[Question] Multi Window status? - Omni Q&A

As per the title, has development ceased on that style of multi-window? Is the 'Floating Window' similar? With the Nexus 6 rumored to have a 5.9" screen I was hoping that a custom ROM would have something similar to the LG G3 Dual Windows which is great.

parker09 said:
As per the title, has development ceased on that style of multi-window? Is the 'Floating Window' similar? With the Nexus 6 rumored to have a 5.9" screen I was hoping that a custom ROM would have something similar to the LG G3 Dual Windows which is great.
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It's been on hold for quite some time. It was about 90% working, but had some final issues that needed work. After further review, xplodwild actually wants to completely rewrite the feature again after reading up on some interesting infrastructure in Android we didn't know about before. (I don't have the link on this machine).
At this point it might not get finalized until L - since L is going to change a LOT of different things.

Entropy512 said:
It's been on hold for quite some time. It was about 90% working, but had some final issues that needed work. After further review, xplodwild actually wants to completely rewrite the feature again after reading up on some interesting infrastructure in Android we didn't know about before. (I don't have the link on this machine).
At this point it might not get finalized until L - since L is going to change a LOT of different things.
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Thanks for the fast response, glad it didn't get abandoned.

parker09 said:
Thanks for the fast response, glad it didn't get abandoned.
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Yeah it's something I've wanted to finish up but didn't have time. The last issues with the patch proved significantly more difficult/time-consuming to solve than expected. Namely:
1) Layout in some apps is totally broken. G+ is the most obvious example of this. As a result we're probably going to have to implement a whitelist similar to Samsung's multiwindow. (Apps won't work unless whitelisted by the frameworks or the app declares itself as compatible in the manifest. We'll likely use the same manifest declarations Samsung does, e.g. assume any app compatible with Samsung's multiwindow should be compatible with ours.
2) Re-layout of apps after a rotation was really flaky. This is the #1 reason plodey wants to do a rewrite. He's been buried in a special project for a while, he was supposed to be wrapping up in September but that schedule seems to have slipped.


Google's Android - why isnt there more development for this?

incase anyones not familiar with android, check that site out.
im not sure why there isnt more development or developers that are going after this in terms of getting it working on all devices? im currently using it on my vogue and its amazing. definately better UI in terms of EVERYTHING. its open source, so i think developers should be all over this! has so much potential its kind of ridiculous
vogue thread
its working about 80% now thanks to amazing developer martin.
the browser and everything (overall UI) are so much better and smoother than windows mobile! and being that its open source with google ENCOURAGING development of apps and themes and skins and whatnot, i think this is the next best thing to happen to ppc's.
THIS is the actual iphone killer.
just some samples
on a vogue (very smooth)
just a demo of the browser (mine is actually a little smoother than this)
the reason im posting this here is because i was the first one to post in this section with manilla2d (when udk first released it), asking whether we can get this on other devices, and look what happened with that. if we can get the amazing developers from here to work on this like they worked on m2d, then wow this will be amazing!
Yeah, even I'm suprised at the low level of excitement of porting this to all devices. Hoping for some real development . Btw, those videos are pretty impressive.
Yeah... I'm a little surprised too.
I have a Vogue now, so I'm OK, but I'd love to see somebody pick this project up for the Touch Pro. It seems to be very similar to the G1, so the porting would be a lot more complete than the porting to the Vogue.
Hopefully somebody with the skills (read: not me) will undertake this.
it'll pick up. i say in 6 months to a year people will snap out of the apple app dev craze. but from a dev point of view, apple is where its at right now. the amount of money you could make is a driver by all means.
htc will also be a key part in this. when they start to release better looking hardware, perhaps something on par with the diamond....you'll see a user increase. and user increase translate into dev interest. so just hang in there....i think you'll get what you want soon.
A ppc that works only on 80 Percent ? And no additional Software, no outlook syncronisation? Thats at the moment somthing for freaks or people with a second device
If there would be a 100 Percent Android i would install it, believe me, because i´m not very happy with windows anymore.
So i think we must wait and hope.
My next Device in half a year will be hopefully the Touch HD with Android rolleyes
because it makes no sense to port androud to a phone that is not 3G with GPS.
the only advantage of the g phone that I saw was the service. 3G and free GPS! i'm like, how much for the puppy in the window?
I honestly think that porting it to my wizard would be senseless.
without the service the gphone is just a phone wothout service.
S.V.I said:
because it makes no sense to port androud to a phone that is not 3G with GPS.
the only advantage of the g phone that I saw was the service. 3G and free GPS! i'm like, how much for the puppy in the window?
I honestly think that porting it to my wizard would be senseless.
without the service the gphone is just a phone wothout service.
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Of course it is always pointless. We do it because we can (and because we don't want to do anything while at work)
(and much like bluemetal, we are all tired of the same old look and functionality in our WM devices). Then again, it can always be worse....
we could all have iphones
Anyways, I am looking forward to someone porting this to the Blue Angel.
The bigest stumbling block for me is lack of Exchange support. GPS isn't really necessary with the cell tower triangulation available. The accuracy is getting better. It will never be as tight as GPS but close is good enough for me. I can do with out 3G (I wish I had it) I don't enjoy the experience with the little screen. It's like looking at the ocean through a porthole. A 5 inch screen with much better resolution would be great. I use it for quick info but surfing is not fun.
I do like the idea of going linux on the phone. It would be that much closer to having a truely mobile desktop. We wouldn't have to install resource hogging shells that ride on top of an already bloated today screen to get better customization.
I think the biggest problem overall though is the hardware needed will put a lot of older equipment like my little wizard out to pasture. I don't have the funds to rush out an purchase a new phone. And yes I think all the bugs will need to be shaken out for a while before I take the plunge. Maybe by the 2nd or third generation of Android things will be a little less "bleeding edge". It all looks great now but I rely on my phone too much to gamble on an untried system.
To be completely honest, I too am suprised by the lack of progress.
This is a complete replacement for Windows Mobile: something we've all only dreamed about up until now. It will have a wicked Dev community around it soon enough.
There were a hell of a lot of efforts to get the Beta running. But now... nothing?
*so confused
The worst part is, it'd be gorgeous on my LG KS20, but I doubt we'll see it anytime soon: no one loves us KS20 owners. Guess you were all just jealous of our drivers.
bluemetalaxe said:
A ppc that works only on 80 Percent ? And no additional Software, no outlook syncronisation? Thats at the moment somthing for freaks or people with a second device
If there would be a 100 Percent Android i would install it, believe me, because i´m not very happy with windows anymore.
So i think we must wait and hope.
My next Device in half a year will be hopefully the Touch HD with Android rolleyes
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i don't know if you read my whole post, but i never said "hey everyone lets run something 80% finished on our ppcs."
waiting and hoping isnt going to do anything, thats why i started this thread. to get more attention instead of sitting and waiting for something we arent sure is going to ever happen.
im glad a lot of other people are on the same page as me, wondering why there is barely any development for this. thanks for the support guys
lets get some devs in here to weigh in on this!
Well, there's a number of quite simple reasons...
- Porting Android to another device isn't as simple as "Hey, it's Open Source, you just have to compile and install". First of all, you'd need to find a working cross compiler for ARM in the first place (one using Windows' API, like those used for PPC apps isn't much help). Then you'd need to write drivers for usually undocumented hardware with this cross compiler or in ARM assembler (reusing existing WM drivers, like in cooked ROMs, wouldn't work in Linux). Finally, you need to find a way to flash that system to your PPC (that's a bit more work than a patched/cooked variation of an already existing WM ROM), and so on. That's work for the kind of freaks who would do their taxes binary in mind...
- Writing apps for a system almost nobody own so far isn't that attractive. It's even less attractive if the potential developer doesn't own one - the real experience is always a bit different to an emulator, and usually would like some use for himself, too (what good is an mobile app for you if you'd need a laptop with emulator to use it? ). So far, there's only one official Android device out there, and aside from the fact it's still a bit "first try, for developers only" (no Outlook sync, ugly design, ...), you only get it in very few parts of the world or in overpriced eBay auctions. Inofficial ports with reduced functionality and maybe buggy or slow "beta" drivers aren't that great, too...
- While the Android API is quite close to common Java style, it's still something completely new, which requires some time to get into the framework's basic style, the available functions, the loopholes and small tricks, etc. With WM, the gap to common Windows (desktop) programming is way smaller, and I guess it's similar with the iPhone and Mac programming.
Or, in other words: Give Andoid some time to grow up. IMHO, G1 and the few existing ports are a playground for hackers and early adopters, so they can get startet with fixing (security holes, missing functionality, ...). Then, in some months, more devices with a "hacker improved" Android will be published, and when developers buy those, they also will start writing apps if they are missing something.
you'd think more people would be starting to port.. because god is that g1 terrible, you have to have sharpened pencils for fingers to type on that flush keyboard)
Mort said:
Well, there's a number of quite simple reasons...
- Porting Android to another device isn't as simple as "Hey, it's Open Source, you just have to compile and install". First of all, you'd need to find a working cross compiler for ARM in the first place (one using Windows' API, like those used for PPC apps isn't much help). Then you'd need to write drivers for usually undocumented hardware with this cross compiler or in ARM assembler (reusing existing WM drivers, like in cooked ROMs, wouldn't work in Linux). Finally, you need to find a way to flash that system to your PPC (that's a bit more work than a patched/cooked variation of an already existing WM ROM), and so on. That's work for the kind of freaks who would do their taxes binary in mind...
- Writing apps for a system almost nobody own so far isn't that attractive. It's even less attractive if the potential developer doesn't own one - the real experience is always a bit different to an emulator, and usually would like some use for himself, too (what good is an mobile app for you if you'd need a laptop with emulator to use it? ). So far, there's only one official Android device out there, and aside from the fact it's still a bit "first try, for developers only" (no Outlook sync, ugly design, ...), you only get it in very few parts of the world or in overpriced eBay auctions. Inofficial ports with reduced functionality and maybe buggy or slow "beta" drivers aren't that great, too...
- While the Android API is quite close to common Java style, it's still something completely new, which requires some time to get into the framework's basic style, the available functions, the loopholes and small tricks, etc. With WM, the gap to common Windows (desktop) programming is way smaller, and I guess it's similar with the iPhone and Mac programming.
Or, in other words: Give Andoid some time to grow up. IMHO, G1 and the few existing ports are a playground for hackers and early adopters, so they can get startet with fixing (security holes, missing functionality, ...). Then, in some months, more devices with a "hacker improved" Android will be published, and when developers buy those, they also will start writing apps if they are missing something.
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ok now these reasons make a lot of sense. im just surprised that not as many people are trying to get it started so they can get started on fixing, like you said. but ok, all of your other reasons make complete sense. im sure the future releases of android will only get better.
android just seems like exactly what many of us have been looking for in wm devices, basically, a complete UI replacement endorsed/created by a large company (other than microsoft lol).
jakub_w said:
im just surprised that not as many people are trying to get it started so they can get started on fixing, like you said.
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Who knows? AFAIK, the order numbers aren't that bad, and all those reviewers give some feedback, too. I mean, it's only a week since the G1 is available at all, and, as said, it's not very attractive so far. Not everybody wants to spend hundreds of dollars just to provide Google with requests and code changes and T-Mobile and HTC with money...
android just seems like exactly what many of us have been looking for in wm devices, basically, a complete UI replacement endorsed/created by a large company (other than microsoft lol).
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I don't think the UI is the really big thing about Android. You can even replace it completely, and I don't know (yet) where the limits / design guides are for applications. I just hope it doesn't get as confusing as Linux on the desktop, where even a Gnome or KDE desktop can be modified so far that it's almost as hard to switch distros as switching from Windows to MacOS...
The important things about Android are more in the basic technology, imho, like
- A stable, timeless system core (*nix is older than me, so "modern" is not quite correct - that goes for MacOS X, too, btw...)
- Seamless integration of connection management and phone functions (opposed to WM, where it still acts like a makeshift patchwork, and with every update less APIs are working...)
- Portable application framework (Java, lots of system APIs)
- Simple application installation (no "is this EXE a PC setup or the PPC executable?", "How the hell do I install a CAB file?", ...)
However, I still wonder how/if Andoid will support direct PC synchronization (for shared files, contacts, appointments, music, ...) and how fast and memory consumptive the required Java VM is... (Well, at least none of the G1 reviews I read complained about that, so it seems to be faster than .NET on WM...)
i was just playing around with android and in the dev tools or api demos theres a section called opengl es. i have a vogue and i tried these, they ran extremely smoothly. isnt this something that everyone has been saying is impossible? (specifically for getting tf3d to run on the vogue) i think this proves that software driven 3d is more than capable of handling tf3d. just a thought.
jakub_w said:
i was just playing around with android and in the dev tools or api demos theres a section called opengl es. i have a vogue and i tried these, they ran extremely smoothly. isnt this something that everyone has been saying is impossible? (specifically for getting tf3d to run on the vogue) i think this proves that software driven 3d is more than capable of handling tf3d. just a thought.
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I definitely agree with you on that. Thing is though is that this is a completely different environment with a different set of drivers (and rules) which makes (for example) modifying their parameters to allow for keys normally used for certain functions in WM to be used for something completely different. Also OpenGL (ES) is all that is used on *nix OSes whether or not they run on full or embedded hardware. All that's needed is the driver for the graphics chip. Microsoft wants you to use their proprietary D3D not OpenGL (ES) hence why it was impossible to have OpenGL (ES) before. Also TF3D uses DirectX and not OpenGL ES AFAIK.
Android is great. Only thing I need is a way to get the SDcard image working and a HTC Touch Pro to port Android, Angstrom and/or OpenMoko to, I'd be set.
why would you develop software for an operating system that isn't even fully ported yet?
joel2009 said:
why would you develop software for an operating system that isn't even fully ported yet?
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- It's Linux and Open Source (some people wouldn't touch a closed system with a stick...)
- It's nice to be prepared when you get the running system
- There is a device with that OS
- The documentation is way better than Microsoft's
- There's a good chance the API will remain compatible, so it doesn't hurt to start early (opposed to WM, where some basic features can/could only be done with device dependant or inofficial APIs, which were dropped in newer updates...)


v0kal said:
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As of now this is all I would be interested in from 3.0 . Hope cyanogen can pull this into CM7
New types of connectivity: New APIs for Bluetooth A2DP and HSP let applications offer audio streaming and headset control. Support for Bluetooth insecure socket connection lets applications connect to simple devices that may not have a user interface.
Yep seems to be a preview SDK for 3.0 with a final SDK in coming weeks. Simply prep for Honeycomb tablets.
"A built-in GL renderer lets developers request hardware-acceleration of common 2D rendering operations in their apps, across the entire app or only in specific activities or views."
So it seems that 2.3 isn't hardware accelerated...now I want 3.0 on my desire . But here's another quote:
"Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) is a new version of the Android platform that is designed from the ground up for devices with larger screen sizes, particularly tablets."
So Honycomb isn't for phones? I really hope Google can clear things up a bit because I remember Andy rubben saying the Honycomb can adapt to phones & tablets.
Any thoughts or theories?
Weren't there enough thoughts and theories about it?
Jack_R1 said:
Weren't there enough thoughts and theories about it?
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Yes there was a lot of theories, but now we have something official to discuss rather than hearsay. Anyway, don't discuss if you don't feel like it.
How about the 2.4? really don't know what Goolge is thinking about. Just want a stable version and improve it by other works. Not so much version and make people confuse. It seems that N1 may not flash it~~
mr.r9 said:
Yes there was a lot of theories, but now we have something official to discuss rather than hearsay. Anyway, don't discuss if you don't feel like it.
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Looking at the new preview SDK, it only big screens by default. And reading through the platform highlights really only mentions tablets. However, a couple Android devs have already stated its for all platforms. Seems to me that they don't want to reveal that its for phones yet, so that they can advertise that it is made for tablets.
The main criticism the iPad got was being a giant iPhone. I think they want to avoid that by having people believe that it isn't the same Android that is on phones.
I guess when they release the full SDK we'll know for sure.
Interesting...the beat goes on!
Honeycomb is also for phones, but we all knew that right?
From the documentation:
Publishing your app for tablet-type devices only
Additionally, you should decide whether your application is for only tablet devices (specifically, xlarge devices) or for devices of all sizes that may run Android 3.0.
If your application is only for tablets (xlarge screens; not for mobile devices/phones), then you should include the <supports-screens> element in your manifest with all sizes except for xlarge declared false.
With this declaration, you indicate that your application does not support any screen size except extra large. External services such as Android Market may use this to filter your application from devices that do not have an extra large screen.
Otherwise, if you want your application to be available to both small devices (phones) and large devices (tablets), do not include the <supports-screens> element.
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Well, all clear then! The future of Android looks neat!
Nice find
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
spamlucal said:
Honeycomb is also for phones, but we all knew that right?
From the documentation:
Well, all clear then! The future of Android looks neat!
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Hmmmm...good find! Android is getting really interesting visually, which is IMO a milestone it needed to reach a while ago
Anyway, can't wait for an alpha sdk image on my phone to play with if that's possible currently
Forget Ginga and Honeycomb. Havent you all hear of whats ahead of honeycomb? Its called " Chicken Soup". Yup, ik... Weird name. But its only for dual core over 2ghz. So phones arent ready. Its suppose to be completely holographic 3d without glasses. Pretty neat. And requires horsepower of xbox 360 or more. Anything less and its a no go. Its suppose to be the next gen OS and quantum leap from even honeycomb. Remember the name "chicken soup". Its comming next year by christman. Cant wait!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
SINNN said:
Forget Ginga and Honeycomb. Havent you all hear of whats ahead of honeycomb? Its called " Chicken Soup". Yup, ik... Weird name. But its only for dual core over 2ghz. So phones arent ready. Its suppose to be completely holographic 3d without glasses. Pretty neat. And requires horsepower of xbox 360 or more. Anything less and its a no go. Its suppose to be the next gen OS and quantum leap from even honeycomb. Remember the name "chicken soup". Its comming next year by christman. Cant wait!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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This was a horrible and incredibly illogical troll/joke attempt
spamlucal said:
Honeycomb is also for phones, but we all knew that right?
From the documentation:
Well, all clear then! The future of Android looks neat!
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It actually does not mean much.
Android application could always define different layouts for different resolutions, orientations, themes or screen sizes. So, it is just one additional form factor, one of many. And the way to say to the market which layouts are supported and which are not.
It also does not mean, that "honeycomb for phones" would be the same as honeycomb for tablets "just smaller".
They only said, that phone version will move in similar direction. Which can mean pretty much anything.
In fact I expect, that honeycomb for phones will be seriously different, since a lot of new honeycomb for tablets features on smaller screens do not make any sense.
My theory:
Honeycomb is currently, Tablets only.
We are going to see a division in Android for Phones and Android for Tablets.
Tablets will be at 3.0 starting off.
Phones are currently at 2.3, and will continue 2.4 being Gingerbread as well with updates that should have happened with 2.3. (Like 2.0 and 2.1 being Eclair)
Once phones have the ability to run such a resource hungry operating system(3.0) the Phone and Tablet versions of Android will merge into one.
Wisefire said:
My theory:
Honeycomb is currently, Tablets only.
We are going to see a division in Android for Phones and Android for Tablets.
Tablets will be at 3.0 starting off.
Phones are currently at 2.3, and will continue 2.4 being Gingerbread as well with updates that should have happened with 2.3. (Like 2.0 and 2.1 being Eclair)
Once phones have the ability to run such a resource hungry operating system(3.0) the Phone and Tablet versions of Android will merge into one.
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But the hardware of the new tablets is the same Tegra 2 of the new phones, so I think the problem is the adaptability of the OS to smaller screens in a way it is usable for our fingers.
Anyone here used the leaked "honeycomb music player"? It has all the new characteristics we saw on the xoom tablet but worked very nice on my Nexus One with 2.2.1.
I think when honeycomb's source code come out we will get working builds.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
I heard Ice cream is going to be only for refrigerators. You know cause of the thermostat API that very few phones support.
marlonbr said:
But the hardware of the new tablets is the same Tegra 2 of the new phones, so I think the problem is the adaptability of the OS to smaller screens in a way it is usable for our fingers.
Anyone here used the leaked "honeycomb music player"? It has all the new characteristics we saw on the xoom tablet but worked very nice on my Nexus One with 2.2.1.
I think when honeycomb's source code come out we will get working builds.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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I believe you are absolutely right. I tried making an AVD for Honeycomb with the screen resolution of my Nexus One. The launcher force closed continuously but you could see that the standard pull down notification bar was there. So I take that to mean that Honeycomb is for all devices and just changes its layout based on screen size.
draugaz said:
It actually does not mean much.
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A little bit of context: The text I copy-pasted is in a section called "Upgrade or Develop a New App for Tablets and Similar Devices"
In it, is says:
If you want to develop something truly for tablet-type devices running Android 3.0, then you need to use new APIs available in Android 3.0. This section introduces some of the new features that you should use.
The first thing to do when you create a project with the Android 3.0 preview is set the <uses-sdk> element to use "Honeycomb" for the android:minSdkVersion.
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What does this mean? it means this app won't work on anything other lower than honeycomb. So, the "choose your screen size" text I pasted yesterday applies to honeycomb-only apps.
The documentation in the SDK is a nice read actually

Honeycomb ROM, are we going to let the nook guys beat us?

Picture me in the braveheart costume for this: the nookcolor has an early port of honeycomb working already. They skipped right over froyo and gingerbread, how dare they! The nook isn't even a true android tablet, I say we fight, show them what a real 3.0 tablet looks like! Who's with me?
Seriously though, any gen 8 devs have an idea here? I'm aware the full SDK isnt even out but can we do it? I'm not a programmer but i pledge my time and brain to the cause. I'd even throw $20 to the dev.
I can draw a boot screen for it in MS Paint.
I bought my 101 knowing that Froyo would be acceptable, but hoping that there would be community support to bring Gingerbread along too.
Not going to happen on the 70 until source is out. The emulator image won't run at the 70's resolution. The launcher just crashes. Could happen on the 101 though. I only have the 70 so not much i can do to help with that device.
LOL. I was coming here to post the exact same question.
I hope that Archos understands that They need to be proactive with respect to pushing new versions of Android. I have a Moto Cliq, and Motorola hasn't even tried to push Froyo out yet. It is so annoying to be a step behind everyone else. I hope Archos isn't going to take the same approach.
If you look closely you will see that the honeycomb in there is running on a 2.6.29 kernel.
So there schould be no real problem.
When the full SDK Source code is released can we expect a ROM? I really hope so, although I'm fairly confident Archos will follow through and give us an official release.
I blame availability (Nook is about everywhere). Hopefully in the upcoming days I will be donating my Archos to a group of people who do AOSP work.
Tsusai said:
I blame availability (Nook is about everywhere). Hopefully in the upcoming days I will be donating my Archos to a group of people who do AOSP work.
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Won't we need a custom bootloader before we can load a new ROM? Isn't is b/c Archos has signed and encrypted the actual "ROM" layer of Android that we can't flash our own ROMs?
From my understanding, and someone please correct me if I am wrong since I'm just learning, Archos has file system protections on Application Framework, the Andriod Runtime, and the Libraries but has unlocked the Kernel layer in the SDE for us (http://developer.android.com/guide/basics/what-is-android.html) . Essentially we can adjust how the hardware interacts with their mostly vanilla versions of Eclair and Froyo but can't change what is a majority of what people call the "ROM". It seems that $auron and a few others are gifted with finding ways to change the way the ROM functions by programming at the Kernel level.
Of course, this is what I've pieced together from tons of different sources so I'm open to someone correcting me...
With SDE we can boot just about anything as long as it has the drivers to play nice with the hardware in the Archos. A version of Android built for tablets would be relatively easy compared to some of the schemes people have been trying.
What you say is true for most devices, but giving us the SDE side of things was a real nice gift by Archos. Basically they handed us the keys and told us if we broke it we bought it, which is what a lot of people have been asking the manufacturers of other devices to do for a long time.
p0rk burn said:
What you say is true for most devices, but giving us the SDE side of things was a real nice gift by Archos. Basically they handed us the keys and told us if we broke it we bought it, which is what a lot of people have been asking the manufacturers of other devices to do for a long time.
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That's correct
chulri said:
That's correct
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and it will even keep me buying archos products. which is really what they want.
maybe they will get into the phone business....
L0$t$0ul said:
Not going to happen on the 70 until source is out. The emulator image won't run at the 70's resolution. The launcher just crashes. Could happen on the 101 though. I only have the 70 so not much i can do to help with that device.
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They just made it run on a Dell Streak, and it's 800x480 like archos 70 ... so ...
p0rk burn said:
Basically they handed us the keys and told us if we broke it we bought it, which is what a lot of people have been asking the manufacturers of other devices to do for a long time.
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Um...I'm pretty sure I bought it already. It cost 275.
lechuckthepirate said:
They just made it run on a Dell Streak, and it's 800x480 like archos 70 ... so ...
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Streaks source is open ,isn't it?
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Moved to general as not android development
If you look at the video that was just posted for the streak it "looks" like they got it working by somehow telling the launcher to launch at a different resolution from the screen so a lot of stuff is off screen on the launcher.
From what I could see from tinkering with the 70 and the sdk the launcher itself will crash if you try to start it up at 800x480. I'm not sure if that can be fixed without source but I'm not an expert in Launchers. People have managed to get a rom to work on a phone by replacing the launcher but that's not the gingerbread experience we would want on our tablets so what's the point in that?
I'm sure once the source is available for the launcher it'll be easy to get a rom on here.
L0$t$0ul said:
If you look at the video that was just posted for the streak it "looks" like they got it working by somehow telling the launcher to launch at a different resolution from the screen so a lot of stuff is off screen on the launcher.
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Just had an idea, using this as a basis of the idea...
Could we (and when I say we, I mean a dev who can actually do this kinda stuff) do a similar thing, but instead of changing the resolution, change the LCD density?
I am not sure if this would work at all, but the theory is this:
If LCD density is changed, you have the appearance of a higher resolution, this generally messes with standard launchers in bad ways. However, if the standard launcher is messed up out of the screen (i.e. as if parts are on non-existing pixels off screen) could this mixture of events work in our favour?
I am not a dev, so this is probably a worthless idea, but thought I'd get it out there just in case its not as worthless as I expect it to be.

Porting Sailfish OS

So, with the recent news of a port of Sailfish to the Nexus 4, I've been thinking. Does anyone know what it would take to port this OS? Does anyone here know the system well enough to be able to describe what it would entail to port this to another Nexus device, like the Nexus 5?
To clarify, I'm not asking anyone else to port the OS (though if someone would like to, that's fine), because I'm more than happy to do the work for it. I've just never actually ported anything like a completely new OS, so I don't know what it would involve and I'd like it if someone explained or even gave a rough outline of what would need to be done.
jabza said:
So, with the recent news of a port of Sailfish to the Nexus 4, I've been thinking. Does anyone know what it would take to port this OS? Does anyone here know the system well enough to be able to describe what it would entail to port this to another Nexus device, like the Nexus 5?
To clarify, I'm not asking anyone else to port the OS (though if someone would like to, that's fine), because I'm more than happy to do the work for it. I've just never actually ported anything like a completely new OS, so I don't know what it would involve and I'd like it if someone explained or even gave a rough outline of what would need to be done.
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I tried to do that a few weeks back but didn't have time to hunt down all the problems I had.
Check out this blog:
There's a rough guide in one entry. Basically you need to build CM from source, apply libhybris patches and then set up Mer on top of it. When you get Mer running it should be easy to install Sailfish packages. Libhybris is a compatibility layer for Android drivers to work on normal linux. Good luck and let us know how it goes. I had troubles with building Mer image for my device. In the video you mentioned it looks like the whole patch+Mer+ sailfish packages is this second prepared zip he flashes.
Sent from my LG-P760 using Tapatalk
jabza said:
So, with the recent news of a port of Sailfish to the Nexus 4, I've been thinking. Does anyone know what it would take to port this OS? Does anyone here know the system well enough to be able to describe what it would entail to port this to another Nexus device, like the Nexus 5?
To clarify, I'm not asking anyone else to port the OS (though if someone would like to, that's fine), because I'm more than happy to do the work for it. I've just never actually ported anything like a completely new OS, so I don't know what it would involve and I'd like it if someone explained or even gave a rough outline of what would need to be done.
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Hey man have you tried yet? My laptop is currently being serviced but upon its return I really want to try this.
aeppacher said:
Hey man have you tried yet? My laptop is currently being serviced but upon its return I really want to try this.
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Not yet; I've been busy working with other things. Though it looks like we're in pretty good shape so far because the recent Ubuntu Touch builds have been getting doing some good work for Mer on the Nexus 5, so hopefully we can use that progress. I just haven't found the time to work on this yet, unfortunately.
jabza said:
Not yet; I've been busy working with other things. Though it looks like we're in pretty good shape so far because the recent Ubuntu Touch builds have been getting doing some good work for Mer on the Nexus 5, so hopefully we can use that progress. I just haven't found the time to work on this yet, unfortunately.
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I think SF is a really promising OS more so than Firefox is, tizen, and I think more polished than Ubuntu phone. I can't wait to start developing for it so I really want to port it when I get my laptop back. Nice thing is if you use Qt you can basically just write one app that will natively run on Ubuntu and SailFish
aeppacher said:
I think SF is a really promising OS more so than Firefox is, tizen, and I think more polished than Ubuntu phone. I can't wait to start developing for it so I really want to port it when I get my laptop back. Nice thing is if you use Qt you can basically just write one app that will natively run on Ubuntu and SailFish
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I agree completely. It's sad that it hasn't seen a bigger leap in development, but I hope that it'll pick up sooner rather than later. I was just reading earlier today about Qt, which is pretty nifty if you ask me. Hopefully I'll find some time this week to actually make progress on it.
jabza said:
I agree completely. It's sad that it hasn't seen a bigger leap in development, but I hope that it'll pick up sooner rather than later. I was just reading earlier today about Qt, which is pretty nifty if you ask me. Hopefully I'll find some time this week to actually make progress on it.
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Well once I get my laptop back I will message you and maybe we can tag team it
Nice..get it work!
Lähetetty minun Nexus 4 laitteesta Tapatalkilla
Jolla is working hard on the android hardware adaptation libraries, here's official status about whats going on, its work in progres and might not be quite upto date.
source: https://twitter.com/HarriHakulinen/status/433163017555959808
jabza said:
I agree completely. It's sad that it hasn't seen a bigger leap in development, but I hope that it'll pick up sooner rather than later. I was just reading earlier today about Qt, which is pretty nifty if you ask me. Hopefully I'll find some time this week to actually make progress on it.
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Whippler said:
Jolla is working hard on the android hardware adaptation libraries, here's official status about whats going on, its work in progres and might not be quite upto date.
source: https://twitter.com/HarriHakulinen/status/433163017555959808
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I tweeted Jolla asking if there was now an arm image within the SDK instead of just a x86 one and they told me that there is so that will take care of one major issue.
Android One port
Hi there! I'm not sure if this is where I can ask but I will, just to make sure. Could it be possible for someone to please port Sailfish OS to the Android One devices? They share nearly identical hardware (only differences are in storage).
Here are the specs:
Processor: Mediatek MT6582M 1.3GHz Quad Core ARM Cortex-A7 CPU
GPU: Mali-400 MP2
Camera: 5.0 MP Autofocus Back Camera with LED Flash; 2.0 MP Front Camera
Storage: 4/8 GB (varies; categorized into sprout4 and sprout8 devices, respectively)
MicroSD: 32 GB max caapacity
Sim: Dual Micro
Network: 3G HSPA+, 2G EDGE and GPRS; Wi-Fi
Bluetooth: 4.0 with LE support
Location sensor: GPS with A-GPS
FM Radio
Ports: MicroUSB 2.0, 3.5mm audio jack
Other sensors: Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Ambient Light Sensor
Battery: 1,780mAh Li-ion
Don't worry about the MediaTek processor hampering sources, check Google repos for code. Also sources are updated frequently.
I want to experience Sailfish on my phone and likely other fellow Android One users. Minimal modifications necessary for sprout8-specific patches.
sailfish os
hi i seen list of devices already ported using HADK some devices such as samsung they have some problem in application such as gps and fingerprint .... why these application doesnt work ?? is this problems based in sailfish error or this problems related to porters ? and hiw to fix this problems
sailfish os
hi i seen list of devices already ported using HADK some devices such as samsung they have some problem in application such as gps and fingerprint .... why these application doesnt work ?? is this problems based in sailfish error or this problems related to porters ? and hiw to fix this problems

Android M Discussion thread

A place for all of us Nexus 6 users to talk about Android M and the Developer Preview any bugs or anything we find. Download links are at the bottom of this post
Android M features new features like:
Android Pay
App permissions
USB-Type C support
Native fingerprint scanning
More to come later!
Not working:
amazon music
mlb at bat
Download M System Image: http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/preview/shamu-MPZ44Q-preview-c1d6506a.tgz
Download Page for other devices: http://developer.android.com/preview/download.html
@vomer made a thread for images and flashables! http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=3120851
M Screenshots
How to root Android M! http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=3123285
Version 2 is out! Find the system image here: http://developer.android.com/preview/download.html
Direct Version 2 link: http://storage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/shareables/preview/shamu-MPZ79M-preview-e1024040.tgz
Snooze has me intruiged , seems like its Project Volta but forced at a system level instead of waiting for developers to implement into apps
Is it possible to do fingerprint scanning via the screen, with software? Or does it have o be a separate piece of hardware?
I assume hardware
Do we have to wait for I/O to end before Google throws the switch to the M preview? I for see several servers crashing for about 2 days or at least 6-10 hours before a stead fast DL.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
longshot21771 said:
Is it possible to do fingerprint scanning via the screen, with software? Or does it have o be a separate piece of hardware?
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Hardware such as Qualcomm's Sense ID
Sent from my GS6
Is Android M really going to look the same as L? There has to be at least a little bit of UI changes.
I've never flashed a developer preview before. Is it possible to flash with a nexus toolkit or does it need to be done in adb?
stevew84 said:
Is Android M really going to look the same as L? There has to be at least a little bit of UI changes.
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Yeah I thought it looked like the UI wasn't going to be a major change.
italia0101 said:
Snooze has me intruiged , seems like its Project Volta but forced at a system level instead of waiting for developers to implement into apps
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"Doze"? But yes I to am asking the same question, my N6 never was plagued with all the bugs many are having except the battery, but for sure can't wait to load M up and see!
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
italia0101 said:
Snooze has me intruiged , seems like its Project Volta but forced at a system level instead of waiting for developers to implement into apps
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I already get 95% deep sleep with screen off...I fail to see the point of Doze. I suppose if you're always getting FB and G+ pings all day it might help sleep more.
adam29617 said:
Do we have to wait for I/O to end before Google throws the switch to the M preview? I for see several servers crashing for about 2 days or at least 6-10 hours before a stead fast DL.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
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Rumor has it the preview is coming out today. Least that is what people on reddit are reporting
stevew84 said:
Is Android M really going to look the same as L? There has to be at least a little bit of UI changes.
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It is really pretty underwhelming for a version uptick. It seriously looks like you could use M and never notice you didn't have Lollipop. Seems like Google is going all Mozilla in terms of versioning.
They already mentioned that there were minor tweaks to the core experience, but they probably don't feel they were worth highlighting.
L was a huge visual revolution. Why did people expect M was going to have a big graphical overhaul or update?
inkdrink said:
They already mentioned that there were minor tweaks to the core experience, but they probably don't feel they were worth highlighting.
L was a huge visual revolution. Why do people expect M is going to have a graphical overhaul or update?
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Probably because most people expect a major name-branded update to have something they'd visually notice....not a collection of under-the-hood bug fixes and side improvements that you could easily never notice. Because all the stuff they highlighted are things that even power users might never touch or notice were there.
I suppose that's fair, but on their yearly update schedule I'm betting just about every update in the future will be name-branded, and I doubt they'll all be UI-heavy. Either way, I still see a lot I'm excited for. Android Pay will be nice as someone who uses but has grown tired of Wallet, and contextual Google Now in apps is pretty cool as well.
Skripka said:
Probably because most people expect a major name-branded update to have something they'd visually notice....not a collection of under-the-hood bug fixes and side improvements that you could easily never notice. Because all the stuff they highlighted are things that even power users might never touch or notice were there.
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Yup just like the crazy differences between Froyo and Gingerbread. Or the transformation of Jelly Bean into Kit Kat.
In reality we have no idea what visual changes will be made because the software is not finalized. The M preview is just a dev preview so that apps can be updated with the latest APIs from day 1. They barely showed anything as it relates to M that would show any real visual differences.
People act surprised that M looks the same as L. Look at Google history most updates don't change too much (if at all) from updates. ICS to JB etc. Yes GB did have a green theme but that was already having several updates with minimal ui changes except maybe a launcher. Hell even KK was very similar to JB. Take away google now launcher and visually they look the same
Greg Tolan said:
Yup just like the crazy differences between Froyo and Gingerbread. Or the transformation of Jelly Bean into Kit Kat.
In reality we have no idea what visual changes will be made because the software is not finalized. The M preview is just a dev preview so that apps can be updated with the latest APIs from day 1. They barely showed anything as it relates to M that would show any real visual differences.
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The most frustrating thing is there are allegedly "1000s" of bug fixes from reports. They claim they're in the M preview, and they claim said preview will be available later today....I know this is a revolutionary thought, so hold on to your hat, but why not push those fixes to Lollipop and publish 5.1.2 next week? Rather than force users to have to wait possibly 5-12 months for an update they may never get (depending on their device OEM)?
The alleged number of fixes in M are an order of magnitude greater than the number of fixes in all the Lollipop updates for the Nexus 6, combined, thus far. And Lollipop is still pretty buggy, especially if you're not on a Nexus.
md1008 said:
People act surprised that M looks the same as L. Look at Google history most updates don't change too much (if at all) from updates. ICS to JB etc. Yes GB did have a green theme but that was already having several updates with minimal ui changes except maybe a launcher. Hell even KK was very similar to JB. Take away google now launcher and visually they look the same
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IIRC KK brought a bunch of notification tray improvements in ICS and JB. But that was ages ago, and I'm going off memory. Also KK ran a ton better than ICS or JB.
I find android L right now to be beautiful, and I personally don't want them to change a thing.
is it possible to flash this onto a secondary rom with multirom?

