[Q] i9505 KitKat -- towelrooted, next steps please - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have successfully towelrooted the phone, installed BusyBox, adb (with Snoop05's great '5 seconds ADB Installer v1.3'), CygWin, and the Unified Android Toolkit.
I then created a nandroid raw backup of the whole memory block to my PC (as per 'Back up of the whole memory block (via adb),' http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1818321)
And now I have some questions:
(1) How can I restore the nandroid image to the phone if needed?
(2) The backup process says that gptfdisk can be used to see the contents of the GPT partition, but the GPT fdisk tutorial says scary things:
'Since GPT fdisk automatically turns MBR disks into GPT disks, you should use GPT fdisk only if you're positive your system can handle them.'
I am running Windows 7, and the BIOS is not UEFI. So how can I use gptfdisk safely?
(3) What next steps do you recommend if the goal is to have a fast and battery-efficient phone?
Thanks in advance, and sorry for the noob questions.


PIT file method to revive your phone from a MMC_CAP_ERASE brick

Summary: in many cases this allows to revive (not really repair!) your N7000 (and some other samsung devices) after an emmc brick and should be relatively easy to follow. The method uses PIT files.
Note: This thread is rather old now (2012).
Please note that the emmc brick bug should be triggered only by a combination of a few conditions:
an old samsung ics kernel (from Ice Cream Sandwich versions 4.0–4.0.4, see wikipedia)
wiping or formatting by custom software, usually an old cwm of that time (especially an often used file called CWM.ZIP)
most important: an older emmc chip (or firmware).
All affected devices should be covered by the thread, some got patched PIT files, some could not be supported (see below).
Some insights here (as part of this thread)
after the problem had been analyzed by the community and Samsung, all those parts got fixed to prevent the problem for the future.
In case only one of the conditions is not true, the brick should not happen.
So if you have more current hardware (somewhat newer than note1) or current software (newer than ics), the bug will not happen.
So, as an example, S3 or Note 3 should be safe because both hardware and software are fixed.
Especially, all current roms or recoveries should be safe.
If you have a brick nowadays, it's very very unlikely it's an emmc brick. Instead you probably have some other problem.
So in most cases, don't look here, unless you are using rather old devices and rather old software.
Note: this is a living post, it will change while progressing. If you want to refer to it, please make a reference to the whole thread (this link).
Don't directly link to the attached files, as they will go away, when I update the files or their names from time to time.
Note: You should generally post in the correct thread (please look in my signature)
Note: I will answer PMs which are of general interest relating to one of my topics (please look in my signature) publicly in the thread (quoting your interesting paragraphs).
It's sad the following has to be said in such big letters, but there are still people not reading anything and therefore failing seriously:
Please, please, please:
Read this multiple times and try to understand all aspects before using anything of this thread.
If you have questions, read it again!
If you have questions, read it again!
If you have questions, read it again!
If you have questions, read it again!
If you don't know exactly what you are doing, you may HARM your device seriously or even DAMAGE it for all times (e.g. meaning motherboard has to be changed with >150EUR).
If you are a noob, then please ask someone with more knowledge to assist you, but ignore those blowhards/bigmouths which will probably do more harm to your phone than you would.
If you have questions, read first post again and again and also read the whole thread!
Most questions are asked several in this thread and are already answered in this first post. Others are answered later in the thread. You should also use the search function before asking something a second time.
Please don't waste my time with superfluous questions already answered in the thread only because you are too lazy to search for it!
It took much much time to write this down and describe most aspects. So, please take a similar amount of YOUR time to read it carefully.
Certainly, my descriptions will not be perfect, so if you are SURE your question is NOT answered HERE, then you are welcome to ask in the thread. But don't expect a quick answer. I am usually very busy with other things and I am doing this only to help other people. I definitely don't generate any profit from this...
Please don't quote this post (in it's entirety), because it's very long and will disturbe all other readers. Instead post without a quote or extract some of the text you are referring to. I think this should be common sense...
You can find the former first post of this thread at post #9...I switched it with this continuously updated post, which I hope is more understandable for the users of this method.
-------------------- manual method and tools for using adb
I think forest1971's thread is better for the description of and questions about the manual method which I used first to revive my own phone. Looks like we developed the same thing at the same time. I started this thread before I read his (I also wasn't an active user of xda before).
Along the way our threads started to be companions to each other.
forest1971's thread has some useful tools for using in adb. Some of these will be useful for procedures described here.
But please read on, because I think the PIT file method is easier for most users with kind of standard emmc bricks.
It's less error prone, because you don't have to calculate the numbers yourself (my pit generator script did it already).
However, the manual method can do more, especially if you have special cases.
-------------------- find begin and end of bricked area
You can do this with my emmc partition scanner, which is flashed via recovery (this doesn't really flash, it only uses the scripting of the updater mechanism of the recovery, also called edify script).
You should write down two numbers:
* where emmc_find_brick_start.zip freezes -> BRICK_START
* where emmc_find_brick_end.zip freezes -> BRICK_END
I have reports, that the stock recovery doesn't show the output of the scanners, so you should probably install a custom recovery first (see forrest1971 's thread).
-------------------- patched pit files
I finally hacked a perl script, which generates a set of PIT files for me.
But because I cannot test the PITs on my phone (because I need it):
Say you have a situation like this:
before: ...-|-FAC?OR??S-|??ATAFS-|-UMS------------------------------------|...
^ ^
| |
(? = bad blocks)
The repartitioning should leave a hole in the partition table around the bricked area.
Therefore the bricked area will lie fallow (i.e. not accessed) after the repartitioning.
before: ...-|-FAC?OR??S-|??ATAFS-|-UMS------------------------------------|...
after: ...-| ? ?? ??|-FACTORYFS-|-DATAFS-|-UMS---------------------|...
\ /
(? = bad blocks)
The calculation is done like the following (Example: N7000_16GB) with X being the size of the HOLE:
16GB original (Q1_20110914_16GB.pit)
FACTORYFS 548864 ->Fo 1744896 ->Fs
DATAFS 2293760 ->Do 4194304 ->Ds
UMS 6488064 ->Uo 23232512 ->Us
HIDDEN 29720576 ->Ho 1048576 ->Hs
16GB MMC_CAP_ERASE patched
FACTORYFS FoX = Fo+X unchanged
DATAFS DoX = Do+X unchanged
UMS UoX = Uo+X UsX = Us-X
HIDDEN unchanged unchanged
The PITs are named like that:
This PIT is for the N7000 with 16GB and derived from the file Q1_20110914.pit.
Here, the HOLE is from 281 MB up to 2428 MB (MB = 1000000 bytes) which is 2147 MB or 2048 MiB (MiB = 1024*1024 bytes) in size.
So the following relations have to match: BRICK_START >= 281 MB and BRICK_END <= 2428 MB
Note that these numbers are rounded, so if your brick lies exactly on this border, it is possible that your aprtitions are not brick free after the repartitioning.
So to be sure this would be safer: BRICK_START > 281 MB and BRICK_END < 2428 MB
In the example all partitions from FACTORYFS up to the "big" partition (here UMS) have their beginning moved by 2048 MiB.
The "big" partition is shrinked by the same amount, so it ends at the same block as before the repartitioning.
Therefore the following partitions (only HIDDEN in this case) remain unchanged.
All partitions before the first moved partition (FACTORYFS) remain also unchanged.
I recently added more starting partitions for the brick (XXX-moved-by-...).
As a rule, all partitions from this starting partition up to the "big" partition are moved by the size of the HOLE.
All partitions in front of the starting partition and all partitions after the "big" partitions remain unchanged.
case FACTORYFS-moved-by-...
before: ...-|-FAC?OR??S-|??ATAFS-|-UMS------------------------------------|...
after: ...-| ? ?? ??|-FACTORYFS-|-DATAFS-|-UMS---------------------|...
\ /
case DATAFS-moved-by-...
before: ...-|-FACTORYFS-|D??T?FS-|-UMS------------------------------------|...
after: ...-|-FACTORYFS-| ?? ?|-DATAFS-|-UMS------------------------------|...
\ /
(? = bad blocks)
The PIT file will repartition the phone automatically when flashed using Odin, but the moved partitions will not be formatted after that.
If you flash a partition in Odin, you will also put a valid file system on this partition(because the partition image also contains the file system).
For all other partitions, you have to format those partitions, before you can use them.
At least the data partition should be formatted
The revived phone does in nearly no user noticeable way differ from a stock phone afterwards.
You just have a smaller internal sd (called "big" partition above) and you cannot flash a stock pit file again (this would revert the phone to the bricked state).
ATTENTION: different recoveries and ROMs mount external and internal sdcard on varying directories.
I also had the following problem:
I couldn't format my internal sdcard with the cm9 recovery. I think it's too big for the mkfs.vfat tool of current cm9. So I installed another recovery, formatted the internal sd (I thought).
This erased all my current backups and downloads, because in reality it was my external sd. Fortunately I had a backup of the external sdcard from before rescuing my phone.
So, you may want to create a backup of your external sdcard first.
Then double check which is your internal sdcard (the UMS partition) and which is your external sdcard.
Or you could remove the external sd completely. But think about when to remove it, because you might need it for some files (e.g. to use the emmc partition scanner).
-------------------- backup
before messing with the partition table, everyone should make backups of all partitions that can be accessed.
-------------------- efs backup
The most important backup is the efs partition, which very crucial, it includes your IMEI number, bluetooth MAC etc., and without this individual information, your phone cannot be used as a phone again.
For most supported phones, you can do this via adb:
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 of=/mnt/sdcard/efs.img
please look at forrest1971's thread for details about using adb.
If your phone uses another partition number for efs, then use this instead of the "1" in mmcblk0p1.
Perhaps you have to mount your sdcard first, to be able to save it there.
Then you should copy the backup to your PC (the recovery should have the option to mount usb).
-------------------- backup files from internal sd before repartitioning
the repartitioning will clear all data in the affected partitions, so all data in your big partition (internal sd etc.) will be lost.
You can try to backup your data, if the partition is accessible. The different methods below may have different success, depending which parts of your phone are usable.
* you can use aroma file manager, which is a full fledged gui file manager which starts standalone by being flashed in CWM. So it should be completely independent (sorry, I could not test it for this kind of backup myself).
For the following possibilities you should first ensure, you have a working recovery with working adb support.
Mount your external sd in recovery (which might be /emmc or /sdcard, please check), to be able to copy files.
* you can use QtAdb to copy files to your PC:
* you can use adb pull to copy any files or directory tree to your PC, e.g.:
adb pull /emmc/. emmc
* you can use tar from adb to archive files to a file on sdcard:
adb shell tar cvjf /sdcard/emmc.tar.bz2 /emmc/.
* you can use a copy command in adb shell to copy files to a folder in sdcard:
adb shell cp -ra /emmc/. /sdcard/emmc.backup
Note: you will loose file attributes and owner information if emmc is formatted with ext2/ext3/ext4, because vfat cannot handle these.
This may matter for system and some app related files.
-------------------- recommended procedures for "standard" cases
"standard" in this sense are pits that only affect FACTORYFS, DATA, CACHE or internal SD (UMS/USERDATA etc.).
All other partitions need special considerations and are not handled in this section!
Note these are from theory only. My phone is running now and I don't want to brick it again, only for testing the procedure.
Therefore the procedure is *NOT* tested (by me) and may contain problems which I didn't expect!
So be "careful with that axe, Eugene!"
Note, there are always multiple ways to reinstall the phone.
phase "find brick"
* reboot into recovery (hold Vol-Up + Home + Power until you arrive there [20-30 seconds])
* flash emmc_find_brick_start.zip, note where it freezes -> BRICK_START
* flash emmc_find_brick_end.zip, note where it freezes -> BRICK_END
phase "flash pit and ROM"
* (re)boot to download mode (hold Vol-Down + Home + Power until you arrive there [20-30 seconds], then Vol-Up)
* flash a patched PIT in Odin
* flash a known good ROM via Odin (especially not a faulty stock ICS ROMs)
phase "check partitions"
* reboot into recovery (hold Vol-Up + Home + Power until you arrive there [20-30 seconds])
* check the partitions (see section "checking all partitions" below)
phase "restore partitions"
* switch off the phone (something like "power off" in recovery)
* remove external sdcard (to be sure not to format it afterwards)
* boot recovery (hold Vol-Up + Home + Power until you arrive there [20-30 seconds])
* format cache
* format data
* format internal SD (if it fails read below)
phase "start ROM"
After formatting or wiping data you can probably also boot into the ROM and format the internal sd from there (again: keep the external sd removed, to not format the external sd instead of the internal sd unintentionally).
You should be able to flash any stock ROM from samfirmware (click on n7000 under "models"), I would recommend the one you had before the brick and and before any stock ICS, else you risk a brick again!.
I would recommend a cyanogen ROM though, if you can live with some features missing from stock ROM.
Note: I think the standard recovery doesn't give you enough format options (a guess, I am running cm9).
It may be easier to take a custom ROM with a better custom recovery, but it has to be flashable via Odin (tar file).
A second method is via recovery using a custom kernel:
phase "find brick" like above
phase "flash pit and kernel"
* (re)boot to download mode (hold Vol-Down + Home + Power until you arrive there [20-30 seconds], then Vol-Up)
* flash a patched PIT in Odin
* flash a custom kernel with a good recovery (e.g. cm9 safe kernel) via Odin (which will increment the flash counter! -> yellow triangle -> warranty lost until you reset the counter)
phase "check partitions" like above
phase "restore partitions"
* switch off the phone (something like "power off" in recovery)
* remove external sdcard (to be sure not to format it afterwards)
* boot into recovery (hold Vol-Up + Home + Power until you arrive there [20-30 seconds])
* format system
* format cache
* format data
* format internal SD
phase "install ROM"
* install the zip of the ROM
phase "start ROM"
So you generally install the ROM like usual, the only difference is to restore all the partitions moved by the repartitioning with the patched PIT.
This is neccessary because all changed/moved partitions don't have a valid file system or content after the repartitioning.
For some partitions this can be done by a simple format (cache, data, internal sd).
Others need true contents (e.g. system, kernel, recovery can be restored by installing a rom/kernel/recovery).
In other cases (non-standard situations) you need to restore a backup (efs, if you have one) or some generic contents (param, sbl1/2).
EFS is the most critical one, because it contains information unique to your own phone. Also see the efs section in this post.
I assume SBL1/2 are needed by the boot process (secondary boot loader), but I never tested this. I don't even know where to get these boot loaders (which probably have to be installed with the PIT via odin, because they are involved in the boot process).
You may find other important information in the thread, please read it completely before asking the same things over and over again.
There may also be useful information and experiences from users.
I try to incorporate useful information in the thread starter, but my time is often very limited.
Also, some information may not look valuable enough for me to integrate it, but it may be valuable for you.
...suggestions or corrections welcome!...
-------------------- checking all partitions for bricked blocks
After repartitioning some partitions may still have bricked blocks inside (because of moving brick or choosing a wrong pit etc.).
Bricked blocks in any partition will lead to random freezes when these blocks are accessed in any way.
So you should check all your partitions after repartitioning to be sure.
With both methods below, you can check the partitions even before formatting any of them.
You can do this with my emmc partition scanner, which is flashed via recovery (this doesn't really flash, it only uses the scripting of the updater mechanism of the recovery, also called edify script).
You can also do it manual via dd commands in adb, but this is much slower.
Use commands like this, using the partition block device in the if=... argument:
adb shell dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 of=/dev/null
adb shell dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 of=/dev/null
adb shell dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3 of=/dev/null
adb shell dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p9 of=/dev/null
adb shell dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p10 of=/dev/null
adb shell dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p11 of=/dev/null
If any of these freeze the phone (or reboots the phone or doesn't come to an end even after an hour), you probably (still) have bricked blocks inside the according partition.
-------------------- pit.str for DataWorkshop
For those who want to edit their own patched pit file, I made a structure definition file (pit.str) for an open source multi-platform tool (java) called DataWorkshop, which allows looking at binary data in structured form.
The tool is not very comfortable when it comes to copy/paste etc. but you can edit the values (just put the cursor at the correct digit before typing the number).
Please ask (PM), if you are interested in this.
-------------------- PITs for other devices
Because Samsung doesn't fix their kernels (thinking their software doesn't have the problem) there is a growing number of affected devices.
Look at the attached files, which devices are currently available.
If pits for your device aren't available yet, please send me a stock PIT and tell me which partitions are bricked (or BRICK_START and BRICK_END, and if you know, which partitions are usually bricked for your device).
I'll look what I can do...
I will add comments for special cases below.
-------------------- device i9250 - experimental PITs
I added i9250 PITs which are very experimental, because I don't know how some details of it's stock PIT affect the result. May be it breaks everything, so beware.
I added this especially for Shanava, who said to be able to recover even from a hard brick.
His brick is in userdata.
So this will probably revive the internal sd (is it userdata?) and reinstalling a ROM shouldn't be necessary, only formatting userdata.
But I also added system and cache as possible starting partition for the brick, then you have to install a ROM and format cache accordingly.
-------------------- devices not supported/supportable
i9000, i9300 (and similar):
These devices have a different PIT structure.
The structure for each partition entry doesn't include an offset, so I don't know a way to define a gap for skipping the bricked blocks.
Inserting an unused partition changes the partition numbers after it, which shouldn't work.
-------------------- FOR-EXPERTS-ONLY packages
DO NOT USE one of the packages with "FOR-EXPERTS-ONLY" in it's name unless you are REALLY REALLY sure how to handle/restore/initialize all the affected partitions, often meaning you were involved in the discussion leading to these files or you read this VERY carefully.
These packages contain files to be used by those who have special problems and want to take the risk to try them.
They are only documented by the corresponding discussion (somewhere in this thread).
note: this is a living post, it changes while progressing. If you want to refer to it, please make a reference to the whole thread, beginning at the first post.
Don't directly link to the attached files, as they will go away, when I update the files and their names from time to time.
Let's hear it....
ok I wait. ..
Forgive me for being skeptical but, Join date Feb 2011, and this is only your second and very open ended post?...... Hmmmm :S
RavenY2K3 said:
Forgive me for being skeptical but, Join date Feb 2011, and this is only your second and very open ended post?...... Hmmmm :S
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's why I said "Let's hear it....". Like, I am very curious because I noticed the same thing you did. I hate doubting people, but sometimes you have to.
hg42 said:
go straight ahead to the final solution (see next post)...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
andreww88 said:
Let's hear it....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I very much doubt it. But lets hear your version of "The curious case of Benjamin eMMC bug"
panyan said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Why did you quote me?
Repartitioning around the bad blocks
This is the former first post of this thread...I switched it with a continuously updated version, which is more understandable for ths users of my pit method.
-----------------------snip -------------------------------------
Hi everyone, especially those with an ICS brick,
last week I jumped straight into a MMC_CAP_ERASE brick.
Sadly, I knew very well what not to do with a LPY kernel on my phone (wiping etc.).
But one weak moment (touching "wipe data/factory reset" in CWM), and then a moment later a flash (pun!) going through my brain, telling me "wow, now the phone will be bricked, right?".
Well I rebooted the phone and thought to be a lucky man, because the system booted correctly.
But after about a minute the SGN started to get FCs in android.*.acore and Google Play etc. I looked with a root file manager and found that the /data partition wasn't mounted.
So I got the BRICK!
After some days of analysing and thinking about the situation, I found a way out of the dilemma. I think, I will not bother you with all the details of these days, but go straight ahead to the final solution...
(this was planned as the second post in the thread, but the dynamic community inserted many post in between, so I added it here sorry, my fault)
---- cut ----
This is a rewrite in english of my report at a german forum:
ICS Brick, Samsung Galaxy Note N7000, Erfahrungsbericht
My brick created bad blocks in the phone's flash memory.
I got I/O-Errors when attempting to read or write those blocks.
My SGN was still able to boot into recovery and all kinds of kernels/recovery.
Odin was able to flash boot loaders, kernels, modems and CSCs.
But flashing a factory_fs stopped at the very beginning.
I found, that any access to some blocks inside /system and also ANY access to /data left an inaccessible phone and I had to restart it.
For all of the following I needed access to some tools (mainly e2fsck and parted).
As I had completely deleted my system partition before (formatting it), I had no single useful tool around, so the recovery had to provide any of those.
The stock recovery e.g. of KL8 engineering kernel doesn't provide such tools, so I had to find a better one first.
I found all this packed in the Thor kernel, but would not recommend it, because it's closed source.
You may use the tools from forrest1971, see below under "manual method".
One of my attempts to get around those bad blocks, was to create a bad blocks list which can be used by the ext4 file system, I tried this command:
e2fsck -c /dev/block/mmcblk0p9 (which is the /system partition)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This failed, because to find out which blocks are bad, e2fsck tries to read them and gets stuck by doing so.
I could have created a list manually, but because the data partition was corrupted starting at it's first block, this bad blocks list wouldn't work here anyway.
At the end, my solution was to recreate the partition scheme, leaving a big hole at the space where /system (893MB) and /data (2147MB) resided before:
before: - ...-|-FAC?ORYFS-|??ATAFS-|-UMS------------------------------------|...
after: + ...-| ? ?? |-FACTORYFS-|-DATAFS-|-UMS---------------|...
(? = bad blocks, + working, - = not working still bad blocks inside)
In order to not access those bad blocks, I could not move these partitions, but instead I had to delete them first and recreate them at another place afterwards.
So I needed a backup of them first (fortunately I always have 7 Titanium backup levels around).
Here is a log of my steps (but see below in the blue sections for other probably easier procedures):
I managed to access the device via [I]adb shell[/I]...which is another story for itself...
Then I started [I]parted[/I] with the flash device:
~ # parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
GNU Parted
Using /dev/block/mmcblk0
Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
(parted) print
As a greeting I got some error messages about the GPT layout, which parted wanted to fix:
[QUOTE]Error: The backup GPT table is not at the end of the disk, as it should be.
This might mean that another operating system believes the disk is smaller.
Fix, by moving the backup to the end (and removing the old backup)?
Fix/Ignore/Cancel? f
Warning: Not all of the space available to /dev/block/mmcblk0 appears to be
used, you can fix the GPT to use all of the space (an extra 2048 blocks) or
continue with the current setting?
Fix/Ignore? f
this was the partition scheme before implementing the workaround:
Model: MMC VYL00M (sd/mmc)
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 15.8GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt
Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 4194kB 25.2MB 21.0MB ext4 EFS
2 25.2MB 26.5MB 1311kB SBL1
3 27.3MB 28.6MB 1311kB SBL2
4 29.4MB 37.7MB 8389kB PARAM
5 37.7MB 46.1MB 8389kB KERNEL
6 46.1MB 54.5MB 8389kB RECOVERY
7 54.5MB 264MB 210MB ext4 CACHE
8 264MB 281MB 16.8MB MODEM
9 281MB 1174MB 893MB FACTORYFS
10 1174MB 3322MB 2147MB ext4 DATAFS
11 3322MB 15.2GB 11.9GB fat32 UMS
12 15.2GB 15.8GB 537MB ext4 HIDDEN
then I deleted the partitions 9=FACTORYFS=/system, 10=DATAFS=/data and 11=UMS=/sdcard(internal) and recreated them starting at the former start of the internal sdcard partition (11) leaving the former space of the /system and /data partitions unused:
(parted) rm 11
(parted) rm 10
(parted) rm 9
(parted) mkpartfs primary ext2 3500 4400
(parted) mkpartfs primary ext2 4400 7000
(parted) mkpartfs primary fat32 7000 15.2G
(parted) name 9 FACTORYFS
(parted) name 10 DATAFS
(parted) name 11 UMS
now I upgraded both new ext2 partitions to ext4:
~ # tune2fs -j /dev/block/mmcblk0p9
tune2fs -j /dev/block/mmcblk0p9
tune2fs 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)
Creating journal inode: done
This filesystem will be automatically checked every 30 mounts or
0 days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
~ # tune2fs -j /dev/block/mmcblk0p10
tune2fs -j /dev/block/mmcblk0p10
tune2fs 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)
Creating journal inode: done
This filesystem will be automatically checked every 30 mounts or
0 days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
~ # e2fsck -fDp /dev/block/mmcblk0p9
e2fsck -fDp /dev/block/mmcblk0p9
/dev/block/mmcblk0p9: 11/439776 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 71701/878907 blocks
~ # e2fsck -fDp /dev/block/mmcblk0p10
e2fsck -fDp /dev/block/mmcblk0p10
/dev/block/mmcblk0p10: 11/317440 files (9.1% non-contiguous), 26386/634765 blocks
and this is the final partition layout:
~ # parted /dev/block/mmcblk0 print
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0 print
Model: MMC VYL00M (sd/mmc)
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 15.8GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt
Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 4194kB 25.2MB 21.0MB ext4 EFS
2 25.2MB 26.5MB 1311kB SBL1
3 27.3MB 28.6MB 1311kB SBL2
4 29.4MB 37.7MB 8389kB PARAM
5 37.7MB 46.1MB 8389kB KERNEL
6 46.1MB 54.5MB 8389kB RECOVERY
7 54.5MB 264MB 210MB ext4 CACHE
8 264MB 281MB 16.8MB MODEM
9 3500MB 4400MB 900MB ext3 FACTORYFS
10 4400MB 7000MB 2600MB ext3 DATAFS
11 7000MB 15.2GB 8217MB fat32 UMS msftres
12 15.2GB 15.8GB 537MB ext4 HIDDEN
This configuration works so far (one complete day now).
I can install firmwares and restore backups via recoveries.
Also flashing via Odin should work (not tried yet).
I currently can only imagine one standard procedure which will not work, that is creating a new partition scheme, e.g. via Odin (PIT file) or may be a CWM script.
I think/hope this will not occur too often...
-- naturally, it's much faster to insert those short messages than rewriting a long german post in english.
Next time I should write the main text prior to posting anything, I think...
You are the man, bro.
man has a few posts but are worth a lot. .. thanks for share with us
And... I just wonder it couldn't be possible to recreate the whole partition table with an appropiate tool like GNU/Linux "parted" or so?
Is the damage so serious? Is it physical??
Interesting Read, this should be of a great help to those bricked without warranty.
straycat said:
And... I just wonder it couldn't be possible to recreate the whole partition table with an appropiate tool like GNU/Linux "parted" or so?
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you *can* indeed try to recreate the standard partition scheme (I did it very early with a PIT file in Odin and also tried formatting those partions etc.), but this doesn't work because *accessing* those blocks in any way is the *real* problem.
Is the damage so serious? Is it physical??
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yes, you can't even fix the bad blocks with the usual JTAG equipment.
I was told by a technician from a good repair center that a fix could eventually be possible by directly reprogramming the flash chip in some way (JTAG again), but no one tried yet, because this would cause several hours of work...
usually they swap the whole motherboard instead (which is >250EUR)
Thanks, hg42.
I really apreciate your efforts and to share with us.
I'm not a superbriked note owner but I follow with great interest those posts.
Again, thank you, man.
Wow man, that seemed really simple and straight forward. Next week well learn how to copy a file in Android, now that will be much trickier...
Thanks anyway for your efforts!
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
Zamboney said:
Wow man, that seemed really simple and straight forward. Next week well learn how to copy a file in Android, now that will be much trickier...
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LOL, you're right, at the end I also thought, that's really simple
but, at least...I had several problems to solve before getting adb up and running properly with root permissions and having the necessary tools at hand (inside adb).
I think this was mainly because I wiped my /system before.
But, it's easy to be wise after the event.
hmm, I tried to export this partition scheme to a PIT file (using heimdall-frontend), but I got a file that is exactly equal to the one I flashed last via Odin, which was Q1_20110914_16GB.pit.
So I assume the PIT file is one way only?
A PIT file would probably allow even unexperienced users to unbrick their phones.
This is the same method here:
Although your post I found easier to read.

Acer A200 - BRICKED, cannot mount /data /sdcard

I did something stupid. Got an A200 that could not get OTA 4.0.3, so I managed to get it updated manually. However, I then proceeded to try to root it using the "SimpleRoot" scripts on Acertabletforum, and at this point, the thing is bricked. In Recovery, I cannot get anything to mount. /SDCard, /data, etc
Bootloader is Unlocked
I tried with some different Recoveries with slightly different results:
1) Hbwelch CWM v5.5.0.4 (the one that comes with SimpleTool) - All mounting attempts fail
2) nics-TWRP_stable (twrp v 2.1.4) - Seems to be able to mount System and Cache, but not DATA or SDCARD (Internal or External)
3) thor v 5.5.0x (thor2002ro rev1.7) - errors mounting data, sdcard and /mnt/sdcard. Is able to mount system, cache, flexrom and flex.
Any idea how to fix it? I am afraid that if I try to return the tablet where I bought it as it is now, it will get rejected. (even though the damn thing was supposed to be ICS upgradable in the first place, but wasn't... long story)
I finally got the tablet working again. Was very close to sending it back. Got bits and pieces of info from various other posts on this forum and on acertabletforum. For the sake of anyone else that may find this thread, here are a few things that were wrong, and how to fix them
(I cannot post outside links, so just google the file names when relevant)
1) /SDCard would not mount. Solution - PARTITION the SD card. NOTE: The card worked on a PC, and even on that tablet when Android was fully booted. However it would NOT mount in recovery until I explicitly partitioned it. Doing a FORMAT on the PC does NOT count. I had to partition it within Recovery.
NOTE: This may also be why people are unable to get the update.zip thing working.
2) /Data would not mount - I have no idea how this got screwed up, but the solution was:
* Connect the tablet to the PC in RECOVERY. At this point, ADB should work. If not, check the drivers on the PC - I had to manually specify the Acer ADB Composite driver.
* Open a Command prompt window
* Start ADB shell by typing:
* Now execute the following:
mke2fs -j -b 4096 /dev/block/mmcblk0p8
tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index -C 1 /dev/block/mmcblk0p8
e2fsck -fy /dev/block/mmcblk0p8
After this is done your file system on /data will be fixed. (solution posted by spoupard on XDA-Developers.com)
3) Putting it all together:
* Flashed the BOOT partition with Honeycomb 3.2.1_boot.img
* Flashed the RECOVERY partition with nics-TWRP_stable.img
* At this point, I noticed that the Bootloader was once again LOCKED. So, start into FASTBOOT mode and execute the following from the command prompt again:
fastboot oem unlock
* Re-Start in Recovery and select MOUNT and make sure that everything is mounted. If /SDCARD or /DATA refuse to mount, fix that issue first (step 2 above)
* Now I select to INSTALL Acer_AV041_A200_1.037.00_PA_CUS1.zip
Upon reboot, I noticed that it said "Updating Bootloader", then got the Acer screen and locked up. I restarted again into Recovery and again selected the option to install INSTALL Acer_AV041_A200_1.037.00_PA_CUS1.zip and reboot. This time it restarted, indicated that it has a new version of bootloader (previously was 3.1.3) and proceeded to boot up into Android 4.0.3. At that point, I think my neighbors heard me scream YES!, considering I spent 2 days on this
I hope I got all the steps. Most of it is from memory and some notes, since I did not want to experiment and go through this hell again.
Great info but you might want to add fixed to the title. For the time being doesn't look like I will be rooting till these issues are sorted out. I am see too many people saying they are bricking with this root method.
FIXED - Acer A200 - BRICKED, cannot mount /data /sdcard
agapecs said:
Great info but you might want to add fixed to the title. For the time being doesn't look like I will be rooting till these issues are sorted out. I am see too many people saying they are bricking with this root method.
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Didn't see a way to edit the title. As for rooting, note that after all was said and done, I am still not rooted. I just managed to get updated to 4.0.3, which should have been done OTA anyway. I may try again now that I am a bit more confident that I can get it back to working state, but will do a full backup in ADB first. Too much of a pain in the *** to have to reconfigure everything again once the OS is installed.
I cannot get the device to connect to my PC at all, or get the correct driver selected. Any tips?
crazyjimbo said:
I cannot get the device to connect to my PC at all, or get the correct driver selected. Any tips?
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what state is the tablet in when you try to connect? Fastboot, Recovery, or fully booted up and operating?
What do you see in the device manager when the tablet is connected?
ext3 oder ext4?
1) /SDCard would not mount. Solution - PARTITION the SD card. NOTE: The card worked on a PC, and even on that tablet when Android was fully booted. However it would NOT mount in recovery until I explicitly partitioned it. Doing a FORMAT on the PC does NOT count. I had to partition it within Recovery.
Try to do this with twrp v.2.1.4: do I use ext3 or ext4 for the Partition? And which size needs the ext Partition?
teacherhh said:
Try to do this with twrp v.2.1.4: do I use ext3 or ext4 for the Partition? And which size needs the ext Partition?
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Don't think it matters. I picked the defaults.
mke2fs -j -b 4096 /dev/block/mmcblk0p8
Thanx j_medved for yor reply!
So I did and just faced the next problem: I can conect my Tablet to the PC and can finde it with adb devices and can start the shell with adb shell.
But then when I start: mke2fs -j -b 4096 /dev/block/mmcblk0p8
nothing seems to happen....waited about 30 minutes....
in the next turn I get the reply, that mmcblk0p8 is allready in use....next turn again: nothing seems to happen....
any ideas? .-(
If I remember correctly, that command should finish pretty quick. You may want to try leaving it for a bit longer, but it seems that you may have something else wrong. I am not that familiar with this area. Haven't dealt with Linux much. Sorry.
Okay. Thanx anyway!
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
again mke2fs
Once again j_medved...
did it look likes this, wenn you run mke2fs ?
teacherhh said:
Once again j_medved...
did it look likes this, wenn you run mke2fs ?
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Don't remember what it was for me (was a month ago ) , but another couple users that ran it had the following:
~ # mke2fs -j -b 4096 /dev/block/mmcblk0p8
mke2fs -j -b 4096 /dev/block/mmcblk0p8
mke2fs 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)
Warning: 256-byte inodes not usable on older systems
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
1831424 inodes, 7311872 blocks
365593 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
Maximum filesystem blocks=0
224 block groups
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
8176 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632, 2654208,
Writing inode tables: 52/224
Couple users that were hosed, were stuck at this point. Did not see any indication of resolution for those users
Driver Problems
Hi Guys,
I've the same problem. I can't wipe the Data, so I've found this instruction. unfortunenately will my PC not found my Tab. I've installed the drivers many times, but it will not work. Can anybody help, how to install? btw. fastboot is working, but not adb.
I'm using an Samsung Netbook with Win 7. THe PC's trying to install drivers, altough they are already installed, but can'T find any drivers.
If you need more informations, just let me know.
If you look in Windows 7 Device Manager, does the device show up there OK? Or does it show up as unrecognized device, or as some device code with a yellow triangle and exclamation on it? Or not at all?
Yes, their is a yellow triangle. I've tried to install the driver manually, but with no success. In my driverlist were the Acer driver not listed. furthermore I've tried to configure the usb-adb.ini with also no success. I have absolutly no idea what I can do.
In device manager, and does it show up as a200 or unknown device?
Is the device I am recovery at the time?
And also, and which recovery?
Tab is missing recovery and won't boot in to android
FASTBOOT WORKS BUT I GET THIS MESSAGE EVERY TIME I TRY TO FLASH RECOVERY.IMG says unknown partiton 'C:\James\Downloads\recovery.img'
error: cannot determine image filename for 'C:\James\Downloads\recovery.img'
Please help me
jram0421 said:
FASTBOOT WORKS BUT I GET THIS MESSAGE EVERY TIME I TRY TO FLASH RECOVERY.IMG says unknown partiton 'C:\James\Downloads\recovery.img'
error: cannot determine image filename for 'C:\James\Downloads\recovery.img'
Please help me
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I think you may be mistyping the command. What is the exact command that you are typing in that gets you this error?
cant get adb drivers installed in my pc
adb driver seems not to work at all when i try to boot my tablet on cwd when i boon on fastboot only fastboot recognice my device and when i let my acer a200 try to boot itself it gets stuck on acer screen whit this on top ( bootloader version 0.03.06-ics ) but windows recognice it but fails when installing the mtp usb drivers.
what can i do to get adb working so i can fix my mount issues so i can install my room again ?
hope you can help me tnks

[Q] how to make .img files from existing tablet?

I have a complete setup for the Nexus 7, part of a product we are working on, that I need to easily clone on "virgin" tablets for production. The app requires a rooted OS.
I want to write an installation script using fastboot to unlock the bootloader, erase partitions, then flash them with .img files for each partition (kernel, system, cache, etc.).
How do I extract .img files from my "master" tablet? I have an understanding from some where that these are simple byte-for-byte dumps of the partition -- is this true? As such can I create a .img file by simple doing 'cat blkfile >file.img' where "blkfile" is the appropriate block device for the partition in question?
Or do I need to use 'dd'? Or something else?
I have searched and searched, and can't find an anwer. I've found other answers using some tools to create these files from a build on a PC, but nothing about creating them from an existing tablet.
Thanks in advance!
Use the dd command. You can use it both to dump and write a partition. It's how I install recovery programs like TWRP
Sent from my Nexus 7
You can use dd for the boot partition and recovery partition - they are raw binary blobs. (Don't use dd on other Android devices, esp. those that have MTD flash devices, though - it only works most of the time there)
If you want to use the same fastboot-based scenario that Google uses for factory image sets, then for the system & userdata image files you will need to find out about "sparse ext4 filesystem images"
If you took a raw block-device based dump of any of your tablet ext4 partitions, you could actually take those image files and mount them on any other linux machine (using a loopback mount procedure).
But you will find that if you attempt to do that with the Google factory ".img" files (for system & userdata partitions), they will not mount. It's not a simple matter of a offset superblock, either.
Since these are the formats that the stock recovery expects, I suppose you ought to use those formats if you want to do the "all at once all partitions" fastboot flashing if you plan on using the stock recovery.
Note that there is absolutely nothing that prevents you from unpacking whatever you want from whatever archive format you want - so long as the recovery's busybox supports the archive format correctly - you could use cpio or pax or tar archives for that matter. (The stock recovery's "toolbox" has very little functionality, so this comment applies to custom recoveries, which typically have more robust functionality in their busybox) You will be writing your own scripts to do those things though, typically either in one of two ways:
1.A mount target filesystem partition
1.B do a deep recursive remove at that mountpoint ( rm -rf * )
1.C unpack your archive into same mount point ( tar xf archive.tar, etc)
1.D unmount the mount point
2.A unmount target partition and zero it out (dd if=/dev/zero, flash_erase, etc)
2.B recreate filesystem in partition (mke2fs -t ext4 etc)
2.C mount target filesystem
2.D unpack your archive into the same mount point (tar xf archive, pax, cpio, unyaffs2, etc)
2.E unmount that mountpoint
Even though this post is for the Samsung Galaxy S II, the same thing applies to the factory Nexus 7 images from Google:
As that thread mentions, the simg2img and mkuserimg.sh programs are part of the Android project.
Here's a Nexus 7 thread where the contributor built the tools for both x86 linux and arm linux
Finally, I should note that because /system is typically mounted read-only, imaging /system from the live OS is no big deal. Trying to do the same thing with /data is an extremely dopey idea, however. Accurate backups are rarely made from live read-write filesystems.
Thank you so much for all the great information! I hit thanks for both of you.
The link to the nexus 7 thread is what I need... This is for my company, and I need a simple cloning solution that can be performed by a non-technical assembly person. The fastboot install procedure is about as simple as it gets.
Thanks again!

[Q] Return to stock rom 4.2.2 and usb not working help!!

I urgently need help for my nexus 7 that has stopped charging or recognising even the original ASUS usb cable (have tried many others as well, same result). I'm currently charging it via the method of powering it of and plugging it in without the android os running. I have even tried to connect it to my PC in bootloader mode. I have the custom trinity kernel install and want to return my device to stock kernel and os state. However I do have TWRP and need help from there to install the stock image. I have previously tried many thing such as completely wiping the system and clearing any caches in TWRP. Also I have seen that in TWRP it recognises my usb (connected via OTG cable).
So could anyone please help me with returning my nexus 7 back to stck state using TWRP.
And is there also a way of unrooting my device without using PC (using TWRP instead)?
-- Update -- I have no OS installed (tried to delete custom kernel) --
Thanks in advance.
Nexus 7 state:
- custom trinity kernel
- USB connection to PC not working
There should be help for you here in this sticky in this Q&A forum:
Note 2 - Nexus 7 - Charge - Player 5.0 - Fascinate
Read twice, flash once
USB doesn't work > can't use adb
ezas said:
There should be help for you here in this sticky in this Q&A forum:
Note 2 - Nexus 7 - Charge - Player 5.0 - Fascinate
Read twice, flash once
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Thanks for replying, but the problem is that I can't use adb (can't connect with PC), the only thing I can do is access TWRP and usb storage (via OTG in TWRP). So I need the stock rom in a "rom" like format so I can flash it using TWRP. Could anyone please tell me another way or give the stock rom in a format that TWRP can flash (ASAP plz). Thanks in advance
The easiest thing (of course) would be if somebody put together a flashable return-to-stock ROM. I've done it before for other devices, but haven't gotten around to doing it for the N7.
You didn't really say whether you were talking about (a) "exactly stock", or whether you wanted (b) a stock recovery put back in place, or whether you were (c) also trying to get the bootloader re-locked.
Case (c) can not be done using anything except fastboot (unless you previously recorded your bootloader while it was in a locked state), so I'll just assume that you are talking about (a) and (b), and that you are going to leave the bootloader unlocked - or you had already locked your bootloader after rooting and installing a custom recovery.
I see that you are trying (in another thread) to get somebody to make you a Nandroid backup of /system from a pure stock ROM. That would be one way of doing things (making sure that you get a grouper image if you have a grouper (WiFi) or a tilapia image if you have a tilapia N7 (3G) device). And while we are on the subject, I'll throw out another way you can do just that:
- The Google "factory" system.img files are in a sparse ext4 format that can not be directly mounted (e.g. using a loopback mount) in Linux. But, the Android toolkit includes a utility (for Linux) called "simg2img" (aka Sparse IMaGe to IMaGe) which can convert the sparse ext4 "system.img" image file to a regular ext4 format image file. This could be created, mounted via a loopback (using Linux, of course), and then a "tar" backup of the whole shebang is made. The TWRP and CWM nandroid backup images are just TAR archives. So If you grok what I am telling you, you have the power to create your own "Nandroid" /system backup file directly from the factory images. (Windoze-only doods need not apply.)
If you take this route, then you only need the recovery image plus the hacked "Nandroid" backup to "restore" directly to a pure stock device using only a custom recovery. (The recovery partition can be overwritten while the recovery is running because the partition is not "in use" after the boot completes - the recovery kernel and ramdisk live entirely in memory while they are running.)
But as I noted above, this will not re-lock the bootloader. It will put stock software back on the device, though.
If you intend to save anything off the device, do it before you begin this. The stock recovery "factory reset" procedure clears the ENTIRE /data partition including the pseudo-SD card area.
good luck
how would you do the procedure
bftb0 said:
The easiest thing (of course) would be if somebody put together a flashable return-to-stock ROM. I've done it before for other devices, but haven't gotten around to doing it for the N7.
You didn't really say whether you were talking about (a) "exactly stock", or whether you wanted (b) a stock recovery put back in place, or whether you were (c) also trying to get the bootloader re-locked.
Case (c) can not be done using anything except fastboot (unless you previously recorded your bootloader while it was in a locked state), so I'll just assume that you are talking about (a) and (b), and that you are going to leave the bootloader unlocked - or you had already locked your bootloader after rooting and installing a custom recovery.
I see that you are trying (in another thread) to get somebody to make you a Nandroid backup of /system from a pure stock ROM. That would be one way of doing things (making sure that you get a grouper image if you have a grouper (WiFi) or a tilapia image if you have a tilapia N7 (3G) device). And while we are on the subject, I'll throw out another way you can do just that:
- The Google "factory" system.img files are in a sparse ext4 format that can not be directly mounted (e.g. using a loopback mount) in Linux. But, the Android toolkit includes a utility (for Linux) called "simg2img" (aka Sparse IMaGe to IMaGe) which can convert the sparse ext4 "system.img" image file to a regular ext4 format image file. This could be created, mounted via a loopback (using Linux, of course), and then a "tar" backup of the whole shebang is made. The TWRP and CWM nandroid backup images are just TAR archives. So If you grok what I am telling you, you have the power to create your own "Nandroid" /system backup file directly from the factory images. (Windoze-only doods need not apply.)
If you take this route, then you only need the recovery image plus the hacked "Nandroid" backup to "restore" directly to a pure stock device using only a custom recovery. (The recovery partition can be overwritten while the recovery is running because the partition is not "in use" after the boot completes - the recovery kernel and ramdisk live entirely in memory while they are running.)
But as I noted above, this will not re-lock the bootloader. It will put stock software back on the device, though.
If you intend to save anything off the device, do it before you begin this. The stock recovery "factory reset" procedure clears the ENTIRE /data partition including the pseudo-SD card area.
good luck
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Thanks for the information. I do want my device (grouper WiFi) to go back to factory state (c - get rid of superSU and busybox). However I do have some questions regarding the creating nandroid backup by your method. As I have Ubuntu 12.10 installed, how would I do the procedure? And what do you mean by "mounted via a loopback"? Also is it only "system.img", what about "boot.img", "recovery.img" and "userdata.img"?
Is it possible that you could maybe give me the nandroid backup.tar as I am not much experienced, I would really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.
Well if a (stock) factory reset erases the /data partition, userdata.img sorta doesn't matter, right?
boot.img and recovery.img are just binary blobs, so they could be taken from the factory image and used "as is" as part of your hand-assembled "Nandroid Backup"
That only leaves system.img - previously discussed.
$ sim2img google-factory-sparse-system.img ext4.system.img
$ sudo /bin/bash
# losetup /dev/loop0 ./ext4.system.img
# mkdir /mnt/Foo
# mount -t ext4 -o ro /dev/loop0 /mnt/Foo
# cd /mnt/Foo
# tar cf /home/newb/fakenandroidsystem.tar .
# cd /home/newb
# chown newb.newb fakenandroidsystem.tar
# umount /mnt/Foo
# rmdir /mnt/Foo
# losetup -d /dev/loop0
# exit
You will need to either find the sim2img utility as a prebuilt or download it and build it. You might need to fool with tar command-line options during the archive creation - I notice that the TWRP nandroid tar archives (system.emmc.ext4.win) seem to have absolute pathnames rooted at "/" rather than "/system". Don't know if this is significant or not.
good luck
PS it goes without saying that you need to be extremely careful about giving up root when doing this: imagine that you restore a bad /system image along with a stock recovery - you will have an unbootable device that can not be rooted without hardware repair of the USB. You might want to initially do a test restore or two without overwriting the custom recovery
with the stock version. And keep a flashable ROM on the SDcard, too. Once you have everything working correctly, only then should you restore the recovery back to stock.
Do I load the nandroid direct to my USB device (connect via OTG and then flash in TWRP) after converting the .img and from what path in ubuntu shell am I writing those commands?
Sounds like you don't have adb set up there is a ppa to set it up for you Google for it. Then try to run adb devices and it should show up
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
There is no problem with adb as it did work before (when USB port did work), it doesn't even show up in device manager(windows) anymore. I cannot connect with my device to my PC via USB as the port is faulty nor does it charge with the oem wall charger when system is one. I can only charge it when the system is completely turned off and then when I plug it in PC/wall charger via USB. However I can access my USB drive via OTG only in TWRP and this is only way I can flash/restore to stock system. I want to return it to stock to send it back to google (exchange).

[Q] Backup Windows BootLoader ?

I would like to install Elementary OS Luna as dual boot to Windows 8.1
In a month or two, If i didn't like Elementary OS Luna then i would like to delete that partition & restore my Windows original Bootloader.
Is there anyway to backup windows bootloader ?
Could anyone please help me ?
-Thank you..
Pretty much any Linux installer or LiveCD will let you use the "dd" command to back up the Master Boot Record of your hard disk. The rest of the Windows bootloader is either on the system partition or on its own boot partition (usually 200MB) so you don't have to worry about it. An example of doing this onto a flashdrive would be "dd if=/dev/sda of=/mount/flashdrive/backup.mbr bs=512 count=1"
For GPT disks (rather than MBR ones)... It's still possible but I'm less sure what the relevant steps are.
In any case, it should be noted that the Windows install discs include recovery tools that can repair/re-install the Windows bootloader for you.
GoodDayToDie said:
Pretty much any Linux installer or LiveCD will let you use the "dd" command to back up the Master Boot Record of your hard disk. The rest of the Windows bootloader is either on the system partition or on its own boot partition (usually 200MB) so you don't have to worry about it. An example of doing this onto a flashdrive would be "dd if=/dev/sda of=/mount/flashdrive/backup.mbr bs=512 count=1"
For GPT disks (rather than MBR ones)... It's still possible but I'm less sure what the relevant steps are.
In any case, it should be noted that the Windows install discs include recovery tools that can repair/re-install the Windows bootloader for you.
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Is there a way to do this from Windows directly? It should be possible... or?

