d802 stuck at stock recovery - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

my phone stucked at stock recovery
d802 32gb
how can i fix it ?
is there any way that i can install cwm recovery from stock recovery?


LG G2 D802 CWM Recovery Bootloop

So i've installed the latest version of cwm on my g2 device and now everytime that i reboot my phone it gets me in the CWM recovery auto.
please i really don't know what to do.. i have tried everything :crying:

D802 recovery image

Hi, guys! Can anybody give me ANY D802 recovery image, 'cause I've lost all of mine after wiping and now I've got nothing, but TWRP on it.

[HELP]Custom Rom doesn't work

I have a LG G2 - D805 and I use Mahdi in my first try. But few hours later got stuck in Fastboot mode.
Was back to stock and I tried again and got nothing, or stuck in fastboot or in recovery mode.
LG D805 stock 4.2.2 rom
Philz flashed in Flashify
Philz flashed again in cwm
Wipe data /factory reset
Install Mahdi
Any help?
When I come home I will flash TWRP D802 to try one more time.
Sorry my bad english.

Problem with LG G2 D802 with LiquidSmooth ROM

Hello guys,
I have a problem in my LG G2 this problem is the TWRP Recovery failed to open this. I want back to stock recovery or remove TWRP Recovery and install another custom recovery.

LG D801 Stock recovery

Have stock d801 but it has twrp recovery how do i flash only stock recovery but leave rom alone?
