework and the module both installs themselves normaly...
Sent from France to the best forum ever using my awesome Nexus 4
What should replace G3 Tweaks/Xposed on Android 5?
On my rooted KK rom, I used several Xposed functions, out of which the most important to me:
- Four options/extended boot menu
- Volume keys skip tracks (RDIO, PANDORA) while screen is off
- More volume steps
Android 5 (ART) currently voids Xposed
Can you guys recommend ART alternatives for the above (APK or Mod)
zolom said:
What should replace G3 Tweaks/Xposed on Android 5?
On my rooted KK rom, I used several Xposed functions, out of which the most important to me:
- Four options/extended boot menu
- Volume keys skip tracks (RDIO, PANDORA) while screen is off
- More volume steps
Android 5 (ART) currently voids Xposed
Can you guys recommend ART alternatives for the above (APK or Mod)
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So there is nothing out there yet, u have to wait if rovo89 make xposed ready for ART or alternatives.
Xposed will not work on Android L
Xposed will not work on Android L
Probably it will not be patched.
Let me tell you a story, of a time before xposed (GHAST, yes, for there was such a time!). Back in these dark days, mods used to be done by pulling apart an apk, making modifications in the code and rebuilding the apk to insert into a rom, the problem was these files were device specific, and often rom specific so it made modding very time consuming, and you had to remake a mod for each device and often each particular rom.
Xposed changed this, it patched files on the fly in such a way that it worked on every device and every rom (so long as the file it was patching, and the code it was changing was present).
Now we have no Xposed, we have to go back to those olden times, lets put on our robes and pick up that longsword and fight back.
..... TLDR: There is nothing that Xposed does that cannot be done 'the old way', it is just a far more time consuming process doing it the old way, and because it is now device and often rom specific finding a developer to do it for your device and rom might not be easy.
If there is automated call recording in a custom android 5 rom I will switch instantly.
Most other things are usually fixed by the custom roms as well.
GieltjE said:
If there is automated call recording in a custom android 5 rom I will switch instantly.
Most other things are usually fixed by the custom roms as well.
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Xposed/G3 Tweaksbox has automatic call recording...
Tweakbox > call settings > Enable auto call recording
Jodsfk421 said:
Xposed/G3 Tweaksbox has automatic call recording...
Tweakbox > call settings > Enable auto call recording
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I know, that's why I can't switch to 5 yet.
GieltjE said:
I know, that's why I can't switch to 5 yet.
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Oh, derp. I thought you were looking for the feature. My bad.
GieltjE said:
I know, that's why I can't switch to 5 yet.
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GieltjE said:
If there is automated call recording in a custom android 5 rom I will switch instantly.
Most other things are usually fixed by the custom roms as well.
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ACR app records perfectly calls with the G3
zolom said:
What should replace G3 Tweaks/Xposed on Android 5?
On my rooted KK rom, I used several Xposed functions, out of which the most important to me:
- Four options/extended boot menu
- Volume keys skip tracks (RDIO, PANDORA) while screen is off
- More volume steps
Android 5 (ART) currently voids Xposed
Can you guys recommend ART alternatives for the above (APK or Mod)
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There's apps at Google play for almost everything you want.
Quickclick for the music, reboot menu widget for four way reboot, and so on... [emoji106]
For Active Display what's the best app without xposed?
Any replacement for Xprivacy?
What about Appsettings?
this is only reason for I dont like upgrade to 5.
S3V3N said:
Xposed will not work on Android L
Probably it will not be patched.
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We know that.
Sent from my LG-D850 using XDA Free mobile app
Dude just wait xposed or something similar will eventually come for Android L too..
It's not just exposed. There are going to be a great many apps and tweaks that won't work on 5.0. Some will eventually be rewritten, some do things that might no longer be possible with Lollipop. All we can do is wait, and in the meantime decide whether the benefits of 5.0 outweigh the things we'll lose.
I'm going to hate the absence of Skip Lock, which the developer says can't be made to work on 5.0. That may keep me from upgrading for a while.
meyerweb said:
It's not just exposed. There are going to be a great many apps and tweaks that won't work on 5.0. Some will eventually be rewritten, some do things that might no longer be possible with Lollipop. All we can do is wait, and in the meantime decide whether the benefits of 5.0 outweigh the things we'll lose.
I'm going to hate the absence of Skip Lock, which the developer says can't be made to work on 5.0. That may keep me from upgrading for a while.
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Well, LG G3 got a built-in lock skipper. I think its code may be studied and exploited for another use.
GTMoraes said:
Well, LG G3 got a built-in lock skipper. I think its code may be studied and exploited for another use.
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It does? Can it unlock the device when connected to specific WiFi networks? 5.0 offers trusted Bluetooth, but not trusted WiFi, like Skip Lock does, and it also doesn't allow apps to unlock the screen. But my main point was that even if these capabilities are eventually provided, it will take time. Right now "upgrading" to Lollipop will mean doing without a lot of the tweaks and hacks we've become used to.
meyerweb said:
It does? Can it unlock the device when connected to specific WiFi networks? 5.0 offers trusted Bluetooth, but not trusted WiFi, like Skip Lock does, and it also doesn't allow apps to unlock the screen. But my main point was that even if these capabilities are eventually provided, it will take time. Right now "upgrading" to Lollipop will mean doing without a lot of the tweaks and hacks we've become used to.
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Bluetooth and NFC. It's a new build, of course it has no hacks. Let's just wait to see what will come.
GTMoraes said:
Bluetooth and NFC. It's a new build, of course it has no hacks. Let's just wait to see what will come.
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Right. But out of the box, 5.0 doesn't allow any app to trigger a screen unlock. A lot of other things have been locked down, too. For the time being, upgrading to Lollipop is going to mean doing without a lot of the tweaks we're used to.
I've seen a lot of threads about this but I can't quite seem to understand them. I switched from an iPhone and they have tweaks and such. Now I know Android is more open and more possibilities but I can't quite find a guide of some sort for my s4. I mean, is there a list of the most popular things to do on a rooted s4? Essential tweaks? Any recommendations? What I mean is that I'd like to customize my device without having to change the entire rom. I think I said that right.. lol.
Thanks in advance!
Start with xposed framework and all the various modules. Also definitely check out Wanam in the play store.
Thank You!
Cats_PJs said:
Start with xposed framework and all the various modules. Also definitely check out Wanam in the play store.
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Thanks for the information! Going to give that a shot now. :laugh:
shipwrexx said:
Thanks for the information! Going to give that a shot now. :laugh:
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Cool, also check out Viper audio, it is amazing, just set ui to expert and check their thread for an explanation of the settings.
Cats_PJs said:
Start with xposed framework and all the various modules. Also definitely check out Wanam in the play store.
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Can you use the XPOSED framework with the stock TouchWiz rom using 4.4.2?
In terms of customization I do:
1. Root the phone. I use root to get extra functionality out of a few apps.
2. Disable or Uninstall bloatware.
3. Download Apex Launcher [Free] and setup my homescreen with some basic gestures. I only use one homescreen with a calendar widget and 6 icons.
4. Download Better Battery Stats [Free/ROOT] from XDA so that I understand how my battery is being affected.
5. Download LMT Launcher [Free/ROOT] from XDA so that I can simply use PIE to control/navigate with my phone easily.
6. Download Llama [Free] or Tasker [Paid] or both for automation and doing custom tasks.
7. Download AirDroid [Free/ROOT] for a wireless way of managing my phone, needs root for special features.
8. Download AdAway (not sure where to get this, I forgot) but it will help stop ads in apps/games and more.
9. Download Light Manager [Free] to change the LED colour for events like charging, charged, text message, email and more.
10. Change how all notifications appear, have a look at Floatifications [Tria/Paid] and there are many others.
I find that the customization of Android depends on what you find to be annoying and inefficient, therefore I change it.
I personally think LMT Launcher to get access to PIE is the absolute best way to navigate and control your phone or tablet.
Think about themes for your phone, at least for the homescreen, I like dark icons and a dark wallpaper because when I use my phone at night it is really easy on the eyes. However certain apps don't have a night/dark mode and instead a white background and that's annoying.
Just to reiterate, think of something you dislike about how Android works and change it. There's literally an app to customize anything and majority of them are free.
Good luck!
MysticGolem said:
Can you use the XPOSED framework with the stock TouchWiz rom using 4.4.2?
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Yes, if you're rooted it will work.
shipwrexx said:
I've seen a lot of threads about this but I can't quite seem to understand them. I switched from an iPhone and they have tweaks and such. Now I know Android is more open and more possibilities but I can't quite find a guide of some sort for my s4. I mean, is there a list of the most popular things to do on a rooted s4? Essential tweaks? Any recommendations? What I mean is that I'd like to customize my device without having to change the entire rom. I think I said that right.. lol.
Thanks in advance!
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You are like me, you want to mod your phone while keeping stock ROM intact. Well, head on over to the Google Play store and download Wanam Xposed. You need the Xposed framework installed to use it though. Wanam enables you have a scrolling background, CRT off animation, change or hide the battery icon, etc.
Keep 'em coming!
I really appreciate all the replies!
But I typically want to keep the stock system.
May be hard to believe but I actually like TouchWiz UI. Lol.
But all suggestions are considered. Thanks again to everyone!
Well last night I was fed up with my battery consumption as I saw that I had had GPS on all the time for no obvious reason. I wanted to root the phone as I have 815 EU model but googled to check that App ops or similar apps work in Lollipop and found an interesting thing about G3. It has integrated permission manager that can be accessed from activities and does not need root. Wondering would it still be there in G4 I found it and tried it and It works. Now I dont have to give Soundhoud my fine location, Chrome beta does not need camera etc etc. And as I have not seen this brought up by anyone I thought to share it with you and hopefully sort out some bugs like my GPS always on situation.
So in short download a custom launcher ( I use Nova Prime) or Activity launcer and find Settings in the list and in there Access lock activity and add shortcut. Open it up and you see a list of you apps and you can restrict all the permissions app by app. After that exit the app and you are done. There is no even need to restart the phone (of course it wont hurt to reboot). I tried that mine works with Whatsapp by removing camera permissions from the app and it cant open camera anymore.
Awesome, thanks for the info. It works great! This should help with holding me over until we get root.
Same for me. Id like to wait until unofficial root to retain locked status even though I could root now via Lg's tools. This might be one way to stop me rooting until better way comes.
Sent from my LG G4
Could've just bumped the thread about it already that's sitting at the bottom of the first page (at least when I typed it)
Bootup said:
Could've just bumped the thread about it already that's sitting at the bottom of the first page (at least when I typed it)
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Sorry, must have not searched with the right keywords and/or just missed it or automatically dismissed the thread as it had App ops in the title as a thing for rooted phones. And as I have not seen any mention of this I thought of making this quick quide for those who missed it.
So i got my g6 Korean model, i have 2 questions here
1- on lock screen, its showing 2 time zones, the Korean and my local time, i tried everything i know, no settings to disable dual clock on lock screen, and my date and time are set to automatic detection, any idea if there is a way to make it only my local time (single clock)
2- the device is Korean as i mentioned, and has some Korean apps that can't be disabled, any idea how can i remove them using adb or any other method.
Am welling to answer others questions since i have the device in hand, am not in the US, am in dubai, so i can't answer any network related questions, but software related questions only. Am using it since 2 hours only, so don't go deep with questions about battery or deep impressions.
sorry, not an answer. Just would like to add I have the same questions as well. Particularly disabling the lockscreen clock (I'm guessing the phone is assuming we're roaming; and need to know the time back in Seoul).
How is the smoothness performance compared to the similar SoC One Plus 3T or the Google Pixel?
hidea said:
sorry, not an answer. Just would like to add I have the same questions as well. Particularly disabling the lockscreen clock (I'm guessing the phone is assuming we're roaming; and need to know the time back in Seoul).
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Ok, so i found a solution, an app called dual clock remover by much design on play store, download ut, press the second button, will give u an access to a hidden setting where u cab disable the dual clock.
Ali Mirza said:
How is the smoothness performance compared to the similar SoC One Plus 3T or the Google Pixel?
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I used both, 3t and pixel xl. Smoothness is great on g6, specially after the 2 updates i received since yesterday, if am giving 3t and pixel a 100 in smoothness, i will give g6 85-90.. But nothing to complain about, u don't actually feel it. I usually go to developers options and make all animation at 0.. I believe this helps always.
Amjad.AbdulGhani said:
Ok, so i found a solution, an app called dual clock remover by much design on play store, download ut, press the second button, will give u an access to a hidden setting where u cab disable the dual clock.
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awesome tip!!