Has anyone used GoAppzone? - IDEs, Libraries, & Programming Tools

Hi I have been trying out a IDE GoAppzone, its a javascript html based approach to app development, and it provides easy to use connectors for accessing databases. I wondered if anyone on this forum has tried it out and what they think of it as a concept, and what they think of it as an IDE? GoAppzone.com


The simplest question of all...

OK, here's one that you should all be able to help me with.
I am a programer, but have not yet begun to create programs for my XDA 2i. I REALLY don't know where to start... I bought MS C++ .NET with the possibly misguided impression that it was supposed to be rather like the Java virtual machine, and that I could simply whip up an exe on my PC then move it to the PPC and it would just work...
But now I'm SO confused. What's all this about SDKs and having different ones for different versions of Windows mobile? And then there's the compact .NET framework, and then there's ASP, but I'm fairly comfortable that that's a different issue entirely.
What is the simplest way for me to begin writing C/C++ programs to run on my XDA 2i? I'm not interested for the moment in phone or other connection aspects - let's say I'm trying to write a visual calculator. So simple logical operations and a simple GUI.
I have experience with MS visual studio C++, and I can use libraries when told which ones to use, but am otherwise uninterested in them.
I gather the absolute simplest solution might be to write some JScript, but I want to use .NET C++ since I forked out for it.
The trouble is, there's so much info out there. Please help, then maybe one day I can start contributing useful info to this site too.
Thanks everyone!
Phil Drew
questions and answers much like yours
download Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 from Microsoft.. if you are a member of MSDN

Ideas for Google Android Challenge

Hello all,
This post is in regard to the Google Android Challenge put out by Google to create/develop new software for the Google Android shell. If you haven't had a chance to read about it, it's basically a new OS created by Google to run on any type of PDAesque cellular phone. The challenge issued is then to develop new software for this OS (written in Java) so that when it is released it will have software available for it.
My question to all of you is what software would you like to see developed for this new OS? The reason I am asking for ideas is because I am a CS undergraduate student working in a research group to create one of these programs. Ergo, I figured asking you guys what you'd like to see created would be the best way to get ideas that will make sense and benefit the community.
Any ideas you submit here may be used in the creation of new software--if you require idea copyrights that can be worked out.
Thank you all in advance,
Jake Lake
Undergraduate Student at LCSC Lewiston, ID
Hello Jake,
We'll I'm a Java programmer too, not thinking of entering the challenge though. Had a quick look at the SDK for Android and it does'nt seem like pure java, more like a hybrid of C and Java does'nt it?
Since I have'nt had a thorough look at it, I'd like to ask you a few questions regarding the freedom to program on the platform.
Since it does'nt use the "normal" JVM but googles Davlik where theres no byte code but script code, does it allow better interaction with the hardware, and is it faster? Also can you implement equallizers and other effects in a media based application, which of course was not possible on J2ME. I was thinking on a All-round mediaplayer for Android, something like Rockbox which maybe found at www.rockbox.org which is a linux based program used on iPods etc.. but has been ported to Linux based EZX phones.

WM6 VS Development

What do you need apart from wm6 sdk and vs 2005 to get up and running to write simple apps.
may seem a daft question but i have managed to write little programs in c# 2005 but would like to look at vs 2008.
any help would be appreciated.
Nothing. Just create a Smart Device project. And 2008 didn't change much at all.
(On the second thought, though: common sense will be helpful.)
(On the third thought: "Express" editions will not do.)
...the Professional version of VS2005, the NET.CF installed on your Device,a good book about developing on Mobile Devices with .Net,some good ideas and other sdk`s,if needed...
What books? I've been searching everywhere, mostly there are the books about a program without a single line of code, just drag&drop. Can you advice please good books about mobile C++ programming??
C++ says who? Original poster was using C#.
C# books:
Judging by your avatar, here you are: http://www.intuit.ru/department/pl/csharp/lit.html
C++ books... get anything you want on Windows programming (MFC, WinApi, whatever), it's all the same. Almost. Use MSDN when in trouble.

Please help, info about using java on wm with c# & googlemaps api

Hi first I must apologize for posting here I know I should post in the questions and answers section, I have already done this twice with two similar posts but I have not received a reply I beleive because the expert programmers are less likely to look there to help people as most questions are about useing software not developing it. anyway here is what i posting before I really hope someone can help me...
Hello everyone I was wondering if anyone could answer this question for me.
I am creating a wm app and for part of it i want some information from googlemaps, the maps api is in java and i was thinking of ways to incorperate this into my app. Can i create a java program to get data from google and have my c# program run the java program and get info from it? I could write my program totally in java but i don't like the way i have to first start the vm and launch my program from that is there a way to automate this? also I need quite a lot of information from the phone so using c# will make getting this info easier.
or are there any other ways i might be able to get the info I want, I don't really know anything about applets but could they somehow be used?
oh btw the specific data i want is distance between to map locations (via googles route not direct)
many thanks i hope someone can help
I apologize again for posting in here but this app is for a final year project and I need to know if im barking up the wrong tree as soon as possible.
I might be wrong here, but to the best of my knowledge, Google Maps API is actually JavaScript API, not Java. If you found Java API, it's most likely a wrapper. And if it exists, I'm sure C# wrapper should exist as well. You might want to take a look at this. I know it's not exactly what you are looking for, but it might be helpful to some degree. Also, one other thing I can suggest, is to look at Virtual Earth API. I'm almost 100% positive, that they do have a C# implementation of the API.
Hi hobbbbit thanks so much for your reply, so googlemaps api is javascript , I have never used javascript before and saw that the api used objects methods and looked like java so i just assumed thats what it was. If there isn't a wrapper for c# do you (or anyone) know of a way of using the api to obtain one of the objects and use it in c#?
I would use virtual earth but unless I am totally wrong here I thought to use it you needed a licence which costs around $8000 which I don't want to pay for. Even with google if I wanted to release the app i think I would have to pay although I have contacted them and they say I can develop my app using the free api.
Ok well I took another look at virtual earth, I really am a complete idiot. I signed up for a FREE developers account so hopefully everything I need I can get from there.
again thanks for your advice if you hadent posted I would probably still be trying different ways to hack google earth to work in my wm app.
On codeplex is a windows forms project that uses googlemaps api as wel as a few others. Im pretty sure you can get an idea of how to go about this from there
cornelha said:
On codeplex is a windows forms project that uses googlemaps api as wel as a few others. Im pretty sure you can get an idea of how to go about this from there
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Superb this was just the thing I was looking for I will be sure to study this code closely. Thanks so much for the information.

noob question: How to start programming?

Hi all,
Finally I've my HD2 and I must say, I'm very happy with it!
I'm no noob in informatics, I program in VB and VBA and I'm DBA in Oracle and SQL Server. But to be honest, I don't now how to start.
I tried searching the forum here, but couldn't find a thread: how to start programming on a WMO-device.
Thanks already for the info!
PS for example I would like to program this:
keyboard layout French (AZERTY)
T9 language Dutch
Koen D said:
how to start programming on a WMO-device.
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You start programming for WM the same way you do it for Win32. Just download mobile SDK from Microsoft and you're good to go. You use the same IDE, Visual Studio, for mobile programming, and coding experience is the same, in addition to the fact that a lot of code using WinAPI will just work. There are differences of course with regard to memory management or power management etc., but those are either documented on msdn or are discussed at length everywhere on the web.
VB and .Net won't be good for your purpose though, you'd need native C++ code for things like rewriting a T9 engine I think.
Hey hey!
You can find many interesting postings and topics here:
There are much more. Please look for the "stiky" posts. There are often very usefull informations. Sure, the moderators open some stikys "just-for-fun"... ... but many topics are realy interesting.
Some external sites can help you, too:
http://developer.windowsphone.com/Default.aspx (of course)
you can became a part of the msdn (winmo special) here:
When you became a good dev. You should look for 3rd party stuff like:
For the beginning it should be enough.
You can also program in mobile java, which will make your app portable to more devices.
Do you want to be a ROM chef, or programmer?
Or both ?
To just program for the Windows Mobile OS, you can
grab a (free) version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010/2008
and download the WIndows Mobile development resource kit
from them.
Then you can blast away in C#, C or .NET
If you just want to cook ROM's then look at the kitchen thread.
Look at that thread anyway
Try Visual Studio, VB.NET and the Windows Mobile SDK there it is s
Hi mates, want to ask which is the best programming language for WM? C, C++, C#, VB.Net or something else. I did use C# a lot and can do little thing with SQL Compact. But, it seems lot of the current applications are not require .Net Framework installed on WM. Are they using C++?
Also, is there anything need to be considered for WM Web Programming (such as JavaScript, CSS support)?
siamchen said:
Hi mates, want to ask which is the best programming language for WM? C, C++, C#, VB.Net or something else. I did use C# a lot and can do little thing with SQL Compact. But, it seems lot of the current applications are not require .Net Framework installed on WM. Are they using C++?
Also, is there anything need to be considered for WM Web Programming (such as JavaScript, CSS support)?
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yep. most WM apps use C++, but even the C# apps will run as most of the ROMs contain the .NET fw by default
I have a question as well, are there any free-for-freeware frameworks for touch-friendly applications? Is there a Sense SDK?
bayowar said:
I have a question as well, are there any free-for-freeware frameworks for touch-friendly applications? Is there a Sense SDK?
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Microsoft has an SDK for 6.5's gesture support. I've not got around to using it yet though, so can't comment on it's quality or breadth of support.
Is there something I cant build using C only in this phones?
I mean can I build a complete rom, applications and such using only C?
thats the only lang I know so...
mr_Ray said:
Microsoft has an SDK for 6.5's gesture support. I've not got around to using it yet though, so can't comment on it's quality or breadth of support.
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I've seen that, what about buttons, sliders, tabs, flickable lists and all this stuff though. I've never developed for a mobile platform and I'd imagine starting from scratch with all UI elements steepens the learning curve quite a bit.
siamchen said:
Hi mates, want to ask which is the best programming language for WM? C, C++, C#, VB.Net or something else. I did use C# a lot and can do little thing with SQL Compact. But, it seems lot of the current applications are not require .Net Framework installed on WM. Are they using C++?
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There are pros and cons to using managed code (C#/VB), and the same holds true about native code (C++). The former is much easier for high-level tasks, but you get less control and it may get a bit tricky when you need to access WinAPI not included in .Net CF (although there are usually ways to do it via Platform Invoke). .Net applications start slower, which may be an issue for certain tasks. Native code is (should be) faster, but a bit more complex and you don't have things like automatic garbage collection and so on. Sometimes you need a couple of lines of code in C# instead of two dozen in C++. Sometimes not. On the other hand, writing something like a graphics-heavy game in C# would be a strange endeavor. Some things are outright impossible like writing a system service, AFAIK. All in all, the pros and cons are described at length everywhere, and it's up to you to decide.
bayowar said:
I have a question as well, are there any free-for-freeware frameworks for touch-friendly applications? Is there a Sense SDK?
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In the Development and Hacking section you'll find a C# GUI framework (it's called Manila UI Framework or something like that) made by a fellow XDAer.
bayowar said:
I've seen that, what about buttons, sliders, tabs, flickable lists and all this stuff though. I've never developed for a mobile platform and I'd imagine starting from scratch with all UI elements steepens the learning curve quite a bit.
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If you want non-standard UI elements it can get tricky. For standard UI it's a no-brainer. There are some third-party libraries available. In addition to the C# framework I mentioned earlier, there's Qt (a cross-platform UI framework used by Opera for all their desktop (Linux, Win and Mac) and mobile (WM and Symbian) and embedded platforms including TV set-top boxes) incarnations, Airplay SDK that's a cross-platform framework for Android, WM and iPhone, some others I can't recall right away. They may or may not be free however.
Thanks for the reply, good to know about Qt. I'm vaguely familiar with that, had now idea it found it's way to Windows Mobile.
The Manila framework is called Manila Interface SDK, at least that's the only match I found.
bayowar said:
I've seen that, what about buttons, sliders, tabs, flickable lists and all this stuff though. I've never developed for a mobile platform and I'd imagine starting from scratch with all UI elements steepens the learning curve quite a bit.
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Actually it is not the UI but the SDK that has a steep learning curve. Besides the usual loops and if then else.. you need to know exactly which library does what and there is the confusion as there are a couple of them doing similiar things eg Messaging API. At least that is what I encountered when I first started and I agree that C++ has a huge advantage over C# or VB.net as it can interact directly with the hardware api instead going over in a big circle and sometimes, some functions can't even be achieved using vb.net!
Just install vs.net and catch up on OO by diving into vb.net.
You'll be fine coding in either C# or VB.NET, the BCL for Ce is leaner than that for full blown windows but still very usable. After installing vs2008 don't forget to update the default install to wm6.5 sdk.
siamchen said:
Hi mates, want to ask which is the best programming language for WM? C, C++, C#, VB.Net or something else. I did use C# a lot and can do little thing with SQL Compact. But, it seems lot of the current applications are not require .Net Framework installed on WM. Are they using C++?
Also, is there anything need to be considered for WM Web Programming (such as JavaScript, CSS support)?
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Hi mate,
I reckon c++ so u dont need to redisttibute the framework and your app will run fast, but if u want to write apps with db access net framework is the easy way, I'm in Sydney and I do c++ so PM if u need some help,
BTW is there some good app for programming in my HD2? taking my work on the go? something like visual studio mobile version?

