2 problems I have - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

First of all I would like to state that I am running echo-rom, I would like to have posted in there but the thread is closed.
My first problem is that the expandable volume menu does not work, this happened to me before with other roms (all on TW) but I couldn't be bothered until now. Whenever I click the gear icon which should expand, it doesn't work. It works before (until I do something?). Anyway I flashed the rom yesterday and didn't bother configuring/customizing it until today. I will try to describe anything I did until the point I noticed it broke again.
I enabled xposed framework, with the modules: wanam xposed, enable battery stats for kitkat, gravitybox, app-settings and xposed torch.
I tweaked some stuff in wanam xposed and in the echo customization center.
Anyway I don't really know what caused it, if no one knows why I will try to pay attention next time when it happens.
The second problem is that whenever I try to swipe down to open my notification bar it doesn't want to work half the time. On my home screen the statusbar turns black (instead of transparent), so there is some sort of registration of touch? I proceed to let go of my finger and and then try again. I also thought that I could have misplaced my finger but I don't know why the statusbar would turn black then.
If anyone knows or has encountered this problem before please share,
much appreciated.

I dunno know but i tried exposed once with a slimrom and it messed my phone up really bad upto the point everything was force crashing. To me i think exposed is your problem. Try wiping data, cache, dalvik, and format system and boot with cwm recovery then flash official firmware for you phone. DO NOT USE 4.3 FIRMWARE IF YOUR ON A 4.4 ROM!! Look for 4.4 rom instead. Sammobile good site but need registraion and slow download for free users (about 1hour) after that try instakking. Your fav rom without xposed. Im 80% sure it will work

So I fixed it, I disabled both gravitybox and wanam xposed and after the reboot volume expand worked again, then I enabled wanam xposed again and it still worked. Either way gravitybox caused it, or it was caused by a conflict between the two.
Also the statusbar problem, my rom has an option where you double-tap the battery icon to change the style of it, I noticed by trying to swipe down from the battery icon it doesnt work. So there you have it. Problem solved

The reason is really simple. You don't read before you install the modules.
You can't use Gravitybox on a TW based rom. It's states that in the description. Gravitybox is for aosp only!
Same applies for the post from 189cutter. Wanam Xposed is only for TW based roms. Slimrom is clearly no TW based rom.
So if you want to use the modules, read if they are for your rom. Also make sure that there is no overlapping in functions, because that could cause strange problems as well.

Point taken but im never ever ever gonna use xpose or such things like it lol now im using cm m9 and its perfect lol


MIGHT have found a way to remove NavBar on rooted stock XT926

Since I got my XT926 months ago I've looked for a way to get rid of the space-hogging Navigation Bar at the bottom of the display (I use Button Savior although I know other soft keys are more popular now). No matter what I did, whether it was adding qemu.hw.mainkeys=1 in build.prop or installing one of many apps that promise to remove the NavBar either my NavBar stayed visible or it disappeared ALONG WITH the System Bar (which I want to keep) plus it generated SystemUI error messages.
Last week I installed a ROM provided by mhous33. This ROM is a stock ROM that is significantly debloated and streamlined. Over on Droid-Hive.com the thread is http://droid-hive.com/index.php?/topic/1770-fxz-412-9169-dst/. I installed the ROM because I can't live with having stuff like videocam and GPS not fully functional, as seems to be still the case with many custom ROMs, but I wanted to run a lean ROM without the Verizon crap. The ROM seems to be fully functional in all respects and, after smoothing out over the first couple of days, is working very well for me.
While on that thread discussing my obsessive hatred of NavBar it was suggested I try a file called NoSoftkeys_Mod_XT926_4.1.2(9.16.9)_DST.zip. No link to the file was provided, although the post (thanks Rebretz000) said the MD5 should be 21eb3e4974370cffb9b8dfbf5674924. I searched for the zip, verified the MD5 and installed it. IT WORKED! After rebooting my NavBar is gone, my Status Bar still displays, no FCs or error messages, all wallpapers and apps extend full screen with no exceptions I've found. Perfect!
Now -- I do not know if this file will produce these results on a completely stock (rooted) XT926. Maybe the reason it works is because of the work done on the ROM by mhous33. No, I'm not going to back-up my ROM and flash back to stock to try it out. I'm so happy to get rid of the damn NavBar I may suspend my phone in amber (and then extract DNA .
lesdense said:
Since I got my XT926 months ago I've looked for a way to get rid of the space-hogging Navigation Bar at the bottom of the display (I use Button Savior although I know other soft keys are more popular now). No matter what I did, whether it was adding qemu.hw.mainkeys=1 in build.prop or installing one of many apps that promise to remove the NavBar either my NavBar stayed visible or it disappeared ALONG WITH the System Bar (which I want to keep) plus it generated SystemUI error messages.
Last week I installed a ROM provided by mhous33. This ROM is a stock ROM that is significantly debloated and streamlined. Over on Droid-Hive.com the thread is -REDACTED URL-. I installed the ROM because I can't live with having stuff like videocam and GPS not fully functional, as seems to be still the case with many custom ROMs, but I wanted to run a lean ROM without the Verizon crap. The ROM seems to be fully functional in all respects and, after smoothing out over the first couple of days, is working very well for me.
While on that thread discussing my obsessive hatred of NavBar it was suggested I try a file called NoSoftkeys_Mod_XT926_4.1.2(9.16.9)_DST.zip. No link to the file was provided, although the post (thanks Rebretz000) said the MD5 should be 21eb3e4974370cffb9b8dfbf5674924. I searched for the zip, verified the MD5 and installed it. IT WORKED! After rebooting my NavBar is gone, my Status Bar still displays, no FCs or error messages, all wallpapers and apps extend full screen with no exceptions I've found. Perfect!
Now -- I do not know if this file will produce these results on a completely stock (rooted) XT926. Maybe the reason it works is because of the work done on the ROM by mhous33. No, I'm not going to back-up my ROM and flash back to stock to try it out. I'm so happy to get rid of the damn NavBar I may suspend my phone in amber (and then extract DNA .
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so post a link to that zip?
I'm running axiom currently so I don't need it but... c'mon. might need it later, too.
just add "qemu.hw.mainkeys=1" to your build.prop, without the quotations of course.
You can't recompile the framework and make it disappear like the M? Or just download pimp my rom beta off the market and there's an option to remove it..
Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk 2
Finally HAPPY! Just installed UDN LITE (Ultimate Dynamic Navbar Lite) from the google play store and it works! No navbar when I don't want it but notification bar is always in tact. This application is worth upgrading to the pro version.

[Q] Custom Screen

I installed a ROM the other day and when it booted backup it now shows a screen that says Custom with a lock underneath it. How do I get rid of this screen as it seems to make my device boot up slower. I had this happen to my Galaxy S3 also and I fixed it by returning everything to stock but I really don't want to do that. Any suggestions?
bvm1228 said:
I installed a ROM the other day and when it booted backup it now shows a screen that says Custom with a lock underneath it. How do I get rid of this screen as it seems to make my device boot up slower. I had this happen to my Galaxy S3 also and I fixed it by returning everything to stock but I really don't want to do that. Any suggestions?
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There is a module for xposed framwork called wanam xposed that module has option in the security hacks section to fake system status to offical which will return the original galaxy s4 boot screen after a reboot or two. Its a quick fix without having to return everything to stock.
Ok thanks. I will try it out
Does Xposed work on Cyanogenmod based builds?

[Q] Help. Please. Rooted s4 to custom ro

I recently rooted my sgs4 gt-i9505 to the goolge edition using a YoTube tutorial on how to do so. Everything worked fine at the start but when I tried to install the PAC man rom, it jus stayed in the loading screen.
I restarted and tried rebooting but to no avail. I went back into the recovery mode and wiped the phone (divlac, cashes and system) then I reinstalled the google rom to find my wifi was not working. I tried the same process again, wipe- reinstall. Now I can't receive calls, the wifi doesn't work, home button only works on double tap, pull down status bar works but nothing in displayed.
My question is, does anyone have any ideas on how I would return my device to normal or know a full proof recovery and rom I can use that will correct these problems.
I am in the UK if that makes any difference.
Thanks for all and any help.
Matt.graham said:
I recently rooted my sgs4 gt-i9505 to the goolge edition using a YoTube tutorial on how to do so. Everything worked fine at the start but when I tried to install the PAC man rom, it jus stayed in the loading screen.
I restarted and tried rebooting but to no avail. I went back into the recovery mode and wiped the phone (divlac, cashes and system) then I reinstalled the google rom to find my wifi was not working. I tried the same process again, wipe- reinstall. Now I can't receive calls, the wifi doesn't work, home button only works on double tap, pull down status bar works but nothing in displayed.
My question is, does anyone have any ideas on how I would return my device to normal or know a full proof recovery and rom I can use that will correct these problems.
I am in the UK if that makes any difference.
Thanks for all and any help.
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You could try to go back to stock and check if everything still works there.
Did you flash the correct modem/baseband for the ROM / your carrier? There is a thread in general for all the modems. Chances are with a KitKat ROM you need to update your modem. Read that thread and give it a go. The file is about 15mb and takes a minute to flash in Odin. Failing that go back to stock.
Nothing in status bar: that's what it looks like in stock, you can use 2 fingers for the quick settins. Installl WANAM XPOSED fromwork for more tweaks and options!!
Home button double tap: that's the way it works on the google edition, that's just it. BUT wanam xposed can change this with the Gravity Box module!! You could try the Echoe 2.2 kitkat rom it has xposed pre-installed.
Keep in mind things look blanker and less functional as you no longer have samsung touchwiz which adds a LOT of stuff to the stock experience!
One more thing: ALWAYS make a nandroid backup before flashing ANYTHING at all, you never know when you will need it. Backup the nandroid to your PC also just in case, things go missing/ get deleted! T

Unofficial Xposed Module for Nougat on Lineage OS 14.2

Has anyone tried to flash the Xposed Module that came out earlier today/yesterday? If you don't know what I'm talking about, watch this video real quick: https://youtu.be/eADZK17N7rk
I understand it is unofficial and might be unstable with lots of bugs, & that some modules currently don't work, but would I be at (more) risk of bricking my phone if I flashed it?
I flashed it yesterday and everything went well. The bugs are the following that I've experienced:
1. In order to download a module, you must press save instead of download. After that, a toast notification will prompt you on where to go in your file manager to find the apk.
2. Some force closes such as kernel auditor and Google/services. Those were resolved later on for me.
3. I noticed the fingerprint scanner got a little sluggish after, but a reboot fixed that.
4. Sorta made the UI a little sluggish as well so be careful if you've already under clocked your processor.
There we go. I am currently on the latest version of Lineage OS. I uninstalled it today, but I plan on installing it again with a new ROM tonight.
It doesn't seem to work on AOSP or Extended AOSP, but apparently seems to work on other ROMs. Want to switch ROMs unless EAOSP fixes that because I really want Amplify again

No audio during phone call on custom rom after I set all mods

After all of my modifications are done I cant hear any sound from in or outgoing calls. This happened with my last phone & i cant remember what fixed it, does anyone have any idea what would cause that? Im having to completely redo my phone from scratch because i cannot find a fix & i would like to know what im doing to cause this. Anyone else experiencing the same problem or have an idea oh what it is? I really kind of hate this phone, I love the hardware but the software is bullsh** I can make a backup but its pointless because the phone wont boot afterwards.
You could list what ROM, and what mods you are using?
Im running a custom ROM and a couple magisk modules, no issues. Generally it would be besylt practice to flash things one at a time to figure out what is causing your problem.
Im using Xtended Xploited rom with edexposed using gravity box. I Think it might be happening when I start my personal debloating but not 100% sure. Ive got a few more tweaks in system settings & setting up gravity box left to do & i can still call out thank god. Twrp backups are pointless they never work, It finishes successfully but I get a bootloop everytime unless i format the data prior to rebooting after restore finishes so experimenting is kind of scary. Ive had to reflash this phone from scratch countless times trying different mods like the partition resizer didnt work of course. I just know Ive had this problem on a different phone thought it might be a thing somebody could identify.
What rom are you using? Ive tried all the roms & only Xtended has all the features I like except for smartbar, I love smartbar & dont understand why it doesnt come with any of the 6t roms.
OhioYJ said:
You could list what ROM, and what mods you are using?
Im running a custom ROM and a couple magisk modules, no issues. Generally it would be besylt practice to flash things one at a time to figure out what is causing your problem.
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