HDX Toolkit & Your Input - Kindle Fire HDX 7" & 8.9" General

As most of you may know, my HDX Toolkit is quite useful for the hdx. I have been trying my best changing and adding features that are useful for you guys but may not have the understanding to develop the toolkit better. I'm not dropping bad news, I feel as if the toolkit should be a community project. I'm still new to Android development but I feel like I'm missing something. I need your help!
The toolkit I put together is written in batch and then compiled into a exe. Currently it is a little messy (not in a bad way) because of some compiler code I used through the toolkit. My plan is to keep my compiled toolkit active* and also start a development toolkit project but have the code completely open and allow you guys to make and post additions and iterations specifically for the hdx.
Why did I type this?
I am looking for proper suggestions and guidance about, how to make the thread, what features or additions can at the time be added to the toolkit, and who is possibly willing at some point in time contribute.
My expectations are just a proper toolkit for this device. More details will be give at a later time.
The copyright will be CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 just in case one is needed.
It will be some time to fix things but I'm guessing around late September early October I'll post it.
*I am running short on time lately and may not compile new versions in the far future.**
**I'm going to be updating the toolkit soon.


compiling your own roms

so... here's what i'm thinking.
how about setting up a vmware machine with all the source code for android on it, so that when a new version comes out, you can compile your own rather than waiting and then flash it to your phone. you could add your own modifications and any others that are out there.
this is a win / win situation as you get your own compilation, your own custom build and can screw about with the code it as much as you want as it's on a virtual machine.
you could update the android source code by pulling it online. and because it's a virtual machine, you don't need to worry about compilation issues across different machines.
i'm thinking about doing it - who'd be interested?
That's what I'm doing. It's FUN but to be honest it's quite a pain in the a$$ when you sync the master branch, compile, flash, and found out that the resulted ROM does not working properly and can't find any information about how to fix it.
BTW, I can hardly find the info on modifications -- most topics here are ready-to-flash ROM releases but no info on development. I did found some useful information in Nexus One forums, though.
Any suggestions on where can we find the resources regarding compilation and modification of AOSP?
well, my instincts tell me the modifications are "closed-source", hidden away from you. who knows what sorts of nasties are in the actual rom that's sitting on your phone. logging your every move, grabbing every site you visit, logging everything you type etc.
so, what's needed for a more successful dev community as far as i'm concerned is to allow the users to pick and choose what mods they want. this is an adp after all, and is one of the easiest phones to compile for.
so, if there's an active community compiling their own roms, then mods will perhaps become more open source with diffs / additions to the android source, which in itself will be better for users, developers and heck, who knows who might actually add it to the android source?
as for info for building:

[Q] How to compile AOSP 4.2.2 for Nexus 4

Hi, I would like to learn how to build a vanilla AOSP ROM with ubuntu.
Is the first time for me, so I need a complete guide. :angel:
Or someone can compile it for me... Pure Aosp without any tweak or mod...
And of course future update of aosp.
There are several guides, no this isn't a LMGTFY link, but it is a Google link. The first two are good guides.
Point being, you may need to refer to more than one guide until you have your build environment set up properly, and all the other variables in place. Might take you some time before you've built successfully, but it's a worthwhile experience.
Edit: obviously the links above point to some 4.2.1 resources, you can work your way around that with additional Google Ninja stuff. Seriously, go for it, it's fun.
No one is going to write you a personalized step-by-step guide on how to do it you need to read up and learn to do it yourself.
Start here:
This section will tell you how to set up you pc to run it
As an example here is a guide to setting up an AOSP build environment, yes its for another device but it will give you an idea of what is involved in setting it up.

Attempting to build my first ROM

Hello Everyone!!!!
As the title states I am trying to build my first ROM from source, I am wanting to build a PAC-Man variant for our phone (AT&T S4).
I am currently installing Xubuntu 13.04 x64 on a old Pentium D (2.4 ghz with 2GB of RAM) and I am reading over this post while it is installing.
I am also reading over this thread as well. I assume I can try to build a CM 10.1 build first, LOKI it, then get it working then add the stuff in for PAC-man after that, but I am not sure. I was wanting to know if any ROM developers can point me in the right direction for learning how to compile ROM's from source. I know the typical rule here is to search, search, and if lost SEARCH MORE but I feel that I am missing knowledge on what to search for in the first place.
I hope to spend the next few days on this little project and if all works well I will attempt to maintain a Dev thread with updates every few days to a week.
Thanks for any information you all can provide and I appreciate any guidance
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1798056 this forum gave me a lot on insight when I started building my own rom. Hope it helps, best of luck to you!
I figured out how to install the SDK, and start building things, Its currently building the release right now, lets hope it doesn't blow up
EDIT: Would anyone be willing to try it if I feel its good enough to test?
Neoistheone2000 said:
Would anyone be willing to try it if I feel its good enough to test?
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I'll try it out! I was going to build it, but I don't have enough hard drive space with my BeanStalk repo set up

REQ rooted kernel 5.1.1 for Sm-t235 (source was published a month or two back)

sometime back this was posted
unfortunately moonbutt closed his thread just when I and another member posted boot image etc on the board..understand he may have moved on to better things
not knowledgeable here but appreciate if someone can take this up or redirect this to some dev who can make a rooted kernel since the source has been published
Would love to root my 5.1.1 tab , so I too would be begging for another developer to step in to fill this need. I need a kernel with UVC video support.
OKAY so now I know my posts were getting deleted when I asked for T235 kernel root
zitomd said:
Would love to root my 5.1.1 tab , so I too would be begging for another developer to step in to fill this need. I need a kernel with UVC video support.
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yesterday or may have been on Sat night, on the T533 thread I tried to catch moonbutt's attention by pointing to the T235 source (when apparently he was saying the T533 had no source but was addressing that kernel) and now that post has gone like on his closed thread (just when it seemed he was taking an interest thanking me for providing boot.img and other files)
anyway...need some dev who can volunteer to work on this and at least someone who would respond yes or no (deleting posts maybe to avoid a side conversation)
I pulled the source started to look it up and looked up on how to modify kernel..looked doable to a point but this is from a total novice (all i know is to mod some apk, compile/re-compile but no building stuff)
mac231us said:
yesterday or may have been on Sat night, on the T533 thread I tried to catch moonbutt's attention by pointing to the T235 source (when apparently he was saying the T533 had no source but was addressing that kernel) and now that post has gone like on his closed thread (just when it seemed he was taking an interest thanking me for providing boot.img and other files)
anyway...need some dev who can volunteer to work on this and at least someone who would respond yes or no (deleting posts maybe to avoid a side conversation)
I pulled the source started to look it up and looked up on how to modify kernel..looked doable to a point but this is from a total novice (all i know is to mod some apk, compile/re-compile but no building stuff)
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i had your post removed because it was interfering in H's thread. I tried with this device a little while ago but testers seem to think they are at liberty to not follow instruction, or just change their minds mid-stream like they haven't just wasted my time and resources. . The upside would be if you have the source and the setup to compile it and thereby test your own work then, i can absolutely run you through what you need to do, The tricky part is knowing which tools you need for the packing/unpacking of the ramdisk.
If this is a qcom/msm device you will need AIK which is the best solution.
If this is a marvell variant you will need ketut's degas bootimg toolkit which is the best solution.
You need [likely] to apply the patch mentioned in my thread to security/selinux/selinuxfs.c
Be aware that samsung's source releases are usually incredibly sloppy and the defconfigs for devices are usually somewhat off, missing config settings.
Check for sdcardfs xattrs, virtual xattrs, etc . you need to make sure those are selected in order for your internal and external storage to mount.
Find the correct defconfig for your device and post it as a zipped attachment. or check my thread and look at my sources on git, specifically the commit history [msm devices mostly] to get an idea of what you need. You can get a linux os running in a virtual machine and compile just fine as long as you have all the pre-requisites installed. The getting started link in my signature is a rough/general guide to help get you up and running.
ps, my thread is just locked, not closed, i was getting too many OT/non-dev postings. I open it when/if i have something new and then close it again.
thanks moonbutt74...totally understand...appreciate the links in your signature and other resources...will start looking into it (long long journey but gotta try)
mac231us said:
thanks moonbutt74...totally understand...appreciate the links in your signature and other resources...will start looking into it (long long journey but gotta try)
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no prob, recommended step 1, get your linux distro set up, stongly recoommend kali/debian 2.0, either in vm or better as 2nd os in a dual boot scenario.

Cyanogenmod 13.1 for Axon 7... When?

Checklist of Things to Do w/ Axon 7
1. Unlock Bootloader - DONE
2. Flash TWRP - DONE
3. Get Root Access, along with Root apps - DONE
4. Flash Cyanogenmod 13.1 - PENDING
Who is interested in seeing Cyanogenmod 13.1 running on the ZTE Axon 7 as much as I am? If so, please post on this thread. Hopefully, the right people will check this out and get the ball rolling on this project.
Why don't you build it ? ?
We are never happy ... let the devs work ... on the other hand they have a life and bills to pay !
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using XDA-Developers mobile app
like tupirujp says.
If you want your question answered just contact Cyanogen directly.
***Thread Cleaned*** (removed negative, counterproductive comments/quotes, for a fresh start)
Some concerned users brought this thread to the attention of Moderation staff.
A good practice is to have the dev needing the device (Unjustified Dev) set up their own donation link, express their desire to dev for the device, and put out a little description of the work they intend to do for that device (ie; unlock bootloader, Roms , Kernels, etc)...
Otherwise, third party donation links usually only raise suspicion, mistrust, and rarely accomplish the goal of helping the dev get a device.
I applaud those who want to support developers (they certainly deserve the support), let's make sure we do it in a way that isn't counterproductive to the goal or the donation process.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Well, in order to build a rom you need:
Device Tree
Vendor/Proprietary files
We have versions of the first two already loaded on GitHub. It's a (hard) matter of someone figuring out what proprietary files we need and then going through the iterative testing to ensure all the hardware components are working. So, let the devs have time with the phone to see what they can figure out and we'll start seeing development.
Please Cyanogenmod come to this device..
