[Q] How to install CM11 on Galaxy S4? (Verizon) - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Okay starting off, I went straight to cyanogenmod's page but it specifically stated "you must be on build I545VRUAMDK"...
There lies the problem. My phone is build KOT49H.I545VRUFNC5.
I got it from Verizon like this, already updated.
It's running kitkat 4.4.2.
Now, the benefit is that I already have root, through Towelroot V3.
I've searched on Google and still cannot find a direct answer.
So please can someone tell me where to go to figure this out? Or if you know how kindly tell me?
Thank you.

Okay update, I've installed Safestrap. But When I try to boot into recovery, it only flashes booting recovery then it just restarts into kitkat... Seriously need some help.

It's better to post it in the section for your device. The methods used are different from our s4.


Question Installation Custom Rom S4 MK2

i was trying to install a custom rom on my galaxy s4 but after going through some topics i m kind of unsure about it.
its an att phone
my model number says I337
and the baseband is MK2.
most of the roms i found say something about att i9...
with reading some topics i just have the feeling that the MK2 is "special" and i cant just use any rom.
can someone help me and let me know which roms will work (download link would be appreciated). i planned to go with either google edition 4.4 or cyanogen mod. (if there is anything better please let me know)
and if i need any other software (for backup etc).
i already rooted the phone with saferoot. i just dont know how to get a custom rom on there now.
thank you for your help it greatly appreciated.
As far as i know you can't run custom roms on the i33, AT&T has it so locked down it can't be done
ben9000 said:
i was trying to install a custom rom on my galaxy s4 but after going through some topics i m kind of unsure about it.
its an att phone
my model number says I337
and the baseband is MK2.
most of the roms i found say something about att i9...
with reading some topics i just have the feeling that the MK2 is "special" and i cant just use any rom.
can someone help me and let me know which roms will work (download link would be appreciated). i planned to go with either google edition 4.4 or cyanogen mod. (if there is anything better please let me know)
and if i need any other software (for backup etc).
i already rooted the phone with saferoot. i just dont know how to get a custom rom on there now.
thank you for your help it greatly appreciated.
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ben9000 said:
i was trying to install a custom rom on my galaxy s4 but after going through some topics i m kind of unsure about it.
its an att phone
my model number says I337
and the baseband is MK2.
most of the roms i found say something about att i9...
with reading some topics i just have the feeling that the MK2 is "special" and i cant just use any rom.
can someone help me and let me know which roms will work (download link would be appreciated). i planned to go with either google edition 4.4 or cyanogen mod. (if there is anything better please let me know)
and if i need any other software (for backup etc).
i already rooted the phone with saferoot. i just dont know how to get a custom rom on there now.
thank you for your help it greatly appreciated.
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Yes u can get custom rom on u r phone and on u r current firmware also.. check out this
u need to root it before u get safestrap.. and u can get many custom roms. also.. hope it will work for u!!
ben9000 said:
i was trying to install a custom rom on my galaxy s4 but after going through some topics i m kind of unsure about it.
its an att phone
my model number says I337
and the baseband is MK2.
most of the roms i found say something about att i9...
with reading some topics i just have the feeling that the MK2 is "special" and i cant just use any rom.
can someone help me and let me know which roms will work (download link would be appreciated). i planned to go with either google edition 4.4 or cyanogen mod. (if there is anything better please let me know)
and if i need any other software (for backup etc).
i already rooted the phone with saferoot. i just dont know how to get a custom rom on there now.
thank you for your help it greatly appreciated.
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This thread gives you everything you need. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2616221

[Q] rooted NC5 downgrade to aosp?

Hi everyone,
I have a question... I took the NC5 OTA update not knowing it would lock up the device, in fact the first time I turned it on it was the only option to upgrade or delay it. So I've completed gogolies OTA downgrade to rooted upgrade (NC5) and it worked! every happy about that. However I really want something pure AOSP. Can I downgrade again to an older version in order to load something like AKOP or Cyanogenmod? I looked around for 4.4.2 roms and was unable to find anything pure... when I say pure I mean the AOSP images, icons, software nothing designed by Samsung.
Thank you,
Why do you need to downgrade? You can just flash any custom rom you want.
There are a lot of AOSP roms. You can find them in the Original Development section.
Thank you for the reply however I've tried to install AOKP and CM10 both on slot one and both failed (booted to black screens) and I don't see any I545 roms on this site. Could you point me in the correct direction? I'm currently running rooted 4.4.2 NC5 on i545
Thank you again,
theWebDeveloper said:
Thank you for the reply however I've tried to install AOKP and CM10 both on slot one and both failed (booted to black screens) and I don't see any I545 roms on this site. Could you point me in the correct direction? I'm currently running rooted 4.4.2 NC5 on i545
Thank you again,
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Please check for your specific device forum .
If you flashed a ROM from the threads on this forum it's very likely it didn't work because the international S4 is different from Verizon one .

NB1 (4.4.2) with safstrap 3.72 beta. Rom help and some questions.

Hi everyone, so I finally have my 32gb i337 rooted and with safestrap 3.72 beta. I need help in finding the best most stable NB1 and safestrap beta safe rom to install that can give me two most important tmobile features witch are wifi calling and mobile hotspot. I did not have any luck with the guy who helped me with it remotely, he was very pushy, impatient and inconsistent when communicating. We tried installing shostock and gravitan rom but they appeared to not wanna install. As of now I learned how to use the safestrap alone and will no longer need his assistance anymore (thank God, guy had me stressed with his tone of voice) so all I need is a good compatible rom with my system and I should be good to go. I find it strange tho that the first attempts of installing didn't do anything. Could something had blocked the install? After Some Close observation I noticed that after the attempted flashing the Samsung logo would be circling slow and in one attempt at flashing there was just a boot loop. The guy was not a help at all cause as i said earlier he just seemed like a miserable person who lives his life agitated. Add of now I have root and the stock backup is working flawlessly, as always help from you masters is greatly appreciated.

[Q&A] [RECOVERY LOCKED] Safestrap Recovery v3.71/v3.72 [2014-04-02 KK Beta]

Q&A for [RECOVERY LOCKED] Safestrap Recovery v3.71/v3.72 [2014-04-02 KK Beta]
Some developers prefer that questions remain separate from their main development thread to help keep things organized. Placing your question within this thread will increase its chances of being answered by a member of the community or by the developer. Thanks for understanding and for helping to keep XDA neat and tidy! :smile:
I'm disabled & have a hard time typing. Please bear with me.
I have a Galaxy S4 Smart(DUMB) AT&T connected piece of crap cell phone that I hate.
I've installed towel root & when I try to make it rain I get a window saying that it is not supported on this phone. I've also got a message from a root checker saying that the GD phone is "not properly rooted"!!!
I have NO PATIENCE with Computer Syntax & I don't own or want a computer.
I'm barely able to follow 1/10th of the postings that I've read!
Look, I just want to jailbreak & FREE-UP this F%#King phone so I can get rid of the constant pop-ups & 300+ apps that R running in the background!
What are the use for the rom slot? Can I flash aosp roms in it? Thanks.
Removing SELinux
Once I've installed SS 3.75, is it safe to remove SELinux Mode changer?
kujo1b09 said:
Once I've installed SS 3.75, is it safe to remove SELinux Mode changer?
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The ss app may force close if you remove it. But you no longer need mode changer at all if using the latest ss v3.75-A01.
Which Safestrap for Bell/Virgin Galaxy S4 NE1 4.4.2
I have a Galaxy S4 SCH-I337M with stock 4.4.2 LUFNE1
I rooted with towel root and installed super user.
I want to install safestrap (I assume my bootloader is locked bc is says write protected when in download mode)
I dont see any versions for NE1 just NB1,MK2,MF3, not sure where to proceed from here.
safestrap i337 nj4
Does safestrap work on i337 on nj4? If so, which version? I have never rooted and am on latest 4.4.4 nj4.
Safestrap on NE2(Telcel Mexico)
I didnt notice the automatic updates on my new S4 and it upgraded over the night while i was sleeping, so now im stuck with 4.4.2 (KOT49H.I337MUMUFNE2) ... I was wondering if there is support for safestrap with this rom, or is there a way to downgrade without loosing 4G and WiFi.
Greetings, i have installed safestrap 3.72 and succesfully made a rom slot in my phone, saddly, when i try to install a ZIP file with a custom ROM, it says it succescully installed the ROM and then when i try to restart, it boots with a clone of the main stock ROM ... Any idea why this is happening?. Also i must point out that im trying to install Cyanogen Mod 11, the lastest nightly for the jflte ... Im wondering if i should try with the version for the jflteatt.
any updates for this thread on using 4.4.4 NJ4?
Hey first great work this is my first post so i apologize if this has been answered or if this thread is no longer valid. My question is does SafeStrap work for NJ4 4.4.4?
Yes...I'm on ss 375 with 444
Lollipop support?
I know that it might be a huge effort, but what is required to support lollipop?
Looks like users with TWRP can flash some kernels as long as they are based in the stock kernel and still in locked bootloader.
Looking at this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2292341, ktoonsez was able to to provide kernel for AOSP lollipop using CWM or TWRP. Can this also be done for Safestrap?
This might also require ROM modifications to support safestrap, but again, what is required.
I have some basic-medium programming skills and relatively new to Android but willing to collaborate for whatever is required, just point me to the info I need to learn and I'll do my best to help.
memo_droid said:
I know that it might be a huge effort, but what is required to support lollipop?
Looks like users with TWRP can flash some kernels as long as they are based in the stock kernel and still in locked bootloader.
Looking at this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2292341, ktoonsez was able to to provide kernel for AOSP lollipop using CWM or TWRP. Can this also be done for Safestrap?
This might also require ROM modifications to support safestrap, but again, what is required.
I have some basic-medium programming skills and relatively new to Android but willing to collaborate for whatever is required, just point me to the info I need to learn and I'll do my best to help.
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If you have true TWRP, that means you have an exploitable bootloader, even if it's still locked. The only way you could get lollipop on a stock kernel for Safestrap users is if we get an official Lollipop stock kernel. If you've got evidence to say otherwise, sharing would be good. Otherwise, Safestrap doesn't allow the flashing of kernels since they won't work, and the only other possibility is using a kexec module to load an alternate kernel from disk after the phone starts up. This module is actually being worked on, and if you want to ask about it go to the verizon S4 General section and look for the "if we are serious" thread.
Bootloop when using ROM slots?
I've attempted to use the recovery several times now. If I use the Stock ROM slot to flash the ROM (Goldeneye v49.2) I can't get back into SS recovery once it flashes. If I use the ROM slots, I get stuck in a very laggy bootloop. PLEASE HELP?
I'm using Galaxy s4 SGH-I337 on 4.4.2
Baseband version UCUFNB1
NK1 wi-fi modules.zip (Safestrapped Hyperdrive MOD installed) which one?
Hi, I've got an sch-i545 verizon gs4 with Hyperdrive Rom running on it (yay!) but need the Modules.zip file for NK1, which seems to be the least used version of Verizon's locked bootloader phones.
If you or someone could point me towards a modules.zip for NK1?
Timelourd said:
Hi, I've got an sch-i545 verizon gs4 with Hyperdrive Rom running on it (yay!) but need the Modules.zip file for NK1, which seems to be the least used version of Verizon's locked bootloader phones.
If you or someone could point me towards a modules.zip for NK1?
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Best place to start would be the Verizon S4 forums and not the AT&T S4 section. Look for any index type threads or something there.
Guys. I need some help. I just installed Safestrap 3.75 on my S4 but when I boot into recovery the time is all wrong its off by like an hour and 20 min. Time zone is correctly set. Anyone have any ideas?
safestrap splash screen is too big
I download safestrap successfully and when I reboot the system safestrap splash screen pops up. But I don't see the menu key on the splash screen. Also I noticed that splash screen is too big and to my phone and I'm stuck on the splash screen. I can't do any thing. If I go into recovery it will goes into moto boot screen and stay there forever.
Please help me.
My phone is rooted Razr HD

ATT S4 boot problems

wassup guys i recently joined because my s4 took a dump. I need help reinstalling the original OS for my s4 because its stuck on the boot. ive done research but theres wayyy to much things going on to mod this download that and its leading me nowhere. I just want my phone to work properly again, with 4.4.2 or the newest version there is.
miguel1760 said:
wassup guys i recently joined because my s4 took a dump. I need help reinstalling the original OS for my s4 because its stuck on the boot. ive done research but theres wayyy to much things going on to mod this download that and its leading me nowhere. I just want my phone to work properly again, with 4.4.2 or the newest version there is.
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You can find all the info you need in this post.
Don't know what your firmware is but the oldest base you can go is NB1 (4.4.2).
Root the phone with towel root.
Install either flash fire or safestrap and flash the desire lollipop rom.
Hello! I don't want to start a new thread just yet, but I'm also stuck in a bootloop after a mishap during a manual update. Is it possible to recover any of the internal files when recovering the phone, or is it impossible? Honestly, I just want the files off of my phone more than anything else. There are a lot of memories there that I would love to save...I know, I know, I should have backed up those files, but that chance is gone now. :crying:
