[Q] S Planner default reminder/notification setting - Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Each time i add a new event in S Planner i have to manually add notification on each event and its kind of annoying.
Is there a way i can get a 15 minutes default reminder when adding a new event so i dont have to press "More options, then add 15 minute notification" on each event?
If possible i would like to do this without adding another calendar app, but if thats not possible, i would like recommendations on good calendar apps. (I know this is possible on the google calendar app, but i dont like the interface)

+1. Using the reminders more and more and this is a pain.
sent from my SGS5 running NeatRom


Default calendar

When I add an appointment to my calendar it adds it to My Calendar as default. Does anyone know how to default it to a google calendar like, other Android phones?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I am also having this problem. I would like to set the default calendar to be my Exchange calendar, so I don't have to remember to switch it every time I create an appointment.
did anyone ever come back with an answer on this? I would love to have a way to set google as my default calendar for syncing purposes...
I need this too, I just simply need the real android calander app back becuase I use the widgit from it to keep me alert of what I have to do when.
This stupid thing has this weird clock calender widget that takes a whole page and tells you nothing
I've looked everywhere I can, but I just can't find where to set a default calendar for new appointments. I can't believe they left such a simple and needed setting out.
I agree, this is very annoying. Hope this gets fixed either by a new ROM or an update.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Download another calendar application such as android agenda widget. They give you options to save.
Feeling Vibrant on xda-app
Thank god I'm not going crazy by myself with this - been looking for three days for a way to do this, thinking "it's an Android phone - surely you can set it to use your Google calendar as default!" But apparently I've been once again bitten by Samsung's crew of retarded engineers...
Yeah, this drives me up the wall, too. It's a shame, because I really love this calendar app.
Hopefully, they fix it. And if they never do, I'll just be sad.
I'm in the same boat here too going crazy over this.
Fyi, I gave instructions on how to do this in the sticky last night. I did it and it's FANTASTIC!
Download cyanogen 5.0.7 stable. I'll try and upload the files tonight if people need help.
I tried using the stock 2.1 app and it has that weird box on the top so I tried to push the touchwiz cal back but I have permission issues. Good thing I did a nandroid backup before I messed with it. I have resigned to just hitting new instead of long pressing in the calendar to add events and changing the default reminder to 15 min. Those 2 things are standard options that should be in any calendar made for android.

Bizarre Sammy default calendar bug....all versions!

Hi there,
Here's an odd bug I've been experiencing for some time now, wondering if anyone else is seeing this. I've experienced it with the last stock Froyo EC02 install as well as the current Gingerbread EF02.
I use and really like the Sammy stock calendar app. In the calendar list it shows 3 calendars, My Calendar, the gmail calendar, and an exchange calendar. I want to set the gmail calendar as the default, but every time I do it it changes the calendar ringtone to "Silent". Then I go to ringtones and reset it to any other ringtone and the default calendar changes back to "My Calendar". WTF!
I've been living with "My Calendar" as the default, that means I have to choose the correct calendar every time I create a new event. Anyone else see this bug? Any suggestions. (Please don't just tell me the app sucks and I should use xxx instead.)
I currently have my gmail calender set as the default and have a ringtone. I haven't set up an exchange account yet, but I need to. I'll do that and see if I can reproduce. Using virgin EC02.
Bump.......Nobody has ever seen this bug but me?
That is correct.
poit said:
Hi there,
Here's an odd bug I've been experiencing for some time now, wondering if anyone else is seeing this. I've experienced it with the last stock Froyo EC02 install as well as the current Gingerbread EF02.
I use and really like the Sammy stock calendar app. In the calendar list it shows 3 calendars, My Calendar, the gmail calendar, and an exchange calendar. I want to set the gmail calendar as the default, but every time I do it it changes the calendar ringtone to "Silent". Then I go to ringtones and reset it to any other ringtone and the default calendar changes back to "My Calendar". WTF!
I've been living with "My Calendar" as the default, that means I have to choose the correct calendar every time I create a new event. Anyone else see this bug? Any suggestions. (Please don't just tell me the app sucks and I should use xxx instead.)
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I have seen this as well. I just figured it was just me and never posted about it. This bug does cause me some issues. I like to use Calendar Snooze to manager my reminders. I believe this bug is what causes some of my reminders to never chime.
poit said:
Hi there,
Here's an odd bug I've been experiencing for some time now, wondering if anyone else is seeing this. I've experienced it with the last stock Froyo EC02 install as well as the current Gingerbread EF02.
I use and really like the Sammy stock calendar app. In the calendar list it shows 3 calendars, My Calendar, the gmail calendar, and an exchange calendar. I want to set the gmail calendar as the default, but every time I do it it changes the calendar ringtone to "Silent". Then I go to ringtones and reset it to any other ringtone and the default calendar changes back to "My Calendar". WTF!
I've been living with "My Calendar" as the default, that means I have to choose the correct calendar every time I create a new event. Anyone else see this bug? Any suggestions. (Please don't just tell me the app sucks and I should use xxx instead.)
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I have the same problem. I don't have any solution - I'm not even rooted and I'm not skilled in that sense. But I wanted you to know you're not alone or crazy. Very annoying bug.
What I've done in the past is simply log into the google calendar on my computer and delete 'my calendar'. I did it because I was annoyed by many of my entries not syncing because they were saved under the wrong calendar. But, maybe deleting 'my calendar' will help your situation as well.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
NawtyB78 said:
What I've done in the past is simply log into the google calendar on my computer and delete 'my calendar'. I did it because I was annoyed by many of my entries not syncing because they were saved under the wrong calendar. But, maybe deleting 'my calendar' will help your situation as well.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
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Seems like a great idea, but "My calendar" doesn't show up anywhere except on my phone. I'd love to delete it from the phone but I don't know how.
I use cozi and prefer it. You might give it a try. Its in the market and syncs multiple phones together so your family can share a camera. Handy for parents.
Etrick said:
I use cozi and prefer it. You might give it a try. Its in the market and syncs multiple phones together so your family can share a camera. Handy for parents.
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Not what I'm looking for.
I have the same issue
I reset phone to stock. Was working fine with the CalendarAlarmHelper before the reset. Also works when using frozen or any of the like firmwares...this is the first time I've had this issue...Im testing different things right now. Adding events to my cal, fixing the sound. I'll let you know how I make out.
After Trying different programs
I tried testing what the issue was. Reinstalling gmail app, adding new calendars, different notifications, chrome imbedded calendar app function changes, nothing worked. Honestly if I could get into the program of the calendar app and edit it, im sure i could find a fix for the bug in the program. But I ended up purchasing Nudnik Calendar Notifications, this one worked for my Epic 4G it was $2.50 but well worth the hassle. Custom notifications, works for all calendar events.
Wow, a thread rises from the dead. I liked the stock calendar, but this bug made me give up on it and start using Business Calendar instead. I just missed one too many appointments because the alert kept shutting off.

Can Someone Modify S Planner

Can anyone modify S Planner so it defaults to a users' google mail account rather than 'My Calendar' when entering a new event - or just get rid of My Calendar completely?
sman55 said:
Can anyone modify S Planner so it defaults to a users' google mail account rather than 'My Calendar' when entering a new event - or just get rid of My Calendar completely?
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It always defaults to My Calendar but you can just click on the Google Calendar account you want to save it to when you enter the details and have it sync to that google calendar automatically. It might have been a good idea for Samsung to have made the calendar choice "sticky" from the last time it was used but, for whatever reason, they didn't.
Yes that is what I was hoping someone could modify - it is just so annoying having to select the google calendar every time you make an entry. Since I do lots of entries it makes this programme unusable for me.
For me it always default to my Google calendar. But if you dont use My calendar - why just not untick in settings - calendars? After that I suppose your Google calendar would be default
There are two or rather three very annoying problems about the S-Plannar. First - "My calendar" is default no matter what, second - when you tap "event details" the "all day" box is ticked by default and third - when you untick this box, the date when the event ends changes to the next day, so you have to edit it every single time. This really makes me furious, dunno what kind of a retard had these "helpful" ideas, it really ruins the experience if you use it a lot.
Luckily, there is a way around it. What I did was I unticked all the calendars except my google calendar and second - when creating a new event I don't tap the day of the month on calendar, I tap an empty space below the calendar (where it says "No event (tap to create)". Unfortunately it works only for te first appointment of the day, but it's usually enough or me.
Ultimately, I'd be very grateful if somebody skilled could modify these things.
Thanks for that idea but it defaults to My Calendar no matter what
easycure1974 said:
For me it always default to my Google calendar. But if you dont use My calendar - why just not untick in settings - calendars? After that I suppose your Google calendar would be default
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sman55 said:
Thanks for that idea but it defaults to My Calendar no matter what
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA App
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Strange, but hey it is a Samsung
meh , this is very very annoying ! dunno what samsung were thinking when they added those stupid "touches" to that app !!!
its frustrating , u can never use the device as your daily organizer without bugging u out or driving u furious for those tiny little details that samsung left out !!!
is there a way to contact samsung about it and hope they can change it with ICS or any other update ? or we have to rely on xda developers ?
Mine syncs fine. see my message in other thread on this topic
Syncing is not the problem here tho!
mine one can select either my calendar or gmail.. now Im able to sync event with google calendar

Google calendar settings and date reading

So I'm sure this is a known issue but every time I restart my phone the Calendar settings reset. I have the week starting on Monday but it always goes to Locale default (which is Sunday) and also adds a default reminder of 15 minutes which I don't need. Any solution to fix that? Is there a way to manually change the system Locale default calendar day? I can deal with the reminder I guess but the week day throws me off every time.
Also when I had my iPhone in the email/Gmail app whenever I got an email with a date/time it would highlight it and let me add it to the calendar. Sadly I haven't seen this option here. On mobile anyway. Any mod that could fix that? I get my schedule emailed and it's a pain to add manually cuz I sometimes mess it up :/

Google calendar app reminders: sync problems

Reminders are non syncing properly in app and widget on Android (ok on wev).
Here's my scenario, tested on a phone and a tablet.
Add reminder in app: it shows on Web but not on app and not on widget.
Force sync in app: still nothing on app and nothing on widget.
Add normal event in app: even is added on Web and on app and on widget AND reminder now shows up also on app and on widget.
Delete reminder in app: reminder is deleted from Web but not from app and not from widget.
Delete event in app: event is deleted on Web and on app and on widget AND reminder is also deleted from app and from widget
It seems the problem is a display problem.
For example, if I modify a reminder on app, the changes appear on Web but not on app, still if I click the reminder in app it is opened with the changes made.
Also, if I delete a reminder from app, it is deleted from Web but not from app, yet if I click the reminder on app I get an error "reminder not found. As a proof: if I set a reminder it does not show in app but I get a notification when time comes!!!!!!!
I am having the same problem on Tab S2 8"
On the calendar forum someone us suggesting it's only a Samsung problem.
Anyone else?
Please can someone try?
Google keeps on telling it's a Samsung problem.
A video of the problem
And another one
Is there someone willing to try please?
I'm not asking too much, just try and see if you have the same problem as myself.
5 minutes...
Try deleting the apps data and cache in settings. Do the same to google framework
