[Q] who can help us create our own custom rom? - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi my name is antonio i'm a sixteen years old and i'm from italy.
with my friends i I decided to build a new custom rom fully themed But we need help because i'm a little noob can i help me and my team to buid?
Sorry for my bad english thank's a lot I hope for your reply

here i am!

I belong to this group.

Another member here

so i see team members, but no building going on. at first you want to learn how to build a rom from source, so here is one place to start http://xda-university.com/as-a-developer/getting-started-building-android-from-source


No Activity???

Hi.I am the new forum Mod for htc Sedna...sad to see that there is no developement going on over here....i will be glad and appreciative if members start some activity over here...i may help members to get things done...from porting to anything,do contact...thanks!

[Q] [Help Required] Please all devs help me.Urgent

Hi first of all. Im posting this in General section because I am new here. Hey Im a proud owner of SG3 and now I want to do something for my phone. For months I have been trying out custom ROMs, Kernels and blah blah blah. Now my wish is to develop my own custom ROM or to port Gingerbread on my device but im a beginner and have no knowledge about programming. But if somebody could tell me a way to learn all this and a kitchen to bake professional custom ROM I would be glad. Hey im sure I could learn in a few weeks and then start a project so that Sg3 moves to a new level. Please devs I want to learn everything like programming, baking roms, modding, theming... Everything just tell me a way to to all this. Im sure if anybody could help me learn all this one day it could help all SG3 users. Please dont think that making me learn all that would increase you competition for custom roms. Please I dont want anything just I want is to learn and then something for our beloved SG3. I hope all devs all help me out. Thanx in advance. Please its a request.
sorry for spelling and grammatical mistakes but I am in a hurry.Anu kind of help would be appreciated.Waiting for reply by all devs.I would be very thankful if one could teach me.
android.aimad said:
sorry for spelling and grammatical mistakes but I am in a hurry.Anu kind of help would be appreciated.Waiting for reply by all devs.I would be very thankful if one could teach me.
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Porting requires a lot of programming knowledge with too much time...and also has the risk of bricking your phone
I would suggest you start of with trying to develop a Custom ROM..
You can refer the tutorials by Rudolf or Jazux..Or you can use the Kitchen developed by me...
Link for kitchen in my signature
If you're just a regular joe with no programming knowledge at all, I suggest you just forget all of this. Most of the devs here have attended\are attending universities or some other classes related to programming or they've learned from 5-10 years of experience with this stuff.

B7610 community

Hi to everybody, i'm an italian (so sorry for grammatical mistakes) owner of a Samsung B7610.
I start this new topic with the purpose of creating a "community" for this device.
This community is divided in various session, with different purposes.
I hope this project will help me and lot of people in developing and loving this device.
After this short introduction let me introduce you the "B7160 Community":
Do you want to install android on your device?
Check Here!!!
Do you have a problem with your device?
Check Here
Do you want a list of "Must Have" cabs for B7610?
Check here!!!!
Of course the community it's an eternal work in progress so feel free to add some stuff, suggest new ideas or sections, say your opinion or your complainings (i hope not ;-) )
What do you think about this project?
Could it be useful?
For the italian users, i can give by pm the link to this same discussion but in italian (or i put in this thread if the modaco rules allowes it)
Sorry once again for my mistakes with the languages.
WOW! Tanks a lot!!! Me also are Italian!!!
You can do something for the Wifi/Bluetooth on Android? Thank you!
I will follow you for future updates, thanks again, Leon_84.
Excuse my bad English ...
Hey leon thanks for the very fast answer.
Well, for the wifi on android i will try to do something but i'm not very skilled in porting...anyway i will look for slutions and i will sure let you know if there are some news!!!
it seems that this community isn't having much success...i hope things will change soon...

Help to start developing custom rom

First of all I file my name is John , I'm Uruguayan ( that's why my English is so bad, I apologize to all ) .
I recently bought a N900 Note 3 and I'm really fascinated .
I am a follower of Dr. Ketan 's, his work is excellent and the way in which answers our queries is admirable.
I come to you after searching information on the development and modification of applications or roms for our device . Actually I found a lot of information about the subject but I'm confused and before i break something 'd like to see if they know ( all of you ) can help me .
Basically what I want is that I help prepare the development environment and that's where I froze .
What operating system should use for this?
What tools do we need to not die in the attempt?
Once you have the working environment could start getting involved more in this world that I love, if all goes well , I promise unconditional dedication to actively participate in the forum and help with what I have learned.
We again apologize to all for my bad bad bad English and thank you in advance to those who help me in this new project I want to tackle this year.
Greetings all,

[Q] i want to share my rom

hi.. i have been build S5 rom from stock, what i have to do to share in xda?
sorry for my bad english
just create thread in development section, and dont forget to put credit
oke thanks
