Back to stock - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello i got my g2 for 2 months. I want to root that but first i need to know how to get back stock. My phone is d802 but with polish "PLUS" brand. I didnt found any solution to get stock phone with that brand. Any ideas


[Q] Lg g2 need more space 16gb

Hi I'm sorry if this been posted b4 but I bought and 3 branded lg g2 and got it unlocked but I only have 7 gb left after putting picks on so is there any way of debranding my fone and remove 3 apps cuz I'm using vodafone not 3 and get more space please I herd there a way 2 flash a stock rom but don't know if there is 1 for vodafone also I fined vodafone they said they don't even stock lg phones so need help please
htcdesire26s said:
Hi I'm sorry if this been posted b4 but I bought and 3 branded lg g2 and got it unlocked but I only have 7 gb left after putting picks on so is there any way of debranding my fone and remove 3 apps cuz I'm using vodafone not 3 and get more space please I herd there a way 2 flash a stock rom but don't know if there is 1 for vodafone also I fined vodafone they said they don't even stock lg phones so need help please
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I have the AT&T version of the G2 and it comes stock with 32gb. I havent heard of any G2's coming with 16gb. I suppose you could try putting AOKP or AOSP to free up space.
Actually, at least over here, the 16GB model is far more common.

[Q] LG G2 unlock

Hi! I hope this is being posted in the correct place first and foremost.
I'm pretty pissed to find out today that EE will not be releasing the KitKat update for my G2
I received an email from LG confirming this and so replied with the obvious question 'How can I do it then please? '.
They said I would need to get my phone unlocked from EE. Now, being a complete noob when it comes to this sort of thing I don't really know what I'm doing. So I have a couple of questions I'd like to ask before I attempt any unlocking.
1. Once I've managed to unlock my phone can I still use the Sim Card that came with it? I have a 24 month contract with EE and can't really afford to run two tariffs.....
2. Is there not an easier way to go about getting KitKat? I had a Galaxy S2 and when I wanted to upgrade the firmware on there I used ODIN. But I can't seem to find a way that is similar to that for LG phones.......
I apologise if this post is not in the correct thread but I really would appreciate any help anyone could give me.
Many thanks!
dumbledore78 said:
Hi! I hope this is being posted in the correct place first and foremost.
I'm pretty pissed to find out today that EE will not be releasing the KitKat update for my G2
I received an email from LG confirming this and so replied with the obvious question 'How can I do it then please? '.
They said I would need to get my phone unlocked from EE. Now, being a complete noob when it comes to this sort of thing I don't really know what I'm doing. So I have a couple of questions I'd like to ask before I attempt any unlocking.
1. Once I've managed to unlock my phone can I still use the Sim Card that came with it? I have a 24 month contract with EE and can't really afford to run two tariffs.....
2. Is there not an easier way to go about getting KitKat? I had a Galaxy S2 and when I wanted to upgrade the firmware on there I used ODIN. But I can't seem to find a way that is similar to that for LG phones.......
I apologise if this post is not in the correct thread but I really would appreciate any help anyone could give me.
Many thanks!
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well the g2 has a tool like odin if you looked in the general thread there is a return to stock guide which can be used to flash any firmware as long as its for your device, I do know that the d802 can flash any d802 kdz file even if it's for another carrier, I do not own one but you can always ask around to make sure you don't do something wrong

3g not working on my D802

Hi all, first of all I wan't to apologise for my possible bad english, It's not my main language.
The last month I bought the LG G2 and without even trying the stock ROM (I was doubting between the nexus 5 and the g2, I decided to take the best parts of both) I installed CM 11, 3g hasn't been working since the first version i've tried, actually im using the last snapshot (M9). Im trying to be away of the stock ROM (if anyone recommends me another ROM with not much customization, similar to CM I will try it) I've tried flashing the EUR version of the 802 modem, however the calls and SMS's are working without any problem, is just the 3g thing. Anyone who have had this problem? Do you have a solution? I wan't to thank you beforehand.

Need help with s5

So i got my beautiful Galaxy S5 from Telus and as usual with all the phones i have, i unlocked it. So far so good. Next thing was to root it and to start with custom ROMs. So I used the method described in with 100% of success. I tried couple of ROMs and i did not like it. My problems started when i decided to go back to Stock ROM from Telus. I flashed the stock rom that i found on the same site i used for rooting the phone and got a Bell phone. Now whatever i do, i am ending with Bell stock S5 and i want my Telus stock. Trying emergency recovery didn't help. I could take the phone back because i have it only for a couple of days, but i put a good screen protector (40$) and i do not want to pay for unlocking the phone again as well.
Please help me in solving my problem. Any feedback is highly appreciated:-.

back to stock

I somehow messed up my phone so sim 1 doesn't work when I'm abroad. It keeps thinking that I'm in Belgium when I'm not and there is no phone or data signal. I'd like to go back to complete stock, still having bootloader unlocked but with stock rom. Hopefully this can fix it. What's the best stock ROM for user based in Ireland?
This is not Samsung. It's one ROM for all OnePlus 5 phones. Except the Chinese ones, they have a slightly different one.
slonn said:
I somehow messed up my phone so sim 1 doesn't work when I'm abroad. It keeps thinking that I'm in Belgium when I'm not and there is no phone or data signal. I'd like to go back to complete stock, still having bootloader unlocked but with stock rom. Hopefully this can fix it. What's the best stock ROM for user based in Ireland?
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Just download the latest version from the website
