Importing pics via windows Vista.. - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

When connecting my Note 3 to my PC to import pics using camera (PTP)..i imported about 1,300 images but only about 700 were pictures i'd taken, i have hundreds of small images i've never even seen before that i'm assuming are image's from app's etc?!
Is there a way of just importing pic's i've taken? Or do i have to sift thru everything that Windows find's each time i import?


Importing pictures to PC

I have imported many pictures with windows mobile device center and today when I was doing that, there was 9 new pictures. They were those white/grey avatar pictures. I don't want to import them, and I don't want to delete them from the phone. I tried to make them "hidden" by PC but that didn't work. Help?

Sync Center exports pictures to phone but downsizes them?

How to I make the exported pictures from my computer to my phone be kept at the original resolutions? Them seem to become thumbnails when I look at them in my Album.

Duplicate videos created on picture and video transfer.

Has anyone noticed that when you connect your phone to your computer windows will transfer only the pictures that were not previously transferred but when it comes to videos it will copy them again and created duplicate copies. If you don't delete them from your phone it will continue to create extra copies on your computer. It does not seem to have a problem with pictures though. Does anyone know of a fix for this.
And when it does copy the pictures it also transfers small versions of all the pictures that the phone created. Is there a way to stop it from doing this or copying these small pictures over?
Anyone had any luck with the Windows import tool in Vista?

Duplicate pictures WDMC ?

Hello ppl,
One question please help me with odd setting i can not resolve.
Is about importing pictures from my Mini ( taken by camera ) to windows, when using WMDC to import pictures, it creates allways a duplicate in my sync folder on computer. If not attentive i can have many copies of same file, they are numbered like < name(x).jpg > where x stand for copy number.
I tried setting in import preferences, none seems to work.
I do not want to have pictures deleted from device...i want to show to other ppl the pictures i took using my phone.. that's the ideea of abums.. i think.
Is there a trick here that i miss ? I tried on a HD2 and a Mini, both have same problem.
Thanks in advance.

S8+ Large Contact Photos

My S8+ arrives and will load from scratch. Im replacing my Note 4 running 6.0.1. I'm trying to get all high resolution/large contact photos.
Here are different ways I have done it in the past;
1. I use Microsoft Exchange 2016/Office 365 to sync my contacts which I beleive does not allow the transfer of full res contact photos.
2. I have created a folder with all my contacts in it. I can use Cheetah Sync tool to update my laptop folder with the phone and then go into each contact and add the photo. Its a clunky way and everytime I get a new phone, I have to manually go in and add everytime.
3. I can create in Gmail duplicate contacts with the photos already attached. I believe those will transfer to the phone as full res. And then LINK the contacts.
4. I used Sync.Me to pull photos from Facebook. The problem is none of those were high res. I purchased the license but maybe I did not have it confiigured correctly or perhaps Facebook shut down the ability to do it with high res photos
Has anything changed in Android 7.0 or on the S8+ to make this any easier or automatic? I dont plan to root the device.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
