[Q] Ambitious Project: Digital Coaching..Would You Want It? - Wear OS Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey All,
New to the Android Wear scene and wanted to see what I could do with it...wait, never mind that. What I'd want to do with it. Came up with the idea of having the watch track some important metrics for sports and act as a digital coach.
I've spent a while developing the algorithms and was even thinking of building hardware until the Android Wear platform came out.
Interested in hearing your thoughts on the product. Since I'm new and can't post links, just give "Onyx Motion Potential" a search on Youtube. Should be the first hit.


[Q] Getting Started with Android Software Development

I played with Visual Basic and small-time HTML stuff in high school as a sort of hobby, but I never really went anywhere with it. I think I have the right mindset to do this, but I'm just not sure where to start. I'm not even sure if it's worth starting.
I'd like to start writing applications for smartphones, so I was wondering if anyone here might recommend specific literature to me. In addition, I would appreciate any estimates from you guys as to how long it would take a reasonably intelligent person to write a full-fledged application from scratch.
Thanks in advance.
Personally I learned by playing around, looking at tutorials and examples. I personally learn best looking at a simple application someone has made and then just modifying it slightly with my own changes, and then from there start making my own stuff. anddev.org has some useful tutorials and such.
For how long it takes to write an application it really depends on the level and detail you want to put into the application and the complexity core functionality.
Android Development for Dummies any good?

[Q] Newbie needs advice on app development

I'm an IT consultant so I'm not a dummie, but I'm not exactly a programmer either.
We need to create an inventory/audit app for an Android tablet. I looked at the Eclipse documentation and I don't think I want to take the time to learn Java well for just this one app. Which leaves me with these options.
Has anybody used Mobiforms to create apps, and would a smart but untrained newbie be able to develop something reasonably quickly? They don't offer a trial version which I find more than annoying.
Should I just outsource the project to somebody in Bangladesh? I have some experience outsourcing.
Any other recommendations on getting an app created relatively quickly?
Or Google App Inventor...
No offense, but the outsource to Bangladesh comment isn't going to win you a lot of friends that aren't in Bangladesh.
I'd say try app inventor and see what you can learn, you'll know in relatively short order if it will do what you need.
Otherwise maybe you're in over your head and someone should outsource you to Bangladesh. ( kidding! ). Seriously though, if you don't find what you need I would hire out at that point.
I don't know much about Mobiforms, but their website looks terrible. Not that a website is the final word on a company but it strikes me as odd at least.
I spent an while with App Inventor. While it is surprisingly useful it lacks one thing that I must have, that being read/write access to the file system.
Today I just discovered Basic4Android and WOW! I haven't coded in basic in many years, but it's still easier to re-learn that than to learn Java from scratch. I'm sure none of the developers here have any interest in it, but for the occasional hobbiest like myself it's a lot easier to start out with. I recommend it for anybody who doesn't plan on making a career of Java programming or who already have a background in BASIC.
I reviewed Mobiforms and not only is their website aweful, but the documentation for it is aweful too. I can't recommend it for anything.
I will probably still outsource this project though.

Help building an app

Hi everyone, apologies in advance if this is the wrong place to post this.
I just landed a nexus 10 and wanted to know if anyone would be interested in working together on an application. I run an art studio and essentially need an application that would tie all my departments together (gallery, enrollment, studio, etc) so that all departments could see the same relevant information across one app. For anyone interested I can go into greater detail. This would initially be more proof of concept and perhaps an opportunity for new developers to learn.
There's a possibility in the future this will be implemented across nexus devices in the studio for which my goal is to naturally pay the developers for their hard work. As it stands this is a personal effort on my end to see if we can work together and learn. Thanks everyone!

[Q] I've Put My App On Kickstarter... Need Genius Marketing Ideas, Help Please!!

Hey guys, long time lurker here...
So basically I'm building a new Android launcher that's designed to make Android more productive and more capable of multitasking... and I decided to do something different and try putting it on Kickstarter to raise some funds! I thought that basically this would prove there was a market for the app, it would build some interest and it would help me to afford to work with other designers and developers. I want to add support for MSOffice file formats but that's something I'm going to have to outsource...
The link to the Kickstarter project can be found here: kickstarter.com/projects/983549908/mulit-window-desktop-launcher-for-android - sorry it's not a live link, I'm new see
So far it's not going well, I asked for £8,000 (it's too much in retrospect, but after tax and Kickstarter/Amazon take their cut it will be a lot less) and so far I have £138 pledged with 23 days to go.
I've sent out countless press releases - even to editors who know me have published things of mine in the past - and had no response. I've tried paying for AdSense and that was a waste of money, and I've posted through every social media outlet I can find... About to try Instagram :-/
My best success so far was posting in the Basic4Android forum where I'm an active member - that's the secret I think, knowing lots of people online and being active. That's my advice to anyone else thinking of doing this! Get active on forums and get known, wish I'd done that more!
Now obviously I'd appreciate any helps with pledges but what I really want is your ideas for marketing and a critique of my video and project page (I think there are areas for improvement). I think that if I could get just one article onto a well-read site then it could potentially snowball... but how can I get noticed?
Has anyone else tried using Kickstarter for an app?
Thanks a lot for your help in advice guys, and I hope you find this useful too. Maybe we can work out what I'm doing wrong and then we've learned how not to raise money for an Android app... :laugh:
I've attached a picture of the app by the way for those interested...

Looking for Android First Examples and data

I read this story The long-awaited switch to Android-first app development hasn’t happened yet and I'm not sure that I agree with it.
I'm looking for a few examples of Android First development.
When I looked into Xplatform tools I found that companies with budgets just built native apps for both iOS and Android.
I'm not sure that I agree with this story but I'm looking for real examples and data that contradict it.
Your thoughts and experience are appreciated.

