[Q] Goldeneye Rom camera and SMS question - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I recently updated my Galaxy S4 Rogers (at&t) phone to the Goldeneye Rom from 4.2 . Everything went fine however I can no longer use my camera when in a call nor can I send text messages while in a call. I used to be able to do this with the old rom without a problem.
Can someone please tell me how to enable the camera during a call and how to send SMS again? I can receive them just fine while in a call. I think these issues are some limitation of compatibility with Sprint phones but they are annoying.
Thanks so much for your time.

Since you flash custom ROM, you should have root installed. Please look into WanamInstaller to download the Wanam Xposed module. Once the Wanam Xposed module is enabled, please go to System --> Check "Enable Camera during call"
I don't know where the SMS option is...

Thanks for that.
Anyone know how to enable SMS?


[Q] How can i activate sm-t332's phone call function

Hi friends,
Sm-t332 and sm-t331 basicly has no hardware difference. But the number 332 means this tablet is closed for phone call function. I have sms and 3g functions though. Its only a software limitation. I have installed google's phone.apk, tried for call, it returned error with call is not supported. Also in priv-app file, tablet has stock dialer.apk but cannot visible at touchwiz homepage.
I know, tab 3, note 8 etc. came to my counrty with same restriction and can be activated with porting kernel, baseband of other country's roms. But i'm not sure what to do. Is there a guide to port baseband or kernel (i didnt find anything but rom porting). Or is anyone know which steps i should take for activate call feature.
I compared build.prop files between stock t-331 and stock t-332 and there is no difference. (only regional firmware codes).
(bad english of course, sorry about that)
Its gonna take a while , I just activated kitkat sms+tether in framework exposed and in setting it shows call settings .it even gives us the option to call in contacts,attempt to make calls but doesnt go through
yeah same problem here bro i bought this in turkey why it cannot activate an phone calls
kanka bende aynı dertten müzdaribim napcaz?

Droid 4 Issues with PA

I have downloaded this rom version (pa_maserati-4.42-20140709) with (pa_gapps-modular-micro-4.4.2-20140608-signed)
im using the mobile outside the USA on GSM/UTMS network
1. cant send SMS but i receive with no issue
2. cant use USSD codes
3. cant interact with any IVR calls with the dial pad for ex. : wanna top up money in your phone account you call an automated system and guide you to press 1 to this menu press 2 and so on it dose not work at all.
All what i mention was working 100% on the stock Verizon ROM Ver. 4.1.2
put i loved this PA ROM :crying: can anyone help me or telling me what to do exactly thank you all.
Will thanks for Mentor.37 Patch who fix all of my issue you can found it here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2368572

[Q] Caller ID setting

My number is blocked for outgoing calls by default.. On 4.4.4. kitkat there was a setting where I can choose if I want to show or hidden my number to person I call..
I updated on 5.0.0 and there is no such setting. Or is there and I missed that ?
I don't have Verizon apps installed, I debloated my phone. So maybe this is the issue ?
Thanks for any answer.... :fingers-crossed:

[Q] Pop Out Incoming call

I enabled the feature to have pop out incoming calls for the S4 i9505. I installed the latest official firmware for DBT released few weeks ago. Prior to this, i was on the first 5.0 official DBT ROM. I enabled the pop out calling on that ROM and had the options to answer, loudspeaker answer or reject. This new ROM has options to answer, transfer to bluetooth or reject. The bluetooth is turned off but the option remains. Any thoughts or ideas to fix this. I want a loudspeaker option

Need help with sound on LP Stock Rom

I have another development flashable STOCK Rom Lollipop from http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/stock-rom-samsung-galaxy-on5-on5-prosm-t3450732
But on the METRO model sound doesn't work but I can call(no sound) text messages work data works but it is smooth. Is it possible for someone to fix sound since this phone shipped with 6.0.1? I didn't upload it yet but I will soon so users with the phone model can use it but it would be nice if sound was working. Also the camera gives an error for the METRO model.
