[Q] Display DNG files in Android app - IDEs, Libraries, & Programming Tools

I am looking for a library for Android which offers the function to decode RAW files(specific DNG).
I have tried to port dcraw to Android with no sucess. I have also tried FreeImage but it doesnt work on Android either.
Any suggestions regarding this?


Developing a video recorder

I'm a newbie developing for PocketPC. Can anyone point me how to start developing a video recorder using the built-in camera on a XDA-III? I also need to have access to individual frames to perform some image interpretation such as motion detection. Any help is usefull. I use Visual Studio 2003
Thank you,
the easy way would be to get some code as to how it's don on pc because
how you access frames from the streams are the same if you use a pda or pc
the files are still mp4 or avi or ...... what you set them to
if you grab and then work with the ripped file
if you want to do it real time you face 2 issues
1 the camera API is not public from HTC
2 the cpu's in pda's even though they are fast Mhz are much much slower then even pc cpu's of the same speed so real time checking the stream could be impossible
Hi Rudegar,
Thanks for the reply! On the PC i usually use a wrap library for DirectShow i don't think it's available for the PocketPC. Do you know where i can get the camera API?
did a search in this foruk for camera api and here are some hits i got
Wince50 provide some directshow api ... can you suggest some tutorials ?

[Q] Extracting frames from a video

Hello everyone,
I've been looking for a way to extract frames from a video for my Android App... The only things I found were related to the Java Media Framework, which I did not succeed to use since Eclipse doesn't seem to recognize the packages even though I've installed JMF on my computer.
What I need is to be able to get a video that is located on the SSD card of the phone (The video is recorded from the phone) and be able to separate all the frames of it, so I can make some processing out of it... Is there any other way than the JMF library? Or maybe can someone help me get JMF to work?
Thanks a lot in advance for any help at all!
You wont be able to do this from the phone. Transfer the video to the computer, then use a video editing program to save frames. You will probably have to save each frame individually, unless you can find software to do it automatically.
I really hope you do figure out how to do this, especially if you're doing it to make any sort of video editing app. And if you're making a video editor please put a rotate video option. I always film in portrait mode then realize unlike the camera there's no rotate.

[Q] How can I access the decoded text from my Android app?

I'm beginner in Android programming and I'm working on an Android app, that connects to a .crl file on the Internet and gets some data from it. I need to be able to decode this file (like an ASN.1 JavaScript decoder) and then use the decoded data.
My question is, how can I access the decoded data from my Android app? Is there some way to reference the decoded text online? Or is there a way, to include a decoder in my Android app?
Thanks for helping.

[Q] M.O.J.O as home cinema center

I'm trying to setup my Mojo as full-featured media center android solution. Unfortunately, i'm struggling with two things that I can't figure out how to solve:
1. HDMI audio bitstreaming - is it possible on stock rom? Or it is possible only on CM 12? Is this software or hardware limitation?
2. Screen refresh rate change/screenmode change - is it possible to set screenmode like 1080p24 or 1080p23 on MOJO? Is it ever possible on ANY android device? I was looking for any generic solution but it looks like that Android doesn't support refresh rate change at all. This suprised me very much as android solutions seem to be very popular as media center/home cinema solutions... without any option to change refreshrate or colour output profile (RGB full, RGB limited or others) it makes the device worse than smart tv itself.

Is it possible to record a live video stream / feed from phone camera w/ animation

I'm new to Android. I'm designing a mobile game that uses the phone camera. One of the key features of my app will be recording a live video feed from the camera with an animated overlay.
Some examples of apps that already do this:
various dash cam apps
like this one: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.busywww.dashboardcam
I'm researching which platforms would be best for this task?
Android Camera2 API
Android Camera API
CWAC-2 Android Camera API Wrapper
I've read that Android Camera2 API is limited to Lollipop or higher and that Android Camera API is being deprecated. I also asked the author of CWAC-2 and he said that it's not possible with his library.
So, that leaves the top 3 left as candidates. I'm not sure if which of those would be easiest to implement, offer the widest compatibility and have the highest quality results.
What would be the best framework for doing this task?
Thank you!

