[Q] Strange battery problem - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

My nexus 4 have an strange battery behavior, anyone knows what's going on? I can give more information in request.
Thanks in advance


Have you tried to completely flash the stock 4.4.4 image? Does your battery seem to bulge? Have you tried changing the charging cable and the charging transformer itself?
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Pb battery loading

Hi everyone,
since yesterday I can only load the battery when turned off. And when turned on also the computer does not detect te nexus 7 anymore when plugged in.
Is the micro usb port dead? I should expect no battery loading when turned off also...
many thanks for your help!
Any idea ?
Should I make a reset factory?
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I made a reset factory and still the same problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Bluetooth + Battery weird behavior.

Hey guys
Anybody has experience when you battery is low as (15%) and the GPS turn on by itself.. This is really weird for me
Help please.. Any fix?
I am stock ROM rooted & unlock + busy box.
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Really bad battery problems

I'm having really bad battery problems with my girlfriends phone.
We were running pa jelly bean and we bought a new battery to try fix the problem as its quite an old phone.
Still had the same problem so tried pa kit kat. That didn't fix it either.
Basically the phone will charge to 100% then go down normally to about 40 or 60% then it will totally die and when you put it back on charge it will he at zero again. So she's really not getting a use out of the phone at all. Am I going to need to flash stock again? Anyone had this problem before?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Please close this I posted it in the wrong forum. Sorry
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Issue with battery on Kt4.4.4

Its weird after update to 4.4.4 my Nexus 7 is charging very but very slowly see( 2 hours 10%?!) ...and discharge too fast... I check the charger it works fine...
I get to 4.4.2 to see if the issue is because my battery, but is charging normaly..
Now I update again to 4.4.4 and the problem is still here
so really I don't understand why happen this .. Any thoughts ?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Currently I do have the same problem. I cannot see any draining apps, it's only that the device charges very very slowly ...
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Did you tried a calibration of the battery?
etsch said:
Did you tried a calibration of the battery?
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Yeap it s the first thing I do when I switch Roms.. So I will let the ROM settle awhile.. a couple a days, and if the issue remain I go back to 4.4.2
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Also having the same problem here. Nexus 7 4.4.4 charging very slow and when I switch back to 4.4.2 the problem dissapears .
I didn't find a final fix for the battery issues.... At least a found out that it charging faster on "safe mode"

Headphone icon won't go away

Hello everyone! I woke up this morning and noticed something weird - the headphone icon was showing in notification bar for no reason. All I did was plug it to charge yesterday evening. Haven't used headphones for a couple of months. Tried rebooting, plugging the headphones in and out, but the icon still stays.
Anyone else had this problem? Any tips? Thanks in advance.
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archzz said:
Hello everyone! I woke up this morning and noticed something weird - the headphone icon was showing in notification bar for no reason. All I did was plug it to charge yesterday evening. Haven't used headphones for a couple of months. Tried rebooting, plugging the headphones in and out, but the icon still stays.
Anyone else had this problem? Any tips? Thanks in advance.
Sent from my LG-D802 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Which ROM are you using? IIRC CloudyG3 2.0 has this issue.
I am using the exact rom. So I guess thats a rom issue? How do i fix it?
Sent from my LG-D802 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
archzz said:
I am using the exact rom. So I guess thats a rom issue? How do i fix it?
Sent from my LG-D802 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Click to collapse
I'd recommend going back to CloudyG3 1.3. That version is quite a bit more stable.
Headfree icon stay stuck on my lg g3
Hi . I have lg g3 .
And its Headfree icon stay .when i connect usb charging . And then it not go away icon. Some time go way. But after usb conmect then repeat appear.plz tell me what i do?
