Lg Optimus L3 Problem - Optimus L3, L5, L7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a big problem with me lg optimus l3 phone. My phone only restarting and left only to go at emergency mode only. I follow all insructions and i tried to fix it with kdz but the program says me always "Upgrade error WParam: 100, LParam: 6". Plz help me and sorry for my bad english!


[Q] LG Optimus p700 L7 stuck in emergency mode

Hello guys.. I try to update something (I really don't know what), after updating phone was stuck in recovery mode.. When I turn on phone shows LG logo, then yellow backgroud "EMERGENCY MODE".. I try to repair with LG Support Mobile Tool but program can't recognize phone, when using Volume + and power program recognize phone, but after 3-5 sec stop.. I try reinstall lg drivers but nothing.. Also i try with KDZ_FW_UPD, and phone can't be recognize.. How to fix this does someone know ? Sorry for my bad english
Hi there i got mine lg l5 optimus stuck on "Download is in progress" And can't find any way out, HELP :crying:

Emergency Mode

Hi there!
Have problem with LG L7 P700. I wanted to upgrade firmware (with LG Update tool) than it stuck in 4% and in phone now is showing yellow screen (emergency mode). Please halp!
No problem
Lawrenso said:
Hi there!
Have problem with LG L7 P700. I wanted to upgrade firmware (with LG Update tool) than it stuck in 4% and in phone now is showing yellow screen (emergency mode). Please halp!
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use LG provided program to flash stock in emergency mode you will need your imei and s/n then comeback and tell us what you want to do with your phone (what rom etc.) so it doesnt happen again (always remember if doing anything with system make sure battery is ~full and always try to make backup )

Please help! I have bricked my precious lg p705

Hello everyone
I want to upgrade my LG P705 to 4.1.2 usind KDZ V20B, but something wrong happened during the process and it it failed .
now it is stuck in emergency mode. The main problem is that neither windows nor LG mobile support can detect it.
Please Help me.

[Q] brick L5 i using qpst

I have a Lg L5 with brick.
not turn on the screen, does not vibrate, no emergency mode, not recovery. KDZ does not recognize it.
but it is detected as Qualcomm HS-USB-QDLoader 9008
so peek into QPST and found that you can fix it.
and I have all the files you request, I only need the EMMCBLD.HEX for LG E610 or E612 L5.
someone can help me with that?
the phone has no warranty.
I followed this tutorial.
I hope you can help me.
Here is what you have been asked
as you ask here is your file...
also Please read it carefully if it is matching with your needs..
wish you good luck..
Will this work in LG optimus L5 E612 ?
the link is dead man !!! can you make new link to repai lg e612f in Qualcomm Mode

[Q] Please Help My LG Optimus L7 II...Urgently Needed!!!

Please help my L7 II, I don't know why but it doesn't work anymore. It only stuck on LG Logo, LED doesn't work anymore and I pressed all possible combination key but it doesn't go to Download Mode or Emergency Mode or anything Mode. I tried everything but it doesn't work anymore. :crying:
It all started when I wanted to downgrade my Kitkat V20C to Jellybean V20B. So I flash my smartphone using KDZ flashtool and use this settings:
PHONEMODE: Emergency
...and selected the file to my V20B file. The process went on until the windows suddenly stopped working and suddenly closed then my smartphone (Optimus L7 II) restarts but it only stuck on the LG logo (I mean no animation -- or -- not the bootlogo).
Please help me fix this. I really need your help. Please.
