Lg Optimus L7 (P700) Emergency mode problem - Optimus L3, L5, L7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Friends at first I turn on google translate english I have no more.
-My phone will not turn on emergency mode
-previously was happening, but now does not turn on emergency mode
-I changed my phone software. so something does not kdz
-LG logo comes out and stays opened. volume up + power button
Waiting for your urgent assistance

Pull out battery, then open kdz.. Setup all..
Then pres volume up and plug in usb, mobile automaticaly get onto emergency mod..
Wait to flash, WITHOUT BATTERY.. And when all done, plug battery in and wait for reboot

Paget96 said:
Pull out battery, then open kdz.. Setup all..
Then pres volume up and plug in usb, mobile automaticaly get onto emergency mod..
Wait to flash, WITHOUT BATTERY.. And when all done, plug battery in and wait for reboot
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did not happen. Lg logo are forced open. emergency mode does not turn on.

blade_umt said:
did not happen. Lg logo are forced open. emergency mode does not turn on.
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Interesting ... Try again and again, maybe it works ,I dont have any idea


L7 P700 bricked with first version of custom kernel... please help.

I have an p700 with cm10( last version ), cmw touch last version, crossbreeder and first version of custom kernel (without oc). Run perfectly until yesterday. I intended to flash new kernel (V4). Battery was at 9 percent full. Reboot in recovery mode and... shock ... black screen. My phone is dead. Nothing... no power, no joy....
Thank you for help...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
did your charge it? did it boot? can you enter recovery or emergency?
and why did you flash with only 9%?!?
h4x0r007 said:
did your charge it? did it boot? can you enter recovery or emergency?
and why did you flash with only 9%?!?
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From my experience with p500 (optimus one) 9% battery it more then enough for flash an kernel ... but it seems that 9% was not for real (first version of custom kernel has problem with battery status). Anyway ... after I downloaded the new kernel (v4), from reboot menu (cm10) I gave the reboot recovery command ... "Rebooting now" ... and ... instead of recovery mode, the phone was powered off. So I never got to flash ... Now it's dead, does nothing ... No power (with or without battery and the power cord plugged in), no recovery mode, no emergency mode, no charging.
I used original charger (0,75 A), after that an Samsung charger (1 A), after that an Logitech charger (1.5A).
I tryed to charge with my laptop from USB 2.0 port and 3.0 port, and with my desktop computer ( USB 2.0, 3.0 )... All I've got is THE BIG NOTHING.
Thank you for replay...
It just happen to Me..!
Recently it works fine and I did nothing..
Battry on 66%, and try to refresh the system via reboot.
Few seconds, screenlight turn off.
I've keep waiting. it usualy showing LG logo after 10seconds.
But nothing happen.
Try to power on and also try CMW shortcut.
It still blackscreen, no vibrate, no light.
Is there a way out of here? or any solutions?
gefademe2d said:
It just happen to Me..!
Recently it works fine and I did nothing..
Battry on 66%, and try to refresh the system via reboot.
Few seconds, screenlight turn off.
I've keep waiting. it usualy showing LG logo after 10seconds.
But nothing happen.
Try to power on and also try CMW shortcut.
It still blackscreen, no vibrate, no light.
Is there a way out of here? or any solutions?
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Unfortunately, the only way to bring it to life is JTAG. I paid ~ 35Euro for JTAG-ing.
damn i want cm10 too, bet im to scared with bootloader unlocking etc after reading posts...
Its happend to me too and i found a way to get out there
This is the solution:
1. Download LG Optimus L7 USB Driver for Windows | Mac
Download official LG Optimus L7 stock firmware from this page. The file would be a .kdz file. Download the appropriate firmware according to your network provider and country.
3. Download KDZ updater and install it on your computer.
4.The zip file has a Microsoft XML parser, make sure you run it as an administrator and restart your PC. This will solve the wparam 100 and lparam 6 issue mentioned in a comment below.
5.The next step is to put your phone into emergency mode. To do this, remove the battery of your phone and re-insert it (don’t turn it on). Press and hold Volume Up button and Volume Down button. While you are pressing the two buttons, press the Power button. So now, you must be pressing all three buttons together. See this video
6.Your phone will boot into emergency mode and you should see a yellow screen with Emergency mode written on it.
7.Pick up the USB Cable and connect your phone to the computer via the USB Cable.
8.Run KDZ updater as Administrator.
9.Choose the following options in KDZ Updater: Type: 3GQCT Phone Mode: DIAG and KDZ file is the one you downloaded in step 3.
10.Re-check with the image above and ensure that you have the appropriate settings on the KDZ updater.
11.Take a deep breath and click on “Launch Software Update” button.
12.This process is usually long. It take quite a long time for the firmware to be flashed on your phone.
13.If everything goes well, you will see “Finished” written in the log screen and your phone will change to switched off mode from Emergency mode.
14.The next time you turn it on, your phone will take a lot of time to reboot. Stay Cool! its normal.
david08 said:
Its happend to me too and i found a way to get out there
This is the solution:
1. Download LG Optimus L7 USB Driver for .......
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I knew this method ... but in my case, the phone does not respond to any command.
heruur2 said:
I knew this method ... but in my case, the phone does not respond to any command.
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When you turn on your phone that shows you the LG logo?
david08 said:
When you turn on your phone that shows you the LG logo?
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It has no power...
heruur2 said:
It has no power...
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Connect the device into electricity and not to your computer.
For 1 hour and try again
david08 said:
Connect the device into electricity and not to your computer.
For 1 hour and try again
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Thank you for help...
I try already for many hours, with 3 type of chargers... (0.75A - original charger, 1A and 1.5A)...
As i told in my previews post ... Now it works ... After JTAG-ing...
david08 said:
Its happend to me too and i found a way to get out there
4.The zip file has a Microsoft XML parser, make sure you run it as an administrator and restart your PC. This will solve the wparam 100 and lparam
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It is not possible to run that file as an administrator. I tried on 3 different systems: Win 8x64, Win 7x64 and Win 7x32. I have a logo stucked but after few seconds it plays the sound and logo does it's animation then same static logo and then it stucks. Is there any solution besides j-taging? Does warranty service cover this as a defect and repair for free?
Kastuvasesi said:
It is not possible to run that file as an administrator. I tried on 3 different systems: Win 8x64, Win 7x64 and Win 7x32. I have a logo stucked but after few seconds it plays the sound and logo does it's animation then same static logo and then it stucks. Is there any solution besides j-taging? Does warranty service cover this as a defect and repair for free?
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Try hard reset :
1. When the phone is switched off, press and hold the Volume down key + Power key with your left hand.
2. When the LED on the bottom of the phone lights up, touch and hold the Menu key with your right hand. You need to do this immediately, before the screen displays the LG logo. Make sure your left hand is still holding the Volume down and Power keys.
Then release the power key at vibration time.
3. When the LG logo is displayed on the screen, continue to hold the keys for around 2 seconds, and then release all
them at the same time, before the LG logo disappears.
Leave your phone for at least a minute while the hard reset is carried out. You will then be able to switch your phone back on.
Caution: If you perform a hard reset, all user applications and user data will be deleted. This cannot be reversed.

[Q] HELP!!!! MY LG L7 P705g can't start

one day, I changed the permission of /system/font by accident:
e.g. I changed:
After that, I can't turn on my phone anymore T.T
When I press the power button, the LG logo appears, and then vibrate, logo disappear, after a few seconds the logo comes back and that's it!
It just stays there (I waited for 2 hours and it didn't change,so I turned it off)
Please help~
How can i fix it...
leelulu4fb said:
one day, I changed the permission of /system/font by accident:
e.g. I changed:
After that, I can't turn on my phone anymore T.T
When I press the power button, the LG logo appears, and then vibrate, logo disappear, after a few seconds the logo comes back and that's it!
It just stays there (I waited for 2 hours and it didn't change,so I turned it off)
Please help~
How can i fix it...
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Enter download mode, and flash your firmware like this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2409308 or just open LG Mobile Support Tool and select "Recover Phone". It does the same thing but it's easier.
Nothing's lost, you'll get it fixed.
mircea89fzr said:
Enter download mode, and flash your firmware like this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2409308 or just open LG Mobile Support Tool and select "Recover Phone". It does the same thing but it's easier.
Nothing's lost, you'll get it fixed.
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hi, thanks a lot.
but what is "version"? There are version 10C/10E/20A in http://lg-phone-firmware.com/index.php?mod=Lg+Optimus+L7&paese=RGS/ROGERS&id_mod=13 ...
How can I know which one is the right one?
leelulu4fb said:
hi, thanks a lot.
but what is "version"? There are version 10C/10E/20A in http://lg-phone-firmware.com/index.php?mod=Lg+Optimus+L7&paese=RGS/ROGERS&id_mod=13 ...
How can I know which one is the right one?
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My guess is 20A is ICS, 10C is the first release of Gingerbread, and 10E whatever update they did to it. If you're not sure, go with the LG Mob Supp Tool, it's safer and easier.
mircea89fzr said:
Enter download mode, and flash your firmware like this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2409308 or just open LG Mobile Support Tool and select "Recover Phone". It does the same thing but it's easier.
Nothing's lost, you'll get it fixed.
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one more problem, I can't access to download mode, I press vol+ & power, but nothing happen
leelulu4fb said:
one more problem, I can't access to download mode, I press vol+ & power, but nothing happen
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Did it work before with the exact firmware update you had? Remove the battery of your phone and re-insert it (don’t turn it on). Press and hold Volume Up button and Volume Down button. While you are pressing the two buttons, press the Power button or insert USB cable (try both if it doesn't work). Or try with: phone off, volume down + insert cable. I don't know the exact combination for your phone.
leelulu4fb said:
one more problem, I can't access to download mode, I press vol+ & power, but nothing happen
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try vol down+power
when keys light up, touch menu key (vibrates)
Even if you can't go to download mode you'll still be able to use kdz on it. just plug it in and start it. And btw, be careful next time. My Optimus L7 got hard bricked and I needed to go to LG for them to fix it.

[Q] lg g2 stuck in download mode

Hi, my LG G2 is in download mode and I cannot get out. I have tried LG Flash to flash stock kdz but it didn't work. I have used ODIN but phone is not recognized and there is no reaction. Please help me, how do I reboot/get out of it?
Finwe1024 said:
Hi, my LG G2 is in download mode and I cannot get out. I have tried LG Flash to flash stock kdz but it didn't work. I have used ODIN but phone is not recognized and there is no reaction. Please help me, how do I reboot/get out of it?
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Try holding the power button until the screen turns off, this will force reboot the phone.
If this doesn't work, first download and install the correct USB drivers from the LG support page. Then download the official LG Mobile Support Tool from the same page. Once installed and your phone still in download mode, open the LG Mobile Support Tool. Wait fot the program to recognize the phone, then go to 'Options' in the upper right and select 'Upgrade Recovery'. This will download and install the latest available stock rom on your phone.
Hope this fixes your problem!:fingers-crossed:
To reboot out of it hold down the power button until it vibrates then let go, if you want to shut it off just hold it and when it vibrates keep holding it for another 5 seconds or so.
hddr3 said:
To reboot out of it hold down the power button until it vibrates then let go, if you want to shut it off just hold it and when it vibrates keep holding it for another 5 seconds or so.
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Yea I did that but when I turn it back on, it goes back to download mode without me even pressing the buttons

[Q] Recover my LG L5 E460

Hi community,
my english is really bad, scuse me for that, but i really need help with my LG...
1) I can't boot my phone, it remains on LG Logo
2) Hard Reset doesn't work, i've tried and it never shows me the LG Logo until i realease the buttons
3) Can't do KDZ flash... i can't dowload the lastest firmware because the page not exist...
4) I've dowloaded the firmware V10Q_00.kdz but when i do the KDZ flash procedure without a positive result, it stopped when goes to 4% and when i do the reboot it loads 1 % more but after that it stooped again cause it doesn't detect the phone again...
OBS: I rooted the phone before it dies...
Thanks you!!! I hope i will find a solution...
You said the kdz stops art 4%. What are you using to flash the kdz? When it reaches 4% does your phone go into download mode.
slipsystem said:
You said the kdz stops art 4%. What are you using to flash the kdz? When it reaches 4% does your phone go into download mode.
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Yeah, but it doesn't continue, agter goes into dowload mode it saids "Error comunication with the phone.."
undon3 said:
Yeah, but it doesn't continue, agter goes into dowload mode it saids "Error comunication with the phone.."
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Try Rebooting ur phone remove your bateery and place it again when it says restart u plug in usb cable by pressing restart at once
hussain59 said:
Try Rebooting ur phone remove your bateery and place it again when it says restart u plug in usb cable by pressing restart at once
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Doesn't work......
For enter download: Retire battery, press Volume up + Down + Home. When it vibrates, plug quickly the USB.
Also make sure you have the drivers installed on your PC and you download the correct firmware.

LG G2 D802 not responding

I have a LG G2 D802 that had the rum LineageOS 14 but good I turned on the device after the day I did not use it and the phone stuck in Boot Loop I put it in the download mod to install the official rom through the KDZ file but he did not respond what is yes Made a sound when I hung up and connected it to my computer and now it does not even go into the download mod Anyone knows what to do ????
it's urgent!!
Thanks for the helpers
ShadowsMtrixs said:
I have a LG G2 D802 that had the rum LineageOS 14 but good I turned on the device after the day I did not use it and the phone stuck in Boot Loop I put it in the download mod to install the official rom through the KDZ file but he did not respond what is yes Made a sound when I hung up and connected it to my computer and now it does not even go into the download mod Anyone knows what to do ????
it's urgent!!
Thanks for the helpers
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Unplug usb from computer.
Try to power off ( holding power button for some time. Don't leave power button again if lg logo appears.)
Phone Will be off now.
Now hold volume up button and plug the usb.
You should get download mode.
**your usb port may be loose.
Don't shake usb cable while flashing using lg flash tool.
salamabhishek said:
Unplug usb from computer.
Try to power off ( holding power button for some time. Don't leave power button again if lg logo appears.)
Phone Will be off now.
Now hold volume up button and plug the usb.
You should get download mode.
**your usb port may be loose.
Don't shake usb cable while flashing using lg flash tool.
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I know how to get into the download mod problem that the device no longer enters no matter what way I do it
Did u select cse flash while flashing kdz file?
What do u get ?
