[Q] APK(game) development? - IDEs, Libraries, & Programming Tools

First I'm sorry for my English's mistakes,I'm brazilian.There are a long time ago that I already knew about xda site but I just joined in it now because I need a lot help into apk development.I develop games in Construct 2(paid) for Android but when I finish my game in the program I get a HTML version of it and sent to Adobe Phonegap because like this I can get a apk without the boring problems of make it in ConcoonJS.My problem is when it get back the apk because the apk comes just like a ''raw'' project.What I want to mean is that the apk by the way doesn't come with a icon/logo(I think that like this it must come without the name of the company for instance too).In Unity we can put icon,name of company,compatibity and another things but I prefer to make in Construct my game because Unity is more complex than.SO what I want is a program that can give these informations for my developeds apks.
Thanks to everybody that answers my question!

asker7813 said:
First I'm sorry for my English's mistakes,I'm brazilian.There are a long time ago that I already knew about xda site but I just joined in it now because I need a lot help into apk development.I develop games in Construct 2(paid) for Android but when I finish my game in the program I get a HTML version of it and sent to Adobe Phonegap because like this I can get a apk without the boring problems of make it in ConcoonJS.My problem is when it get back the apk because the apk comes just like a ''raw'' project.What I want to mean is that the apk by the way doesn't come with a icon/logo(I think that like this it must come without the name of the company for instance too).In Unity we can put icon,name of company,compatibity and another things but I prefer to make in Construct my game because Unity is more complex than.SO what I want is a program that can give these informations for my developeds apks.
Thanks to everybody that answers my question!
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I'm sorry for my English's mistakes, I from Belarus. You export game for CoconJS. Go on site cocon js. Make apk on site. Downland Java JDK. Sign the application. And do an operation on the apk through Zipalign

ill try tough coconjs is a kinda of boring program.Anyway,thank you,you were the only one person that answered my quetion

asker7813 said:
ll try tough coconjs is a kinda of boring program.Anyway,thank you,you were the only one person that answered my quetion
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THANK U VERY MUCH FRINEND!!!I got success doing what you said

To make android videogames I suggest you to continue to lear Unity.
Follow the tutorials of Burgzerg Arcade (Peter Laliberte) for 3D games or tutorials of Christopher LaPollo for 2D games.
Hope this can help you.


Trying to become a developer

Sorry if this has been posted but I couldn't find one and if posted in wrong section
Im trying to become a developer but I am stuck at hello android and don't know what to do from there if anyone can show me a way to develop apps easily please help out and this is my first post too =]
Sent from my overclocked Cyanogenmod htc evolution 4g sucka
cesarcerros31 said:
Sorry if this has been posted but I couldn't find one and if posted in wrong section
Im trying to become a developer but I am stuck at hello android and don't know what to do from there if anyone can show me a way to develop apps easily please help out and this is my first post too =]
Sent from my overclocked Cyanogenmod htc evolution 4g sucka
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You're stuck getting Hello Android to work or whate to do after hello android? Do you know any development languages such as Java or C#? (you'll be writing android apps in java, but C# is really MS version of java with a few syntax differences) If not, are you familiar with object orientation? If not, it's gonna be tough dude but if you're smart and pick stuff up quickly you can learn by reading.
Pick up some books and look at youtube videos.
Sent while sitting on the toilet.
Alright thanks its just that helloandroid project wouldn't start right but I will look up massively on how to start a different way or just try to find the solution and youtube always helps and anyone knows how to make roms looking to make aosp
Sent from my overclocked Cyanogenmod htc evolution 4g sucka
There's a few free Eclipse and Java books out there that a beginner will understand especially if you already understand the concepts of object-oriented programming. Eclipse IDE itself will need a book as it's full of plugins and tools you need to understand to compile your project effectively.
It's going to be a very very long and slow road.
This may help, a series of YouTube videos for beginners.
I've been thinking the same thing, learning to develop for Android. Since I have near zero experience programming (save for a VB class in college) I decided I would be better off hiring someone to write what I want.
Just keep in mind though, Hello World is just where people start.
You may want to check out the android Appinventor. It's made by Google, and is in beta testing now, but it's a graphical way of programming for android. Though there isn't any code involved and won't be good/used outside of Android, it does a good job imparting the logic of programming.
I'll give you some tips that I've learned over the years as a developer.
First if you haven't done any development before I highly advise obtaining a book. True there are tons of web tutorials out there but personally I find a good author can do wonders in learning how to develop software. Anytime I want to learn a new platform I pick up a book on that platform. Of course you can find a ton of books used but another great source is a library. If you're in college with a computer science program chances are your library will have a couple of books on Android development. Your public library probably has some books on the subject as well. If all else fails see if you have a friend who will loan you a book.
Reading about development is only part one, part two is hands on. You can read an entire book on developing software and walk away with no knowledge. You can mindlessly follow the examples in the book but I find it best to use the examples in books as a guideline. In other words take the idea in the book and morph it so you're working on something original. Trust me here, you'll learn a lot more doing this instead of just mindlessly following the examples.
Next thing you'll need is a problem. Why? Because you need something to write. I find myself most motivated to write software when I either have a problem or something else has one and a checkbook. What do you want your phone to do? Are there applications out there that solve your problem but you think you can do better? Think small and easy since you're still new. Realistically you're not going to be able to make a web browser from scratch as your first project but you can certainly make a database of movies you own.
One thing that is debatable is whether you should learn to write something quickly or well. Frankly I'm in the school or writing something quickly and ignoring "correctness" when you're new. People new to programming spend too much time worrying about doing things "correctly" (very important when you're developing actual software) instead of learning how to do things in the first place.
Your code may not be readable, may not be optimized, and may crash every time an invalid input is entered into a field but you'll learn from those things. I think most people who end up hating programming do so because they spent too much time on worry about the little things and thus seeing no results for their work. Once you have the basics down you can concentrate of the details of optimizing code, validating inputs, and making your code readable.
Honestly not matter what you write you'll look back at it in embarrassment ten years from now anyways.
Ok thanks will look for a book
Sent from my overclocked Cyanogenmod htc evolution 4g sucka
cesarcerros31 said:
Ok thanks will look for a book
Sent from my overclocked Cyanogenmod htc evolution 4g sucka
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Buy a Java book that also covers Object Orientation basics and principals. (you'll also need to understand some XML to do android programming) If you want to make kernels/ROMS, definitely look into Linux and shell scripting. (you can find most of this info online though)
By the way, I heard the "Java in 24 hours" book is pretty good.
Sirchuk said:
By the way, I heard the "Java in 24 hours" book is pretty good.
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it might be good, but it wont teach him how to actually code. Most of those books are made for people that know other languages like javascript/php/c/etc.. and are wanting to move to java and learn the new syntax.
I have no idea as to what you know. So ftw.
Write what ever you decide in a pseudo code, first.
Two things will fall out of that, a design, and java methods of implementing the pseudo language ( as you decide what java syntax does your psuedo code) which invariably returns you to (1) the design. I think it's called iterational refinement, or some such other bs.
So don't get bogged down, now that you know hello, make it start "right"...
You all do realize that eclipse was a machine.. a sunny>dg joke.

[Q] New Young App Developer Needing Help

Hello XDA,
I have just finished my first year of high school, and have spent 2 years around Windows Mobile and Android.
I want to start developing in different parts of Android, Applications being the top priority.
I have found and got many guides such as Sam's Teach Yourself for helping me build applications.
I know I can't start off building advanced apps. But the place I need help is where should I start, and what things I should learn such as Java, Adobe Air being a few.
If you guys can please maybe make a list I should follow or something...This would be greatly appreciated,
Thanks A lot
If you have an idea about java, the next step is to "google" for "Android Developers"...
I think it's the perfect place for beginners in Android Development...♫ ♪
Yep, you'll definitely need to learn Java. Knowing some Object Oriented concepts will help too.
The recommended IDE (Integrated Developer Environment) for Android is Eclipse (it's free!). I personally use IntelliJ (community edition is free - less features, but it's got all you need for Android dev).
Looking at tutorials etc is really good - imo the best way to learn is hands-on learning. A good starting place is the developer docs: http://developer.android.com/resources/browser.html?tag=tutorial
Once you've followed a couple of those, you'll probably be exploring new/random classes, so looking at the reference will help too: http://developer.android.com/reference/packages.html
Of course the best way is to just try something out to get started - even if it is something simple, or verbatim from the tutorials.
As for what app to start with... a simple one is always good. But what is important is make something that you feel like you need/want to use yourself. That way you will be more motivated to follow through with the idea, and you'll be your own user, thus be able to make good improvements
Thank you so much
Thanks a lot. I would have no idea where to start, despite many guides available out there.
Both you have made it a lot simpler.
Thanks once again.
pigeonaras said:
If you have an idea about java, the next step is to "google" for "Android Developers"...
I think it's the perfect place for beginners in Android Development...♫ ♪
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pyko said:
Yep, you'll definitely need to learn Java. Knowing some Object Oriented concepts will help too.
The recommended IDE (Integrated Developer Environment) for Android is Eclipse (it's free!). I personally use IntelliJ (community edition is free - less features, but it's got all you need for Android dev).
Looking at tutorials etc is really good - imo the best way to learn is hands-on learning. A good starting place is the developer docs: http://developer.android.com/resources/browser.html?tag=tutorial
Once you've followed a couple of those, you'll probably be exploring new/random classes, so looking at the reference will help too: http://developer.android.com/reference/packages.html
Of course the best way is to just try something out to get started - even if it is something simple, or verbatim from the tutorials.
As for what app to start with... a simple one is always good. But what is important is make something that you feel like you need/want to use yourself. That way you will be more motivated to follow through with the idea, and you'll be your own user, thus be able to make good improvements
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No problems
Oh, forgot to mention in my original post... the only reason I'm using IntelliJ is because I use it at work (so used to the shortcuts etc).
imo, both IDEs are comparable - just what you are used to.
If you haven't used either, probably go with Eclipse since there are a lot more tutorials/guides out there related to dev with Eclipse/Android.
I started developing about 8 months ago. I am going to be a Junior in High School, so we are in the same boat here.lol
Anyways, I spent a lot of time looking at many books and resources. Alos another thing that helps is to teach your self how stuff works by studying source codes. But dont only do this. Look at tut's and other resources as well. Remember, start small then work your way up! Dont go out and try to make a super amazing awesome app. You will just frustrate your self. So start simple. I was making small apps that only had text when i first started. Now where am i you may ask? I am the developer of the Android Markets only Honeycomb Launcher and a couple other larger apps!
Just remember it takes time, alittle money, patiences and PRACTICE! Make an app or at least work on an app EVERYDAY if possible.
If you get stuck use the resources on the Android site that Android gave to us.
Check out the DEV guides, resources and sample code.
Also, do you have eclipse and Android SDK already set up?
Hello XDA,
I have just finished my first year of high school, and have spent 2 years around Windows Mobile and Android.
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I finished my 2nd year of high school, got an HTC Sensation 4G recently and am looking to make roms for other phones (currently looking at the Nexus S). I am getting bored so I would think it would be awesome if we could team up of something and create some roms for phones or something. I'm young like you, looking to make use of my general coding skills(had iPhone for 2 years, so i have some experience with jailbreaking and modding, etc.)
Would be very glad if we could team up or something and who knows, maybe become the next Cyanogen! Looking for a hobby, not profit.
Have a good day!
matistight said:
I finished my 2nd year of high school, got an HTC Sensation 4G recently and am looking to make roms for other phones (currently looking at the Nexus S). I am getting bored so I would think it would be awesome if we could team up of something and create some roms for phones or something. I'm young like you, looking to make use of my general coding skills(had iPhone for 2 years, so i have some experience with jailbreaking and modding, etc.)
Would be very glad if we could team up or something and who knows, maybe become the next Cyanogen! Looking for a hobby, not profit.
Have a good day!
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Creating a ROM right off the back??? You are going to end up throwing your computer out the window! I know a few ROM developers and they say it is VERY challenging and frustrating at times.
I recommend you two join together or with others and create some apps first. Start small then work your way up...
IntelSoftApps said:
Creating a ROM right off the back??? You are going to end up throwing your computer out the window! I know a few ROM developers and they say it is VERY challenging and frustrating at times.
I recommend you two join together or with others and create some apps first. Start small then work your way up...
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i concur... The Android operating system, including the Linux kernel, consists of roughly 12 million lines of code including 3 million lines of XML, 2.8 million lines of C, 2.1 million lines of Java, and 1.75 million lines of C++.
wrap your head around that... =)
depending on how complicated you want to go, you can try using phonegap or html5 to create apps, if not, you would need to learn java
PS: you want to make a rom from scratch? what?
Thanks to everybody above i really really appreciate it, i learnt a lot of nice advice.
killersnowman said:
i concur... The Android operating system, including the Linux kernel, consists of roughly 12 million lines of code including 3 million lines of XML, 2.8 million lines of C, 2.1 million lines of Java, and 1.75 million lines of C++.
wrap your head around that... =)
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That is A LOT of code!!! You guys should probably start with the "Hello, Android" tutorial. That can be a challenge if you dont know how to work eclipse. But luckily, Android provides a nice little "Hello, Android" tutorial.
P.S. You or anyone will never past Cyanogenmod for awhile. I think they know what they are doing.lol
But it is always good to dream big! Like i want to be a Trillionare.lol (I dont even know how to spell it) "But dreams do come try"
Hey guys, I'm a senior now. I have done the hello Android tutorial, and I have the Android dev for dummies, but I know nothing about java and xml programming.
Thanks for the advice. If anyone else has any other tutorials, let me know. Thanks.
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I am in the exact same position as you. I have just got the "Head First Java" book, but I dont think it looks like it will help that much.
monkeychef said:
Hey guys, I'm a senior now. I have done the hello Android tutorial, and I have the Android dev for dummies, but I know nothing about java and xml programming.
Thanks for the advice. If anyone else has any other tutorials, let me know. Thanks.
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See i was in that boat like you guys were, and it SUCKS! All of the tutorials are very simple textviews and buttons, but nothing that really teaches you all that much java.
Heres what i suggest. Play with the source of apps. Download some source codes and create new android projects in eclipse from THAT source. (LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED HELP WITH THAT)
And with in those projects, view all of the sources and xml files. Learn how stuff works. such as imports and buttons and permissions. I first started messing with layouts, xml files, strings, and buttons. This is good, BUT you will get to a point were you will see force closes. Thats because the java must match... That got me into looking at the java files more and more. Now that is almost the first thing i dive into.
Like i said along time ago, i am not anywhere close to being an expert at all! But i am getting a good handle on Android in the following ways...
- Visit XDA daily and other sites. Stay up to date and learn what is going on now. not what was being developed a month ago. Stuff is aways changing!
- Surround yourself with a group of developers! They can and will be your BEST friends! As many of you had said before, many of you want a hobby not a profit. Trust me, thats what everyone says.lol. There is some good money to be made out there!!! Some of your best developers can make every developer on a team some money. They also have your back if you get lost or stuck on something.
- Try finding people in your same boat or position. Kind of like the other kid on the site... You two can work something out. Exchange emails. share names and interest. This doesn't mean y'all need to hold hands but just create some chit chat once in awhile. If you learned something, tell him about it!
- USE YOUR F'IN RESOURCES!!! Android/Google made this AMZING site called Android.com. On that site they have developer guides, resources, tut's, and even sample code! Another amazing resource is Stackoverflow.com. Here you can find a lot of answers to any problem. I must have visited that site 1000 times.lol
and dont forget about GOOGLE.COM. ask questions in your search, but be SPECIFIC. Be sure to include "Android" in your search so you can get android support not some iPhone or Windows support...
Anyways, just get out there! try to be the best you can! Absorb as much as you can. LIVE ANDROID! but also have a life.lol
IntelSoftApps said:
All of the tutorials are very simple textviews and buttons, but nothing that really teaches you all that much java.
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very true. i had been a java programmer for 4 years prior to learning android dev and what really got me going was coming up with an idea for an app and moving to make that a reality. if you just go through and do tutorials you wont get as much out of it as actually trying to make something you can use, be it a small and simple something.
also, i had always done command line java programs and had ignored the java swing ui like the plague, but android has a great layout and ui system. if you are learning java for use in android dont be disheartened by javax.swing package
You should definitely learn an object oriented programming language first before delving into android. I would recommend Java as it is what you will use for a lot of development. A lot of these guides and tutorials including that dummies book expect you to know what a public vs private class is or what inheritance is.
Also another big part of android is XML. At least learn the basics of XML.
I recommend the Java for dummies book as it provides a good introduction to many of the Java concepts that you will need. Java and eclipse can be quite a lot of fun once you get to know it.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
If your a starter, I recommend to go for web based right way, I'm confident that in the near future most mobile device applications will be mainly web based just like desktops.
Thanks a lot, I will get that book asap.
apreichner said:
You should definitely learn an object oriented programming language first before delving into android. I would recommend Java as it is what you will use for a lot of development. A lot of these guides and tutorials including that dummies book expect you to know what a public vs private class is or what inheritance is.
Also another big part of android is XML. At least learn the basics of XML.
I recommend the Java for dummies book as it provides a good introduction to many of the Java concepts that you will need. Java and eclipse can be quite a lot of fun once you get to know it.
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Sorry, but what "web-based" ?
Kevincod said:
If your a starter, I recommend to go for web based right way, I'm confident that in the near future most mobile device applications will be mainly web based just like desktops.
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Advise needed: How do I go about developing my first android app ?

I am a recently laid off 30 year old SAP consultant from India. Over the last few weeks, I have been reading about the wonderful world of android apps. There is a great opportunity in India for android apps as millions of smart phones are sold every year. I have decided on building apps targeted at the Indian stock market - like stock screeners, that help people reach a proper investment decision. I want to make money out of my apps, so I want then to be fairly professional so that somebody buying them wont feel cheated. Also, there are not many (any) stock screener apps targeted at Indian stock market. So there is an opportunity there and I want this idea to be my first.
But how do I go about it ? I learnt Java at college, 10 years ago. My Java is highly amateurish even after I refreshed it over the last few weeks.I have bought a book on MIT App Inventor...and developed a few simple example apps already and tested them on my mobile. I am not yet sure App Inventor can help me develop more complex apps like the one I mentioned above.
So, I am desperately looking for advise from people who have been there, done that. How do I go about developing my first app ? Should I go about it the hard way - learn Java better ? Read a book on Android application development ? Build Web Apps using HTML5, JavaScript, JQuery ? Or stick to MIT App Inventor ? Try some app builder development tool like Tiggzi, Codiqa or Kinvey ?
I really need your advise as I really need to develop something quickly and make money out of it. :fingers-crossed:
As far as i can help....i made some apps, some of them native with Java and others with HTML5.
From my experience, if you plan to make somekind of "atlas app (like wikipedia)" or not very user interface intensive or if you already know html5+css+javascript, you could go with html5, but i will always recomend native with Java as you have much more control over you app.
Anyway, if starting from 0, go for Java (Android SDK) get any tutorial around the web, there are tons of them, some better than others ofc, and free.
Hope you find your way to go!
good luck!
forgin said:
As far as i can help....i made some apps, some of them native with Java and others with HTML5.
From my experience, if you plan to make somekind of "atlas app (like wikipedia)" or not very user interface intensive or if you already know html5+css+javascript, you could go with html5, but i will always recomend native with Java as you have much more control over you app.
Anyway, if starting from 0, go for Java (Android SDK) get any tutorial around the web, there are tons of them, some better than others ofc, and free.
Hope you find your way to go!
good luck!
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Thanks for that. But may I also know your opinion on MIT App Inventor ?
I started with App Inventor and quickly out grew it. Using java will make it easier to move on to complex apps or add more complexity to any current ones.
RedDevil99025 said:
Thanks for that. But may I also know your opinion on MIT App Inventor ?
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I personally wouldnt use app inventor nor any other kind of "easy app maker"
I would not use the inventor, too.
I recommend reading the Head's First Java books (skip the UI part) and for Android the Vogella tutorials.
---------- Post added at 09:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 PM ----------
(Btw, you cannot build an app quickly to make big money. If you want to be successful, you need to spend a lot of time on development.)
RedDevil99025 said:
I am a recently laid off 30 year old SAP consultant from India. Over the last few weeks, I have been reading about the wonderful world of android apps. There is a great opportunity in India for android apps as millions of smart phones are sold every year. I have decided on building apps targeted at the Indian stock market - like stock screeners, that help people reach a proper investment decision. I want to make money out of my apps, so I want then to be fairly professional so that somebody buying them wont feel cheated. Also, there are not many (any) stock screener apps targeted at Indian stock market. So there is an opportunity there and I want this idea to be my first.
But how do I go about it ? I learnt Java at college, 10 years ago. My Java is highly amateurish even after I refreshed it over the last few weeks.I have bought a book on MIT App Inventor...and developed a few simple example apps already and tested them on my mobile. I am not yet sure App Inventor can help me develop more complex apps like the one I mentioned above.
So, I am desperately looking for advise from people who have been there, done that. How do I go about developing my first app ? Should I go about it the hard way - learn Java better ? Read a book on Android application development ? Build Web Apps using HTML5, JavaScript, JQuery ? Or stick to MIT App Inventor ? Try some app builder development tool like Tiggzi, Codiqa or Kinvey ?
I really need your advise as I really need to develop something quickly and make money out of it. :fingers-crossed:
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My Hibernate trainer quoted the following "You guys are brought up with IDE we used to compile on console". My sincere suggestion even in this RAPID developmental technologies around refresh your "Java skills" on console (DOS or Unix your wish) and make use of Eclipse IDE with Android SDK plugins for fast development. That would do. Start with Eclipse Helios and Google Android SDK and AVDs. Here you go... http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
I have developed a couple of very good apps and I use one myself but Google play store expects payment to become one of their developers Why should I pay for my own app to releasing to public for free? I choose XDA let them validate and evaluate my apps and enjoy. Let us CJava++++
The day is not far may be you get donated enough expand your ideas.
My advice is - don't read books, just start coding. A year ago I knew absolutely nothing about Java or Android. Find a webpage with sample android Activity. Start spawning your code from there. That's how I did it. Then lear something about deriving from View class... and so on...
Hey guys, thank you for all the advise. I will go through what each one of you has said and do things systematically.....I am basically starting from zero......so, lets see how far I go....and I will inform you guys about my progress and seek guidance from you.
Thanks again.
Best site there is to start it has a training part and other examples. I'd personally work my way up from there if I was starting now.
radical_thinking said:
Best site there is to start it has a training part and other examples. I'd personally work my way up from there if I was starting now.
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I didn't like the site when I started. In my opinion it is too difficult for beginners.
Better now
nikwen said:
I didn't like the site when I started. In my opinion it is too difficult for beginners.
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Yea it wasn't always good but now they have a good training part + they provide sample code that you can run and fiddle with
It has a couple good step by step stuff, but its mostly "add this code" and has snippets that don't often make sense till you have a decent understanding of the rest of the code.

[Q] Best Step by Step tutorial for app development

Hey guys! I'm new to app development world, I have a good amount of knowledge of c/c++ and learning java right now (I'm an engineering student), and totally interested in making my own app for android, I have made some basic apps, but it would be a real help if I get a good tutorial for bigger apps and also a tutorial for 2-D gaming on this platform for now....thanks in advanced!
I just recommend you to visit http://d.android.com/training it'll introduce you in all the basics and advanced techniques.
Not this buddy....I want a bit simpler tutorial....that one is too vast, I want a tutorial that specifically teaches for one particular type of app, example: making a 2-D game, or building a browser, or a messaging app, etc.
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rulerofthehell said:
Not this buddy....I want a bit simpler tutorial....that one is too vast, I want a tutorial that specifically teaches for one particular type of app, example: making a 2-D game, or building a browser, or a messaging app, etc.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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I think those topics are a collection of hundreds of patterns, knowledge, implementation and understanding, so better to start simple rather than ....well.... as the saying goes...learn to walk first before you try and pilot a space shuttle
Just a suggestion
Note : there maybe dvd sets that show what you ask, but I would suspect it would be months if not years of learning for a nice grounding in what you will need.
I know basic bro....
deanwray said:
I think those topics are a collection of hundreds of patterns, knowledge, implementation and understanding, so better to start simple rather than ....well.... as the saying goes...learn to walk first before you try and pilot a space shuttle
Just a suggestion
Note : there maybe dvd sets that show what you ask, but I would suspect it would be months if not years of learning for a nice grounding in what you will need.
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I just said I made a few basic apps, I don't wanna sound rude but I have learned to "walk" , just needs a few directions before I start to fly.
rulerofthehell said:
I just said I made a few basic apps, I don't wanna sound rude but I have learned to "walk" , just needs a few directions before I start to fly.
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Sorry was speed reading to just try and offer help... as I said there are lots of resources, but for something like a game, you have mass resources based on the tech/engine you choose (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17163446/what-is-the-best-2d-game-engine-for-android)... if you choose one of the popular ones there are tonnes of resource. As for building an app, it's just a little ambiguous. A screen that displays a black view fullscreen is an app. I think it's best to evaluate the market see whats missing or can be improved upon and start that way.
BTW I was confused on you saying you wanted simpler than d.android.com/training (which is like the starting point from zero) But I think I get what your asking now
That helps a lot thanks!
deanwray said:
if you choose one of the popular ones there are tonnes of resource. As for building an app, it's just a little ambiguous. A screen that displays a black view fullscreen is an app. I think it's best to evaluate the market see whats missing or can be improved upon and start that way.
BTW I was confused on you saying you wanted simpler than d.android.com/training (which is like the starting point from zero) But I think I get what your asking now
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Thanks man! That helps a lot and if I may ask for more then are there any tutorials for simple multiplayer games....I know I have to set up a server to which a user can connect to,but I don't exactly know how to do that...so a tutorial on it would help
Also tutorials on multiplayer games via Bluetooth connection would be nice
rulerofthehell said:
Thanks man! That helps a lot and if I may ask for more then are there any tutorials for simple multiplayer games....I know I have to set up a server to which a user can connect to,but I don't exactly know how to do that...so a tutorial on it would help
Also tutorials on multiplayer games via Bluetooth connection would be nice
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that I cant help with and would be on par with you in having to google, if I were to speculate then I would assume that lots of the core elements like profile linking, indents, scores/stats and states are/can be handled by the new google play services game stuff... but just have a read on google/android site, cause I would say yes to having a server for MMO games but no if it's either 1 to 1 or not realtime.
btw not many do bluetooth these days, wifi network or wifi direct for local games
I highly recommend "android bootcamp series" (sorry I can't add link, so please write it in google).
This screencasts explain all building blocks in Android in easy way
Check vogella.com, you'll find a bunch of examples. Really helpful.

Can I learn by my self?

Hi, I dont know java but I know a little about Eclipse and make apps.
But I nedd know if is possible learn by my self.
And How??
angelgavipo said:
Hi, I dont know java but I know a little about Eclipse and make apps.
But I nedd know if is possible learn by my self.
And How??
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Well you really need to know Java basics, and then just start learning off the getting started guides on the official site
deanwray said:
Well you really need to know Java basics, and then just start learning off the getting started guides on the official site
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It's possible to learn on your own, but it can be good to have others to either learn from or run your ideas by also. It's difficult to notice you're stuck in a box sometimes!
It's also a good idea to play with the SDK sample apps when you're learning not only Java but Android APIs.
angelgavipo said:
Hi, I dont know java but I know a little about Eclipse and make apps.
But I nedd know if is possible learn by my self.
And How??
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The best place to start would be to download and import the source codes of very simple open source android apps, read them thoroughly and then start making little modifications to it to learn what code affects what part of the app's functionality, try adding new functions and features. This way you will learn and build up your confidence.
angelgavipo said:
Hi, I dont know java but I know a little about Eclipse and make apps.
But I nedd know if is possible learn by my self.
And How??
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Although it would probably be easier if you were taught it in an educational envrionment (university maybe?) or, like driving lessons, you had an actual android developer sit down next to you when learning/developing I personally think the official android Design and Develop series can take you from novice to intermediate - low end of complicated development. You could use these in conjunction with xda dev or stackoverflow to get any information/code that's missing or you don't understand how to implement.
developer.android.com/training (especially this one)
Thankyou very much, I will start download source code and test modifys.
Android Developer official Israel very difficult for me.
But thanks
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app
angelgavipo said:
Hi, I dont know java but I know a little about Eclipse and make apps.
But I nedd know if is possible learn by my self.
And How??
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Yes you can...Headfirst Java is a good book for beginners plus there are many web Tutorials on Youtube. You just need to be patient and work hard.All The best.
voilaworks said:
Yes you can...Headfirst Java is a good book for beginners plus there are many web Tutorials on Youtube. You just need to be patient and work hard.All The best.
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Thank you
You can learn the basics by reading books or doing online Tutorials Did it aswell - successfully ofc
angelgavipo said:
Hi, I dont know java but I know a little about Eclipse and make apps.
But I nedd know if is possible learn by my self.
And How??
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Hello, the answer you are looking for is absolutely! You can learn everything you need to by yourself, granted it will take much longer than if you had someone to ask questions.
How do I know? I started programming on Android ~3 years ago, by myself. I had nobody that talked me into it, and I didn't attend any colleges. A motivational spark encouraged me. I had absolutely no programming experience, how it worked, or anything about it. Now, I have 5 apps on Google Play, and am working on my 1st game. All with the knowledge I've accumulated over the years out of pure interest. People laugh when I tell them it's my hobby, I stand serious haha.
For me, youtube (something visual) helped me get started, as you can easily follow along. After you feel you have a grasp on the basics, I started looking online further. Searching this site, and StackOverflow.com are great learning resources. Before you know it, you'll be a master! Good luck!:good:
Firstly, it might help if you describe what is your exact situation. How much experience (not job experience, but coding experience) do you have in programming? How much comfortable you are with any programming language, say C? How familiar you are with OO concepts? Are you uncomfortable just because there's something different with Java, or is it because Java is your first programming language? If you read carefully, the preface of SCJP book says that this book is not to be used to learn Java from the scratch.
Btw, unless you get all building blocks in place (e.g logic constructs - loops, basic data structures, OO concepts etc.) don't go for other stuff like threading, swing, JDBC, xml parsing etc. :good:
You can definitely learn it on your own as long as you have to drive to do so. I taught myself ( I had no computer background). I am no expert but I can get by. And I just released my first multi-player game, Word Cloud Social, on Google Play yesterday. Check it out .
auricPuneet said:
You can definitely learn it on your own as long as you have to drive to do so. I taught myself ( I had no computer background). I am no expert but I can get by. And I just released my first multi-player game, Word Cloud Social, on Google Play yesterday. Check it out .
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Wow, thanks for your words, inspired to me.
A friend teach me a little and gime me a source code of a theme pack and I know change the image and customize this, but I need learn more.
Thank youvery much
As auric stated, you have to have the motivation and determination to learn by yourself, but it is definitely possible.
Don't rush it, take your time and try to understand it. Analyze everything, and if you have questions search the web, or ask on sites like here right away.
You have to believe in yourself
Noted to self thrice via tapatalk
angelgavipo said:
Hi, I dont know java but I know a little about Eclipse and make apps.
But I nedd know if is possible learn by my self.
And How??
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yes you CAN, i did it my self one year back, now i have my own app in playstore
useful links:
angelgavipo said:
Hi, I dont know java but I know a little about Eclipse and make apps.
But I nedd know if is possible learn by my self.
And How??
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Of course you can, read a lot of tutorials or watch a lot of video tutorials depending on what you prefer and how you learn best, but most importantly: practice.
I think the best way is to find a simple idea you like for an app, and learn just what you need to create this app along the way, start off with a basic "how to setup an android app project" tutorial and work your up from there.
The android framework is quite wide, you can't learn all at once, I think this method allows you to stay on a defined path and actually achieve something.
And by learning the APIs you need for your app idea, it'll open more doors for you to learn other APIs to improve upon your project, or start a new one being more comfortable with the environment.
If you're more the type of learner which learns best by watching, I recommend you watch the 200 videos series for beginners by TheNewBoston, it's a good start:
The official training courses and docs can be a bit overwhelming for beginners I think.
If it's something you really want to do, then just practice a lot and stick with it, you'll get there.
Just 3 or 4 years ago I didn't know anything about programming except some very basic HTML, I learned by myself and now I work full-time as a front-end Web & Android engineer at a french startup (IZIPass), on projects for clients such as McDonalds and Subway.
If you're looking for some inspiration, the series about Hacker Schools by former XDA TV producer Jayce Broda is an awesome one.
It shows how Mark Rossetti evolved from a total beginner to being hired by SalesForce in the SF bay area in 12 weeks.
You really get to see his progression as these are weekly interviews, it's great, I know it inspired me a lot. And still inspires me to try and go live in San Francisco, but that's another subject^^
Just make your own "Hacker School" for yourself
You certainly can. I'm still in highschool and I'm self taught. I educational book I've enjoyed reading was Java Notes 6. Its free of charge on his website!
Sent from my Nexus 5 using xda app-developers app
gh0stslayer said:
The best place to start would be to download and import the source codes of very simple open source android apps, read them thoroughly and then start making little modifications to it to learn what code affects what part of the app's functionality, try adding new functions and features. This way you will learn and build up your confidence.
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Love this idea.
ricky310711 said:
Love this idea.
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Thank you
To get interesting app's source codes one could use F-Droid (it's an app store which only hosts open source apps).
And also people with somewhat limited coding knowledge could use APIs to further reduce their efforts.
I found this app very helpful and inspiring in this regard.

